Planned Parenthood CAN Be Defunded

this is how Democrats view the dilemma. "Well, Gee!!! There Just Babies",,,aka,,,,there just babies, so whats the big deal over selling their vital organs so we can buy expensive sports cars?
Why? Planned parent hood does a lot for your wife's, daughters and sisters down their in the deep south. Why hurt them?
this is how Democrats view the dilemma. "Well, Gee!!! There Just Babies",,,aka,,,,there just babies, so whats the big deal over selling their vital organs so we can buy expensive sports cars?
Hey Obee,,,,we had two great posts while u were away....i brought them back up in current events,...go look,,,too funnyy!
No reason to defund them.

They're way less than 0.01% of the budget and defunding would not stop even one abortion.

Not to mention that abortions are legal medical procedures and most are done in hospitals.

This is very typical of the right. They make a lot of noise so that no one notices the damn Repubs are doing nothing. The right is lying about their agenda. The only thing that defunding would accomplish is to take basic medical care away from poor women.
If you liars really wanted to stop abortions, you would go after the hundreds and hundreds of hospitals that do most abortions in the US.

You don't care about children and you don't care about fetuses.

You care about harming women.
Planned Parenthood CAN Be Defunded

And it dam' well SHOULD be defunded.

Because Planned Parenthood is a cult of degeneracy, which serves only death, through a string of Deceit, FRAUD, as a means to exploit: Ignorance and indifference, common to Relativism.
No reason to defund them.

They're way less than 0.01% of the budget and defunding would not stop even one abortion.

Not to mention that abortions are legal medical procedures and most are done in hospitals.

This is very typical of the right. They make a lot of noise so that no one notices the damn Repubs are doing nothing. The right is lying about their agenda. The only thing that defunding would accomplish is to take basic medical care away from poor women.

How would it take medical care away from poor women? Even women on Medicare get free mammograms, flu shots, pap smears, etc. This is a lie told by the Left.
65% of the people want Planned Parenthood to continue Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
69% do not want a shutdown. Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
If your politicians haven't learned a thing, they should have learned by now that the people do not like being ignored. There will be a payback at the voting booth.

I agree that there WILL be payback in the voting booth. On that one point, we are definitely in agreement.

Yes your 35% should make some bones shake.
65% of the people want Planned Parenthood to continue Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
69% do not want a shutdown. Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
If your politicians haven't learned a thing, they should have learned by now that the people do not like being ignored. There will be a payback at the voting booth.

I agree that there WILL be payback in the voting booth. On that one point, we are definitely in agreement.

Yes your 35% should make some bones shake.

When Trump gets elected YOU may be the aborted species.
No reason to defund them.

They're way less than 0.01% of the budget and defunding would not stop even one abortion.

Not to mention that abortions are legal medical procedures and most are done in hospitals.

This is very typical of the right. They make a lot of noise so that no one notices the damn Repubs are doing nothing. The right is lying about their agenda. The only thing that defunding would accomplish is to take basic medical care away from poor women.[/QUOT} Obozocare was supposed to replace ALL these little rag tag groups. Citizens are being taxed TWICE for the same service. That's ILLEGAL.
65% of the people want Planned Parenthood to continue Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
69% do not want a shutdown. Poll: By 2-1, funding for Planned Parenthood supported
If your politicians haven't learned a thing, they should have learned by now that the people do not like being ignored. There will be a payback at the voting booth.


Apropos your hysterical avi .. there was a really stupid thread about him in Religion this morning. I think this is it.

Laugh out loud funny.

A Muslim President? Was Ben Carson Right? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
this is how Democrats view the dilemma. "Well, Gee!!! There Just Babies",,,aka,,,,there just babies, so whats the big deal over selling their vital organs so we can buy expensive sports cars?
i can just vision Pelosi and Hillary working the counter of a Baby Parts Store "Babys R Us".

Sale on aisle 3, lungs.
i can just vision Michelle coming in wanting to buy all of the livers.

I hear she's fond of liver and onions.
No reason to defund them.

They're way less than 0.01% of the budget and defunding would not stop even one abortion.

Not to mention that abortions are legal medical procedures and most are done in hospitals.

This is very typical of the right. They make a lot of noise so that no one notices the damn Repubs are doing nothing. The right is lying about their agenda. The only thing that defunding would accomplish is to take basic medical care away from poor women.

How would it take medical care away from poor women? Even women on Medicare get free mammograms, flu shots, pap smears, etc. This is a lie told by the Left.

Why do you say "even women on Medicare"?

Because you know nothing about Medicare.

Hint: Medicaid.


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