Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.

sad sak is confusing maturity of infant born premature with being born alive.
Explain how this is the case arist 2 chat . What am I saying that is wrong? Where are the holes in my demonstration of the inconsistency of the left?

Your statistics were for the change of a live birth at each month in gestation to birth. It is not about the change of premature babies to survive.
The longer the gestation the better change the fetus will go to full term.
The chance of a premy to survive after birth is not just by age, but other factors as well. Until they are full term, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain are all under developed and the bones are too soft...........
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part
So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
You cant convince people that believe in conspiracies to actually look at the facts.
I don't see a post of yours in the quote you posted.

I will be glad to let you tell my your lies about why planned parenthood is not selling fetal organ tissue.

Where is that defense??

Let's get the party started, I will not repeat anything and the first to sling an ad hominem is the looser.

Whenever you get ready ball is in your court.

When asked a question, ignoring or refusing to answer that question will be a point against you.

Clean and fair if you are intelligent enough to make your points and refute mine.

No weasling, no hiding, first lie you are caught bold face in, you loose.

How big are your balls bitch??

And who the fuck are you to declare that these are what the rules will be, not to mention changing the subject and ignoring the actual issue which is, whatever they are doing with tissue IS NOT ILLEGAL or unethical and that the witch hunt against them is harming women and impeding research. Refute that bitch!
Look more baby killing lies.
Ben Carson Once Did Research On Fetal Brain Tissue - BuzzFeed News

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?
So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
So you admit all you have is a conspiracy theory? Thanks. I rest my case.
What About the IRS is conspiracy
And who the fuck are you to declare that these are what the rules will be, not to mention changing the subject and ignoring the actual issue which is, whatever they are doing with tissue IS NOT ILLEGAL or unethical and that the witch hunt against them is harming women and impeding research. Refute that bitch!
Look more baby killing lies.
Ben Carson Once Did Research On Fetal Brain Tissue - BuzzFeed News

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?
No, there is not. There is none. There are videotapes which, when edited and when viewed by fucking morons like you, seem to say that. When the unedited tapes are seen, all that is being discussed is the cost of providing the fetal tissue.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
So you admit all you have is a conspiracy theory? Thanks. I rest my case.
What About the IRS is conspiracy
Your claim.

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?
No, there is not. There is none. There are videotapes which, when edited and when viewed by fucking morons like you, seem to say that. When the unedited tapes are seen, all that is being discussed is the cost of providing the fetal tissue.

Liar. It's the old "Are you going to believe me, or what you see with your own eyes?" thing. Shut the fuck up. You're a body scout, aren't you? Do you get a higher "find" commission when you bring in women who are 9 months preggo? I know they get more for the bigger *bits* after all. No conflict there....

So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.

sad sak is confusing maturity of infant born premature with being born alive.
Explain how this is the case arist 2 chat . What am I saying that is wrong? Where are the holes in my demonstration of the inconsistency of the left?

Your statistics were for the change of a live birth at each month in gestation to birth. It is not about the change of premature babies to survive.
The longer the gestation the better change the fetus will go to full term.
The chance of a premy to survive after birth is not just by age, but other factors as well. Until they are full term, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain are all under developed and the bones are too soft...........
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
Yes I do, you do realize you can answer the question
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years

Which 2 years.
sad sak is confusing maturity of infant born premature with being born alive.
Explain how this is the case arist 2 chat . What am I saying that is wrong? Where are the holes in my demonstration of the inconsistency of the left?

Your statistics were for the change of a live birth at each month in gestation to birth. It is not about the change of premature babies to survive.
The longer the gestation the better change the fetus will go to full term.
The chance of a premy to survive after birth is not just by age, but other factors as well. Until they are full term, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain are all under developed and the bones are too soft...........
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
Yes I do, you do realize you can answer the question
If you answer mine I will answer yours.
And who the fuck are you to declare that these are what the rules will be, not to mention changing the subject and ignoring the actual issue which is, whatever they are doing with tissue IS NOT ILLEGAL or unethical and that the witch hunt against them is harming women and impeding research. Refute that bitch!
Look more baby killing lies.
Ben Carson Once Did Research On Fetal Brain Tissue - BuzzFeed News

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?

Third Video Shows Planned Parenthood Director Standing Over Dead Fetuses Discussing Prices - YouTube

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?

Third Video Shows Planned Parenthood Director Standing Over Dead Fetuses Discussing Prices - YouTube

Shove your edited, misleading videotapes up your ass.

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?
No, there is not. There is none. There are videotapes which, when edited and when viewed by fucking morons like you, seem to say that. When the unedited tapes are seen, all that is being discussed is the cost of providing the fetal tissue.

Liar. It's the old "Are you going to believe me, or what you see with your own eyes?" thing. Shut the fuck up. You're a body scout, aren't you? Do you get a higher "find" commission when you bring in women who are 9 months preggo? I know they get more for the bigger *bits* after all. No conflict there....

You are severely mentally disturbed.

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?

Third Video Shows Planned Parenthood Director Standing Over Dead Fetuses Discussing Prices - YouTube

Shove your edited, misleading videotapes up your ass.

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?
No, there is not. There is none. There are videotapes which, when edited and when viewed by fucking morons like you, seem to say that. When the unedited tapes are seen, all that is being discussed is the cost of providing the fetal tissue.

Liar. It's the old "Are you going to believe me, or what you see with your own eyes?" thing. Shut the fuck up. You're a body scout, aren't you? Do you get a higher "find" commission when you bring in women who are 9 months preggo? I know they get more for the bigger *bits* after all. No conflict there....

You are severely mentally disturbed.
Says the person who lies to protect the harvest and sale of dead babies.

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