Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

So you have a copy of them before they were edited??

You say they are edited, if you have not seen the originals with your own eyes how do you know??

Even if there is some editing how do you justify morally anything we have seen.

This editing, what would it have changed??

I mean it seems to be the crux of your assertion, that they are edited.

So tell us all, how and for what reason??
PM is just perpetuating a lie that not even the PP people are bothering to assert. Everybody knows and accepts that the unedited version of the videos shows exactly what the edited (shortened) versions show. There is no acceptable context for "I don't want to lowball the price" when speaking of dead babies. There is no acceptable context for "I want a Lamborgini snicker" when it comes immediately after "I don't want to lowball". There is no acceptable context for discussions about altering the procedure in order to procure specimens INTACT (and thus worth more) and how to best hide what you are doing, which you acknowledge is against the law.

The ghouls that defend baby harvest and the abuse of women in abortion clinic know this...and that's why they're baldfaced lying about the contents of the videos. THEY DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THOSE PRACTICES. They are okay with people breaking the law to commit those crimes. They want more people to be killed via abortion. They want more women assaulted and killed in abortion clinics.
Last edited:
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years

Which 2 years.
DEFINITE BIAS Only ONE conservative group granted tax-exemption under Lois Lerner - Politics Policy - News - Catholic Online

You conflate the issues.

Nobody is saying that fetal tissue may never be used for research.

What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be allowed to SELL fetal tissue for anything..and it is indeed illegal. What is TRUE is that abortionists should NEVER be authorized to CHANGE TREATMENT of women in order to increase profit they get from the sale of fetal tissue. What is TRUE is that abortion-on-demand creates multiple human rights violations, and should be stopped.
It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?

Third Video Shows Planned Parenthood Director Standing Over Dead Fetuses Discussing Prices - YouTube

Shove your edited, misleading videotapes up your ass.

In both of your presented cases, it was the BUYER (the fraud) who was saying that, NOT PP.

It is not legal to sell fetal tissue and there is no evidence that anyone did sell fetal tissue. But, since you agree that it is appropriate to use fetal tissue for research, the next question is who should pay for the cost of removing, preserving and transporting such tissue? The Center for Organ Recovery will pay hospitals for the cost of removing, storing and transporting organs for transplant. Does that mean that hospitals are profiting from the "sale of human organs." ?
Actually, there is evidence that PP clinics are selling fetal tissue. When you have 4 separate bigwigs talking about how to get the most for fetal tissue, and how to protect it during harvest, and how they don't want to "low ball" the price, and how they want to buy a lamborgini using those funds....that's evidence that they are selling fetal tissue. So you can shut the fuck up with your pro-baby killing, pro-dead baby selling lies. What are you, a dead baby buyer's rep?

Third Video Shows Planned Parenthood Director Standing Over Dead Fetuses Discussing Prices - YouTube

Shove your edited, misleading videotapes up your ass.

In both of your presented cases, it was the BUYER (the fraud) who was saying that, NOT PP.

No it wasn't, you asshat. It was the PP director, you fucking idiot.
Explain how this is the case arist 2 chat . What am I saying that is wrong? Where are the holes in my demonstration of the inconsistency of the left?

Your statistics were for the change of a live birth at each month in gestation to birth. It is not about the change of premature babies to survive.
The longer the gestation the better change the fetus will go to full term.
The chance of a premy to survive after birth is not just by age, but other factors as well. Until they are full term, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain are all under developed and the bones are too soft...........
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
Yes I do, you do realize you can answer the question
If you answer mine I will answer yours.
Not sure what your question is, but I've never seen more people dodge a question on usmb than right now
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years

Which 2 years.
DEFINITE BIAS Only ONE conservative group granted tax-exemption under Lois Lerner - Politics Policy - News - Catholic Online
Not fucking lies. You clowns are tiresome.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years

Which 2 years.
DEFINITE BIAS Only ONE conservative group granted tax-exemption under Lois Lerner - Politics Policy - News - Catholic Online
More lies. You are tiresome.
PM is just perpetuating a lie that not even the PP people are bothering to assert. Everybody knows and accepts that the unedited version of the videos shows exactly what the edited (shortened) versions show. There is no acceptable context for "I don't want to lowball the price" when speaking of dead babies. There is no acceptable context for "I want a Lamborgini snicker" when it comes immediately after "I don't want to lowball". There is no acceptable context for discussions about altering the procedure in order to procure specimens INTACT (and thus worth more) and how to best hide what you are doing, which you acknowledge is against the law.

The ghouls that defend baby harvest and the abuse of women in abortion clinic know this...and that's why they're baldfaced lying about the contents of the videos. THEY DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THOSE PRACTICES. They are okay with people breaking the law to commit those crimes. They want more people to be killed via abortion. They want more women assaulted and killed in abortion clinics.
Cant convince the nation to outlaw abortion so you pricks lie.
Your statistics were for the change of a live birth at each month in gestation to birth. It is not about the change of premature babies to survive.
The longer the gestation the better change the fetus will go to full term.
The chance of a premy to survive after birth is not just by age, but other factors as well. Until they are full term, lungs, heart, kidneys, brain are all under developed and the bones are too soft...........
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
Yes I do, you do realize you can answer the question
If you answer mine I will answer yours.
Not sure what your question is, but I've never seen more people dodge a question on usmb than right now
If you had not of dodged my question in the first place you wouldnt have to ask what it this point. You mentioned that no one was in jail from PP for the same reason Hilary was not in jail. I asked you........

"What reason is that if its the same?"
So you have a copy of them before they were edited??

You say they are edited, if you have not seen the originals with your own eyes how do you know??

Even if there is some editing how do you justify morally anything we have seen.

This editing, what would it have changed??

I mean it seems to be the crux of your assertion, that they are edited.

So tell us all, how and for what reason??
They were edited so assholes like you would use them in your ear on reproductive freedom.
PM is just perpetuating a lie that not even the PP people are bothering to assert. Everybody knows and accepts that the unedited version of the videos shows exactly what the edited (shortened) versions show. There is no acceptable context for "I don't want to lowball the price" when speaking of dead babies. There is no acceptable context for "I want a Lamborgini snicker" when it comes immediately after "I don't want to lowball". There is no acceptable context for discussions about altering the procedure in order to procure specimens INTACT (and thus worth more) and how to best hide what you are doing, which you acknowledge is against the law.

The ghouls that defend baby harvest and the abuse of women in abortion clinic know this...and that's why they're baldfaced lying about the contents of the videos. THEY DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THOSE PRACTICES. They are okay with people breaking the law to commit those crimes. They want more people to be killed via abortion. They want more women assaulted and killed in abortion clinics.
Cant convince the nation to outlaw abortion so you pricks lie.

That is in fact a lie. The nation abhors abortion, and has never voted to make it legal.

That's why liars had to engage the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench.

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the ruling "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found." Former Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus wrote "[A]s a matter of constitutional interpretation, even most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."

The pervading dishonesty of Roe v. Wade Washington Examiner
So you have a copy of them before they were edited??

You say they are edited, if you have not seen the originals with your own eyes how do you know??

Even if there is some editing how do you justify morally anything we have seen.

This editing, what would it have changed??

I mean it seems to be the crux of your assertion, that they are edited.

So tell us all, how and for what reason??
You cant have it both ways. If you are claiming that PP broke some law why are they not in prison? If you are claiming a conspiracy then you must have some proof. Where is it?
PM is just perpetuating a lie that not even the PP people are bothering to assert. Everybody knows and accepts that the unedited version of the videos shows exactly what the edited (shortened) versions show. There is no acceptable context for "I don't want to lowball the price" when speaking of dead babies. There is no acceptable context for "I want a Lamborgini snicker" when it comes immediately after "I don't want to lowball". There is no acceptable context for discussions about altering the procedure in order to procure specimens INTACT (and thus worth more) and how to best hide what you are doing, which you acknowledge is against the law.

The ghouls that defend baby harvest and the abuse of women in abortion clinic know this...and that's why they're baldfaced lying about the contents of the videos. THEY DON'T SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH THOSE PRACTICES. They are okay with people breaking the law to commit those crimes. They want more people to be killed via abortion. They want more women assaulted and killed in abortion clinics.
Cant convince the nation to outlaw abortion so you pricks lie.

That is in fact a lie. The nation abhors abortion, and has never voted to make it legal.

That's why liars had to engage the SCOTUS to legislate from the bench.

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg called the ruling "heavy-handed judicial activism." Laurence Tribe wrote "behind its own verbal smokescreen, the substantive judgment on which it rests is nowhere to be found." Former Harry Blackmun clerk Edward Lazarus wrote "[A]s a matter of constitutional interpretation, even most liberal jurisprudes — if you administer truth serum — will tell you it is basically indefensible."

The pervading dishonesty of Roe v. Wade Washington Examiner

What fertilizer do you grow your strawmen with?
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
The IRS did not admit to targeting any conservatives groups in the manner that Nixon did. Nixon demanded that groups on his enemy list be audited or subject to other unusual scrutiny. All that has been established is that the IRS, in vetting the huge influx of applications for tax exempt political groups following the Citizen's United decision, used certain phrases associated with conservative politics to try to find out if they were truly non-partisan. They did not harass any such groups; did not subject them to audits or take any enforcement actions. More importantly, there is no evidence whatsoever that the White House gave a rat's ass about all of the Tea party groups popping up or gave any instruction to the IRS to do anything.
But yet only 3 conservative groups got approved from Lois learner over like 2 years

Which 2 years.
DEFINITE BIAS Only ONE conservative group granted tax-exemption under Lois Lerner - Politics Policy - News - Catholic Online
More lies. You are tiresome.[/
Ha no, it has very little to do with numbers. arist 2 chat, if a dr looking over schaivo says "she's getting better everyday, and will make a full recovery in 4 or so months on life support, slight chance she won't make it, but she'll be back to normal just give it time" ... Is it still ok for the husband to pull her off life support?
You do realize the wife is not a fetus or a premie dont you?
Yes I do, you do realize you can answer the question
If you answer mine I will answer yours.
Not sure what your question is, but I've never seen more people dodge a question on usmb than right now
If you had not of dodged my question in the first place you wouldnt have to ask what it this point. You mentioned that no one was in jail from PP for the same reason Hilary was not in jail. I asked you........

"What reason is that if its the same?"
sorry you have just joined the conversation now but I have always been saying that if that is how you feel about abortion, then yea go ahed and donate the tissue. But if you don't feel that way, than this is a very black eye on our society. America has felt very right about things we have done in the past; slavery, Jim Crow, manifest destiny, interment camps... Are we that daft to think we are any better than those that came before?

So on to my question
So you have a copy of them before they were edited??

You say they are edited, if you have not seen the originals with your own eyes how do you know??

Even if there is some editing how do you justify morally anything we have seen.

This editing, what would it have changed??

I mean it seems to be the crux of your assertion, that they are edited.

So tell us all, how and for what reason??
You cant have it both ways. If you are claiming that PP broke some law why are they not in prison? If you are claiming a conspiracy then you must have some proof. Where is it?

Another Obama / democratic / left failure to follow the law and enforce it as per SOP.
sorry you have just joined the conversation now but I have always been saying that if that is how you feel about abortion, then yea go ahed and donate the tissue. But if you don't feel that way, than this is a very black eye on our society. America has felt very right about things we have done in the past; slavery, Jim Crow, manifest destiny, interment camps... Are we that daft to think we are any better than those that came before?

So on to my question

What did your response have to do with my question? Let me dumb it down for you. Why have they not put Hilary and someone from PP in prison for their deeds?
So you have a copy of them before they were edited??

You say they are edited, if you have not seen the originals with your own eyes how do you know??

Even if there is some editing how do you justify morally anything we have seen.

This editing, what would it have changed??

I mean it seems to be the crux of your assertion, that they are edited.

So tell us all, how and for what reason??
You cant have it both ways. If you are claiming that PP broke some law why are they not in prison? If you are claiming a conspiracy then you must have some proof. Where is it?

Another Obama / democratic / left failure to follow the law and enforce it as per SOP.
There are more Reps in congress. Why are they sleeping on the job?
Some of you anti choice folks might want to tune into Glen Back :

Beck: Planned Parenthood Videos Are 'A Blessing From God' Submitted by Kyle Mantyla on Thursday, 8/13/2015 1:28

Discussing the power of prayer with David Barton on his television program last night, Glenn Beck declared that the deceptive video campaign to smear Planned Parenthood as illegally "selling aborted baby parts" is "a blessing from God." "I'm really being humbled here," Beck said. "I'm regretting that I haven't gotten down on my knees and thanked the Lord for the people that have brought us these Planned Parenthood videos. We, as a nation, should be giving God thanks ... That is a blessing from God and I haven't thanked him for that." - See more at: Beck Planned Parenthood Videos Are A Blessing From God Right Wing Watch
Mark Crutcher, whose Life Dynamics organization was a ground-breaker in investigating the abortion behemoth that gets some $500 million annually from U.S. taxpayers, worked on that investigation.

His group reported in February 2000 how the baby parts market works: "A baby parts 'wholesaler' enters into a financial agreement with an abortion clinic in which the wholesaler pays a monthly 'site fee' to the clinic. For this payment, the wholesaler is allowed to place a retrieval agent inside the clinic where he or she is given access to the corpses of children killed there and a workspace to harvest their parts."

He continued: "The buyer – usually a researcher working for a medical school, pharmaceutical company, bio-tech company or government agency – supplies the wholesaler with a list of the baby parts wanted. … when such orders are received … they are faxed to the retrieval agent at the clinic who harvests the requested parts and ships them to the buyer."

The documentation was provided at that time to Life Dynamics by a worker who left Comprehensive Health for Women, a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Overland Park, Kansas.

Among the documents was a "Fee-for-Services" Schedule A, effective June 1998, which outlined a charge of $220 per specimen for first-trimester aspiration abortions and $260 if the baby parts were frozen.

Crutcher's report, citing Planned Parenthood's own paperwork, found one agent sold during February 1996 alone 47 livers, 11 liver fragments, seven brains, 21 eyes, eight thymuses, 23 legs, 14 pancreases, 14 lungs, six arms and one kidney-adrenal gland.

He also sold three orders of blood from the unborn child. The retrieval agent "harvested all of the parts," the report said, explaining that "in order for the blood of an aborted child to be sold, the dead baby had to be brought to him intact."

The "specimens," the report said, would have generated up to about $25,000 in revenue for one month from one retrieval agent at one Planned Parenthood business.

Crutcher reported the tissue logs reveal that one baby is often chopped up and sold to many buyers.

For example, babies taken from donors 113968 and 114189 were both killed late in their second trimester and cut into nine pieces. By applying the price list, buyers would have been invoiced between $3,510 and $5,070 for these parts, he said.

Planned Parenthood faces new charge it broke law

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