Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

You can't trick me that easily you tricky guy.

Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

Liver and kidney do not function in a fetus. The mother's organ clear the waste and filter the blood. The fetus organs are not coded to know what they are. A raw egg is not a souffle. A canvas is not a work of art. A piece of metal is not a car.

It is tissue that would have been disposed of. The donor approved of it being used for research, it was her tissue.

When you have tissue removed, from breast tissue to a piece of skin, it has to be biopsied. Why shouldn't tissue be used for research if it is of benefit? It is donated. It is not your tissue, so what is your problem? Maybe one day you will be the one saved from the research?
So why do they want later term livers for research so badly? (Watch first video). And I notice you give no time mark for what say

The later the term, the more the tissue knows what it is to become. It actually begins to know it is a liver. A bit like pouring slip into a mold, the longer it sets the more shape it takes. Then the mold has to be fired to set hard into shape before color and glazing are applied.
You seem to think you have a lock on this subject, how about an intelligence test?

The tissue being sold by planned parenthood falls into which category "embryonic" or "tissue specific"??

It is important to the remainder of your schooling so please be sure and answer, not dodge the question.

Hurry up, I don't have time to wait for you to self teach through Google.
You can't trick me that easily you tricky guy.

Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

Liver and kidney do not function in a fetus. The mother's organ clear the waste and filter the blood. The fetus organs are not coded to know what they are. A raw egg is not a souffle. A canvas is not a work of art. A piece of metal is not a car.

It is tissue that would have been disposed of. The donor approved of it being used for research, it was her tissue.

When you have tissue removed, from breast tissue to a piece of skin, it has to be biopsied. Why shouldn't tissue be used for research if it is of benefit? It is donated. It is not your tissue, so what is your problem? Maybe one day you will be the one saved from the research?

Showing our ignorance again I see, there are 2 types of fetal cells, "embryonic" and "tissue specific", which ones do you think they are selling??

Those tissue specific fetal cells, you reckon there is a meaning to the "TISSUE SPECIFIC" name??
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Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

they can't function as they are under developed.
As for the 'liver' that was begun ten years ago in the Neatherlands. Now they use the cells to treat hemophilia by matching the cells up with the persons DNA to create a clotting agent. The liver after all is what purifies the blood. Mouse liver were not as effective. When possible, staying within the species is preferable for a body match. When no possible other animals are used for transplants and testing, but eventually human trials have to begin.

Would you rather have a pig heart, or a human heart that was donated?

Would you rather have baboon blood or human blood?

The fetal cell are so immature they can be programed with the person's DNA to get match. They can't transplant the fetal liver as it is far too small and the programming is not complete as to what type of cell it should be yet. It is still learning it is supposed to be a liver cell before the fetus is born.

It is like a lump of clay, it has to be molded and shaped before it become a work of art. It takes time. It does not become a work of art when it is first thrown. The cells are the same way, they are still learning what they are. That is why they can be so easily match/programed for someone's DNA

Why do folks that are ignorant in medicine come in and spout Bull Shit??

So ever heard of Ionescu-Shiley heart valves??

Bovine or Porcine, pick your flavor, seems to have made this company millions.

There is no widely accepted "blood substitute" , it's primary function is to carry oxygen and no you can not use others species blood in humans.

Those fetal cells, that can be programmed, are those "embryonic" or "fetal"??

That fetal liver can not be grown larger in the lab??

So not possible to transplant a fetal tissue liver into a human, you do realize the article that follows will pretty much end your moronic stance.

Fetal liver transplants.
Gale RP1.
Author information

Transplants of hematopoietic stem cells derived from fetal liver during the second trimester of pregnancy can restore hematopoiesis in animals and humans with bone marrow failure. These cells also have a reduced likelihood of causing graft-versus-host disease. Because fetal liver derived hematopoietic stem cells are relatively pure and considerable proliferative potential, they may be reasonable targets for studies of gene modification. Other possible uses of fetal liver derived stem cells are also considered as are results of fetal liver transplants in animals and humans. These data are compared to alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells including bone marrow and umbilical cord and adult blood.

Fetal liver transplants. - PubMed - NCBI

Abortions are done in the first trimester. Later terms are done to save the mother's life or prevent a still birth due to birth defect or deformity or infant death right after birth that would cause suffering for the infant.

As for the valve, the failure was due to a cusp tear.

I noticed all that Bull shit medical talk went to an irrelevant statement.

What type of fetal tissue comes from planned parenthood??
So you are just to ignorant to even know what we are discussing ...................

I see .............

You impeach your self ..................

Fucking baby killing troll.
Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

Liver and kidney do not function in a fetus. The mother's organ clear the waste and filter the blood. The fetus organs are not coded to know what they are. A raw egg is not a souffle. A canvas is not a work of art. A piece of metal is not a car.

It is tissue that would have been disposed of. The donor approved of it being used for research, it was her tissue.

When you have tissue removed, from breast tissue to a piece of skin, it has to be biopsied. Why shouldn't tissue be used for research if it is of benefit? It is donated. It is not your tissue, so what is your problem? Maybe one day you will be the one saved from the research?
So why do they want later term livers for research so badly? (Watch first video). And I notice you give no time mark for what say

The later the term, the more the tissue knows what it is to become. It actually begins to know it is a liver. A bit like pouring slip into a mold, the longer it sets the more shape it takes. Then the mold has to be fired to set hard into shape before color and glazing are applied.
Haha how late term.

And Arist 2 chat you never answered the question of Sherri Tiavo, is it ok to pull her of life support if the Md says give it 5 months on life support and she'll be back to normal, 4% chance she won't make it, but should be back to normal.
WTF? When did an 80% chance of recovery become a 98% chance? :cuckoo:

Like I said, it's crystal clear even you don't know what you're talking about.

You compared a pregnancy with someone on life support who would have a 98% chance of recovery (i.e., birth) IN 3 months. How does one consider your brain-dead hypothesis about a baby being born IN 3 months without subtracting 3 months from the average length of conception?
Haha it became 80% when you started asking the viability of a 27 week embryo, which I've stated numerous times that I am talking about carrying the baby to term. And I've also said 3 months was just a number I threw out, would you prefer I said six months. Either way 80% or 98%, 3 months or six months it doesn't matter. The point of the analogy was to demonstrate your inconsistency was when you said It's not morally right to take Sherri off life support, but it's ok to do it to a baby.

I'm sorry this provides an internal conflict with your views, but it may not be just as simple as it's just a clump of cells, go ahed and kill it.
There is no conflict. I think you're crazy. With 6 months to go to delivery, the chances of a live birth are far less than 80%. Your 98% figure remains delusional. And there is no inconsistency. Both get to choose. The woman gets to choose for her pregnancy and people get to choose for their spouse.
An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

they can't function as they are under developed.
As for the 'liver' that was begun ten years ago in the Neatherlands. Now they use the cells to treat hemophilia by matching the cells up with the persons DNA to create a clotting agent. The liver after all is what purifies the blood. Mouse liver were not as effective. When possible, staying within the species is preferable for a body match. When no possible other animals are used for transplants and testing, but eventually human trials have to begin.

Would you rather have a pig heart, or a human heart that was donated?

Would you rather have baboon blood or human blood?

The fetal cell are so immature they can be programed with the person's DNA to get match. They can't transplant the fetal liver as it is far too small and the programming is not complete as to what type of cell it should be yet. It is still learning it is supposed to be a liver cell before the fetus is born.

It is like a lump of clay, it has to be molded and shaped before it become a work of art. It takes time. It does not become a work of art when it is first thrown. The cells are the same way, they are still learning what they are. That is why they can be so easily match/programed for someone's DNA

Why do folks that are ignorant in medicine come in and spout Bull Shit??

So ever heard of Ionescu-Shiley heart valves??

Bovine or Porcine, pick your flavor, seems to have made this company millions.

There is no widely accepted "blood substitute" , it's primary function is to carry oxygen and no you can not use others species blood in humans.

Those fetal cells, that can be programmed, are those "embryonic" or "fetal"??

That fetal liver can not be grown larger in the lab??

So not possible to transplant a fetal tissue liver into a human, you do realize the article that follows will pretty much end your moronic stance.

Fetal liver transplants.
Gale RP1.
Author information

Transplants of hematopoietic stem cells derived from fetal liver during the second trimester of pregnancy can restore hematopoiesis in animals and humans with bone marrow failure. These cells also have a reduced likelihood of causing graft-versus-host disease. Because fetal liver derived hematopoietic stem cells are relatively pure and considerable proliferative potential, they may be reasonable targets for studies of gene modification. Other possible uses of fetal liver derived stem cells are also considered as are results of fetal liver transplants in animals and humans. These data are compared to alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells including bone marrow and umbilical cord and adult blood.

Fetal liver transplants. - PubMed - NCBI

Abortions are done in the first trimester. Later terms are done to save the mother's life or prevent a still birth due to birth defect or deformity or infant death right after birth that would cause suffering for the infant.

As for the valve, the failure was due to a cusp tear.

I noticed all that Bull shit medical talk went to an irrelevant statement.

What type of fetal tissue comes from planned parenthood??
Which type would it be OK to sell?
The baby killers, being criminal minded, refuse to acknowledge the horrific conflict of interest inherent in selling dead babies to the highest bidder. They are motivated and vested in encouraging and forcing women to abort late in their pregnancies. They have no issue with using sonagrams to view the babies in order to best harvest them. They are definitely against allowing the mothers have access to those same tools to accurately pinpoint the age of the baby. Because they lie to the moms about the age.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part

they can't function as they are under developed.
As for the 'liver' that was begun ten years ago in the Neatherlands. Now they use the cells to treat hemophilia by matching the cells up with the persons DNA to create a clotting agent. The liver after all is what purifies the blood. Mouse liver were not as effective. When possible, staying within the species is preferable for a body match. When no possible other animals are used for transplants and testing, but eventually human trials have to begin.

Would you rather have a pig heart, or a human heart that was donated?

Would you rather have baboon blood or human blood?

The fetal cell are so immature they can be programed with the person's DNA to get match. They can't transplant the fetal liver as it is far too small and the programming is not complete as to what type of cell it should be yet. It is still learning it is supposed to be a liver cell before the fetus is born.

It is like a lump of clay, it has to be molded and shaped before it become a work of art. It takes time. It does not become a work of art when it is first thrown. The cells are the same way, they are still learning what they are. That is why they can be so easily match/programed for someone's DNA

Why do folks that are ignorant in medicine come in and spout Bull Shit??

So ever heard of Ionescu-Shiley heart valves??

Bovine or Porcine, pick your flavor, seems to have made this company millions.

There is no widely accepted "blood substitute" , it's primary function is to carry oxygen and no you can not use others species blood in humans.

Those fetal cells, that can be programmed, are those "embryonic" or "fetal"??

That fetal liver can not be grown larger in the lab??

So not possible to transplant a fetal tissue liver into a human, you do realize the article that follows will pretty much end your moronic stance.

Fetal liver transplants.
Gale RP1.
Author information

Transplants of hematopoietic stem cells derived from fetal liver during the second trimester of pregnancy can restore hematopoiesis in animals and humans with bone marrow failure. These cells also have a reduced likelihood of causing graft-versus-host disease. Because fetal liver derived hematopoietic stem cells are relatively pure and considerable proliferative potential, they may be reasonable targets for studies of gene modification. Other possible uses of fetal liver derived stem cells are also considered as are results of fetal liver transplants in animals and humans. These data are compared to alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells including bone marrow and umbilical cord and adult blood.

Fetal liver transplants. - PubMed - NCBI

Abortions are done in the first trimester. Later terms are done to save the mother's life or prevent a still birth due to birth defect or deformity or infant death right after birth that would cause suffering for the infant.

As for the valve, the failure was due to a cusp tear.

I noticed all that Bull shit medical talk went to an irrelevant statement.

What type of fetal tissue comes from planned parenthood??
Which type would it be OK to sell?


Look dude we already know you are clueless.

"Tissue specific" are the only type of fetal cells planned parenthood harvest / handles.
Are you saying that the "socio-political aims and beliefs" of the Nazis was to save babies?
Are you defending the Nazis as the saviours of babies now?
I've heard some excellent attempts at historical revision in my time but that might just take the cake.

You seem to think you have a lock on this subject, how about an intelligence test?

The tissue being sold by planned parenthood falls into which category "embryonic" or "tissue specific"??

It is important to the remainder of your schooling so please be sure and answer, not dodge the question.

Hurry up, I don't have time to wait for you to self teach through Google.
You can't trick me that easily you tricky guy.

Sure you are clueless, no tricks you just too stupid to intelligently discuss the subject retard boy.

It is tissue specific, now tissue specific means it develops into a specific organ which would be termed by all legal definitions a body part.

Take your stupid Bull Shit else where, was no trick, just a simple means to prove how fucking stupid you are.

Selling of body parts is illegal, fucking moron.
And that's how you tried to trick me because the correct answer is that PP aren't selling body parts.

Not that what you've written has any relevance to the topic at all anyway.
You've obviously been Googling and were just dying to bring to class something you've learnt.
Clever boy...we should put that on the fridge.
They're selling or "donating" functioning livers. That's is a body part
They're allowed to donate body parts.
There is no conflict. I think you're crazy. With 6 months to go to delivery, the chances of a live birth are far less than 80%. Your 98% figure remains delusional. And there is no inconsistency. Both get to choose. The woman gets to choose for her pregnancy and people get to choose for their spouse.
An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.

sad sak is confusing maturity of infant born premature with being born alive.
Explain how this is the case arist 2 chat . What am I saying that is wrong? Where are the holes in my demonstration of the inconsistency of the left?
It's a losing battle. That's why I put those ppl on ignore.
Of course it's a losing battle for you. As if you ever had a chance. :eusa_doh: That's why you ignore your betters. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em .... if you can't join 'em, run like hell from 'em. :thup:
So why is no one in jail? You guys are not making sense.
Same reason Hilary is not in jail. Gen. Petreus got tried and convicted for leaking classified material, which is the lowest classification of secret material. Hilary has done so with TOP SECRET information, which is the highest, but I guess she's above the law.
She was not even accused of leaking ANY information. Her private e-mail server was secured. There is no allegation that any of that information went any where else. Stop making shit up.
Lets see if he answers my question. I'm guessing about right now his brain is short circuiting.
Nope lunch break was over. And it's because we have an activist justice department. We rightfully impeached Nixon for having a list of 100 targeted people...but the IRS admittedly targets 1000 of conservative groups with millions of members or potential members, then destroys evidence of that targeting, evidence that they knew was going to be under investigation, and no one gets on trouble? That's just some right wing conspiracy?
So you admit all you have is a conspiracy theory? Thanks. I rest my case.
Based on Nixon getting impeached, no less. :cuckoo:
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
they can't function as they are under developed.
As for the 'liver' that was begun ten years ago in the Neatherlands. Now they use the cells to treat hemophilia by matching the cells up with the persons DNA to create a clotting agent. The liver after all is what purifies the blood. Mouse liver were not as effective. When possible, staying within the species is preferable for a body match. When no possible other animals are used for transplants and testing, but eventually human trials have to begin.

Would you rather have a pig heart, or a human heart that was donated?

Would you rather have baboon blood or human blood?

The fetal cell are so immature they can be programed with the person's DNA to get match. They can't transplant the fetal liver as it is far too small and the programming is not complete as to what type of cell it should be yet. It is still learning it is supposed to be a liver cell before the fetus is born.

It is like a lump of clay, it has to be molded and shaped before it become a work of art. It takes time. It does not become a work of art when it is first thrown. The cells are the same way, they are still learning what they are. That is why they can be so easily match/programed for someone's DNA

Why do folks that are ignorant in medicine come in and spout Bull Shit??

So ever heard of Ionescu-Shiley heart valves??

Bovine or Porcine, pick your flavor, seems to have made this company millions.

There is no widely accepted "blood substitute" , it's primary function is to carry oxygen and no you can not use others species blood in humans.

Those fetal cells, that can be programmed, are those "embryonic" or "fetal"??

That fetal liver can not be grown larger in the lab??

So not possible to transplant a fetal tissue liver into a human, you do realize the article that follows will pretty much end your moronic stance.

Fetal liver transplants.
Gale RP1.
Author information

Transplants of hematopoietic stem cells derived from fetal liver during the second trimester of pregnancy can restore hematopoiesis in animals and humans with bone marrow failure. These cells also have a reduced likelihood of causing graft-versus-host disease. Because fetal liver derived hematopoietic stem cells are relatively pure and considerable proliferative potential, they may be reasonable targets for studies of gene modification. Other possible uses of fetal liver derived stem cells are also considered as are results of fetal liver transplants in animals and humans. These data are compared to alternative sources of hematopoietic stem cells including bone marrow and umbilical cord and adult blood.

Fetal liver transplants. - PubMed - NCBI

Abortions are done in the first trimester. Later terms are done to save the mother's life or prevent a still birth due to birth defect or deformity or infant death right after birth that would cause suffering for the infant.

As for the valve, the failure was due to a cusp tear.

I noticed all that Bull shit medical talk went to an irrelevant statement.

What type of fetal tissue comes from planned parenthood??
Which type would it be OK to sell?


Look dude we already know you are clueless.

"Tissue specific" are the only type of fetal cells planned parenthood harvest / handles.
That's seems to be vitally important to you to establish which type of tissue they're supposedly selling.
If it's not important then, as I said earlier, I think you're just showing off something you learned on Google today.

To recognise your achievement I'm going to go back to your last post and give you a little 'i' - that will stand for "isn't he clever?".
One is chance of being born alive and the other is the chance of a premy to survive

What is the relevance of either premies or babies to a conversation about planned parenthood and selling of body parts??

Your off topic post with no content are going to start being reported.
Pussies tattle-tale. Just thought you should know that before you soil yourself.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
You get funnier and funnier...can I give you more than one 'funny' at a time?
I hope so.

Give us another one with 'baby killer' in it...I love those.

Limited to one at a time!
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
You get funnier and funnier...can I give you more than one 'funny' at a time?
I hope so.

Give us another one with 'baby killer' in it...I love those.
I know you do, ghoul.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
You get funnier and funnier...can I give you more than one 'funny' at a time?
I hope so.

Give us another one with 'baby killer' in it...I love those.
I know you do, ghoul.
Yeah, 'ghoul's' pretty good but...oh, I know, what about 'baby harvesting'?

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