Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
You get funnier and funnier...can I give you more than one 'funny' at a time?
I hope so.

Give us another one with 'baby killer' in it...I love those.
I know you do, ghoul.
Yeah, 'ghoul's' pretty good but...oh, I know, what about 'baby harvesting'?
You probably find abuse, assault, and murder pretty fun, too. All babykillers do.
Like I said a couple pages ago, un-fucking-reasonable. It doesn't matter what anyone says, there's no "debate" they want abortion made illegal, they want donations forbidden, they want pp defunded based on /their personal beliefs/ period - and if we don't happen to agree well then we can fuck off.

There is nothing to talk about here, no reason to talk about it - on a discussion board.
Like I said a couple pages ago, un-fucking-reasonable. It doesn't matter what anyone says, there's no "debate" they want abortion made illegal, they want donations forbidden, they want pp defunded based on /their personal beliefs/ period - and if we don't happen to agree well then we can fuck off.

There is nothing to talk about here, no reason to talk about it - on a discussion board.
Then don't. Meanwhile we'll continue to bust the butchers and broadcast their disgusting methods.
Fruitcakes said Gosnells' house of horrors was imaginary, too. They just like to see women degraded, cut up and killed.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
You get funnier and funnier...can I give you more than one 'funny' at a time?
I hope so.

Give us another one with 'baby killer' in it...I love those.
I know you do, ghoul.
Yeah, 'ghoul's' pretty good but...oh, I know, what about 'baby harvesting'?
You probably find abuse, assault, and murder pretty fun, too. All babykillers do.
This could be a good drinking game on a Friday.
The players each pick a word and everytime you mention it that person has to drink.
I'll pick 'babykillers'...hell, I'll be drunk in no time!
'Butchers' would be another good one.
Like I said a couple pages ago, un-fucking-reasonable. It doesn't matter what anyone says, there's no "debate" they want abortion made illegal, they want donations forbidden, they want pp defunded based on /their personal beliefs/ period - and if we don't happen to agree well then we can fuck off.

There is nothing to talk about here, no reason to talk about it - on a discussion board.
Then don't. Meanwhile we'll continue to bust the butchers and broadcast their disgusting methods.

And I'll continue to write you off as an idiot not worth reading. We're both happy :)
Haha it became 80% when you started asking the viability of a 27 week embryo, which I've stated numerous times that I am talking about carrying the baby to term. And I've also said 3 months was just a number I threw out, would you prefer I said six months. Either way 80% or 98%, 3 months or six months it doesn't matter. The point of the analogy was to demonstrate your inconsistency was when you said It's not morally right to take Sherri off life support, but it's ok to do it to a baby.

I'm sorry this provides an internal conflict with your views, but it may not be just as simple as it's just a clump of cells, go ahed and kill it.
There is no conflict. I think you're crazy. With 6 months to go to delivery, the chances of a live birth are far less than 80%. Your 98% figure remains delusional. And there is no inconsistency. Both get to choose. The woman gets to choose for her pregnancy and people get to choose for their spouse.
An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
There is no conflict. I think you're crazy. With 6 months to go to delivery, the chances of a live birth are far less than 80%. Your 98% figure remains delusional. And there is no inconsistency. Both get to choose. The woman gets to choose for her pregnancy and people get to choose for their spouse.
An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.
An expecting mother in the second trimester has only a 4% percent chance of a miscarriage. And you said it was not ok to choose to take Sherri off of life support. So I guess you are changing your opinion. Since you are changing opinions, if the doctor told the husband of Sherri that she was going to have a 4% of not making it, but should fully recover while remaining on life support, is it ok for the husband to say take her off.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.

You really are totally clueless if we need to provide your ignorant childish ass with a definition ................
Ethics (also moral philosophy) is the branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. The term ethics derives from the Ancient Greek word ἠθικός ethikos, which is derived from the word ἦθος ethos (habit, “custom”).
Ethics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia the free encyclopediaEthics
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
Sadly, you're too slow to keep up. Earlier, you said there was an 80% chance of a 27 week old embryo of being born alive. Now you claim it's 96%. It's not. Where do you pull this nonsense from? And where have I changed my position? I've always said the people involved should get to choose for themselves.
27 week PREMIE has about an 80% of making it. Now numbers on miscarriages and such are difficult to give just one number, bc of factors like has the mother had a miscarriage before and etc.

But if you have different numbers then by all means post them and apply them to Sherri Tiavo, see if it's ok to kill her off. We can even do a poll on usmb see who thinks it's ok to for the husband to let her starve to death. So far all you have done is try to split hairs on the numbers in this scenario, claim they're crazy, but not post why they're crazy. So be my guest. At least winter born could actually make intelligent arguments, I think I poked holes in those arguments, but they were based on intelligence, not splitting hairs on numbers without rebuttals
You can't keep your story straight. First you say a 27 week old embryo has a 98% chance .... then you say 80% ... then you say 96% ... then you say 80% again.

Let me know when you agree with yourself on a single number and then we can resume this......
It's because as I've said many times the numbers don't really matter, it's an ethics question, not a math problem.
No, it's because you don't have a clue on what you're speaking about.

Oh, and get this ... you don't define ethics.

You really are totally clueless if we need to provide your ignorant childish ass with a definition ................
Oh look... an imbecile who claims he put me on ignore can actually see my posts. :lmao:

And you're so fucking retarded, you think my post was seeking a definition. :cuckoo:
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
So, then, it really has nothing to do with the use of fetal tissues, you just want to use that, to lie about what the videos depict to attain your ultimate goal of outlawing all abortions. Makes you not the most credible person to tell us what the videos depict. Personally, if the videos depict PP officals actually trying to profit from the sale of fetal tissue (which is kind of odd since PP is a non-profit and no one makes money off of their services beyond what their salaries are), I would support prosecution. But that is not what you want. You want PP shut down. You want the 88% of their services that are not abortion related shut down just to stop them from performing abortions. So, you lie and claim, without a shred of evidence, that women are abused and forced to undergo abortions. Then you raise the spectre of Kermit Gosnell, a murdering butcher that no pro-choice person supported when what he was doing was revealed. Frankly, guys like him are the result of the constant pressure you folks create that drive more and more doctors to not do abortions. So, good job is helping to make the Kermit Gosnells of the world possible.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
So, then, it really has nothing to do with the use of fetal tissues, you just want to use that, to lie about what the videos depict to attain your ultimate goal of outlawing all abortions. Makes you not the most credible person to tell us what the videos depict. Personally, if the videos depict PP officals actually trying to profit from the sale of fetal tissue (which is kind of odd since PP is a non-profit and no one makes money off of their services beyond what their salaries are), I would support prosecution. But that is not what you want. You want PP shut down. You want the 88% of their services that are not abortion related shut down just to stop them from performing abortions. So, you lie and claim, without a shred of evidence, that women are abused and forced to undergo abortions. Then you raise the spectre of Kermit Gosnell, a murdering butcher that no pro-choice person supported when what he was doing was revealed. Frankly, guys like him are the result of the constant pressure you folks create that drive more and more doctors to not do abortions. So, good job is helping to make the Kermit Gosnells of the world possible.
No, you moron. I've said repeatedly it's not about using the's about the ILLEGAL harvest and sale. Get a clue.
It's the babykilling criminals who keep changing the subject. You don't like to deal with the criminal acts of pp, so you talk about how important research is. Then you pretend we're the ones changing the subject...and you forget what the real discussion was about. What yards.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
You would not charge the person who is actually requesting the "murder" -( in your eyes)? Women get a legal pass for conspiring to commit murder?
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
So, then, it really has nothing to do with the use of fetal tissues, you just want to use that, to lie about what the videos depict to attain your ultimate goal of outlawing all abortions. Makes you not the most credible person to tell us what the videos depict. Personally, if the videos depict PP officals actually trying to profit from the sale of fetal tissue (which is kind of odd since PP is a non-profit and no one makes money off of their services beyond what their salaries are), I would support prosecution. But that is not what you want. You want PP shut down. You want the 88% of their services that are not abortion related shut down just to stop them from performing abortions. So, you lie and claim, without a shred of evidence, that women are abused and forced to undergo abortions. Then you raise the spectre of Kermit Gosnell, a murdering butcher that no pro-choice person supported when what he was doing was revealed. Frankly, guys like him are the result of the constant pressure you folks create that drive more and more doctors to not do abortions. So, good job is helping to make the Kermit Gosnells of the world possible.
No, you moron. I've said repeatedly it's not about using the's about the ILLEGAL harvest and sale. Get a clue.
But it is not about the illegal harvest and sale. First of all, there has been no illegal harvest or sale. Second of all, you would still call abortion providers murders and butchers if there were no use of fetal tissue for life saving medical research; you know, the kind of research Dr. Carson was doing. So, you lie.
It's the babykilling criminals who keep changing the subject. You don't like to deal with the criminal acts of pp, so you talk about how important research is. Then you pretend we're the ones changing the subject...and you forget what the real discussion was about. What yards.
Here is what the discussion is about for you: "the babykilling criminals." You do not care about the lawful use of fetal tissue in research. That is simply a something assholes like you can use to try to further restrict the reproductive rights of women. You want to defund PP, not because of abortion only; you want to defund the 90 % of what they do that has nothing to do with abortion. You don't want women to have access to birth control; you don't want them to have access to the other health care services PP provides. If you wanted that to remain, you would not call for defunding them. After all, not a dime of the government funding they receive is used in connection with abortion. So, you want to defund prenatal care; you want to defund birth control; you want to defund pap smears and mammograms; you want to defund anything that PP does to help women because they assist women in obtaining the perfectly legal medical procedure you want to ban.
Idb is cackling mindlessly at the concept of abused women being lied to and forced into the stirrups, I see. You see the type of monsters support planned parenthood. They know what transpires and they glory in it.
Like you give a rat's ass about women. You would charge them all with murder and lock them up, if not kill them.
No, I would charge the monsters who cut them up, kill their babies and abuse them in jail. I don't believe in the death penalty, even for butchers.
You would not charge the person who is actually requesting the "murder" -( in your eyes)? Women get a legal pass for conspiring to commit murder?
Actually, she would. But these clowns understand that if they say that, it turns off the vast majority of Americans; the majority who, grudgingly, support a woman's right to terminate her pregnancy. Instead, they make these altered videos and twist conversations into something they are not.

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