Planned Parenthood Corruption


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Corruption you don't say, weren't they selling body part's a while back...

March 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If undercover investigators in any other field were being hit with felony charges for exposing abuses, every media outlets and civil rights group would be out vocally protesting. But when it comes to protecting the corruption of their allies on the left, California is going to the mattresses.


The Center for Medical Progress made much the same point.


And yet somehow if those conversations had exposed, say, wrongdoing among gay conversion therapists, we all know how that would have gone.

California Charges Undercover Investigators With 15 Felonies to Protect Planned Parenthood Corruption
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.
Corruption you don't say, weren't they selling body part's a while back...

March 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If undercover investigators in any other field were being hit with felony charges for exposing abuses, every media outlets and civil rights group would be out vocally protesting. But when it comes to protecting the corruption of their allies on the left, California is going to the mattresses.


The Center for Medical Progress made much the same point.


And yet somehow if those conversations had exposed, say, wrongdoing among gay conversion therapists, we all know how that would have gone.

California Charges Undercover Investigators With 15 Felonies to Protect Planned Parenthood Corruption

Man I get tired of you pro lifers who are not pro health care. Such hypocrites. The only life you care about is if its in the womb. You gun toting haters. Once that babies is born, that its, the woman can take care of it.

I can't figure your kind out. Care more about the fetus in someone's womb that babies actually out of the womb.
Planned Parenthood is a democrat cash cow. Stop whining and use the money properly, for healthcare, not politics. Its not in the USSC, so it goes private. Let the big money dems fund it.
Corruption you don't say, weren't they selling body part's a while back...

March 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If undercover investigators in any other field were being hit with felony charges for exposing abuses, every media outlets and civil rights group would be out vocally protesting. But when it comes to protecting the corruption of their allies on the left, California is going to the mattresses.


The Center for Medical Progress made much the same point.


And yet somehow if those conversations had exposed, say, wrongdoing among gay conversion therapists, we all know how that would have gone.

California Charges Undercover Investigators With 15 Felonies to Protect Planned Parenthood Corruption
Lock those 2 dumb fuckers up
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

Listen up you ssob, I couldn't give a shit about you or your boinking buddy. No links no weight. If your going to be my bump/master wait awhile before you bump my threads, it's more effective that way.
Dumb/ass, this is what a link/url is --> Planned Parenthood Talks Selling Unborn Baby Body Parts next time I'll get Rachel MadCow to give you one of her 20 minute rants to explain it to ya, lol...
Carry on...:bye1:
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Corruption you don't say, weren't they selling body part's a while back...

March 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If undercover investigators in any other field were being hit with felony charges for exposing abuses, every media outlets and civil rights group would be out vocally protesting. But when it comes to protecting the corruption of their allies on the left, California is going to the mattresses.


The Center for Medical Progress made much the same point.


And yet somehow if those conversations had exposed, say, wrongdoing among gay conversion therapists, we all know how that would have gone.

California Charges Undercover Investigators With 15 Felonies to Protect Planned Parenthood Corruption

Man I get tired of you pro lifers who are not pro health care. Such hypocrites. The only life you care about is if its in the womb. You gun toting haters. Once that babies is born, that its, the woman can take care of it.

I can't figure your kind out. Care more about the fetus in someone's womb that babies actually out of the womb.
Typical libtarts...
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Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

Listen up you ssob, I couldn't give a shit about you or your boinking buddy. No links no weight. If your going to be my bump/master wait awhile before you bump my threads, it's more effective that way.
Dumb/ass, this is what a link/url is --> Planned Parenthood Talks Selling Unborn Baby Body Parts next time I'll get Rachel MadCow to give you one of her 20 minute rants to explain it to ya, lol...
Carry on...:bye1:

Well his hs friend said so. It must be true
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son

Now now, of course Hillary was selling baby bits out of the same Pizza parlor She and her Crime Family were having orgies with the very Kids that She eventually sold into slavery.

I know this because that's where I picked up all the parts I needed for my own Fran-ken-Baby.
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

My god you should be ashamed of yourself being involved in the murder of children for the sake of convenience.

Back in the 1980s my wife were involved in a counseling effort in our church to advise women that were considering killing their child. I guess that makes us the "right to life" people that assholes like you hate so much.

That is something to be proud of. We help to save the children's lives. Filth like you help to kill the children.

I know that its easy to get into an abortion argument but that isn't the issue in this case. The issue is whether the government can prosecute undercover journalists for exercising the right to a free press
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With Vice President Pence breaking tie, Senate moves against Planned Parenthood
Nicole Gaudiano

This is a good thing. There is absolutely no reason that my tax money should be used to kill children for the sake of convenience.

I completely agree. How is it in our governments interest to kill children?

Kind of like the Nazi government thinking it was in the interest of the German people to kill those people that were inconvenient to have around.
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

Your "friend" should watch the videos, they admit selling baby parts.
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

Your "friend" should watch the videos, they admit selling baby parts.

Which is more credible, videos of employers speaking against interest or a second hand hs friend who has lots of interest denying wrong doing
Nobody sold body parts you stupid son of a bitch.

Let me educate your dumbass not that you're even capable of learning anything.

This is from a high school friend:

As others have pointed out ad nauseum, the videos are doctored and done by people who preyed on the gullibility of folks who were pre-disposed to be negative about Planned Parenthood.

I have first-hand experience of having served 6 years on the Board of Directors of one of the largest Planned Parenthood Affiliates in the country. I also served as Patient Escort to shield and protect patients from screaming, self-righteous zealots who verbally assaulted ALL women entering our clinics. I've witnessed the dedication of the staff and the gratitude and appreciation of the patients for the service, understanding, and compassion shown them. I know the good that Planned Parenthood does for millions of women in our country, particularly those least able to afford medical services.

Channel your anger towards the right enemies: the hypocrites who want to "end abortion " but de-fund sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs; the religious "right-to-life"groups that don't support programs that help infants and young mothers because their concern for the "unborn" ends when they are born; the Pharma and device companies who do shoddy research, protected by the contributions made by those same politicians.

Your "friend" should watch the videos, they admit selling baby parts.

Which is more credible, videos of employers speaking against interest or a second hand hs friend who has lots of interest denying wrong doing

At this point PP has no credibility

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