Planned parenthood to open mega clinic in Illinois a responses to restrictive abortion laws in MIsso


Maybe the sign should read something like "Don't want t a baby? keep the legs closed"


or better yet - it should say

'if you don't have a uterus - then stfu.'

Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
Maybe the sign should read something like "Don't want t a baby? keep the legs closed"


or better yet - it should say

'if you don't have a uterus - then stfu.'

Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.
lol.... 'infanticide'..... LOL!!!!! your insane talking points are ridiculous.

are you pro death penalty? if you are, then you ain't pro life.
I don't yearn to see criminals put to death, and it doesn't break my heart the rare times it happens either.
It's asinine to compare the life of some rapist/butcher cretin to an innocent child whose only crime was to be born
despite all best attempts to kill this child but if you want to look like a disingenuous lunatic I can't stop you.

Thanks for clearly illustrating the mega hypocrisy of abortion zealots. I couldn't do a better job myself.
Planned Parenthood to open "mega-clinic" in Illinois, a response to restrictive abortion laws in Missouri [Exclusive] - CBS News
After over a year of secret construction, Planned Parenthood announced its newest abortion facility on Wednesday: an 18,000-square-foot mega-clinic in southern Illinois. The new location is just 13 miles away from Missouri's last remaining abortion clinic, a facility in St. Louis fighting to keep its license.

It's not a secret any more lmfao...... hopefully a big quake happens and it collapses . This is prob. part of Obama's great library unndercover lol.


There's absolutely nothing you or anyone can about about that clinic. It's out of your far right radical extremist conservative reach. Illinois won't do anything to shut it down. They value good reliable health care for everyone.

They don't hate women and what them to die.

You people obviously do.

Killing babies is not health care you nitwit.

or better yet - it should say

'if you don't have a uterus - then stfu.'

Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

your first mistake is equating a zygote or embryo with a post born infant. a mistake is to force a female to carry to term against her will.
lol.... 'infanticide'..... LOL!!!!! your insane talking points are ridiculous.

are you pro death penalty? if you are, then you ain't pro life.
I don't yearn to see criminals put to death, and it doesn't break my heart the rare times it happens either.
It's asinine to compare the life of some rapist/butcher cretin to an innocent child whose only crime was to be born
despite all best attempts to kill this child but if you want to look like a disingenuous lunatic I can't stop you.

Thanks for clearly illustrating the mega hypocrisy of abortion zealots. I couldn't do a better job myself.

uh-huh.... what about an impregnated female by rape or worse by her daddy? oh well, too bad for her.
Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

your first mistake is equating a zygote or embryo with a post born infant. a mistake is to force a female to carry to term against her will.

What else would it be? A toaster? A Buick? NO! It's a human baby, that's all it would ever be. The liberal left loves to use terms like "Zygote" to dehumanize the unborn child, and therefore they don't have to face the horror that they are killing that unborn baby out of contraceptive convenience...

or better yet - it should say

'if you don't have a uterus - then stfu.'

Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."
Do you have a uterus?

sure do.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?
Baby butchery is a good money maker, that’s why Planned Parenthood likes it and progressives embrace it

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

Nonsense. I am definitely not "admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure." It is a back-up measure only. Now start explaining why you idiots are so against using preventive technology to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies, which, as you know, lead to abortions. Why do you want to increase the incidence of abortion? Where did you come up with the bizarre idea that women would rather undergo an abortion than use contraceptive technology to prevent the experience in the first place? This is really dumb.

You sound very anti-heterosexual. What have you got against us? News for youse: there are a lot of heterosexuals on the planet.
Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

Nonsense. I am definitely not "admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure." It is a back-up measure only. Now start explaining why you idiots are so against using preventive technology to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies, which, as you know, lead to abortions. Why do you want to increase the incidence of abortion? Where did you come up with the bizarre idea that women would rather undergo an abortion than use contraceptive technology to prevent the experience in the first place? This is really dumb.

You sound very anti-heterosexual. What have you got against us? News for youse: there are a lot of heterosexuals on the planet.
99.9+ % Of abortions are due to a bad life choices... fact

And the most innocent party in the abortion pays the ultimate price…
not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

Nonsense. I am definitely not "admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure." It is a back-up measure only. Now start explaining why you idiots are so against using preventive technology to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies, which, as you know, lead to abortions. Why do you want to increase the incidence of abortion? Where did you come up with the bizarre idea that women would rather undergo an abortion than use contraceptive technology to prevent the experience in the first place? This is really dumb.

You sound very anti-heterosexual. What have you got against us? News for youse: there are a lot of heterosexuals on the planet.
99.9+ % Of abortions are due to a bad life choices... fact

And the most innocent party in the abortion pays the ultimate price…

We know your usual rant. Now why are you idiots trying to deny heterosexuals the use of PREVENTIVE TECHNOLOGY to reduce the incidence of abortion? You do understand that people have tried to avoid unwanted pregnancies for centuries.

What is it that you people have against heterosexuals? Have you, every time you have had sex with whomever, been open to producing a baby? Now ask your friends the same question. Heterosexuals have sex for lots of reasons other than an intent to procreate. Moreover, we, as a society, use tools such as technology, to prevent all kinds of problems. You people seem to have a problem with the notion of sex itself and want to use the threat of unwanted pregnancy to stamp out heterosexuality.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

Either you're beyond stupid or you don't know the meaning of words in the English language.

It's impossible for abortion to be used as a contraceptive.

The meaning of that word is below from Webster's dictionary:


Definition of contraception

: deliberate prevention of conception or impregnation

Contraception is actions to prevent pregnancy.

No one can prevent something that has already happened.

So stop the lies. People are so tired of it all. You're just pushing people away from your point of view when you flat out lie like this.
uh-huh.... what about an impregnated female by rape or worse by her daddy? oh well, too bad for her.
We have laws that allow for timely abortion in those extreme circumstances.

ne'eh.............. either you are pro life or you're pro birth.

there is no compromise... either force her to give birth or allow her to make the decision herself whether to terminate a pregnancy. .

you don't get to make allowances for the circumstances that define that particular group of cells over the person with the uterus making allowances that you don't agree with.

Ok, wasn't sure, that's why I asked...But with that cleared up, were you unaware that the act of sex is likely to end up in creating another life?

not if sex ed & accessible contraception were available nationwide. & if it does result in a pregnancy ---- that still doesn't mean a female should be shackled & forced to carry to term.

Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973
By DAVID CRARYSeptember 18, 2019
Guttmacher is the only entity that strives to count all abortions in the U.S., making inquiries of individual providers. Federal data compiled by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention excludes California, Maryland and New Hampshire.

The new report illustrates that abortions are decreasing in all parts of the country, whether in Republican-controlled states seeking to restrict abortion access or in Democratic-run states protecting abortion rights. Between 2011 and 2017, abortion rates increased in only five states and the District of Columbia.

One reason for the decline in abortions is that fewer women are becoming pregnant. The Guttmacher Institute noted that the birth rate, as well as the abortion rate, declined during the years covered by the new report. A likely factor, the report said, is increased accessibility of contraception since 2011, as the Affordable Care Act required most private health insurance plans to cover contraceptives without out-of-pocket costs.
Guttmacher noted that almost 400 state laws restricting abortion access were enacted between 2011 and 2017, but it said these laws were not the main force behind the overall decline in abortions. It said 57% of the nationwide decline occurred in the 18 states, plus the District of Columbia, that did not enact any new restrictions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the number of clinics providing abortion in the U.S. declined from 839 to 808, with significant regional disparities, the report said. The South had a decline of 50 clinics, including 25 in Texas, and the Midwest had a decline of 33 clinics, including nine each in Iowa, Michigan and Ohio. By contrast, the Northeast added 59 clinics, mostly in New Jersey and New York.

Over that period, the abortion rate dropped in Ohio by 27% and in Texas by 30%, but the rate dropped by similar amounts in states that protected abortion access, including California, Hawaii and New Hampshire.
Number of abortions in US falls to lowest since 1973

Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

pro choice is not pro abortion. nobody is pro abortion.

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