Planned parenthood to open mega clinic in Illinois a responses to restrictive abortion laws in MIsso

uh-huh. the ONLY reason why some laws protecting a females' right to her own autonomy is because of some very wise judges blocking the efforts of the extremist christian taliban. for them thar pro birthers - there is no compromise... no room for allowances in case of rape & incest & they won't stop until roe v wade is completely overturned; so save your silly attempts to explain how that protection isn't being eroded by the day.
I get didn't have any points to make. You just want to rant on some more like a skid row lunatic with a microphone and cardboard sign.

The Taliban you speak of however wants to save lives. Not end them.
Maybe it's you and your friends that sell off dismembered aborted children who are the real Taliban here.
You are the people who murder and cut off heads.

lol - you are such a drama queen. now, how much of your income are you personally willing to cough up to help pay for all them thar babies you want forced to be born?
lol - you are such a drama queen. now, how much of your income are you personally willing to cough up to help pay for all them thar babies you want forced to be born?
Who is the drama queen now? I'm not in favor of forcing anyone to have a child. We have laws in every single state in the union that allow for abortion in a timely humane manner.
If you can't follow the law and use abortion as a means of contraception then you are a pig that deserves whatever you get.
And that includes paying for the birth and care of a child you will undoubtedly give up for adoption anyway.
Oh sure they/you are....You're just not honest enough to admit it...

nobody is pro abortion. i am not pro abortion. i am pro choice. if you don't want or believe in abortion, then don't have one. name one case where a female is forced to have one against her will.

go ahead, i'll wait.

Non sequtir....I care not what you have to call it to yourself so that you don't have to face what you advocate for....That's your problem to face...And since I never said that anyone was forced to have an abortion against their will, or even elluded to such, your prose is a strawman....Try again, and do better.

^ what all pro birthers spew.

"Pro birthers" eh? Hmmmm, is that supposed to be a bad thing?

it is when all you are concerned with is the birth & once that cord is cut - then the kid & his mama are on their own. no help with food, clothing, medical care, housing or education. why that would raise taxes; & money is all that really matters.


Nonsense, I think the American people are very compassionate when it comes to taking care of the less fortunate than themselves...That you throw out there predictable meme's and retorts shows that all you are really doing here is regurgitating the usual liberal progressive talking point blather....Wasting my time.
Nonsense, I think the American people are very compassionate when it comes to taking care of the less fortunate than themselves...That you throw out there predictable meme's and retorts shows that all you are really doing here is regurgitating the usual liberal progressive talking point blather....Wasting my time.
Yes... have you noticed all the dirty, hungry, unclothed, uneducated sick children wandering the streets who are the result of forced birthing?

Neither have I. No one has.
Guttmacher (a pro abortion institution) also notes that upwards of 95% of abortions in the United States are for contraceptive reasons...

Look, killing babies for contraceptive reasons is just plain wrong. People make mistakes in their lives all the time, but the thing that makes us, or at least used to make us head and shoulders above the rest of the world, is that we valued life above all else, even when the decisions taken that created that life were lapses in judgement by the parents of that child.

We are losing that moral foundation.

Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

pro choice is not pro abortion. nobody is pro abortion.

Oh sure they/you are....You're just not honest enough to admit it...

nobody is pro abortion. i am not pro abortion. i am pro choice. if you don't want or believe in abortion, then don't have one. name one case where a female is forced to have one against her will.

go ahead, i'll wait.
You do realize that’s a tiny, tiny percentage of abortions?
Oh sure they/you are....You're just not honest enough to admit it...

nobody is pro abortion. i am not pro abortion. i am pro choice. if you don't want or believe in abortion, then don't have one. name one case where a female is forced to have one against her will.

go ahead, i'll wait.

Non sequtir....I care not what you have to call it to yourself so that you don't have to face what you advocate for....That's your problem to face...And since I never said that anyone was forced to have an abortion against their will, or even elluded to such, your prose is a strawman....Try again, and do better.

^ what all pro birthers spew.

"Pro birthers" eh? Hmmmm, is that supposed to be a bad thing?

it is when all you are concerned with is the birth & once that cord is cut - then the kid & his mama are on their own. no help with food, clothing, medical care, housing or education. why that would raise taxes; & money is all that really matters.

You do realize the vast majority of abortions are due to bad life choices, and the baby is at the least of fault.
Guttmacher is neither a "pro abortion" nor an "anti-abortion" institution.

Will one of you anti-abortion fanatics start explaining why the anti-choicers are so against having affordable and accessible preventive birth control available to those who want it? This is never explained anywhere, yet these people appear to want more abortions rather than less. They must be motivated by some weird reason or another. It appears that they are more anti-heterosexual than actually "pro life."

Guttmacher is absolutely pro choice....You may not like that but it is a fact.

Are you admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure?

pro choice is not pro abortion. nobody is pro abortion.

Oh sure they/you are....You're just not honest enough to admit it...

nobody is pro abortion. i am not pro abortion. i am pro choice. if you don't want or believe in abortion, then don't have one. name one case where a female is forced to have one against her will.

go ahead, i'll wait.
You do realize that’s a tiny, tiny percentage of abortions?

Tiny is a relative term...But, isn't that a sad statement you just made there...If I didn't know better, I'd almost think you were cheering nearly a million babies a year being killed.
nobody is pro abortion. i am not pro abortion. i am pro choice. if you don't want or believe in abortion, then don't have one. name one case where a female is forced to have one against her will.

go ahead, i'll wait.

Non sequtir....I care not what you have to call it to yourself so that you don't have to face what you advocate for....That's your problem to face...And since I never said that anyone was forced to have an abortion against their will, or even elluded to such, your prose is a strawman....Try again, and do better.

^ what all pro birthers spew.

"Pro birthers" eh? Hmmmm, is that supposed to be a bad thing?

it is when all you are concerned with is the birth & once that cord is cut - then the kid & his mama are on their own. no help with food, clothing, medical care, housing or education. why that would raise taxes; & money is all that really matters.

You do realize the vast majority of abortions are due to bad life choices, and the baby is at the least of fault.

Yep, poor life choices indeed, and the baby is not at fault, so why kill it?
Non sequtir....I care not what you have to call it to yourself so that you don't have to face what you advocate for....That's your problem to face...And since I never said that anyone was forced to have an abortion against their will, or even elluded to such, your prose is a strawman....Try again, and do better.

^ what all pro birthers spew.

"Pro birthers" eh? Hmmmm, is that supposed to be a bad thing?

it is when all you are concerned with is the birth & once that cord is cut - then the kid & his mama are on their own. no help with food, clothing, medical care, housing or education. why that would raise taxes; & money is all that really matters.

You do realize the vast majority of abortions are due to bad life choices, and the baby is at the least of fault.

Yep, poor life choices indeed, and the baby is not at fault, so why kill it?
No doubt
It bugs the hell out of the fascists, that liberty still exists in some areas.


Are you suggesting that murder... is now your idea of "liberty"?

Nope. Liberty requires complete sovereignty over the contents of one's body, regardless of what others may claim is inside.

So, the fact it is another human being, that you are putting to death, without any justification (the baby hasn't murdered anyone yet), changes what about my point?

You are murdering a human being.

If your idea of liberty, is the liberty to murder people... no. Then I am against *your* idea of liberty. And proudly so. Because we're better people than you.
Planned Parenthood's founder and the mission set by that organization and its founder are disturbing to say the least and had/have an agenda which should cause some pause in my personal opinion. The mission of its founder continues today but just not verbally or publicly. It's there but its in the numbers. Abortion is the leading cause of death among the African American community in this country surpassing things like homicide, diabetes, heart failure/disease, accidental death, and other causes of death. The abortion rate for the African American community is also much higher than all other races in this country, which for a minority group is an important statistic. Why is it that one of our country's major political parties supports this organization while also championing itself as the party for minorities? I am not a republican, but there is an ethical dilemma in my opinion and an agenda of the Democratic Party that i'm surprised doesn't get called out more by the African American community in that regard.

Secondly, something can be said for the need and existence of a facility and organization such as Planned Parenthood. Their main method of making money and their main method of targeting new patients is to help end a viable pregnancy of a human life. There's simply no other way to really explain their mission and purpose in my opinion. As a society we can try to cloak its basic purpose in a version of liberty in order to help us justify its actions and the actions of the patients who visit, but I find it hard to personally believe that the women who go to these PP facilities don't understand and comprehend what is actually occurring. I think they know. How can they not?

We justify actions of questionable morality or questionable conscience often as human beings so that we can tell ourselves that we are doing the right thing, that there was no other option, but most of the time we know the truth but we file it away and hope it doesn't impact us emotionally. It reminds me of a quote that I like: "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

Anyway, this is just my personal opinion. I am pro-life obviously.
It bugs the hell out of the fascists, that liberty still exists in some areas.


Are you suggesting that murder... is now your idea of "liberty"?

Nope. Liberty requires complete sovereignty over the contents of one's body, regardless of what others may claim is inside.

So, the fact it is another human being, that you are putting to death, without any justification (the baby hasn't murdered anyone yet), changes what about my point?

You are murdering a human being.
No, you're imagining that. I'll not let your imagination justify overruling my personal sovereignty. No matter what you may claim about the contents of my body, they are none of your fucking business. If you insist otherwise, you are attacking me and I will defend myself.

If your idea of liberty, is the liberty to murder people... no. Then I am against *your* idea of liberty. And proudly so. Because we're better people than you.

My idea of liberty doesn't accommodate your religious convictions. Get over it.
Nonsense. I am definitely not "admitting that abortion is a contraceptive measure."

But, according to Guttmacher, (Your prefered source)

"the main reasons women cited for ending pregnancies were the same in both: Having a baby would dramatically interfere with their education, work or ability to care for their dependents, or they could not afford a baby at the time."

"Among the structured survey respondents, the two most common reasons were "having a baby would dramatically change my life" and "I can't afford a baby now"

"Women also cited possible problems affecting the health of the fetus or concerns about their own health (13% and 12%, respectively)."

Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives

That would place 87% to 88% of women seeking abortion, doing so for convenience reasons, or contraceptive if you will....It's just a fact.

It is a back-up measure only.

Back up for convenience....doesn't it make you think just a little that that so many lives are being killed in the womb because the mother for what ever reason, decides that the baby must be killed?

Now start explaining why you idiots are so against using preventive technology to reduce the incidence of unwanted pregnancies

1. I didn't call you names so what the hell is your problem...I don't think you're an 'idiot' for advocating the killing of defenseless babies in the womb, why would you try to label me one for disagreeing that that stance? How about you calm down and discuss this rationally?

2. Are you calling abortion 'preventive'? Because it isn't.

Why do you want to increase the incidence of abortion?

No, I think that should be obvious.

Where did you come up with the bizarre idea that women would rather undergo an abortion than use contraceptive technology to prevent the experience in the first place?

I read the study from your own prefered source on the matter...And I never said that they'd rather have an abortion, that is you constructing strawmen....

This is really dumb.

I agree...That is usually the case when one of the debators tries using less than honest tactics like ad hom, and strawmen....Might I suggest you cease that behavior?

You sound very anti-heterosexual. What have you got against us? News for youse: there are a lot of heterosexuals on the planet.

LOL...That's a bizzare leap you took there...Believe me when I say I am quite secure in my hetrosexual existence....I could just as easily as you what you have against unborn children? Are you mad that you were born a woman? Or just one of these people that can't support your own positions, so you find it easier to just attack your opponent personally?

You have consistently avoided my question. You are so against abortion, for whatever reason, but consistently fail to back efforts to make the technology available to all to prevent pregnancies in the first place, and actually oppose use of this technology with no explanation. The efforts to block people from accessing contraceptive (PREVENTIVE) technology lead to a conclusion that right-wingers have a problem with sex itself, or have some other ulterior motive. They entirely forget that heterosexual couples want to feel free to enjoy their relationships with each other. What is this anti-heterosexual movement?

The absence of available contraception will only lead to more abortions. It doesn't take a Ph.D. in a hard science to figure that one out.
Planned Parenthood's founder

Margaret Sanger was an awesome woman.

She was hated in her day because she said woman should be allowed to have sex lives too.

She's hated today for exactly the same reason.

and the mission set by that organization and its founder are disturbing to say the least and had/have an agenda which should cause some pause in my personal opinion. The mission of its founder continues today but just not verbally or publicly. It's there but its in the numbers. Abortion is the leading cause of death among the African American community in this country surpassing things like homicide, diabetes, heart failure/disease, accidental death, and other causes of death. The abortion rate for the African American community is also much higher than all other races in this country, which for a minority group is an important statistic. Why is it that one of our country's major political parties supports this organization while also championing itself as the party for minorities? I am not a republican, but there is an ethical dilemma in my opinion and an agenda of the Democratic Party that i'm surprised doesn't get called out more by the African American community in that regard.

That was a fine patronizing racism rant there, your implication that blacks are so stupid, they let PP dupe them. Have you ever thought of asking blacks what they think, instead of telling them how stupid they are?

Secondly, something can be said for the need and existence of a facility and organization such as Planned Parenthood. Their main method of making money

They're a non-profit. The, "it's for profit!" conspiracy theory looks totally goofy

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