Planned Parenthood vs NRA


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Is it ironic to ANYONE ELSE that the very people who whine about the NRA having blood on its hands contribute and cheer on the deaths of MILLIONS of defenseless babies at the hands of planned parenthood every single year? That's called being a hypocrite!



Dear Odium
Nor do liberals understand the opposition to Planned Parenthood
that also provides needed services that help prevent abortion.

Both sides claim they help with prevention.

Does that make them both equal in politically blaming whole groups,
instead of agreeing to focus on and support preventative education and uniting on this common goal?
Is it ironic to ANYONE ELSE that the very people who whine about the NRA having blood on its hands contribute and cheer on the deaths of MILLIONS of defenseless babies at the hands of planned parenthood every single year? That's called being a hypocrite!



Liberals can make mistakes and murder, how sweet.
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PP is evil, just pure evil.

Dear SassyIrishLass
the left thinks that of NRA.
Clinton didn't name ISIS or Jihadist terrorists as the worst enemy threat.
She called out NRA and GOP as the enemy she focused on.

Do these "civil wars" do anything to solve the problems of our country?
I feel for the kids who are like watching two parents both blaming
each other to get the judge to give them custody.

First step, get a divorce. Then separate finances
and control of households. when kids are old enough
to decide, let them agree which parent they want to live with
and be under.

We need to do the same with parties, separate
them from each other and from govt. And let
taxpayers vote with our dollars which programs
we want to invest in. Not force that on us through govt!

Maybe we should start a campaign
No Taxation without Segregation
Let liberals fund their own public schools and health care.
Let conservatives fund Veteran care and VA reform.
And quit imposing one parties' programs and policies on others.
Let taxpayers choose by checking boxes on our tax forms
where we want to invest our dollars. And give us tax breaks
for investing, donating or lending money into the programs we
believe in, that can be managed, run and funded by party.
Dear Odium
Nor do liberals understand the opposition to Planned Parenthood
that also provides needed services that help prevent abortion.

Both sides claim they help with prevention.

Does that make them both equal in politically blaming whole groups,
instead of agreeing to focus on and support preventative education and uniting on this common goal?

Only one actually murders children and then sells the body parts for money......that is a fact. Evil people can often do small acts of good....but they are still totally and inescapbably evil.....
Dear Odium
Nor do liberals understand the opposition to Planned Parenthood
that also provides needed services that help prevent abortion.

Both sides claim they help with prevention.

Does that make them both equal in politically blaming whole groups,
instead of agreeing to focus on and support preventative education and uniting on this common goal?

Only one actually murders children and then sells the body parts for money......that is a fact. Evil people can often do small acts of good....but they are still totally and inescapbably evil.....

Dear 2aguy the liberals on the left
have their own laundry list of all the killing and collateral damages
done by our own military using trillions in taxpayers money.
the right justifies this as the cost of war.
so that looks inhuman, too, to only look at the benefits
of war and neglect the other side the costs paid by
innocent civilians that is too harsh and heartbreaking to look at.

The left blames the right for letting corporations
exercise capitalistic free will but at the expense of
health of people and the planet. Again the devastation
and destruction of endangered wildlife, ecosystems
and wilderness for corporate profit is near inexcusable.
And some cases like the decimation of Headwaters Redwood
forest was done at the cost of over 1.6 billion in taxpayer bailouts
to fund corporate welfare.

So that's looks insanely irresponsible and financially reprehensible
to give corporations a free ride on tax paid welfare
while rightwing only focus on social welfare handouts to the poor!
Republicans oppose abortion, and also oppose things that prevent abortion, like birth control and sex ed. Not really worth engaging with a conservative about PP and abortion until they decide to start taking it seriously.

Dear TheOldSchool
Birth Control THROUGH GOVT is not the way Conservatives believe in preventing abortion.

Nor are Gun regulations imposed through Govt that treat law abiding citizens
the same as criminals, by depriving liberty or property without due process
(or compelling interest by the LEAST restrictive means).

Just because Conservatives do not believe in regulating health care,
including reproductive choices, through govt
is NOT the same as not supporting health care and prevention of abortion.

The problem is liberals and conservatives have different beliefs about
limits on govt authority. We need to address that, and agree on solutions
that don't impose one set of beliefs over another, and quit blaming
people for the wrong reasons. Liberals don't believe in "babykilling"
just because we don't want to criminalize and penalize women
which isn't the best way to prevent abortion. Likewise Conservatives
don't believe in letting students die just because of rejecting gun bans
that aren't the best way either.

If we are going to complain about people not caring,
where does it start and stop? Should we blame each other
for using cell phones and wearing clothes made by slave labor?
Does buying products from China mean we don't care
about human rights abuses going on there? People even children
being worked to death under slave conditions, or for pennies on the
dollars going to fund the Chinese military?

Does using the internet freely mean we don't care about
the trafficking, blackmail and extortion going on by people
who abuse the internet for criminal fraud and sex abuse of children?

Just because we don't want our freedoms taken away
because of the wrongdoing and abuses of others
DOES NOT MEAN we support enabling those crimes!
Birth Control THROUGH GOVT is not the way Conservatives believe in preventing abortion.
When you write that, all I see is somebody not taking abortion even the littlest bit seriously. Conservatives have opposed birth control by any means, as evidenced by many court cases and oral arguments from activists and politicians. I met a girl once who had an abortion secretly without her parents knowledge. How did she get pregnant? Her boyfriend told her she couldn't get pregnant if she was on top during sex. Where did she grow up? A republican run county and state without sex ed.
it was a republican nominate scotus that made abortion legal.

That doesn't excuse it. They based it on a the right to privacy. Not the right to murder. Unfortunately the left only cares about privacy when it is for a despicable and destructive act. If it affects their own political or immoral behavior. THAT is when the left cares about privacy.
it was a republican nominate scotus that made abortion legal.

That doesn't excuse it. They based it on a the right to privacy. Not the right to murder. Unfortunately the left only cares about privacy when it is for a despicable and destructive act. If it affects their own political or immoral behavior. THAT is when the left cares about privacy.

that's nice.

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