Planned UnParenthood execs admit under oath to dissecting babies with a heartbeat.

Of course. They aren’t there for women’s health. They are there for the body parts. And the money the government gives them.
It's a sorry state of affairs, and I hope "planned parenthood" is put out of business for condoning murder, because taking a human being in its weakest time and dissecting it in horrible pain while its brave little heart fights helplessly against the monsters of death who are committing these acts while the infant is in heinous pain. It's too bad the monsters who are doing this to the millions of unborn Americans taken against the will of the living unborn children. Those little ones start jumping around to avoid the abortionist's execution equipment. I've seen dozens of pictures of them diving away from the killing slaughter tools until they got stabbed into the painful gut kind of kill or the quicker brain sucking atrocity style of death for the unborn. Where in Heaven are these little innocent young Americans going to be after they confront their life snuffers on judgment day? We already know they were in pain when they were taken. A hell of a lot of pain, too. :(
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There are liberal fucks on this site who agree to abortion until birth.

Over 20 million black babies have been aborted since 1973.

You liberals have committed genocide.

Wake yo.
Oh, Hossfly. That is such a precious little innocent. I am going to faint when I go upstairs to pray and ask God to help these little kids out by outlawing this awful practice. May the love of our God surround them with his protection of their precious little souls that were deprived of a life by people who ought to know better. Good night. :huddle:
Oh, Hossfly. That is such a precious little innocent. I am going to faint when I go upstairs to pray and ask God to help these little kids out by outlawing this awful practice. May the love of our God surround them with his protection of their precious little souls that were deprived of a life by people who ought to know better. Good night. :huddle:

God will have the last word

The organization is nothing but an ATM for then DNC...

Planned Parenthood will spend $45 million on the 2020 elections, the nonprofit’s biggest electoral expenditure in its history, according to CBS News.

The money will go toward the presidential election as well as congressional and state House races, according to Planned Parenthood Votes Executive Director Jenny Lawson, who told CBS, “The stakes have never been higher.”

The Trump administration, she told CBS, “has managed to undo so much over the last three years ... the fact that this summer the Supreme Court might gut Roe v. Wade is an indicator of their intention and they've never been so bold."

The campaign will zero-in on nine states: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, according to the network. The money will go into digital, TV and radio ads, canvassing, and mailers, according to CBS.
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