
Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
A while back, single-use, plastic shopping bags were discussed here and, predictably, come people threw a fit at being inconvenienced by having to use reusable cloth bags. The Pacific plastic patch is bigger than Texas.

We need to outlaw all plastic shopping bags and we need to do it now. And, it should be illegal to throw plastic anything away.








Ocean Champions » 2012 » November
Plastic Oceans
[ame=]Sir David Attenborough talks about plastic pollution in our oceans - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]DESTROYING PLANET EARTH The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Good Morning America - YouTube[/ame]
I recently rescued a squirrel that had gotten its head stuck in a discarded yogurt cup. After I grabbed it and pulled the cup off, it bit me. I guess that shows ... something.

I'm always pulling plastic trash out of my section of creek. I consider it a civic duty, but the libertarians say that in the perfect libertarian world, I should be able to sue someone to be compensated. I wonder who I'm supposed to sue.

There is the problem of contamination. Meats leak. A little plastic is worth it to prevent people from getting deathly ill.
There's the biodegradable stuff they make from corn, but it takes up to five years to break down completely. I'm not sure I want five years worth of bags littering the landscape. How about reusable containers for meat - could get a deposit on them.
I recently rescued a squirrel that had gotten its head stuck in a discarded yogurt cup. After I grabbed it and pulled the cup off, it bit me. I guess that shows ... something.

I'm always pulling plastic trash out of my section of creek. I consider it a civic duty, but the libertarians say that in the perfect libertarian world, I should be able to sue someone to be compensated. I wonder who I'm supposed to sue.

There is the problem of contamination. Meats leak. A little plastic is worth it to prevent people from getting deathly ill.

If it helps any, the last I knew, there had never been a case of rabies in squirrels.

I took a stuck jar off the head of a skunk once. I was a lot more excited about him than he was about me. OTOH, both times I've had post-exposure rabies vac's, it was for skunk bites.

WHY wont people behave responsibly? Like the stupid and snotty jab from skookerasbil. Why do some of us always have to take care of people like him/her?

There was nothing wrong with paper bags.

Reusable Shopping Bags Can Spread Stomach Flu Bug, Study Suggests

Wash them.
Any bag can spread stomach flu. In that case (mistakenly labeled a "study"), they had stored a bag of food next to the toilet someone was puking into. That's not the fault of the type of bag.
[ame=]R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World - YouTube[/ame]
cracks me up and makes me sad.

liberal assholes were the ones that forced plastic on us. Like ALWAYS they never looked ahead at the possible results.

So now you fools want us off plastic and lugging around reusables.

fuck you, go clean up the mess YOU made.
cracks me up and makes me sad.

liberal assholes were the ones that forced plastic on us. Like ALWAYS they never looked ahead at the possible results.

So now you fools want us off plastic and lugging around reusables.

fuck you, go clean up the mess YOU made.

Liberals forced plastic on us?

What a mind-numblingly stooopid excuse for being irresponsible about your own planet.

But, you're right that its that damned elitist and educated left that's working to save your sorry ass. Reason? rw's just aren't smart enough and they don't give a large mouse's behind about their own children or grand children.
A while back, single-use, plastic shopping bags were discussed here and, predictably, come people threw a fit at being inconvenienced by having to use reusable cloth bags. The Pacific plastic patch is bigger than Texas.

We need to outlaw all plastic shopping bags and we need to do it now. And, it should be illegal to throw plastic anything away.


This is HIGH on my list of enviro issues that SHOULD be tackled.. If it wasn't for Global Warming sucking the life out of enviro issues ---- it might get done..

Whoever it was (probably Mamooth) who took the opportunity to sucker punch Libertarians.. Theres' a perfect libertarian solution to all this..

Have GreenPeace and other NGO fire a couple lawyers and hire some engineering to design a low cost skiff that can be towed between a couple one man boats to collect this "recyclable" trash..

Lease them cheaply to the poor Asian countries that are the primary source of this waste.
Or take a percentage of the proceeds. Even subsidize the price of the recycling operations if required.

Maybe even sponsor a "mother ship" that monthly collects the booty. What an ad for enviro activism that would be. To have your NGO names on such a ship or fleet of ships.

The manpower will make itself available. The operations COULD pay for itself or be supported by private donations. Provides gainful employment for the residents.

Much more effective than having Americans THINK they are doing anything by subsizing lawyers and buying clothe shopping bags..

Same deal needs to be done in the open ocean.. Larger scale.. Again --- sponsored by donations, UN, or even Pepsi.. I really don't care WHO kicks in...
Why not recycle?

Keep the plastic bag and do what we're doing with cans with a 5 cent recycling cash out.

Not fond of putting a bottle fee on plastics. It's a money scam in that 90% of the recycling that occurs is either at the curb (without redemption and people paying for the pickup) or thru recycling centers that don't pay the redemption fee.

Govts KNEW that folks would recycle without bothering to collect the 0.05 redemption.. They COUNT on it. In fact I PAY to get my recycling picked up.. Who gets the 0.05 ???

California barely had any redemption centers left when I busted out of there. Virtually NONE of that fee was getting returned to consumers..

Just do the right thing...

Speaking of doing the right thing.. Why doesn't California and other states/locals who are sucking off that "TAX" on packaging, kick in for that Ocean Cleanup project we all want to see? THAT'S why they are taking the money --- RIGHT????

LOL ---- (leftists think that could happen)
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I've never been a big fan of plastic when it comes to many things, particularly food. Loathe drinks, particularly water, that come in plastic containers. Plastic appliances are crap and break much sooner than they used to, which means more trash. Planned obsolescence. I use re-usable bags frequently but when I do get groceries in plastic bags I re-use those bags for scooping the cat litter and picking up after the dogs. I re-use smaller plastic bags (bread bags and the like) for kitchen garbage. Make it illegal to throw anything plastic away? Yeah, I don't think so. What choice do consumers have if the only packaging offered by companies is plastic? What the hell was wrong with paper bags, anyway?
cracks me up and makes me sad.

liberal assholes were the ones that forced plastic on us. Like ALWAYS they never looked ahead at the possible results.

So now you fools want us off plastic and lugging around reusables.

fuck you, go clean up the mess YOU made.

Liberals forced plastic on us?

What a mind-numblingly stooopid excuse for being irresponsible about your own planet.

But, you're right that its that damned elitist and educated left that's working to save your sorry ass. Reason? rw's just aren't smart enough and they don't give a large mouse's behind about their own children or grand children.

jezuz krist

Liberals demanded we stop using paper bags, b/c it would kill all the trees. regardless of the fact that they were made from recycled paper and got reused themselves.

YOU demanded plastic w/o looking ahead, now you elitist know-it-alls are bitching to us about the mess that is your fault.

oh and, most of the protected areas in America are in the red area.

suck it ya lying fuck
cracks me up and makes me sad.

liberal assholes were the ones that forced plastic on us. Like ALWAYS they never looked ahead at the possible results.

So now you fools want us off plastic and lugging around reusables.

fuck you, go clean up the mess YOU made.

Liberals forced plastic on us?

What a mind-numblingly stooopid excuse for being irresponsible about your own planet.

But, you're right that its that damned elitist and educated left that's working to save your sorry ass. Reason? rw's just aren't smart enough and they don't give a large mouse's behind about their own children or grand children.

jezuz krist

Liberals demanded we stop using paper bags, b/c it would kill all the trees. regardless of the fact that they were made from recycled paper and got reused themselves.

YOU demanded plastic w/o looking ahead, now you elitist know-it-alls are bitching to us about the mess that is your fault.

oh and, most of the protected areas in America are in the red area.

suck it ya lying fuck

I think that's how I remember it.. Plastic was the "better eco option"..
I need BOTH at home so I ask for BOTH.
It's never as simple as the ECO-Nauts say it is...

Plastic fantastic! Carrier bags 'not eco-villains after all' - Green Living - Environment - The Independent

The report set out to find out which of seven types of bags have the lowest environmental impact by assessing pollution caused by extraction of raw materials, production, transportation and disposal.

It found that an HDPE plastic bag would have a baseline global warming potential of 1.57 kg Co2 equivalent, falling to 1.4 kg Co2e if re-used once, the same as a paper bag used four times (1.38 kg Co2e).

A cotton bag would have to be re-used 171 times to emit a similar level, 1.57 kg Co2e.

The researchers concluded: “The HDPE bag had the lowest environmental impacts of the single use options in nine of the 10 impact categories. The bag performed well because it was the lightest single use bag considered.”

The 96-page report comes amid an ongoing controversy over plastic bags and plans by Wales to introduce a 5p plastic bag tax in October.

The findings suggest that, in order to balance out the tiny impact of each lightweight plastic bag, consumers would have to use the same cotton bag every working day for a year, or use paper bags at least thrice rather than sticking them in the bin or recycling.

Most paper bags are used only once and one study assumed cotton bags were used only 51 times before being discarded, making them – according to this new report – worse than single-use plastic bags.

Who benefits?? Well you can tax it can't ya? And plastic bags cost the store much less than paper..
Just let the useful idiots do your lobbying for you..
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