Playing the Race Card on Larry Elder


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

here are some excerpts:

"The possibility that Larry Elder may win California’s recall election against Governor Gavin Newsom is generating acute anxiety in the mainstream media ...
Elder’s foes are responding with their favored means of destruction: by playing the race card."

"The media have focused particularly on Elder’s views about crime and policing. ... According to Elder, the false narrative about lethal police racism has only led to more black homicide deaths."
...blacks are so obsessed with RACE, that it warps their thinking--this is a perfect example
...blacks are so obsessed with RACE, that it warps their thinking--this is a perfect example

The media has worked for decades to rile up some to focus on race. It's the lowest hanging fruit approach to convince people to "forget about the bad policies that have decimated your opportunities, look, Orange (white) Man bad!"

A successful black conservative is their nemesis. They will work overtime and burn untold amounts of money to stop any success. They know it could lead to a major political wave down the line.
My friends, have you examined the character & values of citizens choosing to hatefully denigrate independent minded, successful accomplished citizens like attorney Larry Elder!

⚠️Passionate Language

ProBlack BLM Modus Operandi:

Candace Owens Larry Elder.jpg
Maxine Waters discrimination.png


☮️♥️ EndHate2021
Any black person working to maintain white supemacy you guys support. There are sucessful black conservatives who aren't sellouts. Elder is not a black conservative, Elder is a right wing extremist.
Republicans have done a lot to alienate most (90%) African Americans, (72%) Muslims, and (75%) Jews. On Race Issues Republicans are flat wrong.
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Any black person working to maintain white supemacy you guys support. There are sucessful black conservatives who aren't sellouts. Elder is not a black conservative, Elder is a right wing extremist.
I know this is a stupid question, but have you ever even listened to Elder’s show?
[QUTE="IM2, post: 27789304, member: 53913"]
Any black person working to maintain white supemacy you guys support. There are sucessful black conservatives who aren't sellouts. Elder is not a black conservative, Elder is a right wing extremist.

Hi. Is White Supremacy or Selfish, Immature, Incompetent, Apathetic Parenting primarily responsible for American kids of African descent SUFFERING our nation's highest rates of potential life scarring Child Neglect & Maltreatment?


☮️ EndHate2021
I know this is a stupid question, but have you ever even listened to Elder’s show?

Do not try defending a man who blamed Obama for George Floyd getting killed.

There is only one reason why whites here are defending this man or calling for black people to come to his rescue.

I have no sympathy for blacks like Elder. He's spent the majority of his life denigrating blacks so as to curry favor with racists. He said racism was not a problem. But now suddenly the very people who used his words to rudely diss black peoples experiences want to declare that suddenly racism is a problem and everybody black must now all jump to denounce this woman as a racist when in forums like this, people want to shut others down for pointing racism out.

I don't know why you asked that question because for you to try telling me that Elder speaks truth further validates what I say. He speaks to things white extremists believe about black people and not to the reality in which blacks have to live. Elder is what would be called a house n word because he does the racists bidding for them wile denigrating people looking like him. Elder lived 15 years before the civil rights act.

All Rise!

This mornings lesson:

Life for blacks in South Central during Larry Elders childhood.

When Elder was 13, the Governor of California Edmund Brown established the McCone Commission to study the conditions that created the Watts Riots. The objective: Make sure that an event like Watts would never happen again in Los Angeles. During the next 100 days, the members of this commission held 64 meetings to find out what the cause was for the discontent that created an uprising that caused 34 deaths, over 1,000 injuries, and nearly 40 million dollars worth of damage. Governor Brown wanted to know what caused the riots, the extent of the violence, police action, the attitudes of the blacks in the community as well as the existing opportunities available to the black citizens in Watts. In short, the committee tried to find out the cause and propose a solution to a 100-year-old problem in 100 days.

On December 2, 1965, the commission submitted the report to Governor Brown. The claim was made in the report that Los Angeles was the number 1 ranked city for blacks in 1965. Apparently that ranking was based on a very low bar given the amount of violence initiated against blacks moving into homes in Lost Angeles during its history.

Mary Johnson, an African-American woman, bought a house on an all-white street in 1914. She returned home to find her possessions strewn across the lawn, and a threatening sign on her nailed-up door. She called the Eagle. Bass “responded in grand style…mobilizing 100 women to go to the house.” They camped out on the lawn and stood guard over her possessions until the sheriff came. “With his help,” Gibbons writes, “the house was opened, the belongings moved inside, and Mrs. Johnson remained in her home.”

Natasha Frost, The story of segregation in Los Angeles was only preserved by its black-owned papers

The McCone Commission chose to deny this history or racial problems caused by the police department under Police Chief William Parker. Despite the community’s claims to the commission about police brutality and Parkers racist attitude, the opinion of the commission was that the complaints were unwarranted.

“Who was William H. Parker? Yes, he did “transform” LAPD. From an urban, western, up-south “Mayberry” police force, to a para-military organization based on his own military. William H. Parker was an urban segregationist, no different from Bull Connor or Jim Clark down in Alabama. Parker enforced racial protocols and Los Angeles’ race caste system that held until the early 1970s (some say the mid-80s, as far as the Valley areas go).”

The result was a report filled with proposed solutions such as literacy, preschool programs, improved police-community relations, more low-income housing, job-training projects, improvements in healthcare services, and better public transportation. Unfortunately for the citizens of Watts, many of the proposed solutions were not implemented and those that were, eventually got funding cuts, or they just let the program end. I have read two evaluations of the McCune Commission, one by the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations in 1985, the other an article in the Los Angeles Times in 1990. Both these evaluations tell the same story; that conditions in South Central were not much better years after whatever the commission proposed.

So for Elders entire life he has seen racism and public policy based in racist beliefs that did little or nothing to solve problems caused by racism yet his position is it's fatherless black homes that are the cause of the problem. He saw William Parker's racist policing, and then the racist tenure of Darryl Gates to include the senselress beating of Rodney King, yet still clings to a position that evidence shows is not consistent with reality.
Do not try defending a man who blamed Obama for George Floyd getting killed.

There is only one reason why whites here are defending this man or calling for black people to come to his rescue.

I have no sympathy for blacks like Elder. He's spent the majority of his life denigrating blacks so as to curry favor with racists. He said racism was not a problem. But now suddenly the very people who used his words to rudely diss black peoples experiences want to declare that suddenly racism is a problem and everybody black must now all jump to denounce this woman as a racist when in forums like this, people want to shut others down for pointing racism out.

I don't know why you asked that question because for you to try telling me that Elder speaks truth further validates what I say. He speaks to things white extremists believe about black people and not to the reality in which blacks have to live. Elder is what would be called a house n word because he does the racists bidding for them wile denigrating people looking like him. Elder lived 15 years before the civil rights act.

All Rise!

This mornings lesson:

Life for blacks in South Central during Larry Elders childhood.

When Elder was 13, the Governor of California Edmund Brown established the McCone Commission to study the conditions that created the Watts Riots. The objective: Make sure that an event like Watts would never happen again in Los Angeles. During the next 100 days, the members of this commission held 64 meetings to find out what the cause was for the discontent that created an uprising that caused 34 deaths, over 1,000 injuries, and nearly 40 million dollars worth of damage. Governor Brown wanted to know what caused the riots, the extent of the violence, police action, the attitudes of the blacks in the community as well as the existing opportunities available to the black citizens in Watts. In short, the committee tried to find out the cause and propose a solution to a 100-year-old problem in 100 days.

On December 2, 1965, the commission submitted the report to Governor Brown. The claim was made in the report that Los Angeles was the number 1 ranked city for blacks in 1965. Apparently that ranking was based on a very low bar given the amount of violence initiated against blacks moving into homes in Lost Angeles during its history.

Mary Johnson, an African-American woman, bought a house on an all-white street in 1914. She returned home to find her possessions strewn across the lawn, and a threatening sign on her nailed-up door. She called the Eagle. Bass “responded in grand style…mobilizing 100 women to go to the house.” They camped out on the lawn and stood guard over her possessions until the sheriff came. “With his help,” Gibbons writes, “the house was opened, the belongings moved inside, and Mrs. Johnson remained in her home.”

Natasha Frost, The story of segregation in Los Angeles was only preserved by its black-owned papers

The McCone Commission chose to deny this history or racial problems caused by the police department under Police Chief William Parker. Despite the community’s claims to the commission about police brutality and Parkers racist attitude, the opinion of the commission was that the complaints were unwarranted.

“Who was William H. Parker? Yes, he did “transform” LAPD. From an urban, western, up-south “Mayberry” police force, to a para-military organization based on his own military. William H. Parker was an urban segregationist, no different from Bull Connor or Jim Clark down in Alabama. Parker enforced racial protocols and Los Angeles’ race caste system that held until the early 1970s (some say the mid-80s, as far as the Valley areas go).”

The result was a report filled with proposed solutions such as literacy, preschool programs, improved police-community relations, more low-income housing, job-training projects, improvements in healthcare services, and better public transportation. Unfortunately for the citizens of Watts, many of the proposed solutions were not implemented and those that were, eventually got funding cuts, or they just let the program end. I have read two evaluations of the McCune Commission, one by the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations in 1985, the other an article in the Los Angeles Times in 1990. Both these evaluations tell the same story; that conditions in South Central were not much better years after whatever the commission proposed.

So for Elders entire life he has seen racism and public policy based in racist beliefs that did little or nothing to solve problems caused by racism yet his position is it's fatherless black homes that are the cause of the problem. He saw William Parker's racist policing, and then the racist tenure of Darryl Gates to include the senselress beating of Rodney King, yet still clings to a position that evidence shows is not consistent with reality.
To see things peak out and not improve while taxes keep going up to support the social welfare state in our nation is dangerous. This Uncle Tom and House N word stuff is not getting old...but is old. East Asia is eating our lunch. And we have to keep placating the whims of gangsta culture to keep people pacified. It is healthy to have all groups to have a fair percentage of representation with different political views.
To see things peak out and not improve while taxes keep going up to support the social welfare state in our nation is dangerous. This Uncle Tom and House N word stuff is not getting old...but is old. East Asia is eating our lunch. And we have to keep placating the whims of gangsta culture to keep people pacified. It is healthy to have all groups to have a fair percentage of representation with different political views.

Yes house n's and Uncle Toms are tired and we blacks are tired of whites like you propping them up to validate your racism while maintaining white preference. White gangsta culture and the welfare state that continues benefitting whites is the problem. It is not healthy for blacks like Elder to be pushed out into the public discourse as if his views have validity. We as blacks have the right to oppose those with views that are harmful to our progress, not progress whites think we should have. We have the right to reject black insanity just as you have to reject the same in whites. So just shut the fuck up because Elder IS a house n and Uncle Tom.
Any discriminated minority would be very aware of their identity.

As Jews in USSR, we were always aware of our Jewish identity -- more then here in USA.
but the blacks are not discriminated against --you fkd up
HAHAHAHAH fact, they are over represented in great jobs [ linked on other threads ]....especially considering they graduate at lower rates and commit crime at higher rates
..there is no problem of police brutality or racism --I have threads on it with the proof
Yes house n's and Uncle Toms are tired and we blacks are tired of whites like you propping them up to validate your racism while maintaining white preference. White gangsta culture and the welfare state that continues benefitting whites is the problem. It is not healthy for blacks like Elder to be pushed out into the public discourse as if his views have validity. We as blacks have the right to oppose those with views that are harmful to our progress, not progress whites think we should have. We have the right to reject black insanity just as you have to reject the same in whites. So just shut the fuck up because Elder IS a house n and Uncle Tom.

You voted for the guy who said he didn't want his kids growing up in "a racial jungle" with people like you. You're the Uncle Tom, homie.
I've got a thread on it----no there is one can prove it--it's a myth
There is significant discrimination against African Americans in employment and Penal System. Also centuries of discrimination have taken their toll.

Segregation was much worse then anti-Semitism in USSR.

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