Pleading the 5th! Fusion GPS co founder trying to get out of testifying

Clapper KNEW all that and the origins of the document. John McCain gave him cover to INCLUDE it in his "Public Relations" report that was reported as an Intelligence document..
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

The initial investigations begun under Obama began without any crime, without any evidence of a crime - just a hollow accusation based on butt-hurt election loss.

Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

Please don't play this game of how you pretend this has never been covered before. It is beneath you. The crimes Democrats have committed are proven. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the information shared / used by the Obama administration was 'protected personal classified info' that had been deemed to have NO Intel value - that means, according to them, that information could NOT legally be shared and could NOT be used for political benefit, which they said HAD to be the case since there was no Intel value. They concluded why else would someone share with Intel agencies politically embarrassing yet protected classified information if not for political reasons. This, they concluded, was a CRIME. They also stated that the later leaking of classified information equated to 'Felony Espionage'. And, as proven, unmasking Americans in the way Rice has all but admitted to is illegal.

Can we stop this little liberal 'game' now?

I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Yes, yes, yes YOU told me...nat told me, bulldog told me, and many other snowflakes have told me...but none have been able to provide any evidence of a crime, no crime, no collusion. AGAIN, legally investigations can not be started based on the word / claim of a partisan who is upset their candidate lost and who has no evidence to back up his claim.

If that were the case, I could accuse you of being a Russian spy who has killed over 40 people in the US in the last month then demand you prove you did not...and you would be forced to do it. The reason that can not happen is because legally the system does not work that way...but snowflakes / Democrats don't worry about 'legally'
So what was the outcome of the CRIME? Did anyone get arrested? If not, why not? AND DON'T SAY BECAUSE THEY WERE DEMOCRATS. If there was no official finding of wrong doing or no one was arrested, then let it fucking GO.
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

The initial investigations begun under Obama began without any crime, without any evidence of a crime - just a hollow accusation based on butt-hurt election loss.

Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

Please don't play this game of how you pretend this has never been covered before. It is beneath you. The crimes Democrats have committed are proven. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the information shared / used by the Obama administration was 'protected personal classified info' that had been deemed to have NO Intel value - that means, according to them, that information could NOT legally be shared and could NOT be used for political benefit, which they said HAD to be the case since there was no Intel value. They concluded why else would someone share with Intel agencies politically embarrassing yet protected classified information if not for political reasons. This, they concluded, was a CRIME. They also stated that the later leaking of classified information equated to 'Felony Espionage'. And, as proven, unmasking Americans in the way Rice has all but admitted to is illegal.

Can we stop this little liberal 'game' now?

I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Yes, yes, yes YOU told me...nat told me, bulldog told me, and many other snowflakes have told me...but none have been able to provide any evidence of a crime, no crime, no collusion. AGAIN, legally investigations can not be started based on the word / claim of a partisan who is upset their candidate lost and who has no evidence to back up his claim.

If that were the case, I could accuse you of being a Russian spy who has killed over 40 people in the US in the last month then demand you prove you did not...and you would be forced to do it. The reason that can not happen is because legally the system does not work that way...but snowflakes / Democrats don't worry about 'legally'
So what was the outcome of the CRIME? Did anyone get arrested? If not, why not? AND DON'T SAY BECAUSE THEY WERE DEMOCRATS. If there was no official finding of wrong doing or no one was arrested, then let it fucking GO.


No one in their right mind - not even you - thinks Obama was going to allow any of his co-conspirators / criminal cabinet members, fellow democrats, and the Chosen one (Hillary) be indicted and prosecuted. When the dictator owns the sheriff / law (Holder/Lynch) no one loyal to him gets punished.

Obama even OPENLY, PUBLICLY, ARROGANTLY proved this when he declared during a press conference that he would NOT ALLOW Harry Reid and Julian Castro to be indicted for violating the Hatch Act because they were 'sorry' for breaking the law.
- Please point to me in any legal code where 'I am sorry for breaking the law' is an acceptable legal defense...except when the dictator declares that is why he REFUSES TO ALLOW them to be legally held accountable for their crimes....

...or just cut the games out already. Show some intellectual integrity.
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
This investigation is not because Hillary lost. I realize you will continue to console yourself with that misapprehension, but it's not. It's because the fuckin Russians tried to influence the vote by stealing shit from the DNC and Hillary's campaign chairman AND sending a bazillion trolls, fake news and etc. to influence people like you on social media.
yeah someone exposed how dirty they really are. and that's bad in your eyes. funny you like dishonesty in government I see.
how dare someone intercept an email that shows dishonesty in our candidates because, shit, we deserve to be lied to and ignored and told useless shit about nothing.
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

The initial investigations begun under Obama began without any crime, without any evidence of a crime - just a hollow accusation based on butt-hurt election loss.

Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

Please don't play this game of how you pretend this has never been covered before. It is beneath you. The crimes Democrats have committed are proven. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the information shared / used by the Obama administration was 'protected personal classified info' that had been deemed to have NO Intel value - that means, according to them, that information could NOT legally be shared and could NOT be used for political benefit, which they said HAD to be the case since there was no Intel value. They concluded why else would someone share with Intel agencies politically embarrassing yet protected classified information if not for political reasons. This, they concluded, was a CRIME. They also stated that the later leaking of classified information equated to 'Felony Espionage'. And, as proven, unmasking Americans in the way Rice has all but admitted to is illegal.

Can we stop this little liberal 'game' now?

I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Yes, yes, yes YOU told me...nat told me, bulldog told me, and many other snowflakes have told me...but none have been able to provide any evidence of a crime, no crime, no collusion. AGAIN, legally investigations can not be started based on the word / claim of a partisan who is upset their candidate lost and who has no evidence to back up his claim.

If that were the case, I could accuse you of being a Russian spy who has killed over 40 people in the US in the last month then demand you prove you did not...and you would be forced to do it. The reason that can not happen is because legally the system does not work that way...but snowflakes / Democrats don't worry about 'legally'
So what was the outcome of the CRIME? Did anyone get arrested? If not, why not? AND DON'T SAY BECAUSE THEY WERE DEMOCRATS. If there was no official finding of wrong doing or no one was arrested, then let it fucking GO.


No one in their right mind - not even you - thinks Obama was going to allow any of his co-conspirators / criminal cabinet members, fellow democrats, and the Chosen one (Hillary) be indicted and prosecuted. When the dictator owns the sheriff / law (Holder/Lynch) no one loyal to him gets punished.

Obama even OPENLY, PUBLICLY, ARROGANTLY proved this when he declared during a press conference that he would NOT ALLOW Harry Reid and Julian Castro to be indicted for violating the Hatch Act because they were 'sorry' for breaking the law.
- Please point to me in any legal code where 'I am sorry for breaking the law' is an acceptable legal defense...except when the dictator declares that is why he REFUSES TO ALLOW them to be legally held accountable for their crimes....

...or just cut the games out already. Show some intellectual integrity.
easy, that is a big ask. I doubt anyone on the left knows the word integrity.
I'm glad Grassley is on this. I want to know why the FBI under Comey was going to continue to pay for so called dirt on Trump.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about with the Hillary/Rice/Obama thing. Was there something from back in Dec. or Jan? You want me going down that rabbit hole to argue something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and no, I'm not going to waste my time on it.
If there is an HONEST poster here who wants to explain what in hell they're talking about and provide some factual reporting on it, I'll listen, but I'm not believing any of the shit Easy is dishing out for obvious reasons. It's a lot of biased propaganda.
Call me if anyone wants to give me some objective information.
Otherwise, forget it.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about with the Hillary/Rice/Obama thing. Was there something from back in Dec. or Jan? You want me going down that rabbit hole to argue something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and no, I'm not going to waste my time on it.
If there is an HONEST poster here who wants to explain what in hell they're talking about and provide some factual reporting on it, I'll listen, but I'm not believing any of the shit Easy is dishing out for obvious reasons. It's a lot of biased propaganda.
Call me if anyone wants to give me some objective information.
Otherwise, forget it.
old lady, you're a senile old bat and you have dementia
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
This investigation is not because Hillary lost. I realize you will continue to console yourself with that misapprehension, but it's not. It's because the fuckin Russians tried to influence the vote by stealing shit from the DNC and Hillary's campaign chairman AND sending a bazillion trolls, fake news and etc. to influence people like you on social media.
that is all it is.
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Awesome. After hearing the Trump circus deny the truth for months, and then getting caught lying, I think it is time for the story about Trump asking hookers to piss on him to be on the front page so we can hear him deny that, too. :lol:

PRESS: Did Trump participate in golden showers with hookers?

HUCKABEE SANDERS: I have not asked him. I'll get back to you.
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

The initial investigations begun under Obama began without any crime, without any evidence of a crime - just a hollow accusation based on butt-hurt election loss.

Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

Please don't play this game of how you pretend this has never been covered before. It is beneath you. The crimes Democrats have committed are proven. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the information shared / used by the Obama administration was 'protected personal classified info' that had been deemed to have NO Intel value - that means, according to them, that information could NOT legally be shared and could NOT be used for political benefit, which they said HAD to be the case since there was no Intel value. They concluded why else would someone share with Intel agencies politically embarrassing yet protected classified information if not for political reasons. This, they concluded, was a CRIME. They also stated that the later leaking of classified information equated to 'Felony Espionage'. And, as proven, unmasking Americans in the way Rice has all but admitted to is illegal.

Can we stop this little liberal 'game' now?

I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Yes, yes, yes YOU told me...nat told me, bulldog told me, and many other snowflakes have told me...but none have been able to provide any evidence of a crime, no crime, no collusion. AGAIN, legally investigations can not be started based on the word / claim of a partisan who is upset their candidate lost and who has no evidence to back up his claim.

If that were the case, I could accuse you of being a Russian spy who has killed over 40 people in the US in the last month then demand you prove you did not...and you would be forced to do it. The reason that can not happen is because legally the system does not work that way...but snowflakes / Democrats don't worry about 'legally'
So what was the outcome of the CRIME? Did anyone get arrested? If not, why not? AND DON'T SAY BECAUSE THEY WERE DEMOCRATS. If there was no official finding of wrong doing or no one was arrested, then let it fucking GO.


No one in their right mind - not even you - thinks Obama was going to allow any of his co-conspirators / criminal cabinet members, fellow democrats, and the Chosen one (Hillary) be indicted and prosecuted. When the dictator owns the sheriff / law (Holder/Lynch) no one loyal to him gets punished.

Obama even OPENLY, PUBLICLY, ARROGANTLY proved this when he declared during a press conference that he would NOT ALLOW Harry Reid and Julian Castro to be indicted for violating the Hatch Act because they were 'sorry' for breaking the law.
- Please point to me in any legal code where 'I am sorry for breaking the law' is an acceptable legal defense...except when the dictator declares that is why he REFUSES TO ALLOW them to be legally held accountable for their crimes....

...or just cut the games out already. Show some intellectual integrity.
You left out the Fact that Obama also "Owned" The National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, & National Intelligence Chief, James Clapper, as well as CIA Head, John Brennan, and FBI head James Comey, & Andrew McCabe.
I have no idea what you guys are talking about with the Hillary/Rice/Obama thing. Was there something from back in Dec. or Jan? You want me going down that rabbit hole to argue something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and no, I'm not going to waste my time on it.
If there is an HONEST poster here who wants to explain what in hell they're talking about and provide some factual reporting on it, I'll listen, but I'm not believing any of the shit Easy is dishing out for obvious reasons. It's a lot of biased propaganda.
Call me if anyone wants to give me some objective information.
Otherwise, forget it.
This was very much in the news and has been discussed at length, If you don't want to take my or anyone else's word 'Google' Rice and Unmasking.

The information collected on the Trump team through 'incidental collections', the information deemed to have NO Intel value - which therefore caused it to be considered 'protected personal classified information', meaning it could not be released - was illegally shared / used to unmask the Trump team members.

It was made clear that since this information had no Intel value there was no reason to share it with any Intel agencies....leaving the only reason to share it, according to the NSA and FBI, was for political benefit. This, btw, is a CRIME as the information is PROTECTED personal CLASSIFIED information.

Susan Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the sharing of information / unmasking, but when it was revealed this was not the case, she changed her story. Suddenly she knew all about it. The argument for sharing the info, though, was that it dealt with 'National Security'. The problem with this is that the NSA and FBI had already made clear that the data collected had 'NO INTEL VALUE', meaning it had nothing to do with National Security....leaving once again the only reason for the information to be shared to be for political benefit. This, again, is a crime.

The leaking of this information, unmasking Trump team members, was critical to set the groundwork for the initial claims of 'Russian Collusion', despite it being made clear that no crime / criminal activity had been detected and the information contained NO Intel Value. It was basically the equivalent, IMO, of Comey later deciding to illegally share / leak info to achieve an outcome HE wanted.

One of the amazing things about this whole criminal maneuver by the Obama administration to undermine / attack Trump by illegally sharing info and unmasking Americans is that snowflakes - who KNOW like the rest of us that the Obama administration went as far in 2012 as to illegally use the IRS against Americans to ensure his own re-election - would believe Obama would hesitate to illegally act again 4 years later in another election to try to ensure Hillary's election and therefore ensure his own Legacy survived.
Last edited:
I have no idea what you guys are talking about with the Hillary/Rice/Obama thing. Was there something from back in Dec. or Jan? You want me going down that rabbit hole to argue something that has nothing to do with the topic at hand, and no, I'm not going to waste my time on it.
If there is an HONEST poster here who wants to explain what in hell they're talking about and provide some factual reporting on it, I'll listen, but I'm not believing any of the shit Easy is dishing out for obvious reasons. It's a lot of biased propaganda.
Call me if anyone wants to give me some objective information.
Otherwise, forget it.
This was very much in the news and has been discussed at length, If you don't want to take my or anyone else's word 'Google' Rice and Unmasking.

The information collected on the Trump team through 'incidental collections', the information deemed to have NO Intel value - which therefore caused it to be considered 'protected personal classified information', meaning it could not be released - was illegally shared / used to unmask the Trump team members.

It was made clear that since this information had no Intel value there was no reason to share it with any Intel agencies....leaving the only reason to share it, according to the NSA and FBI, was for political benefit. This, btw, is a CRIME as the information is PROTECTED personal CLASSIFIED information.

Susan Rice initially declared she knew nothing about the sharing of information / unmasking, but when it was revealed this was not the case, she changed her story. Suddenly she knew all about it. The argument for sharing the info, though, was that it dealt with 'National Security'. The problem with this is that the NSA and FBI had already made clear that the data collected had 'NO INTEL VALUE', meaning it had nothing to do with National Security....leaving once again the only reason for the information to be shared to be for political benefit. This, again, is a crime.

The leaking of this information, unmasking Trump team members, was critical to set the groundwork for the initial claims of 'Russian Collusion', despite it being made clear that no crime / criminal activity had been detected and the information contained NO Intel Value. It was basically the equivalent, IMO, of Comey later deciding to illegally share / leak info to achieve an outcome HE wanted.

One of the amazing things about this whole criminal maneuver by the Obama administration to undermine / attack Trump by illegally sharing info and unmasking Americans is that snowflakes - who KNOW like the rest of us that the Obama administration went as far in 2012 as to illegally use the IRS against Americans to ensure his own re-election - would believe Obama would hesitate to illegally act again 4 years later in another election to try to ensure Hillary's election and therefore ensure his own Legacy survived.
Well, you've certainly adjudicated the whole thing quite tidily. I'm sure if Rice has been called to testify, it is because of what you describe. So it isn't over. Someone's looking into it. But it would save them so much time if you would just text them and explain that you already know the answer! It would save them so much time. Save our tax dollars, Easy. Give them a call.
But it would save them so much time if you would just text them and explain that you already know the answer! It would save them so much time. Save our tax dollars, Easy. Give them a call.

THAT would save us ALL a lot of time and pain from your catty / biting diatribe.
Trump likes golden showers. It's how he gets that orange tinge.

Having Russian hookers pee on you is not against the law. At least here in Merka it isn't. It might be illegal in Russia, I don't know.

The problem is not that golden showers are legal or not, the problem is blackmail.

"Help me get oil back over $60 a barrel, Donny boy, or you and your hookers will be on the front page of Sputnik next week."

Pissing? Blackmail?

Christ Almighty, you've gone full blown berserk.
“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,”


Hillary Clinton has never blamed herself for anything in her entire life. She didn't even trust her own people and spied on their emails to test their loyalty, and her fits of rage and throwing things if she did not get her slightest whim are storied from her time in the White House--- can you imagine if she was actually president?

THE REAL HILLARY CLINTON is as far as night is from day from the phony image she presents in public. She would gladly be a ruthless dictator if she was not constrained by the law! With Trump you get exactly what you see, he is who he is who he is, in public, behind closed doors, all of the time.

The problem now is that they have given that "scam" legs now in the form of Robert Mueller with virtually unlimited authority, written broadly by Rod Rosenstein, and he can dig back to an unpaid parking ticket, dealings he did in real estate 25 years ago, not sending his mother a birthday card, anything, and if it does not pertain in any way to Russia or the election, he can merely pass it off to the FBI for a new investigation.

Investigation leading to investigation leading to yet more investigation. In other words, the eternal double standard the GOP always goes along with: as much as obvious heinous deeds by the Left are flagrantly ignored, the same people expect to tunnel up the GOP's ass and pitch a tent there for the slightest infraction. This time the target is Trump himself. Nowhere will you see any interest, let alone investigation of Clinton money laundering from Russia and other foreign sources in exchange for huge State Department favors. No where will you see interest in how the AG meets privately on the tarmac with a person under FBI investigation just days before the probe is dropped---- and still she does not recuse herself! But let Trump have words with our most imminent foreign leader at a public banquet with 500 people in the room under bright lights, cameras and media, and they go practically nuts calling it "secret." Another Trump thing demanding investigation.

This stuff would be comical if the implications for our freedom and republic were not so onerous.

If Jeff Sessions was his friend, Donald doesn't need any enemies. This investigation is a weapon created by the Deep State as a last ditch effort to overturn an election they were not prepared to deal with, orchestrated through Comey and set up through Mueller. We are dealing with a septic tank full of sewer rats up to their eyeballs in shit. What Trump needs is a new AG with balls as big as his to crack the bullshit wide open. I think he has begun that process. If the DNC is a smelly mongoose, Trump is a vicious King Cobra who lives for the fight and does not accept failure.
Trump likes golden showers. It's how he gets that orange tinge.

Having Russian hookers pee on you is not against the law. At least here in Merka it isn't. It might be illegal in Russia, I don't know.

The problem is not that golden showers are legal or not, the problem is blackmail.

"Help me get oil back over $60 a barrel, Donny boy, or you and your hookers will be on the front page of Sputnik next week."

We're you the one who invented that story?
But it would save them so much time if you would just text them and explain that you already know the answer! It would save them so much time. Save our tax dollars, Easy. Give them a call.

THAT would save us ALL a lot of time and pain from your catty / biting diatribe.
Have you or have you not jumped to a conclusion here before the investigators have finished looking into it? For sure, Rice has not been questioned yet.
Have you or have you not been complaining that the Left has done the exact same thing regarding the Russia investigation?
That's not being catty -- that's being honest.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.

I don't blame myself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity, I blame Hillary. Someone has to since she won't. Not that you were blaming me. ;)

A person with a list of at least official credentials as
First Lady,
Secretary of State,
even if she did nothing worthwhile with any of them,
plus her own husband as a very popular former president,

AND SHE STILL LOSES to a course, street-hewn New York real estate developer and TV host who never has held even a single public office in his life even as township committeeman, dog catcher or public works superintendent.

I'm sure somewhere behind closed doors, the DNC is still banging their heads on that one. They are either the dumbest bastards who ever lived this side of Eden for not seeing that one coming, or Clinton had some sort of lock on the candidacy that they couldn't get out of.

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