Pleading the 5th! Fusion GPS co founder trying to get out of testifying

if my thread about illegals dying in a a truck was a trolling thread so the hell is this thread.
This investigation is not because Hillary lost.

And it was not started because of any crime committed, either. There was NEVER any crime Trump or his team. In a fair and just legal system one can not simply pull an accusation out of his or her ass and launch it at another person. Police can not arrest you simply because I say you committed a crime if I have no evidence.

In REAL LIFE, I would be investigated for filing a false report since there was no evidence of any crime having been committed. Democrats, however, throw shit at the wall, and hope it sticks - make accusations with no evidence to support their claim yet demand the accused prove their innocence...because in the snowflake world, Conservatives are GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.

To get this whole thing started the Obama administration took 'protected classified personal information' deemed to have NO INTEL VALUE that was 'incidentally collected' and ILLEGALLY shared it with Intel agencies FOR POLITICAL BENEFIT, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI. Susan Rice ILLEGALLY unmasked Americans - Trump team members. Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies then perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE, again according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, by leaking classified information to the press.

The investigations were started and these crimes were committed were begun because Trump made the ill-advised comment in jest that he hoped the Russians would hack her e-mails and make them private...because that appeared to be the only way they would ever become public.

No crime proven...EVER. No EVIDENCE of any crime...EVER. No collusion proven...EVER....and every attempted liberal fake news / false accusation 'gottcha' attempt has blown up in their faces, revealing crimes perpetrated by Democrats,
scams/set-ups with Barry's fingerprints all over them, and / or big fat juicy 'NOTHING BURGERS'.
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Awesome. After hearing the Trump circus deny the truth for months, and then getting caught lying, I think it is time for the story about Trump asking hookers to piss on him to be on the front page so we can hear him deny that, too. :lol:

PRESS: Did Trump participate in golden showers with hookers?

HUCKABEE SANDERS: I have not asked him. I'll get back to you.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Why did they let RICE get out of testifying? And where is Loretta Lynch?
Grassley is determined to get to the bottom of who paid for the Russian informants in that fairy tale dossier. Grassley's my new hero on the hill.

Fusion GPS is in a world of trouble as is Christopher Steele and his partner in the mega civil suit.
your biggest problem is that the infamous salacious dossier is not a fairy tale :eusa_clap:
your biggest problem is that the infamous salacious dossier is not a fairy tale :eusa_clap:

Nothing was validated. And this one lawsuit alone is going to put that fairy tale to bed permanently. Hell's bells part of the dossier was blown out of the water by an Atlantic journalist who verified that Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


That dossier is a joke.
I wonder if McCain will try to plead the 5th?

John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
By Kevin G. Hall

Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that alleged Donald Trump’s campaign had connections to Russian operatives, McClatchy has learned.

The dossier compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele and his London firm, Orbis Business Intelligence Ltd., amounted to a collection of uncorroborated reports of collusion gathered as political research for sale to Trump’s opponents. It proved explosive when published by online news site BuzzFeed on Jan. 10.

Now, two lawsuits — one in the United States and a second in the U.K. — are being brought by lawyers for Aleksej Gubarev, a Cyprus-based Internet entrepreneur whom Steele’s Russian sources accused of cyber spying against the Democratic Party leadership.

According to a new court document in the British lawsuit, counsel for defendants Steele and Orbis repeatedly point to McCain, R-Ariz., a vocal Trump critic, and a former State Department official as two in a handful of people known to have had copies of the full document before it circulated among journalists and was published by BuzzFeed.

The court document obtained by McClatchy confirms that Sir Andrew Wood, a former British ambassador to Moscow and a Russia adviser to former Prime Minister Tony Blair, discussed the 35-page dossier with McCain.

Read more here: John McCain faces questions in Trump-Russia dossier case
This investigation is not because Hillary lost.

And it was not started because of any crime committed, either. There was NEVER any crime Trump or his team. In a fair and just legal system one can not simply pull an accusation out of his or her ass and launch it at another person. Police can not arrest you simply because I say you committed a crime if I have no evidence.

In REAL LIFE, I would be investigated for filing a false report since there was no evidence of any crime having been committed. Democrats, however, throw shit at the wall, and hope it sticks - make accusations with no evidence to support their claim yet demand the accused prove their innocence...because in the snowflake world, Conservatives are GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT.

To get this whole thing started the Obama administration took 'protected classified personal information' deemed to have NO INTEL VALUE that was 'incidentally collected' and ILLEGALLY shared it with Intel agencies FOR POLITICAL BENEFIT, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI. Susan Rice ILLEGALLY unmasked Americans - Trump team members. Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies then perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE, again according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, by leaking classified information to the press.

The investigations were started and these crimes were committed were begun because Trump made the ill-advised comment in jest that he hoped the Russians would hack her e-mails and make them private...because that appeared to be the only way they would ever become public.

No crime proven...EVER. No EVIDENCE of any crime...EVER. No collusion proven...EVER....and every attempted liberal fake news / false accusation 'gottcha' attempt has blown up in their faces, revealing crimes perpetrated by Democrats,
scams/set-ups with Barry's fingerprints all over them, and / or big fat juicy 'NOTHING BURGERS'.
In a fair and just legal system one can not simply pull an accusation out of his or her ass and launch it at another person
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

To get this whole thing started the Obama administration took 'protected classified personal information' deemed to have NO INTEL VALUE that was 'incidentally collected' and ILLEGALLY shared it with Intel agencies FOR POLITICAL BENEFIT, according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI. Susan Rice ILLEGALLY unmasked Americans - Trump team members. Obama loyalists in the Intel agencies then perpetrated FELONY ESPIONAGE, again according to the Directors of the NSA and FBI, by leaking classified information to the press.
Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

The investigations were started and these crimes were committed were begun because Trump made the ill-advised comment in jest that he hoped the Russians would hack her e-mails and make them private...because that appeared to be the only way they would ever become public.
I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Why did they let RICE get out of testifying? And where is Loretta Lynch?
i have already told you she didnt get out of anything. They RESCHEDULED it
I have not heard Trump be accused of anything by the investigators on the Hill or by Mueller. A fair and just legal system DOES investigate valid suspicions, however. It is what investigations do.

The initial investigations begun under Obama began without any crime, without any evidence of a crime - just a hollow accusation based on butt-hurt election loss.

Who is making unfounded accusations now? Saying these Democrats are guilty until proven innocent?

Please don't play this game of how you pretend this has never been covered before. It is beneath you. The crimes Democrats have committed are proven. Both the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the information shared / used by the Obama administration was 'protected personal classified info' that had been deemed to have NO Intel value - that means, according to them, that information could NOT legally be shared and could NOT be used for political benefit, which they said HAD to be the case since there was no Intel value. They concluded why else would someone share with Intel agencies politically embarrassing yet protected classified information if not for political reasons. This, they concluded, was a CRIME. They also stated that the later leaking of classified information equated to 'Felony Espionage'. And, as proven, unmasking Americans in the way Rice has all but admitted to is illegal.

Can we stop this little liberal 'game' now?

I already told you what "started" this. It was not that wisecrack he made.
Yes, yes, yes YOU told me...nat told me, bulldog told me, and many other snowflakes have told me...but none have been able to provide any evidence of a crime, no crime, no collusion. AGAIN, legally investigations can not be started based on the word / claim of a partisan who is upset their candidate lost and who has no evidence to back up his claim.

If that were the case, I could accuse you of being a Russian spy who has killed over 40 people in the US in the last month then demand you prove you did not...and you would be forced to do it. The reason that can not happen is because legally the system does not work that way...but snowflakes / Democrats don't worry about 'legally'
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ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth

Thinking of a different model of a Ford, huh?
Naturally, that is not what Schumer said. He said you blame yourself for losing to a guy with 40% popularity. He said nothing about the Russian investigation.


“When you lose to somebody who has a 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things -- Comey, Russia -- you blame yourself,” Schumer told the Washington Post."

To keep the 'Russia Collusion SCAM going, of course snowflakes and Trump haters are going to try to interpret and twist Schumer's admission. :p
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM. Indeed, when the whole investigation actually began with alerts from GCHQ and other allies' intelligence agencies notifying us back in 2016 that Manafort's name was being discussed as someone Russian agents were talking to, and then the Wikileaks and then all the intelligence agencies tracing the hacks to Russia, were we supposed to ignore all that? Yes, say the Republicans. I don't think so. Maybe the Trump team just got played and had nothing to do with it, but if that's true, what in hell is he doing so much squawking about, and why do all his people seem to have amnesia when it comes to putting down their contacts with Russians? Too many things to be coincidence. Let's let them take a look; ignore all the media chatter and just wait.
If people actually give a shit, why doesnt anyone say ANYTHING about the left? They had just as much shit going on, if not more... Losing shouldnt matter, should it?

Your logical fallacy is tu quoque

I got nothin against talking about what the left did wrong, but start a different thread about it. This is about the Russia investigation, which for once does not involve Hillary.
why doesn't it involve her? wasn't she involved in the campaign? huh? what planet are you from that you get to decide what is worthy and what isn't worthy. It is very fking important to get all angles of this russia interference, I think hitlery had her hands all over putin. she learned from Bill.
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
This investigation is not because Hillary lost. I realize you will continue to console yourself with that misapprehension, but it's not. It's because the fuckin Russians tried to influence the vote by stealing shit from the DNC and Hillary's campaign chairman AND sending a bazillion trolls, fake news and etc. to influence people like you on social media.
yeah someone exposed how dirty they really are. and that's bad in your eyes. funny you like dishonesty in government I see.
Trump likes golden showers. It's how he gets that orange tinge.

Having Russian hookers pee on you is not against the law. At least here in Merka it isn't. It might be illegal in Russia, I don't know.

The problem is not that golden showers are legal or not, the problem is blackmail.

"Help me get oil back over $60 a barrel, Donny boy, or you and your hookers will be on the front page of Sputnik next week."
ETA; whoopsies that should have read Fusion GPS

Grassley is seriously hunting down alll the players involved in the fake dossier. YAY!

"Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of Fusion GPS, the firm that commissioned the Trump dossier, will plead the Fifth at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for Wednesday, his lawyers say.

Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, was subpoenaed by the committee on Friday after his lawyers said that he would be out of the country on vacation at the time of the hearing, which will explore shortcomings in the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the committee, has been interested in speaking to Simpson about Fusion GPS’s role in two matters: the salacious and uncorroborated Trump dossier, and a lobbying campaign carried out last year against the Magnitsky Act, a law that places sanctions against Russian human rights abusers.

Fusion GPS was hired last June by a supporter of Hillary Clinton’s to investigate Trump’s dealings in Russia. The firm then hired former British spy Christopher Steele to conduct the research."

Co-Founder Of Firm Behind Trump-Russia Dossier Will Plead The Fifth
Huh. Wonder what he thinks he did that was illegal.

Doesn't have to be illegal. Just has to be opened up and explained to the voters. Because no "Intel Report" should EVER include a "fake dossier" developed and PAID FOR as political campaign dirty tricks. And Fusion is connected to about 3 politically PAID "revelations" presented to media as "intelligence". THAT has to be fixed..
Easy, he never said the investigation was a SCAM.
He called it BULLSH!TE!

He stated that attempting to blame the Russians for an ass-whooping by a candidate who has a 40% approval rating was / is RIDICULOUS!

He pointed out that the entire premise that the Russians cost Hillary the election is BS because there is no way they or anyone else could cause that much of a political swing.

He pointed out that 2016 was a SECOND referendum of Hillary Clinton, and she was REJECTED a 2nd (SECOND) time!

"...blame yourself".

So now that Schumer has declared the Russians did not cost Hillary the election and the Democrats have FAILED in their bogus attempts to prove ANY collusion, having them all backfire on them time and again, can we PLEASE end the snowflake subversion, sedition, and conspiracy theories and get back to working for the country?

Oh wait, never mind...the Democrats made it clear that the ONLY thing they stand for ('100% committed') the next 4 years is shutting down the government and not letting anything the GOP and/or President seeks to do does not get done...unless it benefits the Democratic Party. ('F* the nation - it's all about the DNC!')
This investigation is not because Hillary lost. I realize you will continue to console yourself with that misapprehension, but it's not. It's because the fuckin Russians tried to influence the vote by stealing shit from the DNC and Hillary's campaign chairman AND sending a bazillion trolls, fake news and etc. to influence people like you on social media.
yeah someone exposed how dirty they really are. and that's bad in your eyes. funny you like dishonesty in government I see.
She admitted she does. Remember when that judge in hawaii blocked trumps EO? She stated she didnt think he had the legal reasons to do it but was glad he did REGARDLESS of the reasons.

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