Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Adam Smith on progressive taxation:

You are being dishonest, as Marxists so often are. I addressed this yesterday and you fled;

What Smith wrote was;

{"The subjects of every state ought to contribute towards the support of the government, as nearly as possible, in proportion to their respective abilities; that is, in proportion to the revenue which they respectively enjoy under the protection of the state." (Adam Smith, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations)}

Clearly what this advocates is a FLAT TAX, a proportion of every dollar earned. There is nothing in there about graduating taxes or placing greater proportions on some.
You believe ". . . in proportion to their respective abilities. . ." means a flat tax?

A flat tax would be a fixed amount regardless of one's respective abilities.
Of course, America's poor are the envy of poor around the world...but don't let facts stop your bullshit.
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

Something we should all be proud of and thankful for.
Boy are you WRONG there "bikersailor". If a scumbag broke into my house, the LAST thing I'll do is call the cops. I'm well armed, well trained and have no problem defending myself, my family and my property. Same goes for each member of my family. The police would be free to come pick up the bodies of the kidnappers but other than that, I do not require their services.
If you were indeed the kind of badass you might believe yourself to be you would know just how absurd what you've said really is.

Another lefty ad hominem attack with no basis in logic or reason. Shocking!!!

Care to try again, with specifics and using logic and reason? Oh God, don't go there!

If you have the gumption to look after yourself and family it makes you a badass to dems like Mikey. Revealing isn't it?
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

Something we should all be proud of and thankful for.

I agree.

But for some reason, our President doesnt see it the same way. He seems to believe that we are not caring enough and our poor are suffering for it.
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

Something we should all be proud of and thankful for.

Indeed! A free society always produces the most wealth for people at all economic levels. Why we're trying to kill that golden goose is beyond me.
Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

Something we should all be proud of and thankful for.

Indeed! A free society always produces the most wealth for people at all economic levels. Why we're trying to kill that golden goose is beyond me.

They want the ability to control at any cost.
Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

Something we should all be proud of and thankful for.

Indeed! A free society always produces the most wealth for people at all economic levels. Why we're trying to kill that golden goose is beyond me.

I agree..

and to make matters worse....we have politicians villifying us despite it.
Of course, America's poor are the envy of poor around the world...but don't let facts stop your bullshit.
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

You needn't travel too far to see this poverty because it's right here in America. And its presence is increasing daily.

Tent cities rise across the country - US news - Life -

You need to learn the difference between poor and impoverished.
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

You needn't travel too far to see this poverty because it's right here in America. And its presence is increasing daily.

Tent cities rise across the country - US news - Life -

You need to learn the difference between poor and impoverished.

Maybe it's time to leave Nevada if things are that bad then. Probably should've done it before they were destitute but that's the dumb fucks we are dealiing with today.
Time to close the Borders, send the undocumented home, and concentrate the Focus on Day Labor, the type that pays daily. Temp work, Restaurant, Field, Construction. That's how it is done from the bottom up. Always has been.
I was reading somewhere--can't remember the source--recently, and heard it repeated again today that you could confiscate ALL the wealth of that 1% and it would run the government for at most only a few weeks. You could confiscate ALL the wealth of EVERYBODY making $250k or more and it would run the government for at most only a few months--six months at the most. Meanwhile many of the rest of us would have already starved.

Despise the wealth that the 1% has accumulated all you want. Despise the big wheel drawing those multi million dollar salary and bonus practices as much as you want. Resent the fact that many people live very comfortably while you work just as hard and don't prosper nearly as much as you will.

But all those people are our golden goose. Kill it and there is nothing left for anybody.

Economics lesson #1: Government cannot give anything to one person without taking it away from somebody else.

Economics lesson #2: It is the wealthy who make it possible for the unwealthy to support themselves and hopefully qualify to become wealthy. Government cannot sustain that for any length of time without hurting everybody.
I was reading somewhere--can't remember the source--recently, and heard it repeated again today that you could confiscate ALL the wealth of that 1% and it would run the government for at most only a few weeks. You could confiscate ALL the wealth of EVERYBODY making $250k or more and it would run the government for at most only a few months--six months at the most. Meanwhile many of the rest of us would have already starved.

Despise the wealth that the 1% has accumulated all you want. Despise the big wheel drawing those multi million dollar salary and bonus practices as much as you want. Resent the fact that many people live very comfortably while you work just as hard and don't prosper nearly as much as you will.

But all those people are our golden goose. Kill it and there is nothing left for anybody.

Economics lesson #1: Government cannot give anything to one person without taking it away from somebody else.

Economics lesson #2: It is the wealthy who make it possible for the unwealthy to support themselves and hopefully qualify to become wealthy. Government cannot sustain that for any length of time without hurting everybody.

I'm still trying to understand why anyone being a billion, hell, trillionaire, has anything to do with me making my own way in life.:dunno:
I was reading somewhere--can't remember the source--recently, and heard it repeated again today that you could confiscate ALL the wealth of that 1% and it would run the government for at most only a few weeks. You could confiscate ALL the wealth of EVERYBODY making $250k or more and it would run the government for at most only a few months--six months at the most. Meanwhile many of the rest of us would have already starved.

Despise the wealth that the 1% has accumulated all you want. Despise the big wheel drawing those multi million dollar salary and bonus practices as much as you want. Resent the fact that many people live very comfortably while you work just as hard and don't prosper nearly as much as you will.

But all those people are our golden goose. Kill it and there is nothing left for anybody.

Economics lesson #1: Government cannot give anything to one person without taking it away from somebody else.

Economics lesson #2: It is the wealthy who make it possible for the unwealthy to support themselves and hopefully qualify to become wealthy. Government cannot sustain that for any length of time without hurting everybody.

I'm still trying to understand why anyone being a billion, hell, trillionaire, has anything to do with me making my own way in life.:dunno:

It doesn't. But that doesn't get in the way of the class envy group demonizing the billionaire just the same. Unless of course he panders to them by saying he should be paying the same rate in taxes as his secretary (even while he is fighting the IRS to avoid paying a billion or more in back taxes in his own business.)

The hypocrisy is sometimes stunnng.
Here's some of the richest 1% FIGHTING BACK...

[ame=]Clipper Darrell Cartoon and NBA lockout picket - YouTube[/ame]
Obama and the Dems have turned 100% of this country into a nation of beggars and whiners...
So your standard of comparison with America is someplace like Ethiopia?

Let's have a look at how the "poor" in America live. From the latest Census figures:

What is Poverty in the United States: Air Conditioning, Cable TV and an Xbox

Air conditioners, refrigerators, TV, cars, X boxes...and only 1.5% of "poor" household reporting they often didn't have enough food. Until you've seen poverty throughout the world like I have, you have no idea what it means to be poor.

You needn't travel too far to see this poverty because it's right here in America. And its presence is increasing daily.

Tent cities rise across the country - US news - Life -

You need to learn the difference between poor and impoverished.

Trying to contradicting Census information? Wow, I thought you central planner types loved everything that comes from the Federal government, which includes the Census. Guess that's only when it fits your agenda, eh?
Tent cities are a sure sign that we're headed in the wrong direction.. It'll be years before they appear in an official census report..

Maybe too much focusing anger on the scapegoats like those rich doctors and NBA players??? Too much time wasted on unfocused street theatre instead of Leadership???
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


I support the Free Market System and Capitalism. I support JFK and the notion that a rising tide raises all boats regardless of size. I fail to see what benefits will yield if the 1% has its income taken by an elite whose only motive is to acquire more power. How can this help the middle class? If I am poor or middle class, jobless, under-employed,struggling to meet my financial requirements or objectives, how is punishing a 1% so that a select elite can dictate what is best for me under the guise of "Fairness?"......only to see that select elite simply acquire power and kill the middle class.

This country was founded on Capitalism......the promise that persons regardless of class or race can pursue happiness (wealth). This country is replete with success stories of persons overcoming economic hardships and racism to achieve levels of "wealth." These persons were not dependent on a Top 1% being assessed 99% has yet to build an economic case as to how that will be if the Top 1% is punished.

This Country cannot afford to have its Middle Class destroyed from within or led by those whose incentive is not to help the Middle Class, but destroy it under the guise of "helping it".
I support the Free Market System and Capitalism. I support JFK and the notion that a rising tide raises all boats regardless of size. I fail to see what benefits will yield if the 1% has its income taken by an elite whose only motive is to acquire more power. How can this help the middle class? If I am poor or middle class, jobless, under-employed,struggling to meet my financial requirements or objectives, how is punishing a 1% so that a select elite can dictate what is best for me under the guise of "Fairness?"......only to see that select elite simply acquire power and kill the middle class.

This country was founded on Capitalism......the promise that persons regardless of class or race can pursue happiness (wealth). This country is replete with success stories of persons overcoming economic hardships and racism to achieve levels of "wealth." These persons were not dependent on a Top 1% being assessed 99% has yet to build an economic case as to how that will be if the Top 1% is punished.

This Country cannot afford to have its Middle Class destroyed from within or led by those whose incentive is not to help the Middle Class, but destroy it under the guise of "helping it".
I don't believe that you, or most of those who agree with you, have a firm understanding of what capitalism is. While there are many books from which you could learn more about it, the following definition copied from Webster's Thirteenth Collegiate Dictionary should provide you with a little hint. But take my word that it goes much deeper.

capitalism (kapet 'l izem)


1 The economic system in which all or most of the means of production and distribution, as land, factories, railroads, etc., are privately owned and operated for profit, originally under fully competitive conditions: it has been generally characterized by a tendency toward concentration of wealth, and, in its later phase, by the growth of great corporations, increased governmental control, etc.

2 The principles, methods, interests, power, influence, etc. of capitalists, especially of those with large holdings

The problem with capitalism is, like all cancerous growths, it eventually begins to feed on itself. However, it can serve as a productive economic engine provided it is regulated by expedient socialist controls. That is the situation which existed during our most productive and prosperous period, which was between the 40s and he 80s, when Ronald Reagan, the corporatist puppet, came along and started busting unions and removing the control regulations his capitalist sponsors didn't like.

We should have seen what he was up to when the Savings & Loan scandal broke and done something to stop him. But we didn't. Nor did we stop Bush-1, or Clinton, or Bush-2, who almost put the finishing touches on by completely wiping out the middle class, but we didn't. And what we are seeing now are the consequences of un-regulated capitalist growth.
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And yet, you vote for the bleeding heart politicians that write laws requiring hospitals take in all comers. Hypocrite much?!

Nothing hypocritical about it. I support a UHC system.

Of course you do. What program run by the federal government isn't a shining example of efficiency and cost effectiveness? Idiot.

There are plenty. Medicare and SS come notably to mind. If there are inefficiencies, why destroy instead of fixing, fuckwad. (not sure why name calling is necessary, but when in Rome...)

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