Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

Hey Mike..........think that the flat minor would feel the same way if they were sleeping in their house, and someone broke into their house and kidnapped a child of theirs?

I'm pretty sure they'd want the government (in the form of the police) to get involved.
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

US Citizens DO have to purchase certain products. Wanna talk about car insurance?

As far as the pursuit of happiness? Nothing was said that the government had to provide it, it only said that the government wouldn't interfere in your pursuit of it, as long as you didn't interfere with other peoples' pursuit that didn't interfere with yours.

With that being said, why is gay marriage and cannabis still illegal?
But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

US Citizens DO have to purchase certain products. Wanna talk about car insurance??

No one is required to buy or operate a car. Owning a car is not an obligation of citizenship. You fucking liberals are shamelessly stupid.
It has been the GOP Banner since Ronnie Reagan. You know...the old trickle down theory. Only thing is, wealth has been trickling up. The middle class is becoming smaller and the poor are getting poorer. Well done Ronnie!
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.
Bekuz them thar welthee give them the munny to replace them big tyres on duh truk every year and re-seal the trailer roof !
They also Luv Geeziss and honor the flag.
Yeah. I think we should pass a Law that makes every California Lottery Ticket a Winner.

Douger, I hear you hate Breasts. I hate your Avatar Buddy. Too much Pink in it. Pussy.

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

And yet, you vote for the bleeding heart politicians that write laws requiring hospitals take in all comers. Hypocrite much?!
Our country was strongest with a strong Middle Class. The income inequality we are experiencing is destroying the Middle Class...the ACTUAL "job creators".

Again, ignoring that is stupid...almost as stupid as thinking the free market will regulate itself and that the modern day Robber Barons will pay a living wage out of the goodness of their generous hearts.

Income inequality does not destroy the middle class! Again, show us how a guy getting rich automatically means someone else gets less. Wealth is not a finite thing. It can be created or destroyed. It's not some pie to cut up evenly!
Income inequality does indeed destroy the middle class, which is a product of equitable distribution of wealth. The destruction is happening as you read this and we are watching it happen day by day. The American middle class is being destroyed by a corrupt legislative body, by Wall Street, by the banks and by an emerging corporatocracy.

And wealth certainly is finite. Where do you think wealth comes from -- outer space? Wealth is material resources which are represented by money. All material resources are finite. Fiat money, i.e., money which is printed with no material resources to support it is not wealth. It either is a promise or it is fraud. But it is not true wealth.

You are wrong on all accounts, sorry, but you are. Wealth is NOT finite. Do you really think that because Steve Jobs made a lot of money, someone else made less? That is ridiculous. A large spread of income levels is a byproduct of a free and productive society. You want income equality, look to socialist and communist countries...not America.

You REALLY need to read up on real economics. Whoever is influencing you, they are clearly a Keynesian socialist...which never works. Try Mises or Hayek for a stater.
But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

So you dont like the fact that your tax dollars are used to help someone in need?


Why do you hate poor people?
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

Are you saying that the General Welfare clause renders the enumerated powers and the 10th amendment irrelevant? Really? What do you think it means when the Constitution lays out very specific powers granted to the federal government and even goes out of its way to say any power not specifically listed goes to the states? Do you think that was just a suggestion?
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

Hey Mike..........think that the flat minor would feel the same way if they were sleeping in their house, and someone broke into their house and kidnapped a child of theirs?

I'm pretty sure they'd want the government (in the form of the police) to get involved.

Still refusing to answer the question posed?? What are you afraid to say???
Having the wealthy hoovering up all the money is a jobs killer.

True, when the rich (and corporations) don't invest and keep their money on the sidelines, yes, it's a jobs killer.

Now why to you think the rich and corporations are not investing these days? Do you think adding more or less regulations will help the situation? Do you think raising taxes will help the situation? Do you think further government meddling in free markets will encourage more or less investment? Do you think more deficit spending will help?

The answers are obvious to anyone not basing their arguments in emotion.
But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

yahoo from Mississippi?

Generalize much you fucking snob?
Wrong. The government does not exist to provide services. It exists to keep us free and to keep the borders safe. Anything else it is required to do is clearly spelled out in the Constitution...where you won't find much about "essential services".

But you will find something about the general welfare, which presumably includes services which are essential to a properly functioning and secure social order.

Hey Mike..........think that the flat minor would feel the same way if they were sleeping in their house, and someone broke into their house and kidnapped a child of theirs?

I'm pretty sure they'd want the government (in the form of the police) to get involved.

Boy are you WRONG there "bikersailor". If a scumbag broke into my house, the LAST thing I'll do is call the cops. I'm well armed, well trained and have no problem defending myself, my family and my property. Same goes for each member of my family. The police would be free to come pick up the bodies of the kidnappers but other than that, I do not require their services.

Remember, when seconds count, the police are just minutes away.

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