Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

So you dont like the fact that your tax dollars are used to help someone in need?


Why do you hate poor people?

Nope...not what I'm saying at all, but thanks for playing!
Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Here we are with "your own" again.

would that be like, my people? kind?
I don't OWN anyone, anyone here besides liberals believe they do?
LOL! That's like far-left, social-engineering 'interpretations' of the Constitution that sees in the Commerce Clause a justification for requiring US citizens to purchase certain products. Absurd. Kind of like idiots who read the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration of Independence is some kind of law meaning they can do whatever they want when, how, and under any circumstances they want and that the government is obligated to make them 'happy.' :rolleyes:

What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

yahoo from Mississippi?

Generalize much you fucking snob?

Sorry...ever since polls showed that people in Mississippi would outlaw interracial marriage, I tend to pick on yahoos from there.
What is absurd is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual. That is absurd.

So you dont like the fact that your tax dollars are used to help someone in need?


Why do you hate poor people?

Nope...not what I'm saying at all, but thanks for playing! lets see....

What is absurd (means you disagree with the idea of doing it) is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance (referring to someone who does NOT pay taxes in your state) can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual.(meaning that someone who did not put into the system gets out of the system)

So you are correct. You said nothing about the poor.

But it seems you feel that someone who does not puyt into the system should not get anything out of the system.

I find that kind of selfish of you.

I am a conservative and I support welfare for those who really need it.

And you.....DONT!
So you dont like the fact that your tax dollars are used to help someone in need?


Why do you hate poor people?

Nope...not what I'm saying at all, but thanks for playing! lets see....

What is absurd (means you disagree with the idea of doing it) is that some yahoo from Mississippi that doesn't have insurance (referring to someone who does NOT pay taxes in your state) can visit my great state, have something happen to them and then MY STATE has to pick up the tab for that individual.(meaning that someone who did not put into the system gets out of the system)

So you are correct. You said nothing about the poor.

But it seems you feel that someone who does not puyt into the system should not get anything out of the system.

I find that kind of selfish of you.

I am a conservative and I support welfare for those who really need it.

And you.....DONT!

Know what happens when you ASSume?

I support a UHC system where all Americans get the same basic coverage. That's not the system we have.

Now allow me to clarify my position in that I was not talking about someone who cannot afford insurance. I was responding to comments about the individual mandate and Congress regulating interstate commerce (which HC is)
MikeK, your posts are excellent.

To the person who attacked Keynes as a socialist, you need to understand that Keynes was DESCRIBING ECONOMIC REALITY.

I was reading somewhere--can't remember the source--recently, and heard it repeated again today that you could confiscate ALL the wealth of that 1% and it would run the government for at most only a few weeks. You could confiscate ALL the wealth of EVERYBODY making $250k or more and it would run the government for at most only a few months--six months at the most. Meanwhile many of the rest of us would have already starved.:

So you read it somewhere, and you don't even know where, and you certainly didn't stop to see if it is or is not true, and you never stopped to think about whether or not it actually even matters, but you're going to base your opinion on it anyway.
MikeK, your posts are excellent.

To the person who attacked Keynes as a socialist, you need to understand that Keynes was DESCRIBING ECONOMIC REALITY.

I was reading somewhere--can't remember the source--recently, and heard it repeated again today that you could confiscate ALL the wealth of that 1% and it would run the government for at most only a few weeks. You could confiscate ALL the wealth of EVERYBODY making $250k or more and it would run the government for at most only a few months--six months at the most. Meanwhile many of the rest of us would have already starved.:

So you read it somewhere, and you don't even know where, and you certainly didn't stop to see if it is or is not true, and you never stopped to think about whether or not it actually even matters, but you're going to base your opinion on it anyway.

(Actually, if you weren't lazy, you could verify the the numbers that ba1614 gave you just knowing that the Fed Govt is now burning thru $2.5BILL/hour)

Well I'll give you a similiar example of failed redistribution for which I know the source, and you could EASILY verify the details..

Take the CEO of Caterpillar who makes about $10.5Mill/yr (less than 1/2 of an NBA star) out to the parking lot -- let the 90,000 employees mug him for his entire years comp package and take his wallet. How would they make out???

Each employee would get the equivalent of 2 pairs of Caterpillar work boots out of the deal.. or MAYBE a taillight lense from a backhoe..

But if the cheaper more liberal person who replaces him screws up the following year, 9000 of them might lose their jobs... Wanna Play Sat ????

[[adapted from "Eat the Rich" by PJ O'Rourke.. ]]
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Nothing hypocritical about it. I support a UHC system.

Of course you do. What program run by the federal government isn't a shining example of efficiency and cost effectiveness? Idiot.

There are plenty. Medicare and SS come notably to mind. If there are inefficiencies, why destroy instead of fixing, fuckwad. (not sure why name calling is necessary, but when in Rome...)

Cough, cough! I'm sorry, did you just proclaim Medicare and SS to be efficient, cost effective programs?

OH MY GOD....I'm speechless. That is absolutely the dumbest fucking thing I've read. Wow, just wow.

Hey, good luck man, you're going to need it.
(Actually, if you weren't lazy, you could verify the the numbers that ba1614 gave you just knowing that the Fed Govt is now burning thru $2.5BILL/hour)

Is there a single conservative here who has any control over their temper?

The lazy person would be the one who declared that she heard something somewhere and she believes it...apparently because she wants to believe it. Not because the source was trusted, or because she checked it out.

Now you're defending her with something you read somewhere that doesn't actually back up what you're saying, you just want to say it...

(Actually, if you weren't lazy, you could verify the the numbers that ba1614 gave you just knowing that the Fed Govt is now burning thru $2.5BILL/hour)

Is there a single conservative here who has any control over their temper?

The lazy person would be the one who declared that she heard something somewhere and she believes it...apparently because she wants to believe it. Not because the source was trusted, or because she checked it out.

Now you're defending her with something you read somewhere that doesn't actually back up what you're saying, you just want to say it...


No I wanted you to acknowledge the ineffectiveness of redistribution. I gave a solid factual example of how that doesn't SOLVE ANYTHING in regards to most CEO salaries. I'm sure with a few minutes of research I could extend that proof to what ba1416 was trying to demonstrate on a NATIONAL scale..

Want to play? Show me how redistributing the massive salaries of the stars of Three and a Half Men amongst the 100s of show stafff peons and walk-ons working for minimum STAG scale would accomplish "social justice".... After all -- why just pick on CEOs? They are a tiny fraction of the 1%ers aren't they?

Or heck -- make up your own farting rainbows scenarios about redistribution and show me how stupid I am..

BTW: I'm NOT an angry Conservative with a temper problem. That would be BriPat.. ((love u man...)) I'm a happy go-lucky libertarian that loves the environment, has an immense appreciation of humor as a weapon, and really does care more about "the poor" than most lefties I've ever met..
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For you to call me lazy, when I was commenting on a lazy post, suggests to me that you are one of the many angry conservatives who post here.
For you to call me lazy, when I was commenting on a lazy post, suggests to me that you are one of the many angry conservatives who post here.

Conservatives are getting angrier by the day (IMO).. But I'm just plugging along happily debating any leftist who believes that answer to every question is to plunder "the rich".

So you want to play or not? Tell me how the competent and compassionate Fed Govt is gonna BRILLIANTLY reallocate all those plundered riches and solve our Trade Deficit with China to boot...

Show us how you're gonna fix "the poor" and make the NBA players go back to work by playing Robin Hood..
Cough, cough! I'm sorry, did you just proclaim Medicare and SS to be efficient, cost effective programs?

OH MY GOD....I'm speechless. That is absolutely the dumbest fucking thing I've read. Wow, just wow.

Hey, good luck man, you're going to need it.

Social security is a great program, and it has never added anything to the deficit.

Medicare is a wonderful blessing. Medicare saved my Dad's life twenty years ago, and it made his recent cancer treatments [which extended, but did not save his life] possible.

Other nations manage to have health care. I'm sure we can do the same. Right now our problem is that the GOP is opposed to reforming it.
For you to call me lazy, when I was commenting on a lazy post, suggests to me that you are one of the many angry conservatives who post here.

Conservatives are getting angrier by the day (IMO).. But I'm just plugging along happily debating any leftist who believes that answer to every question is to plunder "the rich".

So you want to play or not? Tell me how the competent and compassionate Fed Govt is gonna BRILLIANTLY reallocate all those plundered riches and solve our Trade Deficit with China to boot...

Show us how you're gonna fix "the poor" and make the NBA players go back to work by playing Robin Hood..

Yes, conservatives seem to enjoy being angry.

I am not trying to plunder the rich. I'm only asking that we go back to the tax rates we had before the Bush tax cuts. You know, back when we had a good economy.

Do you guys get a stipend for putting the words the rich in quotation marks? It looks pretty funny when guys on message boards start defending millionaires as not really being all that rich. KWIM?
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Cough, cough! I'm sorry, did you just proclaim Medicare and SS to be efficient, cost effective programs?

OH MY GOD....I'm speechless. That is absolutely the dumbest fucking thing I've read. Wow, just wow.

Hey, good luck man, you're going to need it.

Social security is a great program, and it has never added anything to the deficit.

Medicare is a wonderful blessing. Medicare saved my Dad's life twenty years ago, and it made his recent cancer treatments [which extended, but did not save his life] possible.

Other nations manage to have health care. I'm sure we can do the same. Right now our problem is that the GOP is opposed to reforming it.

Guess you didn't want to pitch your WHOLE well thought out redistribution plans.. I'm bummed..

Sorry to say that as of 2010 -- Social Security DID start to add to the deficit when FICA went below payments. See the Trust Fund has nothing of value in it (see note below)-- and when there's a deficit -- the Treasury issues NEW debt to cover it.

And BTW: Medicare policy KILLED my dad. And their inefficiency actually declared him dead 2 years BEFORE he died. It literally took a Congressman and 6 weeks of my time to straighten out the "clerical error"..

Strike One --- Ball ONe ... Excuse me I've got the World Series on....

[[Note:: Before you start to argue about how TRILLIONS of dollars of cash instruments or useful bonds are in the Trust Fund --- I've got the CBO AND the SSA admitting that shortfalls in the SS income are covered by NEW DEBT -- not anything out of the Trust Fund. It's M-T.. Bad news --- I know... You didn't realize that.. ]]
Guess you didn't want to pitch your WHOLE well thought out redistribution plans.. I'm bummed..

Are you trying to set up a straw man, or are you just irrational?

Sorry to say that as of 2010 -- Social Security DID start to add to the deficit when FICA went below payments. See the Trust Fund has nothing of value in it (see note below)-- and when there's a deficit -- the Treasury issues NEW debt to cover it.

Read this:

FactCheck Gets It Wrong on Social Security and the Deficit | CEPR Blog
For you to call me lazy, when I was commenting on a lazy post, suggests to me that you are one of the many angry conservatives who post here.

Conservatives are getting angrier by the day (IMO).. But I'm just plugging along happily debating any leftist who believes that answer to every question is to plunder "the rich".

So you want to play or not? Tell me how the competent and compassionate Fed Govt is gonna BRILLIANTLY reallocate all those plundered riches and solve our Trade Deficit with China to boot...

Show us how you're gonna fix "the poor" and make the NBA players go back to work by playing Robin Hood..

Yes, conservatives seem to enjoy being angry.

I am not trying to plunder the rich. I'm only asking that we go back to the tax rates we had before the Bush tax cuts. You know, back when we had a good economy.

Do you guys get a stipend for putting the words the rich in quotation marks? It looks pretty funny when guys on message boards start defending millionaires as not really being all that rich. KWIM?

You're aware that about 46% of taxpayers currently are exempt from paying income tax and if you go "back to the Bush Tax Cuts" that number will go DOWN to about 38% right?

Which means you're hunky with adding back all those lower middle class families to the tax roles as well ---- RIGHT? So you're trading the welfare of maybe 200,000 families just to get at those evil millionaires.

And what's the plan? That money gonna go to REDUCE THE DEFICIT? Pay GE to build dishwashers? Pay teachers in California that are suffering from Leftist mismanagement of their state? Bomb three NEW Arab countries? Open a car plant in Finland?

Or are you gonna just drive thru East LA and hand it out to "the needy"???
Republicans support the wealthy because that's where their money comes from.

See Governor Scott Walker and the Koch brothers for example.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


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