Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

Not only should the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world not be punished for their financial success, but they should be acknowledged for the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of jobs their particular vision, efforts, and success have produced. Probably both have single handedly made it possible for tens of thousands to move into the top 5% and/or 1%. Also they both have also given generously of their personal time, talent, and personal fortunes to the arts, to science, to scholarship funds, and to relieve suffering all around the world.

Without that 1%, a lot of the 5% would never have achieved that level of financial success. Without the top 5 to 10%, all of us would have far less opportunity and/or financial success than we have achieved.

Too many on the left want to kill the golden goose thinking then they will have all that lovely gold at once. It simply does not work that way, however. Kill or take down or unrich the rich, and we will all be significantly poorer for it.

This is veneration of the rich. This post. Right here. This is how we speak of God-they are gracious, generous, creative, we owe them our thanks and praise for their goodness and their generosity. We could not achieve without them.

The top marginal rate is at it's lowest in decades. It would not unrich the rich.

Would you care to give the example of where I "praised" the rich?
So now you want to declare that "hating" the rich isn't covered under "hate speech"? I was under the impression that any minority (the haters say 1%, that is a minority) targeted by hateful speech/actions was "hate speech". I guess that is "politically correct" to "hate" the rich.
I don't think I know any of the "1%" well enough to condemn them or "praise" them. But by all means, don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

There's no hate in my comments.

Does that include the personhood bill in the south, or the union stripping in the north, or how about the drug testing of welfare recepients in Florida? All those are social engineering things proposed by the right that would SIGNIFICANTLY increase the size of the government while not doing much in the way of helping anyone.

But the GOP will tell you that they are protecting the rights of the people when it's actually their agenda for social engineering and the rich.

NOTHING has been done in DC since Boehner took over as Speaker of the House towards jobs, just right wing social engineering.

But........they tell us it's for our own good.


When one's taxes are raised for no other reason than that someone has decided that one has too much money, then yes, it is a punishment.

Please pay attention. We are talking about raising taxes on the rich so that we can fund the nation.

It's not "influence," it's outright ownership. When one of the 10 richest people in America decided to put her man in the White House, that was all there was too it. Oprah wanted Obama to be president, she directed the party to make him the candidate, they obeyed. Hillary was shit out of luck, one of the owners of the party had decided.

This is delusional. The "Hollywood Elite" do not dictate who anyone votes for.

But she is "good rich" not "bad rich," right?

Hypocrisy so thick you can cut it with a knife...

Thanks for the tacit admission that your comments were wrong.

People can do good or evil with their money, power, and influence. Surely that is not over your head.

So why aren't the Shitters protesting in front of their homes? Demanding that they "give back?"

We know why, we all do. It's pure partisanship. One set of rules for the elite of the party, a vastly different set for everyone else.




They are sitting together. Clooney isn't at the Democratic National Convention introducing Obama.

As for Tea Bagging, hey, the right wingers brought it up. :eusa_angel:


The HuffingGlue picture is from a good two years after the leftists started calling those who dared protest Wall Street and corrupt government "Teabaggers."

Still better to be a Teabagger than a Shitter...

It's from 2009. You know, when the Tea Party started.
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Please pay attention. We are talking about raising taxes on the rich so that we can fund the nation.

You could take every single dime from every single 'rich' person in the US and it still wouldn't make a dent in our huge debt problem. This class warfare is a distraction and blatant demogoguery. Only reduced spending and increased economic growth is gonna get us out of this mess.
Please pay attention. We are talking about raising taxes on the rich so that we can fund the nation.

You could take every single dime from every single 'rich' person in the US and it still wouldn't make a dent in our huge debt problem. This class warfare is a distraction and blatant demogoguery. Only reduced spending and increased economic growth is gonna get us out of this mess.

You guys love to recite that, I know.

Taxes have been reduced for ten years, and we haven't had growth.

What you want to cut is what helps people stay in the middle class, and helps them escape poverty.

A huge part of the debt crisis is medical costs. The ACA addressed that problem, and the right wants to get rid of it.

It's a class war that the GOP started. We're just fighting back.
It's a class war that the GOP started. We're just fighting back.

That is pathetic lefty bullshit. Class warfare isn't going to help ANYONE in the country. Only a strong, growing economy will. Instead of rallying the villagers against a faceless boogeyman we should be focused on strengthening the economy. It is clear by now that obama CANNOT do that.
It's a class war that the GOP started. We're just fighting back.

That is pathetic lefty bullshit. Class warfare isn't going to help ANYONE in the country. Only a strong, growing economy will. Instead of rallying the villagers against a faceless boogeyman we should be focused on strengthening the economy. It is clear by now that obama CANNOT do that.

We've been attacked, our choices are fighting back or surrendering. I choose fighting back.

The Bush tax cuts have not worked as advertised. When is the GOP going to admit that?
This is veneration of the rich. This post. Right here.

Who do you venerate, the homeless? You teach your kids to strive to grow up and be homeless?

Well, you probably do - but sane people would rather their kids change the world for the better by building the worlds most popular OS.

I can see where you'd want them to grow up to shit in doorsteps and on police cars, though.

This is how we speak of God-they are gracious, generous, creative, we owe them our thanks and praise for their goodness and their generosity. We could not achieve without them.

They have made life for humanity as a whole, better.

The top marginal rate is at it's lowest in decades. It would not unrich the rich.

Yet the wealthy pay more than ever.

See, with the higher rates were absurd loopholes. It was designed to pull the ladder up.

There's no hate in my comments.

Just envy.

Please pay attention. We are talking about raising taxes on the rich so that we can fund the nation.

Yes, robbing your neighbors to get what you want.

The left is devoid of ethics.

This is delusional. The "Hollywood Elite" do not dictate who anyone votes for.


No, just who can run.

Thanks for the tacit admission that your comments were wrong.

Don't be a retard, the left is full of them already.

People can do good or evil with their money, power, and influence. Surely that is not over your head.

I see, so it IS 100% partisan with you..

They are sitting together. Clooney isn't at the Democratic National Convention introducing Obama.


Say goodnight gracie..

It's from 2009. You know, when the Tea Party started.

I went to a Tea Party in 2006. It was aimed at Bush and McCain, who wanted to give the illegals amnesty.

You're not very good at this....
That is pathetic lefty bullshit. Class warfare isn't going to help ANYONE in the country. Only a strong, growing economy will. Instead of rallying the villagers against a faceless boogeyman we should be focused on strengthening the economy. It is clear by now that obama CANNOT do that.

Which is why SAT is desperate to turn the focus on "THE RICH."
That post is devoid of content, Uncensored. You make up accusations and then talk to yourself about how right you are. :cuckoo:
That post is devoid of content, Uncensored. You make up accusations and then talk to yourself about how right you are. :cuckoo:

SAT, you are desperate to focus attention away from the utter failure that is Barack Obama.

The envy that drives you makes you speak ill of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, both of whom have created a better world.

Seriously, who would you prefer your children follow in the footsteps of?
That post is devoid of content, Uncensored. You make up accusations and then talk to yourself about how right you are. :cuckoo:

SAT, you are desperate to focus attention away from the utter failure that is Barack Obama.

The envy that drives you makes you speak ill of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, both of whom have created a better world.

Seriously, who would you prefer your children follow in the footsteps of?

This post is coherent, but it's mostly made up of a war you have going on in your head with some imaginary liberal.

None of this is an attempt to focus attention away from Obama.

I do not envy Gates or Jobs. I have not spoken ill of them. Please review my posts. You have read something into what I'm saying that is not there. I think that they both did/do interesting and valuable work. I respect them. I do not venerate them, and I think that the top marginal rate on their incomes should be raised. As you know, Gates agrees with me. :eusa_angel:

In terms of values, my children are following in their father's and mother's footsteps.

They are both gainfully employed. One is a professional, the other is in grad school as a research assistant.
I'd still like to know why the fuck I had to pay taxes this year when GE not only didn't pay a cent, but they got a 4 BILLION dollar rebate!
It's a class war that the GOP started. We're just fighting back.

That is pathetic lefty bullshit. Class warfare isn't going to help ANYONE in the country. Only a strong, growing economy will. Instead of rallying the villagers against a faceless boogeyman we should be focused on strengthening the economy. It is clear by now that obama CANNOT do that.

We've been attacked, our choices are fighting back or surrendering. I choose fighting back.


Class warfare isn't going to improve the economy or help the nation (and it won't do a damn thing for dopes like you either). You sound like you might enjoy moving to Venezuela.
I'd still like to know why the fuck I had to pay taxes this year when GE not only didn't pay a cent, but they got a 4 BILLION dollar rebate!
Uh...could it be because the CEO of GE (Jeffery Emult) is setting beside Obummer when he made the now infamous gaff about shovel ready jobs not being so shovel ready.....NAH....couldn't be. LOL

9 billion over seas and 5 billion in US profits and not ONE DIME in taxes. Makes sense to me!

I'm brand new and so only read the first page and last. Which means I've skipped the 50 in between...but I get the point and feel sure I ain't missed a DAMN thing. ;~0

At any rate, here goes my first post on USMB.

Here's something that IS coherent just for SAT.

"To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

And then there is this, "It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself."

Those would be the words of Thomas Jefferson. You know, the Declaration of Independence guy? Is that coherent enough for ya or does it require translation?

Here is where liberals are cursed with a convenient loss of memory that keep them from one of those truths. When GW took office, it was with the MESS left behind by Bubba and Dot Com bubble bust. Economy already sucked and the 9/11 happened, which SHUT DOWN Wall Street and sent the market into free fall. Then the anthrax attacks...which nearly destroyed online shopping for months. Then dealing with Afghanistan and Iraq and North Korea with the 11 cruse missiles Clinton had left in the arsenal since he had RAPED our military. And on and on until the Freddy and Fannie debacle which was CAUSED by liberal democrat policies, by the way.

A good liberal drone might say, "So, what's that got to do with the price of eggs in China?"

Well, here's what. Even with all that, when George Bush left office and the democrats took control of BOTH Houses AND the Executive...the deficit of this country was 748 billion dollars, the unemployment rate was about 6% and every DIME of the money he spent in stimulus had been returned to 40 million that was payed back 2 weeks after Obummer took off.

Oh, and had it not been for the Bush tax cuts that liberals claim didn't work yet voted to extend in '06 and '08, this country would have fallen off a cliff in '02!

Now and just over 2 years after Cesar was anointed, the deficit is 3.2 TRILLION dollars (that's more than tripled for the math impaired), the unemployment rate has remained above 9% for 2 years for the first time since 1929, American taxpayers are still out 60 billion from the FIRST Obummer stimulus and we STILL have not had a budget submitted since he took office in DIRECT VIOLATION of the Constitution...something else that has not happened in the HISTORY of this country!

So you guys talk all the smack you want about republicans. But the truth is, even misguided republicans are better on their WORST day than progressives are on their BEST!

By the way, the only 1 percenters on Wall Street are the MORONS who shite where they sleep. Even a DOG has more sense than that. They do NOT represent the middle class...little on the 99%!
That is pathetic lefty bullshit. Class warfare isn't going to help ANYONE in the country. Only a strong, growing economy will. Instead of rallying the villagers against a faceless boogeyman we should be focused on strengthening the economy. It is clear by now that obama CANNOT do that.

We've been attacked, our choices are fighting back or surrendering. I choose fighting back.


Class warfare isn't going to improve the economy or help the nation (and it won't do a damn thing for dopes like you either). You sound like you might enjoy moving to Venezuela.

Irony. It's not just for breakfast anymore.

You're attacking me for being an O-bot, while you recite "move to Venezuela" without an iota of understanding of what is being said about Wall Street. I criticize Wall Street, so you shout Venezuela. :cuckoo:

The middle and lower class-which is you and me-are losing ground in America. The rich are getting rich, thanks to a system that many of them are busy corrupting.
We've been attacked, our choices are fighting back or surrendering. I choose fighting back.


Class warfare isn't going to improve the economy or help the nation (and it won't do a damn thing for dopes like you either). You sound like you might enjoy moving to Venezuela.

Irony. It's not just for breakfast anymore.

You're attacking me for being an O-bot, while you recite "move to Venezuela" without an iota of understanding of what is being said about Wall Street. I criticize Wall Street, so you shout Venezuela. :cuckoo:

The middle and lower class-which is you and me-are losing ground in America. The rich are getting rich, thanks to a system that many of them are busy corrupting.

Why are you losing ground? Give specifics please.

FWIW for the past ten years I have more than tripled my net worth.
The Bush tax cuts are ten years old. Where are the jobs?
Let's see, there was nearly 8 years of sub 6% unemployment...MUCH of that time was under 5%, which is considered full employment by the fuzzy math book keepers in Washington...despite everything that happened under Bush's watch.

You need to ask the democrats who have passed 157 thousand NEW regulations since they took control of both Houses in 2006 where the jobs are. Regulations that have done everything from shut down off shore drilling and driven 120 thousand jobs to Chile where it's more business friendly...CHILE for cripes LITERALLY turning the duck pond and reflecting pool in YOUR back yard into a navigable water and therefore subject to the control of the Federal government.

You need to ask the democrats who have been in charge of the US House of Representatives AND US Senate since 2006 and until last year controlled both houses AND the Executive branch why the tactic of cutting taxes to increased the base and reducing regulations to simplify doing business worked before they took control, why it doesn't work now. Oh, wait. The democrats have INCREASED the regulatory burden on Americans.

And let's just address the mind set that the government can "create" jobs or ANYthing while I'm on a rant. ;~)

The whole idea is ludicrous. The government doesn't create anything...except paper money out of thin air. The government doesn't have a THING that was not forcefully TAKEN from someone else...namely, "We the People!"

Government only does one thing well. Create more government. Over 70% of all jobs created since 2008 have been public sector, mostly part time and temporary jobs. That means tax payer payed for jobs. They don't build things to sell, unless you count GM and Chrysler which we now own. Government doesn't even buy and sale the goods produced by others to support their habit. A concept even a crack head understands!

Oh, and before someone cranks up the, "Obama has fewer federal employees...just like Clinton did." BULL! He, just like Clinton and Bush before him, has simply continued the trend of switching as much of the federal work force to contract personnel as he can. They don't "technically" show up on the federal payroll, but they ARE paid for by tax payers.

Government EATS TAXES. At some point, we are going to reach the point that countries like Greece already has. There will be more people with their hands out than people who actually do work to support the goodies giveaways can support. And if you like the Occupy're gonna LOVE the anarchist that are burning cars and looting businesses on every street in Greece nightly. doesn't matter a damn how fast we row the boat as long as progressives/liberals/socialist are drilling holes in the bottom to let water out. We WILL sink!

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