Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!

The fact that you are willing to be this dishonest means you aren't really confident in your own position.
The Bush tax cuts are ten years old. Where are the jobs?
Let's see, there was nearly 8 years of sub 6% unemployment...MUCH of that time was under 5%, which is considered full employment by the fuzzy math book keepers in Washington...despite everything that happened under Bush's watch.

You need to ask the democrats who have passed 157 thousand NEW regulations since they took control of both Houses in 2006 where the jobs are. Regulations that have done everything from shut down off shore drilling and driven 120 thousand jobs to Chile where it's more business friendly...CHILE for cripes LITERALLY turning the duck pond and reflecting pool in YOUR back yard into a navigable water and therefore subject to the control of the Federal government.

You need to ask the democrats who have been in charge of the US House of Representatives AND US Senate since 2006 and until last year controlled both houses AND the Executive branch why the tactic of cutting taxes to increased the base and reducing regulations to simplify doing business worked before they took control, why it doesn't work now. Oh, wait. The democrats have INCREASED the regulatory burden on Americans.

And let's just address the mind set that the government can "create" jobs or ANYthing while I'm on a rant. ;~)

The whole idea is ludicrous. The government doesn't create anything...except paper money out of thin air. The government doesn't have a THING that was not forcefully TAKEN from someone else...namely, "We the People!"

Government only does one thing well. Create more government. Over 70% of all jobs created since 2008 have been public sector, mostly part time and temporary jobs. That means tax payer payed for jobs. They don't build things to sell, unless you count GM and Chrysler which we now own. Government doesn't even buy and sale the goods produced by others to support their habit. A concept even a crack head understands!

Oh, and before someone cranks up the, "Obama has fewer federal employees...just like Clinton did." BULL! He, just like Clinton and Bush before him, has simply continued the trend of switching as much of the federal work force to contract personnel as he can. They don't "technically" show up on the federal payroll, but they ARE paid for by tax payers.

Government EATS TAXES. At some point, we are going to reach the point that countries like Greece already has. There will be more people with their hands out than people who actually do work to support the goodies giveaways can support. And if you like the Occupy're gonna LOVE the anarchist that are burning cars and looting businesses on every street in Greece nightly. doesn't matter a damn how fast we row the boat as long as progressives/liberals/socialist are drilling holes in the bottom to let water out. We WILL sink!
Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight | ThinkProgress
Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight
Yeah...ya know, I'm not really all that interested in what George Soros thinks about ANYTHING Junky. I'm more interested FACTS.

Facts like if you "create" a temporary job that cost 1.2 million dollars per job to create and it goes away in 6 are pissing away MY TAXES!

Census jobs were NOT real jobs. Acorn get out the vote workers are NOT real jobs. Adding private contract jobs to replace GOVERNMENT workers that are STILL payed for with tax dollars is NOT a private sector job. Solyndra was NOT real jobs.

But there is some truth to it. Obama HAS spent YOUR...assuming you actually have a job....your tax dollars to create more jobs in OTHER countries than George Bush ever did!

If you believe that adding an average of 110 thousand jobs a month since 2009 is more than the the 486 thousand we averaged during Bush is accurate accounting...YOU should be working for the Fed. Cause those A-holes can't add either! ;~)
To the poster who's claiming to have tripled his net worth in the last ten years, good for you. I assume you know that we're talking about the nation as a whole, and not about you in particular.
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Don't waste the bandwidth on this folks. I have posted some VERY good information on the documented results of the Bush tax cuts and SAT didn't look at that either but keeps repeating the same tired, worn out, ignorant sound bites from the leftist anti-Bush boards. Some people desperately need to believe the lies for some reason and don't WANT to see the truth as anything different.
Obama Created More Jobs In One Year Than Bush Created In Eight
Yeah...ya know, I'm not really all that interested in what George Soros thinks about ANYTHING Junky. I'm more interested FACTS.

Facts like if you "create" a temporary job that cost 1.2 million dollars per job to create and it goes away in 6 are pissing away MY TAXES!

Census jobs were NOT real jobs. Acorn get out the vote workers are NOT real jobs. Adding private contract jobs to replace GOVERNMENT workers that are STILL payed for with tax dollars is NOT a private sector job. Solyndra was NOT real jobs.

But there is some truth to it. Obama HAS spent YOUR...assuming you actually have a job....your tax dollars to create more jobs in OTHER countries than George Bush ever did!

If you believe that adding an average of 110 thousand jobs a month since 2009 is more than the the 486 thousand we averaged during Bush is accurate accounting...YOU should be working for the Fed. Cause those A-holes can't add either! ;~)

You're not at all interested in facts, or you wouldn't post this nonsense. No job cost 1.2 million dollars to create.

Census jobs are real, but temporary, just like ACORN voter registration jobs.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:


I'm not a republican, however I do support free markets and freedom in general..

I don't feel the need to hate an individual because they have more than I do. If anything it makes me work harder because in this free country anyone can become a millionaire or billionaire..

If it wasn't for the driving force to make money - you wouldn't have half the shit you have now - including your computer which you use now to bash capitalism...

Without the reward innovation would never happen...

Do you really believe apple builds new iphones every few months just to make YOU happy???

You get better shit every few months because those who dream up a new version only created that new version for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$... That was their reward for making you a better phone, or computer or road...

Capitalism rewards success...

Class warfare isn't going to improve the economy or help the nation (and it won't do a damn thing for dopes like you either). You sound like you might enjoy moving to Venezuela.

Irony. It's not just for breakfast anymore.

You're attacking me for being an O-bot, while you recite "move to Venezuela" without an iota of understanding of what is being said about Wall Street. I criticize Wall Street, so you shout Venezuela. :cuckoo:

The middle and lower class-which is you and me-are losing ground in America. The rich are getting rich, thanks to a system that many of them are busy corrupting.

Why are you losing ground? Give specifics please.

FWIW for the past ten years I have more than tripled my net worth.

Apparently my question proved too difficult to answer.
I answered your question. Surely you are aware that the middle and lower classes are losing ground.
I answered your question. Surely you are aware that the middle and lower classes are losing ground.

Kindly direct me to the post where you answered this question.

Why are you losing ground? Give specifics please.
The stock market has been closing above 12,000 over the past couple of weeks.

Anyone remember what it was just as Jr. left office?

Yup, but let's put it all into its proper perspective:


Sorry that USMB reduced the graphic down so small, but if you'll put a magnifying glass on the years, you will see that the market did very very well during the Bush years. There was the crash following 9/11 but it recovered. And the crash of 2008 was due to the bursting of the housing bubble that had been building since the Carter years but greatly escalated from Clinton's administration on. You also see the crash of the bubble during Clinton's administration. President Bush warned Congress 17 times to do fix the housing bubble and this was far enough ahead that if Congress had acted, they could have prevented or at least greatly mitigated the crash. But the Democratically controlled Congress in 2007 and 2008 ignored him or the likes of Frank and Dodd went frequently before the cameras to advise us that all was just fine and dandy.

You can't hang that one all on George W. Bush. You can hang him for a lot of crimes during his administration, but not that one.
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A Lost Decade for Jobs - BusinessWeek

Between May 1999 and May 2009, employment in the private sector sector only rose by 1.1%, by far the lowest 10-year increase in the post-depression period.

How dishonest.

We know that the crash in the second half of 2008 wiped out the job market. Do you have anything constructive to add?

If I could turn you into an honest poster, I'd do it. But that's out of my control.

Of course 2008 hurt jobs-but there were problems long before that.

I answered your question. Surely you are aware that the middle and lower classes are losing ground.

Kindly direct me to the post where you answered this question.

Why are you losing ground? Give specifics please.

Earlier in the thread, I explained to you that we were speaking of the nation as a whole, and not individuals. We are all aware that all conservative posters on message boards are self-made rich people.
Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ

President George W. Bush entered office in 2001 just as a recession was starting, and is preparing to leave in the middle of a long one. That’s almost 22 months of recession during his 96 months in office.

His job-creation record won’t look much better. The Bush administration created about three million jobs (net) over its eight years, a fraction of the 23 million jobs created under President Bill Clinton‘s administration and only slightly better than President George H.W. Bush did in his four years in office.

Here’s a look at job creation under each president since the Labor Department started keeping payroll records in 1939. The counts are based on total payrolls between the start of the month the president took office (using the final payroll count for the end of the prior December) and his final December in office.

Because the size of the economy and labor force varies, we also calculate in percentage terms how much the total payroll count expanded under each president. The current President Bush, once taking account how long he’s been in office, shows the worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records.
If I could turn you into an honest poster, I'd do it. But that's out of my control.

Of course 2008 hurt jobs-but there were problems long before that.

Please stop lying - we know you love your party, but no one here believes your bullshit.

The job market was extremely strong - until 2008.

Earlier in the thread, I explained to you that we were speaking of the nation as a whole, and not individuals. We are all aware that all conservative posters on message boards are self-made rich people.

The nation as a whole has seen the poor and middle get richer - but not to the extent of the wealthy. Envy and greed are the driving factors of the left, so it angers you that others did better than you, even though your fortunes have improved.

Like the spoiled little fuck screaming "Johnny got a bigger piece of pie," you'd rather no one got any than someone get more than you.

Such is the left.
I answered your question. Surely you are aware that the middle and lower classes are losing ground.

The lower and middle aren't "losing ground," they're gaining ground - just not as much ground as the top. Your envy and greed make you seethe, not because you have less - you have more, but because others got a bigger slice on the increase.

Such is the left.
Please explain Americans why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

I could never understand why the misguided mouthpieces in the Republican Party continue to make excuses for the top 1% wealthiest while dissing their own in the middle class. Cowards and Traitors, the bunch of ya. While the middle class is trying to unite against the wealthiest, some in the middle class are playing the Benedict Arnold role - all in the name of the Grand Ol' Party. :dunno:

Shameless Cowards - the lot of you:eusa_naughty:

The Republicans I know are middle class as am I (I am a moderate Democrat). Neither they or I support the wealthy over the middle class, that is left wing nutter propaganda. What we do is support not only the middle class, but also the poor but we are wise enough to recognize that it is they who invest the most create and maintain the most jobs and, uh, that would be the rich as Obama defines them. (Anyone with an income over $250K a year)

It is absolute BS to make statements like you did and unless you are less than average intelligence you already know that. You will define your intelligence by your answer.

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