Please explain why you Republicans support the wealthy over your own middle class?

If I could turn you into an honest poster, I'd do it. But that's out of my control.

Of course 2008 hurt jobs-but there were problems long before that.

Please stop lying - we know you love your party, but no one here believes your bullshit.

The job market was extremely strong - until 2008.

Wow, you think I can invent links and charts on the spur of the moment? :cuckoo: And that you only have to rhetorically attack those links and charts to WIN! :cuckoo:

Earlier in the thread, I explained to you that we were speaking of the nation as a whole, and not individuals. We are all aware that all conservative posters on message boards are self-made rich people.

The nation as a whole has seen the poor and middle get richer - but not to the extent of the wealthy. Envy and greed are the driving factors of the left, so it angers you that others did better than you, even though your fortunes have improved.

Like the spoiled little fuck screaming "Johnny got a bigger piece of pie," you'd rather no one got any than someone get more than you.

Such is the left.

I answered your question. Surely you are aware that the middle and lower classes are losing ground.

The lower and middle aren't "losing ground," they're gaining ground - just not as much ground as the top. Your envy and greed make you seethe, not because you have less - you have more, but because others got a bigger slice on the increase.

Such is the left.

The lower and middle class are losing ground. You can't handle reality, so you invent stories about greed and envy instead of looking at the facts.

Report finds middle class losing ground - Connecticut Post

After recession, middle and working classes lose ground -

America's Middle Class Still Losing Ground
Earlier in the thread, I explained to you that we were speaking of the nation as a whole, and not individuals. We are all aware that all conservative posters on message boards are self-made rich people.
I am a moderate democrat. But I can no longer support Obama. He has added to the debt at a rate 1.78 times that of Bush II.

Also, I hope you recognize that the causes of the recession during the end of Bush, beginning of Obama was CAUSED by the real estate bubble which did/was caused by several things:
1. Caused prices to far exceed value making millions of loans underwater and unsaleable.
2. CRA and over extended (gambles interest would not go up) ARMs caused a lot of the problem.
3. Speculators buying and financing unwisely expecting a quick turnover forced real estate to be very over priced, again, unsaleable.

These issues have been around for some time but only during the Bush Administration did they get out of hand by greedy people trying to get more than they could afford. Most of it was not Bush's fault, but he did contribute.

Now all we need is for Obama to grow up and show some economic sense for the next year and we may pull out of the doldrums.

Then maybe the jobs will come back and the middle class will keep up. But remember, it is the rich who provide most of the investment money which allows companies to hire. When the rich get less rich, jobs for the middle class dry up.
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Wow, you think I can invent links and charts on the spur of the moment? :cuckoo: And that you only have to rhetorically attack those links and charts to WIN! :cuckoo:

Your links and charts don't support your claims, they show that 2008 wiped out the gains of the years before it.

Between January 20, 2001 and December 31, 2007; the job market was healthy and vibrant. That is a fact that no amount of bullshit changes.

Yep, September 2008 wiped everything out - yep, rating jobs as of 2009 shows a 1.1% growth - yep, you can pretend this somehow alters the facts.

It doesn't: between January 20, 2001 and December 31, 2007; the job market was healthy and vibrant.

The lower and middle class are losing ground. You can't handle reality, so you invent stories about greed and envy instead of looking at the facts.

That is false.

Editorials from leftists don't make your point.
Earlier in the thread, I explained to you that we were speaking of the nation as a whole, and not individuals. We are all aware that all conservative posters on message boards are self-made rich people.
I am a moderate democrat. But I can no longer support Obama. He has added to the debt at a rate 1.78 times that of Bush II.

Also, I hope you recognize that the causes of the recession during the end of Bush, beginning of Obama was CAUSED by the real estate bubble which did/was caused by several things:
1. Caused prices to far exceed value making millions of loans underwater and unsaleable.
2. CRA and over extended (gambles interest would not go up) ARMs caused a lot of the problem.
3. Speculators buying and financing unwisely expecting a quick turnover forced real estate to be very over priced, again, unsaleable.

These issues have been around for some time but only during the Bush Administration did they get out of hand by greedy people trying to get more than they could afford. Most of it was not Bush's fault, but he did contribute.

Now all we need is for Obama to grow up and show some economic sense for the next year and we may pull out of the doldrums.

Then maybe the jobs will come back and the middle class will keep up. But remember, it is the rich who provide most of the investment money which allows companies to hire. When the rich get less rich, jobs for the middle class dry up.

You're not a moderate Democrat, but you play one on internet message boards.

Obama's efforts have been blocked by a senseless Congress.
Wow, you think I can invent links and charts on the spur of the moment? :cuckoo: And that you only have to rhetorically attack those links and charts to WIN! :cuckoo:

Your links and charts don't support your claims, they show that 2008 wiped out the gains of the years before it.

Between January 20, 2001 and December 31, 2007; the job market was healthy and vibrant. That is a fact that no amount of bullshit changes.

Yep, September 2008 wiped everything out - yep, rating jobs as of 2009 shows a 1.1% growth - yep, you can pretend this somehow alters the facts.

It doesn't: between January 20, 2001 and December 31, 2007; the job market was healthy and vibrant.

Once again, you make claims, and don't support them. The job market was not healthy and vibrant in those years.

Again, from the WSJ:

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ
For six of the seven indicators, the average annual growth rate between 2001 and 2007 was below the average growth rate for the comparable periods of other post-World War II economic expansions. Notably, this expansion was among the weakest since World War II with respect to both overall economic growth and growth in fixed non-residential investment. These two indicators should have captured any positive “growth effects” of the tax cuts.
The labor market also was weaker during the 2001-2007 expansion. Both employment growth and wage and salary growth were weaker during this expansion as a whole than in any prior expansion since the end of World War II.
The 2001-2007 expansion outperformed the average post-World War II expansion in only one area: corporate profits, which grew much more rapidly than average.

These conclusions hold whether one focuses on comparisons that examine the period since the expansion began in the fourth quarter of 2001, or comparisons that examine the period since the last business-cycle peak (i.e., since the 1990s expansion ended in the first quarter of 2001).

How Robust Was the 2001-2007 Economic Expansion? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The editorials contain facts that make my point.
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- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!

Why are the OWS preventing the "middle class" from getting to work on time? Why are they harrassing the "middle class" on their way to work? Why are the OWS hurting local businesses? Do they want Walmart to move into the void?
I'd still like to know why the fuck I had to pay taxes this year when GE not only didn't pay a cent, but they got a 4 BILLION dollar rebate!

They have a "thing" with Obama.

- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!

Why are the OWS preventing the "middle class" from getting to work on time? Why are they harrassing the "middle class" on their way to work? Why are the OWS hurting local businesses? Do they want Walmart to move into the void?

Are they?
- The Tea Party support the Wealthy

- The 99%ers Occupying Wall Street support the Middle Class

Choose your side and lets get on with it!

Why are the OWS preventing the "middle class" from getting to work on time? Why are they harrassing the "middle class" on their way to work? Why are the OWS hurting local businesses? Do they want Walmart to move into the void?

Are they?

Not at Zuccotti park they are not, you do not have to walk through the park to get to any of the office buildings down there.
Same reason the Poor White Trash of the South were willing to fight for the rich Slaveowners. Hoping to become one some day.
Why are the OWS preventing the "middle class" from getting to work on time? Why are they harrassing the "middle class" on their way to work? Why are the OWS hurting local businesses? Do they want Walmart to move into the void?

Are they?

Not at Zuccotti park they are not, you do not have to walk through the park to get to any of the office buildings down there.

Do you have to walk thru unsanitary conditions to get around that area? How is having open sewage in the area not harrassment to the senses or promoting the local businesses?
Between May 1999 and May 2009, employment in the private sector sector only rose by 1.1%, by far the lowest 10-year increase in the post-depression period.
Uh...for the functionally delusional, THAT is because it was ALSO the longest sustained period of what is know statistically as FULL EMPLOYMENT since 1929!

When the unemployment rate is below 4.5-5%...that's full employment. You do NOT get big increases in employment figures when EVERYONE IS WORKING!

Liars figure and figures lie!
It's not a matter of supporting the wealthy over the middle class, but one of supporting free market systems and freedom of choice in the marketplace.


Wall Street ran a $516 trillion dollar derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

That's the free market for you.

Capitalism without regulation is the Mafia.
Are they?

Not at Zuccotti park they are not, you do not have to walk through the park to get to any of the office buildings down there.

Do you have to walk thru unsanitary conditions to get around that area? How is having open sewage in the area not harrassment to the senses or promoting the local businesses?

Not to mention the damage they've caused to the local businesses. I know of atleast one business woman complaining because they destroyed the shops bathroom flooding the store.
You're not a moderate Democrat, but you play one on internet message boards.

Obama's efforts have been blocked by a senseless Congress.

Do you say this because you don't believe democrats can be moderate? Every democrat MUST BE a full blown Obamabot fascist? Do you seek to purge the party of any moderates or other heretics?

Once again, you make claims, and don't support them. The job market was not healthy and vibrant in those years.

They aren't in question,

You mean 2009 wiped out the job gains?

Damn, who knew?

For six of the seven indicators, the average annual growth rate between 2001 and 2007 was below the average growth rate for the comparable periods of other post-World War II economic expansions. Notably, this expansion was among the weakest since World War II with respect to both overall economic growth and growth in fixed non-residential investment. These two indicators should have captured any positive “growth effects” of the tax cuts.


I realize that you are a partisan who holds your party above reality, but you're embarrassing yourself.

{The 5.6 percent unemployment rate is the lowest in two years and below the average of the 1980s (7.3 percent) and '90s (5.8 percent), and still continues to drop.

The nation's economic output revealed the strongest quarterly growth in 20 years. The data for the fourth quarter of 2003 show that the civilian labor force rose by 333,000, while the number of unemployed in the labor force dropped by 575,000, and the number of so-called discouraged workers is less than .3 percent of the workforce, according to Paul Kersey of the Heritage Foundation.

Consumer spending grew between 4 percent and 5 percent last year, and real hourly earnings rose 1.5 percent. Real earnings have risen over the last three years.

Exports doubled to 19 percent in the fourth quarter, compared to less than 9 percent in the third.

The number of American workers is at an all-time high of 138.5 million, a level never before attained in U.S. history.

Jobless claims are 10 percent below the average of the last 25 years and still falling.

Hiring indices are up, even in manufacturing.

Productivity growth is extremely high. }

The Facts Show Increase of Jobs Under Bush

Bush was reelcted because jobs and the economy were good in 2004, not because they sucked.

This is also why your Messiah® will not be reelected, no matter how much you hate Bush. (I know, you're doing your part with daily Hate sessions!)

The labor market also was weaker during the 2001-2007 expansion. Both employment growth and wage and salary growth were weaker during this expansion as a whole than in any prior expansion since the end of World War II.

Total fucking lie.

The 2001-2007 expansion outperformed the average post-World War II expansion in only one area: corporate profits, which grew much more rapidly than average.

These conclusions hold whether one focuses on comparisons that examine the period since the expansion began in the fourth quarter of 2001, or comparisons that examine the period since the last business-cycle peak (i.e., since the 1990s expansion ended in the first quarter of 2001).

How Robust Was the 2001-2007 Economic Expansion? — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The editorials contain facts that make my point.[/QUOTE]

You're full of shit.

You're saying GE DOESN'T have a thing with Obama?

{Some corporate embarrassment today for President Obama.

The chairman of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness -- also the CEO of a billion-dollar company -- paid no corporate taxes in 2010.}

This is why no one pays attention to you - you're a partisan hack with no integrity. You say things, not based on whether they are true or false, but based on the impact they have on your shameful party. You don't give a fuck if what you post is a blatant lie, as long as it serves your party.
Are they?

Not at Zuccotti park they are not, you do not have to walk through the park to get to any of the office buildings down there.

Do you have to walk thru unsanitary conditions to get around that area? How is having open sewage in the area not harrassment to the senses or promoting the local businesses?

There is not open sewage and Zuccotti park stands alone on its own block, you would have to cross the street from an office building to enter it.

You're saying GE DOESN'T have a thing with Obama?

{Some corporate embarrassment today for President Obama.

The chairman of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness -- also the CEO of a billion-dollar company -- paid no corporate taxes in 2010.}

This is why no one pays attention to you - you're a partisan hack with no integrity. You say things, not based on whether they are true or false, but based on the impact they have on your shameful party. You don't give a fuck if what you post is a blatant lie, as long as it serves your party.

G.E. is unlikely to pay any taxes this year either even as it continues to ship thousands of jobs overseas--most recently its entire X-ray division-- and also recently entered into a contract with China to build airliners that will compete with American aviation and will also share critical sensistive technical information with the Chinese. And yes, the CEO of G.E. is the chairman of the President's "job creation" initiative. Great choice, yes? Creating lots and lots of jobs overseas. I wonder if the President is counting those in jobs created?

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