Please Help Spread My Petition - I Reject The Democratic Party Until Bernie Sanders' Access Is Rest

Hi Everyone!

I created a petition on that promises to withdraw support from the corrupt Democratic Party until Bernie Sanders' access to voter data is restored. Recent events have created a vastly uneven playing field between the candidates, and young people especially are feeling alienated by the process.
The Democratic National Committee: I Reject The Democratic Party Until Bernie Sanders' Access Is Restored

Thank you for signing and helping spread my petition. I'm hoping we get enough signatures to get the DNC's attention.

Thank you,
I rejected the Democratic Party in 1960 but I'll sign the petition if it keeps Hitlery out of the White House.

It should help your goals almost as much as voting all those right wingers in during the last little midterm. In other words, none at all.
Uh................, we won, Bullfrog.

Sure, but what good did it do you?
Made me feel like dancing. That's good. :dance:
Hi Everyone!

I created a petition on that promises to withdraw support from the corrupt Democratic Party until Bernie Sanders' access to voter data is restored. Recent events have created a vastly uneven playing field between the candidates, and young people especially are feeling alienated by the process.
The Democratic National Committee: I Reject The Democratic Party Until Bernie Sanders' Access Is Restored

Thank you for signing and helping spread my petition. I'm hoping we get enough signatures to get the DNC's attention.

Thank you,
I rejected the Democratic Party in 1960 but I'll sign the petition if it keeps Hitlery out of the White House.

It should help your goals almost as much as voting all those right wingers in during the last little midterm. In other words, none at all.
Uh................, we won, Bullfrog.

Sure, but what good did it do you?
Made me feel like dancing. That's good. :dance:

Doesn't take much to entertain a small mind, does it?
I rejected the Democratic Party in 1960 but I'll sign the petition if it keeps Hitlery out of the White House.

It should help your goals almost as much as voting all those right wingers in during the last little midterm. In other words, none at all.
Uh................, we won, Bullfrog.

Sure, but what good did it do you?
Made me feel like dancing. That's good. :dance:

Doesn't take much to entertain a small mind, does it?
I wouldn't know.
Shi'a pope ayatollah Khamenei alias Bernie Sanders to San Bernardino - BIG BANG now
2015 US democratic primaries - Bernie Sanders steps on stage as only opposition to Hillary Clinton.
Dec 30, 2015 "news" - "The Second Coming of Khomeini".
Jan 4, 2016 - Khamenei says US faces 'punch in mouth' in Iran polls
The photo mocks the human cattle with truth in plain sight, designed to prompt this type of comment:
"is this picture taken in Iran? I wouldn't think that he'd be sitting beside a Christmas tree"

To get all these Khomeini, Khamenei and Bernie Sanders illuminati jokes:
2013 - for the first time since illuminati took control of the Vatican in 1958 and for the final act, illuminati cast an Hollywood actor as pope.
Jonathan Pryce, who previously played argentinian Peron in Evita, becomes Pope Francis, the first new name for a pope to be stripped of its cardinal ("I", the first).
Same actor plays suicide bomber Bernie Sanders and Sh'a pope ayatollah Khamenei, as exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet Matt.
But the for the climax of this type of parallel script the year is 1979, not 2015, when Hollywood actor Sean Connery as Ayatollah Khomeini arrived to Iran to proclaim the world's first islamic state.

Dec 30, 2015 - "The Second Coming of Khomeini"
The Second Coming of Khomeini

The actor playing "Bernie Sanders" in his main role, supposedly in Iran now, by the Christmas tree.
Khamenei says US faces 'punch in mouth' in Iran polls
Khamenei says US faces 'punch in mouth' in Iran polls

Illuminati milestones: 1979:
The day that illuminati launched the "islamist states" agenda that would later produce countless copies, from Afghanistan's Taliban to Egypt's Morsi and Turkey's Erdogan and the ultimate version, the ISIS mini-state of Raqqa in Syria.
Illuminati Milestones: Sean Connery as Ayatollah Khomeini islamic state series launched

The 1979 reverse of illuminati script in Iran pales in comparison to what will now happen in the USA, EU, Australia, Canada:
The ultimate reverse script starts with a sudden inversion just before the BIG BANG, launched with Obama's staged arrest,
Some of the scripts that will be suddenly inverted:
Big Bang is NOW - from annihilation of pensions and savings to race war: Most extreme inversion of illuminati scripts ever

Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts: Ayatollah Khamenei is Bernie Sanders: Khomeini, pope Francis the Hollywood popes parallel script
Photo clearly showing the prosthetics enlarged "Ayatollah Khamenei"'s nose
Just How Powerful Is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei Of Iran?

Talk of religious popes wearing fake eyebrowss: the ultimate reverse script to ayatollah Khamenei is the parallel role to Sanders played by the Illuminati Grand Master in the 2008 electiion
Talk of Hollywood popes Khomeini 1979 and Francis 2013: the ultimate reverse script is the Illuminati Grand Master in the only role where he appears without prosthetics.
Blogger: User Profile: MattMarriott
Talk of popes and truth in plain sight with one actor playing several roles:
Jun 1. 2015 - Bush's vice president "Dick Cheney" resurfaces years later, "bloodthirsty and just in time for 2016", to remind the audience about some of his roles making headlines:
- without add-ons, fulfilling the commadment of truth in plain sight: "Yes We Will (Raise Taxes)" jew Bernie Sanders and militia standoff instigator Cliven Bundy.
- with a beard: the pope role, ayatollah Khamenei, leader of all of the world's shi'a muslims.
But bearded or not, all this pales in comparison with America's "s "Yes We can" pope of hope, the Obamessiah of the Obamantion of Desolation.

Jun 1, 2015 - Dick Cheney reemerges: Bloodthirsty veep is back to promote endless war — just in time for 2016
Dick Cheney reemerges: Bloodthirsty veep is back to promote endless war — just in time for 2016

Illuminati parallel and reversed scripts: Ayatollah Khamenei is Bernie Sanders: Khomeini, pope Francis the Hollywood popes parallel script
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