Please pray for those devestated in the Colorado flooding


Gold Member
Jul 3, 2013
Please pray for those devestated in the Colorado flooding:

PHOTOS: Colorado floods devastate Boulder, Lyons, Longmont, Front Range communities

Colorado at mercy of Congress on flood relief funds

The Colorado Department of Transportation says at least 50 bridges were destroyed or damaged and more than 200 lane miles of highway were affected.

The costs are expected to easily run into the hundreds of millions of dollars. Repairs have already begun, with the state using all of its $100 million contingency fund to get work started, along with an intial $35 million coming from the federal government.

Colorado at mercy of Congress on flood relief funds - The Denver Post
Floods are awful. My prayers go out to them. The earthquakes are next. That is going to really escalate things. It is reflecting what is going on in the spirit realm. Whatever happens in the spirit realm manifests in the natural realm. That is how you know what is going on - what is coming -... we are getting ready for some violent shaking in the earthly realm. I could sense it last night and this morning. Something big is coming.

- J.
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Everyone needs to be praying for this nation right now. Prayer works and is more powerful with many joining in...... so get involved and pray. If you don't know how then cry and pound the floor begging God for mercy for America. Think of your children, your family members then plead like you are before a Judge! That will work too..
Colorado is known for flooding. If people choose to live in those areas I cannot feel sorry when it happens. And why should congress be paying for any of it?
Everyone needs to be praying for this nation right now. Prayer works and is more powerful with many joining in...... so get involved and pray. If you don't know how then cry and pound the floor begging God for mercy for America. Think of your children, your family members then plead like you are before a Judge! That will work too..

There is no evidence for the sweeping claim that 'prayer works'. Though it may, I suppose, make those doing the praying feel even more smug, superior and self-righteous.
What if a little prayer puts CO on someones heart and that translates into a donation or some volunteer time?

Just 'cause there's no God listening, don't discount the power of prayer.
What if a little prayer puts CO on someones heart and that translates into a donation or some volunteer time?

Just 'cause there's no God listening, don't discount the power of prayer.

If there's no God listening, what good do prayer do? It gives you a sense of false hope.

I know I come off hostile to religion, but frankly, It's really just a scam to enrich otherwise worthless people.
Wouldn't it be better to do something useful, like volunteer or send money to a relief organization, than to beg an imaginary sky pixie for help?

It brings awareness and since the job is too big for one person alone, that is a good thing because we might find ways to help. Conversation also brings empathy so hearts might be changed to help.
Everyone needs to be praying for this nation right now. Prayer works and is more powerful with many joining in...... so get involved and pray. If you don't know how then cry and pound the floor begging God for mercy for America. Think of your children, your family members then plead like you are before a Judge! That will work too..

There is no evidence for the sweeping claim that 'prayer works'. Though it may, I suppose, make those doing the praying feel even more smug, superior and self-righteous.

Prayer changes me because I can think about others who are less fortunate than myself and I can feel compassion. Prayer brings people together and might let us lower our walls that keep people apart and sometimes we can work together in small ways or for a short time.
What if a little prayer puts CO on someones heart and that translates into a donation or some volunteer time?

Just 'cause there's no God listening, don't discount the power of prayer.

If there's no God listening, what good do prayer do? It gives you a sense of false hope.

I know I come off hostile to religion, but frankly, It's really just a scam to enrich otherwise worthless people.

I understand how you feel, but true freedom requires tolerance.

Sometimes you have to ask, "What's the harm?" :dunno:

False hope has fomented more survival stories than no hope.
Everyone needs to be praying for this nation right now. Prayer works and is more powerful with many joining in...... so get involved and pray. If you don't know how then cry and pound the floor begging God for mercy for America. Think of your children, your family members then plead like you are before a Judge! That will work too..

Who taught you that the prayers of man can change God's will for His creation that was created before anything visible existed?

Remember what Jesus said about the religious Jews who prayed openly in public?
It's not wise to live in a flood zone. Or an earthquake zone. or a hurricane zone. or a tornado zone. God can be cruel with his acts.
What if a little prayer puts CO on someones heart and that translates into a donation or some volunteer time?

Just 'cause there's no God listening, don't discount the power of prayer.

If there's no God listening, what good do prayer do? It gives you a sense of false hope.

I know I come off hostile to religion, but frankly, It's really just a scam to enrich otherwise worthless people.

I don't feel you come off hostile to religion, Joe. I sense your hostility is directed towards God himself. For allowing some things to go on which you discern should not be happening..... I'll be praying for you that the Lord will reveal to you it isn't God you are hating but the "picture of God" you are being presented with that is turning you off. It could also have begun with the picture of God you were been presented with as a child. I have heard many people say what you are saying now.. I read your other replies.... I can only tell you that my first inclination as a tiny child was to believe all there was about God and to even come up with my own ideas of how big he was. How tall he was, how big his hands must be! Oh! I had many different ideas about how he would rescue me although at the time I didn't realize that he had given man a free will.

Every man, every woman, a free will did he give them. It wasn't up to him how they behaved but rather up to them! It was up to them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and walk in love or to reject his Son whom he did send - and live apart from God where ever wicked act that has ever taken place lives - in the hearts of mankind and is acted out daily some place upon the earth...

So the blame was never on our heavenly Father but rather on those who had rejected his plan for their lives. God has a purpose and plan for our lives, Joe, we are not some random mistake... once we believe the lie that God does not exist, that God does not love us, that God will not hear our prayers if we abide in His Son Jesus and his words abide in us, once we believe there is no hope and that this is all there is - the here and now - man goes his own way... doing his own will instead of the Lords... this is what I pick up that you are disgusted with and while I understand your despair, I also know that God is able to reveal Himself to you as he truly is and I believe him to do it for you because I know he answers prayer ( through his Son Jesus Christ - our intercessor ) and that it is his will for you to be reconciled back to him. That is the very reason he sent His only Begotten Son to die upon Calvary's tree. If you had been the only person here upon the earth to do that for - he would have sent him for you alone. That is how much he loves you, Joe. It's true.

Now there are many people who honestly do not believe in God - they have no idea he is real and God will reveal himself to these people in his time - while those who know the Lord will gently share the truth with them, then do the rest in prayer for that individual.. because all the words in the world will not help such a one - it is not by might ( of man ) not by power ( of man ) but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord. Whose Spirit? The Lords - The Holy Spirit.

It is the most natural thing in the world for any child to have a relationship with God - the most natural thing in the world for a child to come to God, to believe in God and to think of God as a "genius" - so many wonderful thoughts children have about God - it is the adults in their lives who destroy, who crush, who pervert and twist the picture of who God is and then when the full damage has been done? They say the things you are saying today, Joe. I know God loves you and he will little by little reveal his nature to you, his love to you, and ultimately? His healing and restoration By faith in him.. to you. Because he loves you deeply. God is very good about finding his own children and bringing them back to him, Joe. Jesus left the 99 to find one. That is how deeply Jesus loves you, Joe.. He is far nearer to you today than you realize. Have a blessed day and know that you are loved.

- Jeri
What if a little prayer puts CO on someones heart and that translates into a donation or some volunteer time?

Just 'cause there's no God listening, don't discount the power of prayer.

If there's no God listening, what good do prayer do? It gives you a sense of false hope.

I know I come off hostile to religion, but frankly, It's really just a scam to enrich otherwise worthless people.

I don't feel you come off hostile to religion, Joe. I sense your hostility is directed towards God himself. For allowing some things to go on which you discern should not be happening..... I'll be praying for you that the Lord will reveal to you it isn't God you are hating but the "picture of God" you are being presented with that is turning you off. For some people, maybe you also it could also have begun with the picture of God you were been presented with as a child. I have heard many people say what you are saying now.. I read your other replies.... I can only tell you that my first inclination as a tiny child was to believe all there was about God and to even come up with my own ideas of how big he was. How tall he was, how big his hands must be! Oh! I had many different ideas about how he would rescue me although at the time I didn't realize that he had given man a free will.

Every man, every woman, a free will did he give them. It wasn't up to him how they behaved but rather up to them! It was up to them to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and walk in love or to reject his Son whom he did send - and live apart from God where ever wicked act that has ever taken place lives - in the hearts of mankind and is acted out daily some place upon the earth...

So the blame was never on our heavenly Father but rather on those who had rejected his plan for their lives. God has a purpose and plan for our lives, Joe, we are not some random mistake... once we believe the lie that God does not exist, that God does not love us, that God will not hear our prayers if we abide in His Son Jesus and his words abide in us, once we believe there is no hope and that this is all there is - the here and now - man goes his own way... doing his own will instead of the Lords... this is what I pick up that you are disgusted with and while I understand your despair, I also know that God is able to reveal Himself to you as he truly is and I believe him to do it for you because I know he answers prayer ( through his Son Jesus Christ - our intercessor ) and that it is his will for you to be reconciled back to him. That is the very reason he sent His only Begotten Son to die upon Calvary's tree. If you had been the only person here upon the earth to do that for - he would have sent him for you alone. That is how much he loves you, Joe. It's true.

Now there are many people who honestly do not believe in God - they have no idea he is real and God will reveal himself to these people in his time - while those who know the Lord will gently share the truth with them, then do the rest in prayer for that individual.. because all the words in the world will not help such a one - it is not by might ( of man ) not by power ( of man ) but by My Spirit sayeth the Lord. Whose Spirit? The Lords - The Holy Spirit.

It is the most natural thing in the world for any child to have a relationship with God - the most natural thing in the world for a child to come to God, to believe in God and to think of God as a "genius" - so many wonderful thoughts children have about God - it is the adults in their lives who destroy, who crush, who pervert and twist the picture of who God is and then when the full damage has been done? They say the things you are saying today, Joe. I know God loves you and he will little by little reveal his nature to you, his love to you, and ultimately? His healing and restoration By faith in him.. to you. Because he loves you deeply. God is very good about finding his own children and bringing them back to him, Joe. Jesus left the 99 to find one. That is how deeply Jesus loves you, Joe.. He is far nearer to you today than you realize. Have a blessed day and know that you are loved.

- Jeri
Everyone needs to be praying for this nation right now. Prayer works and is more powerful with many joining in...... so get involved and pray. If you don't know how then cry and pound the floor begging God for mercy for America. Think of your children, your family members then plead like you are before a Judge! That will work too..

There is no evidence for the sweeping claim that 'prayer works'. Though it may, I suppose, make those doing the praying feel even more smug, superior and self-righteous.

It is an act of humility to pray, Peter. The stiff necked cannot bow their heads in prayer as they cannot bow in their hearts. Pride refuses to bow down.

Consider the wheat and the tares.. they grow in the field together - they look identical to one another - the wind blows and the wheat bend and bow down - not so for the tares - they continue to stand and will not bow - so it is with the hearts of men - those who know the Lord Jesus will bow their knee to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer - those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ will pretend with prayers in public - these are the men Jesus spoke of who love the preiminent places of importance - who pray in the streets - who pray in public squares that they may be seen by men but truly they have their reward and what a measly reward it is! It is counterfeit holiness and will never stand the fires of trial and tribulation.. The truth is prayer begins with God, and ends with God. The Spirit of God brings the prayer, the Spirit of God prays through the individual for the situation - then the Jesus our intercessor says, Father! That man is my son! That woman is my daughter! They abide in me and my words abide in them and I have promised whatever they ask I shall do it... answer this prayer, Father! Then he says, Granted! You see? There is nothing to be self righteous or smug about, dear one... it is all God! Anyone who would dare to touch Gods glory is a fool. We dare not touch Gods glory. It is all Him. One cannot pray without the Holy Spirit, friend. As Charles Spurgeon once said, You may as well think of day without sunlight, heaven without God, as a Christian service ( prayer before God ) without the Holy Spirit! Yes! Truly it is impossible! Utterly Impossible. - Jeri
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Jeri, buddy,

There is no God to be hostile to. My problem is not with God any more than it with Zeus or Odin or any other made up sky pixie people came up with to explain stuff they couldn't deal with.

My problem is with religious whacks who can't keep their shit out of my business.
Wouldn't it be better to do something useful, like volunteer or send money to a relief organization, than to beg an imaginary sky pixie for help?

The two go hand in hand, Joe. Faith without works is dead. For the one who is afflicted he is also commanded to pray. James 5:1 Is any among you afflicted? Let him pray, Is any merry? Let him sing a song. If I am merry would I have you sing a song for me? No, I sing the song myself. If I am afflicted will I have you pray for me? Perhaps later but first? I shall enter my prayer closet and pray myself out of it by the power of the Holy Ghost.. but what of the one who does not have this comfort? I will pray for those ones - even those in the Colorado flood - many of whom do not know Christ - many of whom may be too sorrowful to pray - there are times in even a christians life where the burden is too great and no words will come forth - such was the case of Job - then his friends came and did not discern rightly what the matter was about... until God showed up.. we only know that we are commanded to bear ye one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Love one for another... still in our affiction there is a place of also praying for ourselves and I didn't always think that was true until the Lord reminded me of it even this morning in James 5 : 1 .
Jeri, buddy,

There is no God to be hostile to. My problem is not with God any more than it with Zeus or Odin or any other made up sky pixie people came up with to explain stuff they couldn't deal with.

My problem is with religious whacks who can't keep their shit out of my business.

Then you are on the wrong thread, Joe. Read the title again. This is about prayer for the people suffering in Colorado. Why not respect that not all people feel as you do and find a thread that suits you more? Why disrupt something that could be of benefit to others? Why not do unto others as you would have them do unto you? Is this loving ones neighbor?

If atheism is a higher way, a higher form why does it attack those who are already afflicted by a bad situation, why does it pour hate on the downtrodden and in despair? Surely that is not demonstrating love or mercy.. in any way, shape or form. Examine your heart and ask yourself why you feel compelled to rob others of their hope and faith.. my prayer for you is that God will show you your own heart, Joe.
It's not wise to live in a flood zone. Or an earthquake zone. or a hurricane zone. or a tornado zone. God can be cruel with his acts.

If you live on earth, you are gonna be in the path of some disaster of some sort sooner or later.

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