Please tell me your story's about your father, grand father.. in the military

I'm curious, I know there is the guy on Youtube that does all those stolen valor videos for people that say they are Navy Seals. Is there anyone on here that knows how to check and see if someone was really an Army Ranger? I'd be interested to know if my step-dad is full of shit or not.
My Dad was Navy pilot who flew the Douglas A4 Skyhawk and was sent to his death by corrupt politicians in the skies over Vietnam for absolutely nothing but a game of political brinkmanship.
Dad was on an 86' Coast Guard Cutter in the Atlantic chasing U-Boats. Neither of my grandpa's served. I have Uncles who won medals in WW2. I have a Great Uncle who served with Theodore Roosevelt in Cuba. I have a great great great Uncle who got killed on the battle field in the Civil War. Dad had two jobs on the coast guard cutter, machinists mate and cook. Dad would not let Spam in our house because that was all they had to eat but there are many ways to cook spam and spam is better than orange jello colored brown but I ate that mess along with mystery meat in the Tonkin Gulf on a Guided Missile Destroyer, Decatur Class. My job was Missile Fire Control Technician and also worked in Gun Plot and CIC. Lone Ranger spotted fire for the gun system and flew a black painted Piper Cub but only at night. Time Clock was our call sign.
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Dad would not let Spam in our house because that was all they had to eat....
My father was a WWll infantry veteran and Spam was banned from our house.

I think he would have divorced my mother if she ever bought a can of Spam at the grocery store and brought it home for dinner. ... :lol:
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Dad was a grunt in the Pacific, serving at Guam, the Philippines, and Okinawa.

My StepDad was a Marine in the Pacific, serving at Tarawa, Saipan, and Okinawa.

The were Purple Heart and Silver Star recipients. My StepDad had a Bronze Star with Valor while my Dad received the Bronze Star as well.

An uncle flew a glider into Normandy in the pre-dawn darkness on D-Day.

My Mom's fiance was shot out of the skies over Italy and was killed.

My Mom's Dad was an Artillery officer in the Big Red One in France in WWI.

His father was a Sergeant in the Philippines during the Insurrecto in 1900 and 1901.

Thanks Jake I appreciate it.
I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.

On my the male side, neither fought. One tried to join up but was rejected for being too important for the war effort to be allowed to fight.

On the female side my grandfather was enlisted but never made it to any war, though he ended up in a war like situation where he was part of an occupying force.

There are stories about others.

My great, great, great something fought at a major naval battle. We know the name of the ship he fought on as a marine.

There are rumors he went around the world in the Navy and met his father on the other side of the world.

Other stories that seem not to be true about people in WW1 and WW2, the latter concerning a guy who survived the war and then died once he got home from some disease. Still, might not be true.
I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.

On my the male side, neither fought. One tried to join up but was rejected for being too important for the war effort to be allowed to fight.

On the female side my grandfather was enlisted but never made it to any war, though he ended up in a war like situation where he was part of an occupying force.

There are stories about others.

My great, great, great something fought at a major naval battle. We know the name of the ship he fought on as a marine.

There are rumors he went around the world in the Navy and met his father on the other side of the world.

Other stories that seem not to be true about people in WW1 and WW2, the latter concerning a guy who survived the war and then died once he got home from some disease. Still, might not be true.

It's funny how they never really wanted to talk about it, I guess not funny in a ha ha way, it was only around Christmas when the huge family got around and I would hear their conversations. I kept on asking my grandfather about the war and one day he finally told me .. and to this day i will never forget it ..when someone tells you first hand about WWII it gets burned in your mind
My Uncle (my fathers older brother) was a US Marine during WWll and fought the Japanese on several Pacific islands, including the horrific battle of Iwo Jima.

He looked like the big tough Marine that you see in the old WWll enlistment posters. He was one of the "Old Breed", a modern term used today to describe the battle hardened Marines of his era.

He hated the "Japs" until the day he passed away. I remember being around him as a kid, and hearing my Uncle a couple of times ranting about those damn "Sons of Tojo" when he got mad over something. I was just a young kid and had no idea what he was talking about? ... :lol:

btw There is a great book written by a WWll Marine titled, "With the Old Breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa", and the author is one of the main characters featured in the TV mini series "Pacific", and his book was used as a reference work by the creators of the show. I bought my copy from Amazon.
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I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.
Grandmother and grandfather were both in the Army Air Force, met there and were married in 1942 before my grandfather went over to Britain. Their wedding photo is one of my most prized possessions. The loss ratio on bombing runs was high my grandfather was very lucky. They were married for 67 years before my grandfather passed. I miss them both a lot. We used to call my grandmother sarge because she would overrule everything unless grandpa overruled her, which he didn't have to do much.
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I'm curious, I know there is the guy on Youtube that does all those stolen valor videos for people that say they are Navy Seals. Is there anyone on here that knows how to check and see if someone was really an Army Ranger? I'd be interested to know if my step-dad is full of shit or not.

Ranger School Graduation Gallery-Downloads

Just photos. Ask for his class number.
My Uncle (my fathers older brother) was a US Marine during WWll and fought the Japanese on several Pacific islands, including the horrific battle of Iwo Jima.

He looked like the big tough Marine that you see in the old WWll enlistment posters. He was one of the "Old Breed", a modern term used today to describe the battle hardened Marines of his era.

He hated the "Japs" until the day he passed away. I remember being around him as a kid, and hearing my Uncle a couple of times ranting about those damn "Sons of Tojo" when he got mad over something. I was just a young kid and had no idea what he was talking about? ... :lol:

Jesus I can't stop laughing over just made my day.. :)

R.i.P he must of been a hell of a man.

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I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.

On my the male side, neither fought. One tried to join up but was rejected for being too important for the war effort to be allowed to fight.

On the female side my grandfather was enlisted but never made it to any war, though he ended up in a war like situation where he was part of an occupying force.

There are stories about others.

My great, great, great something fought at a major naval battle. We know the name of the ship he fought on as a marine.

There are rumors he went around the world in the Navy and met his father on the other side of the world.

Other stories that seem not to be true about people in WW1 and WW2, the latter concerning a guy who survived the war and then died once he got home from some disease. Still, might not be true.

It's funny how they never really wanted to talk about it, I guess not funny in a ha ha way, it was only around Christmas when the huge family got around and I would hear their conversations. I kept on asking my grandfather about the war and one day he finally told me .. and to this day i will never forget it ..when someone tells you first hand about WWII it gets burned in your mind

Talking about it does not bother me one way or the other. We had a uniform day at the VFW where we wore our old uniforms with medals and ribbons and my good friend was Airborne. I said that shoulder patch looks like a screaming eagle and he said that is a puking buzzard.

edit: Screaming Eagles are good and Screaming Skulls are bad until they meet a DDG Sailor underway in time of war in Vallejo, Ca.
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I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.

On my the male side, neither fought. One tried to join up but was rejected for being too important for the war effort to be allowed to fight.

On the female side my grandfather was enlisted but never made it to any war, though he ended up in a war like situation where he was part of an occupying force.

There are stories about others.

My great, great, great something fought at a major naval battle. We know the name of the ship he fought on as a marine.

There are rumors he went around the world in the Navy and met his father on the other side of the world.

Other stories that seem not to be true about people in WW1 and WW2, the latter concerning a guy who survived the war and then died once he got home from some disease. Still, might not be true.

It's funny how they never really wanted to talk about it, I guess not funny in a ha ha way, it was only around Christmas when the huge family got around and I would hear their conversations. I kept on asking my grandfather about the war and one day he finally told me .. and to this day i will never forget it ..when someone tells you first hand about WWII it gets burned in your mind

Talking about it does not bother me one way or the other. We had a uniform day at the VFW where we wore our old uniforms with medals and ribbons and my good friend was Airborne. I said that arm patch looks like a screaming eagle and he said that is a puking buzzard.

Yea I can just imagine the spirit you guys share..thank you.
I will go first my grandfather landed on Normandy, it was Ohio beach, it was the third wave , he got hit in the fore arm and made his way up..

He was a tank mechanic during the rest of the war

When he died I was there so was the US military and gave him a 12 gun salute at his funeral.

I loved my grandfather alot.. we used to play ball together he took me to a bunch of Chicago cubs games heck of a man.

On my the male side, neither fought. One tried to join up but was rejected for being too important for the war effort to be allowed to fight.

On the female side my grandfather was enlisted but never made it to any war, though he ended up in a war like situation where he was part of an occupying force.

There are stories about others.

My great, great, great something fought at a major naval battle. We know the name of the ship he fought on as a marine.

There are rumors he went around the world in the Navy and met his father on the other side of the world.

Other stories that seem not to be true about people in WW1 and WW2, the latter concerning a guy who survived the war and then died once he got home from some disease. Still, might not be true.

It's funny how they never really wanted to talk about it, I guess not funny in a ha ha way, it was only around Christmas when the huge family got around and I would hear their conversations. I kept on asking my grandfather about the war and one day he finally told me .. and to this day i will never forget it ..when someone tells you first hand about WWII it gets burned in your mind

my father never really wanted to talk about it. he would get a look on his face- which i knew was him immediately 'being back there' in his mind. it wasn't until after he passed away that my mother told us a few stories. one was that my father, being only 5' 2, saved a few people from a burning building by carrying them on his back. he received a bronze oakleaf cluster medal for that.
My Uncle (my fathers older brother) was a US Marine during WWll and fought the Japanese on several Pacific islands, including the horrific battle of Iwo Jima.

He looked like the big tough Marine that you see in the old WWll enlistment posters. He was one of the "Old Breed", a modern term used today to describe the battle hardened Marines of his era.

He hated the "Japs" until the day he passed away. I remember being around him as a kid, and hearing my Uncle a couple of times ranting about those damn "Sons of Tojo" when he got mad over something. I was just a young kid and had no idea what he was talking about? ... :lol:

btw There is a great book written by a WWll Marine titled, "With the Old Breed: at Peleliu and Okinawa", and the author is one of the main characters featured in the TV mini series "Pacific", and his book was used as a reference work by the creators of the show. I bought my copy from Amazon.

Uncle Ross was a Marine and invaded Iwo Jima on Red Beach. I got liberty on Okinawa and recommend to ride the taxi cab to town 3 bypassing 1 and 2.

edit: It is legal to flashback on USMB.
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As I said on post #16, my father was a career Army officer and a veteran of WWll and the Korean war. He was a Lt. Colonel with 26 years of service, when the Army offered him the rank of "full bird" Colonel, but he would have to got to Vietnam, and stay in the service until full retirement of 30 years

It was the mid 1960's and the Vietnam war was heating up. Gen. Eisenhower is reported to have said, "Never fight a land war in Asia", (although that quote has been attributed to other military leaders). And I once heard my father repeat that quote. He had fought the N Koreans and the Chinese to a stalemate, and finally a political settlement during the Korean War, and knew first hand the wisdom of Eisenhower's sage words.

So my father decided to retire, and forgo the promotion and a one year tour in Vietnam.

He once told me after he retired, that we were going to lose the Vietnam war. And I remembered those prophetic words when I received my draft notice a couple of years later.

A second prophetic thing my father said, was that America's wars in the future would be fought in the Middle East. ... :cool:
As I said on post #16, my father was a career Army officer and a veteran of WWll and the Korean war. He was a Lt. Colonel with 26 years of service, when the Army offered him the rank of "full bird" Colonel, but he would have to got to Vietnam, and stay in the service until full retirement of 30 years

It was the mid 1960's and the Vietnam war was heating up. Gen. Eisenhower is reported to have said, "Never fight a land war in Asia", (although that quote has been attributed to other military leaders). And I once heard my father repeat that quote. He had fought the N Koreans and the Chinese to a stalemate, and finally a political settlement during the Korean War, and knew first hand the wisdom of Eisenhower's sage words.

So my father decided to retire, and forgo the promotion and a one year tour in Vietnam.

He once told me after he retired, that we were going to lose the Vietnam war. And I remembered those prophetic words when I received my draft notice a couple of years later.

A second prophetic thing my father said, was that America's wars in the future would be fought in the Middle East. ... :cool:

I work and would never be a privileged officer and thank your dad for his service. Enlisted Men more times than not have more power than Officers including the Time Out.
I work and would never be a privileged officer and thank your dad for his service. Enlisted Men more times than not have more power than Officers including the Time Out.
My father was unusual as an Officer because he was what's referred to as a "Mustang" in military slang. Meaning that he rose from the rank of lowly private to an Officer.

Mustang officers are generally more highly regarded by the enlisted soldiers than college graduate commissioned officers. Because the troops feel like they understand the plight of the average soldier better. ... :cool:
I work and would never be a privileged officer and thank your dad for his service. Enlisted Men more times than not have more power than Officers including the Time Out.
My father was unusual as an Officer because he was what's referred to as a "Mustang" in military slang. Meaning that he rose from the rank of lowly private to an Officer.

Mustang officers are generally more highly regarded by the enlisted soldiers than college graduate commissioned officers. Because the troops feel like they understand the plight of the average soldier better. ... :cool:

Mustang changes the picture. A mustang is an enlisted man who started at the bottom and rose to Officer by his own gumption and will.

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