Plutocracy or Democracy? YOU will decide in Nov. 2016!

George Soros contributes as much to democrats and he also enjoys a tax exempt status for his propaganda machine with the ironic name of "Media Matters". Why does the radical left hate Jewish conservatives so much?
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?

Your willful ignorance is noted.
Considering we have had the same people in power for the last 40 years it would appear to me that this is more of a plutcracy than a democracy. We are being governed by the same group of people.

I disagree, the meme that the Democrats and Republicans are one and the same is no longer true, if it ever was. What is true is money = power, and five members of the US Supreme Court made Money = Free Speech, changing forever the concept that we are a nation of the people, by the people or for the people.

We, the 99% of Americans, are facing a new enemy, a domestic one intent on getting and keeping power for generations. The machinations of the Koch Brothers are threatening a system of government by the people which worked - not always well - for over two centuries.

My hope with this thread is to get people thinking, and considering other outcomes than the one they hear from demagogues and charlatans, and the willfully ignorant who parrot the propaganda of those who seek power.
You're hope with this thread is to "get people thinking" yet you think rich dems are different than rich gopers.

You are one ignorant motherfucker

Gee, never been called that since i retired, you can take the punk out of the cage, but not the reason the punk was put in the cage.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs, and their daddy's political extremism too.

That said, there is a great difference between Gates, Sores and Buffet - they earned their wealth, the brother's Koch inherited theirs

That's awful!
How much did their dad hand them when he kicked?

"1. The family's $100 billion fortune comes mostly from a massive network of oil and gas pipelines, and investments in other polluting industries like paper and plastics. The brothers inherited the seed money for their holdings from their father Fred Koch, who made his first fortune building oil pipelines for the Russian dictator Joseph Stalin in the 1930s. Back in the states, Fred Koch supported racial segregation and white supremacist groups like the John Birch Society."

See the other ten things they don't want us to know:

11 Things The Koch Brothers Don t Want You To Know From Robert Greenwald s Newly Updated Documentary Alternet

I've never seen so many lies packed into a single paragraph.
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.
Nice liberal paranoia thread.

How many jobs have YOU created?
No one really creates jobs out of nothing. That would be charity. In capitalism you fulfill a demand. If there is no demand, there is no job creation. Republicans have never understood this simple fact.
So a business owner waits until there's a line at the counter and says "holy shit, I'd better hire someone!"

Wow, that's educational. Running and growing a business, it's so easy!

I'll have to tell my partners & business clients that.



I make a different inference. Without the infrastructure - water, power, sewage, paved roads street signs, safe parking or safe public transportation, a business will have a greater difficulty building a successful enterprise. Of course each of these advantages cost money in the form of taxes, thus you and your partners had a decision to make, one of many when building a business from the ground up.

And, no I have never started a business. However, one of my employees started planning to open a restaurant and I watched his progress from the very beginning. It is difficult, takes an emotional toll and a good deal of patience.

Ironically, he and his wife did very well. They operated the restaurant for over three years when a local chain offered them a huge amount of money to buy them out. Soon he was back at work, investigating domestic violence, making arrest, testifying in court and much more relaxed working for someone, and not supervising everyone of employees.

How many new businesses exist today because the government invested in the Internet?

Would we even be able to have this conversation?

The infrastructure is key and without it corporations would have to build their own from the ground up every time they wanted to obtain new supplies or ship products to new customers.

Today we take it for granted but the interstate system was started by Ike and paid for by taxes. How would Amazon be able to ship your Mother's Day gift without those roads?
Why are we suddenly now discussing the infrastructure?

I pay my personal income and property taxes, and we pay our corporate taxes.

My post had nothing to do with this, so clearly I'm seeing some attempted deflection.

Because it is always about bowing down to uncle Sam for those who have no actual idea what it takes to start & continue to run a business.
George Soros contributes as much to democrats and he also enjoys a tax exempt status for his propaganda machine with the ironic name of "Media Matters". Why does the radical left hate Jewish conservatives so much?

Probably the same reason you hate all liberal Jews? :dunno:
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.

Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.


Really. FDR was a racist.
George Soros contributes as much to democrats and he also enjoys a tax exempt status for his propaganda machine with the ironic name of "Media Matters". Why does the radical left hate Jewish conservatives so much?

LOL! Soros' annual donations to Leftist political causes DWARF what the Koch Brothers provide in a decade.
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.


Really. FDR was a racist.
And FDR was was anti-internationalism, anti-multiculturalism, anti-pacifism and equal equality?
Oh and he was a racist too?
That darn FDR, then why in world did he create Fair Employment Practice Committee? Why did he stop the Navy and Army from not allowing Blacks to serve and fight in WWII?
That damn racist!!!
George Soros contributes as much to democrats and he also enjoys a tax exempt status for his propaganda machine with the ironic name of "Media Matters". Why does the radical left hate Jewish conservatives so much?

LOL! Soros' annual donations to Leftist political causes DWARF what the Koch Brothers provide in a decade.

I kinda don't like Soros, he's in the same category as the Koch Bros, but I just had to ask for a link.
Did Hitler and the Nazis stand for diversity, internationalization, multiculturalism, pacifism, racial equality, equal rights for homosexuals, abortion and just plain equality for all, which are all part of the leftist foundation? No, but Hitler and the Nazis did stand for the opposite. Ahh, those crazy Aryans.

None those things have anything to do with socialism. FDR didn't stand for any of them either.


Really. FDR was a racist.
And FDR was was anti-internationalism, anti-multiculturalism, anti-pacifism and equal equality?
Oh and he was a racist too?
That darn FDR, then why in world did he create Fair Employment Practice Committee? Why did he stop the Navy and Army from not allowing Blacks to serve and fight in WWII?
That damn racist!!!

See how the far left will deny and defend their own heroes without question or hesitation.

I am sure all those Japanese that were forced into camps would agree with the far left drones here..

The far left loves to rewrite history..

African-American soldiers were welcomed into certain branches of the armed forces in this war, but, like other wars, there was discrimination and segregation. Soldiers still fought in segregated units throughout the war, but there were advances in the number of commissioned officers. Other forms of racism included barring African-Americans from the Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Army Air Corps, and the Navy only allowed African-Americans as mess men. These conditions were not promising, and these policies have been called “Jim Crow military”.
George Soros contributes as much to democrats and he also enjoys a tax exempt status for his propaganda machine with the ironic name of "Media Matters". Why does the radical left hate Jewish conservatives so much?

LOL! Soros' annual donations to Leftist political causes DWARF what the Koch Brothers provide in a decade.

I kinda don't like Soros, he's in the same category as the Koch Bros, but I just had to ask for a link.

Seriously far left drone?

Just goes to show that the far left believes the far left religious propaganda about the Koch Bros..
After much consideration I have come the conclusion that the Koch's have done a great deal to fuel the debate about income inequality in this country by making themselves a clear example of it's corrosive effects on our voice as citizens. They should carry on and double down because it is hastening the day of reckoning, there must be one eventually because this is unsustainable.

Based upon what? Harry Reid's chronic pissing his pants over the Koch Brother's existence?

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