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Pocahontas is Delusional, Says Unions Will Make a Comeback

Then factor in jobs created from Mechanics to everything from people working and yet people can not find a decent paying job unless it is union or they get a degree in liberal arts major...

Well that is how the left think Unions are needed today...

The left (like Warren) are ignorant of our past. Unions were good at one time, but like anything else that gets too big, they also got too greedy.

I would love for her to explain the dynamics of her plot. How is government going to force unions into industry? Even if they could, and industry was forced to overpay labor, who would buy their products? Certainly not the American consumer. Certainly not foreign consumers. Who is going to buy all this union made stuff?

Maybe she has a plan to force us to buy American made goods, like DumBama forced us to buy healthcare insurance. How did that work out?

Funny this from the same people who argue that Trump is going to bring jobs back from China.

Seems you think people are then going to pay higher prices gladly?

Companies do whatever is cost effective.

First rule of thumb is to make products closer to your customers. Not only does that decrease your shipping costs, but you can provide the product much quicker which makes the customer happy.

Next is overseas transportation costs. Even if you get cheaper labor overseas, the transportation costs outweigh that, so you keep jobs in the US.

When unions, costly regulations, taxes, make it cheaper to produce overseas with the transportation costs, that's when it's time to move, and that's what companies did.

Now that Trump reduced regulations, reduced taxes, and made the US generally business friendly, companies in China who are harmed by tariffs may come back to the US eventually. If not, they will choose another cheap labor country like India, Brazil, Vietnam. But again, if the transportation costs are too much, they will move back to the US.

This trade war is long from over, so many companies are simply monitoring the unfolding events before making a final decision. Between that and the next election, those will be the deal makers or breakers. If Democrats take leadership again, that means higher taxes for businesses, and China returns as our trading partners taking full advantage of us. It makes no sense to move all your operations when it's still cheaper to produce in China.

Ray, that is just more bullshit.

Explain for all us the outright failure of the government polices your seem to mention by using the state of Kansas. You k now the test tube of small government pro-business policies.

I don't know much about Kansas as I don't live there. What government policies do you speak of?
US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
You are a perfect example of why the repub war on unions moved our jobs over seas. Thank you.

How did the Republicans move our jobs overseas?

It's the unions that moved our jobs overseas, trust me.

One of our customers is a crate producer. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. When I was delivering those crates to companies moving out of state or out of the country, I took the liberty to talk about it with the supervisor or owner.

None of these real Americans wanted to move their company, but had no choice. There was no way to compete with foreign imports having unions. Some of the companies had meetings with their employees explaining the situation. The union told them the company was FOS. They could afford their demands but were making up BS so they didn't have to pay the workers, and of course, ultimately the union.

Well, the union was wrong and the company was honest. They packed up and moved, and the union didn't even try to save those jobs for their workers.

I remember one place was a printing company of some kind. I asked one of the workers if it wouldn't be worth it to have their unions make some concession to save their jobs? He replied no it wouldn't. The union promised him that once the company closed it's doors, they would find him another union job.

I bet today that loser thinks back of what an idiot the union made out of him.

Somehow Germany did it. Funny but the argument is we are the greatest country on Earth but we can't seem to do the things other countries can do.

There is much more solidarity in Europe than in the US. A European will buy their own products at twice the cost of anything made outside of the union.

After the 80's recession, American consumers lost their patriotism for their fellow workers. The new motto was getting stuff cheap. It didn't matter who made it, the quality, or support for US labor, as long as it was the cheapest, we bought it.

Industry soon realized this and kept their goals of satisfying the consumer. Eventually American made products became impossible to buy. It's still metastasizing today.

As time went on, more inventions were created that we all wanted, and the dollar had to stretch even farther; most on entertainment.

Cell phones, video games, internet, computers, cable television, big screen televisions, movie services were all things we never had in the 70's. Today......they are almost a necessity.

So your argument is it's the people, not the unions like you originally claimed.
Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
You are a perfect example of why the repub war on unions moved our jobs over seas. Thank you.

How did the Republicans move our jobs overseas?

It's the unions that moved our jobs overseas, trust me.

One of our customers is a crate producer. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. When I was delivering those crates to companies moving out of state or out of the country, I took the liberty to talk about it with the supervisor or owner.

None of these real Americans wanted to move their company, but had no choice. There was no way to compete with foreign imports having unions. Some of the companies had meetings with their employees explaining the situation. The union told them the company was FOS. They could afford their demands but were making up BS so they didn't have to pay the workers, and of course, ultimately the union.

Well, the union was wrong and the company was honest. They packed up and moved, and the union didn't even try to save those jobs for their workers.

I remember one place was a printing company of some kind. I asked one of the workers if it wouldn't be worth it to have their unions make some concession to save their jobs? He replied no it wouldn't. The union promised him that once the company closed it's doors, they would find him another union job.

I bet today that loser thinks back of what an idiot the union made out of him.

Somehow Germany did it. Funny but the argument is we are the greatest country on Earth but we can't seem to do the things other countries can do.

There is much more solidarity in Europe than in the US. A European will buy their own products at twice the cost of anything made outside of the union.

After the 80's recession, American consumers lost their patriotism for their fellow workers. The new motto was getting stuff cheap. It didn't matter who made it, the quality, or support for US labor, as long as it was the cheapest, we bought it.

Industry soon realized this and kept their goals of satisfying the consumer. Eventually American made products became impossible to buy. It's still metastasizing today.

As time went on, more inventions were created that we all wanted, and the dollar had to stretch even farther; most on entertainment.

Cell phones, video games, internet, computers, cable television, big screen televisions, movie services were all things we never had in the 70's. Today......they are almost a necessity.

So your argument is it's the people, not the unions like you originally claimed.

Actually both. Unions pushed labor costs so high that Americans quit buying their products.

But the problem with unions was more than just labor costs. Unions eventually started running the companies. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote all based on seniority.

For instance several years ago I pulled into a dock of a regular customer. The shipper was aggravated with my presence. Jokingly, I told him I was sorry for showing up when his company called us. He apologized and explained how much pulling and packing he had to do, and every time one of us showed up, he had to stop working and couldn't catch up.

As he was loading my trailer, I asked about his assistant the company gave him and why he didn't load my truck instead? The shipper (George) told me because he was afraid to drive a tow motor. That's why he can't pull product and help him there, or load my truck.

So I asked why he didn't complain to the company about it? He said the company knew all about it, but they were helpless because he had union seniority, and bid for the job! So then I asked why he didn't complain to the union about it?

That's when George stopped loading, turned off the tow motor engine, and with a sigh of disgust, said "I can take this tow motor, drive it right through the front of your trailer, and because I belong to the union, they could never fire me. But if I went to the union, told them that a fellow union members was worthless, my ass would be out on the street in 20 seconds." He started is tow motor up, and finished loading me.

I've witnessed things like this and more with union companies in the past. It's amazing they stayed in business as long as they did.
They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I prefer for the filthy greedy Unions to go fuck themselves.

I never belonged to a Union and I negotiated a very comfortable salary for my labor hours. I didn't need need to belong to a group of greedy little corrupt commie thugs.

If you need collective bargaining to get a good wage then you ain't worth shit.

In right to work states most workers don't even want to belong to an Union and they make livable wages. Union membership is only high in those oppressive states where the filthy Democrats have a law that in order to work you have to be in an Union.
And the reality is wages have been real stagnant with the decline of Unions. Go figure.
You are a perfect example of why the repub war on unions moved our jobs over seas. Thank you.

How did the Republicans move our jobs overseas?

It's the unions that moved our jobs overseas, trust me.

One of our customers is a crate producer. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. When I was delivering those crates to companies moving out of state or out of the country, I took the liberty to talk about it with the supervisor or owner.

None of these real Americans wanted to move their company, but had no choice. There was no way to compete with foreign imports having unions. Some of the companies had meetings with their employees explaining the situation. The union told them the company was FOS. They could afford their demands but were making up BS so they didn't have to pay the workers, and of course, ultimately the union.

Well, the union was wrong and the company was honest. They packed up and moved, and the union didn't even try to save those jobs for their workers.

I remember one place was a printing company of some kind. I asked one of the workers if it wouldn't be worth it to have their unions make some concession to save their jobs? He replied no it wouldn't. The union promised him that once the company closed it's doors, they would find him another union job.

I bet today that loser thinks back of what an idiot the union made out of him.

Somehow Germany did it. Funny but the argument is we are the greatest country on Earth but we can't seem to do the things other countries can do.

There is much more solidarity in Europe than in the US. A European will buy their own products at twice the cost of anything made outside of the union.

After the 80's recession, American consumers lost their patriotism for their fellow workers. The new motto was getting stuff cheap. It didn't matter who made it, the quality, or support for US labor, as long as it was the cheapest, we bought it.

Industry soon realized this and kept their goals of satisfying the consumer. Eventually American made products became impossible to buy. It's still metastasizing today.

As time went on, more inventions were created that we all wanted, and the dollar had to stretch even farther; most on entertainment.

Cell phones, video games, internet, computers, cable television, big screen televisions, movie services were all things we never had in the 70's. Today......they are almost a necessity.

So your argument is it's the people, not the unions like you originally claimed.

Actually both. Unions pushed labor costs so high that Americans quit buying their products.

But the problem with unions was more than just labor costs. Unions eventually started running the companies. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote all based on seniority.

For instance several years ago I pulled into a dock of a regular customer. The shipper was aggravated with my presence. Jokingly, I told him I was sorry for showing up when his company called us. He apologized and explained how much pulling and packing he had to do, and every time one of us showed up, he had to stop working and couldn't catch up.

As he was loading my trailer, I asked about his assistant the company gave him and why he didn't load my truck instead? The shipper (George) told me because he was afraid to drive a tow motor. That's why he can't pull product and help him there, or load my truck.

So I asked why he didn't complain to the company about it? He said the company knew all about it, but they were helpless because he had union seniority, and bid for the job! So then I asked why he didn't complain to the union about it?

That's when George stopped loading, turned off the tow motor engine, and with a sigh of disgust, said "I can take this tow motor, drive it right through the front of your trailer, and because I belong to the union, they could never fire me. But if I went to the union, told them that a fellow union members was worthless, my ass would be out on the street in 20 seconds." He started is tow motor up, and finished loading me.

I've witnessed things like this and more with union companies in the past. It's amazing they stayed in business as long as they did.

All you ever have is anecdotal stories which are worthless. Anyone can make crap up on the internet also.
How did the Republicans move our jobs overseas?

It's the unions that moved our jobs overseas, trust me.

One of our customers is a crate producer. They make crates the size of suitcases to the size of tractor-trailers. When I was delivering those crates to companies moving out of state or out of the country, I took the liberty to talk about it with the supervisor or owner.

None of these real Americans wanted to move their company, but had no choice. There was no way to compete with foreign imports having unions. Some of the companies had meetings with their employees explaining the situation. The union told them the company was FOS. They could afford their demands but were making up BS so they didn't have to pay the workers, and of course, ultimately the union.

Well, the union was wrong and the company was honest. They packed up and moved, and the union didn't even try to save those jobs for their workers.

I remember one place was a printing company of some kind. I asked one of the workers if it wouldn't be worth it to have their unions make some concession to save their jobs? He replied no it wouldn't. The union promised him that once the company closed it's doors, they would find him another union job.

I bet today that loser thinks back of what an idiot the union made out of him.

Somehow Germany did it. Funny but the argument is we are the greatest country on Earth but we can't seem to do the things other countries can do.

There is much more solidarity in Europe than in the US. A European will buy their own products at twice the cost of anything made outside of the union.

After the 80's recession, American consumers lost their patriotism for their fellow workers. The new motto was getting stuff cheap. It didn't matter who made it, the quality, or support for US labor, as long as it was the cheapest, we bought it.

Industry soon realized this and kept their goals of satisfying the consumer. Eventually American made products became impossible to buy. It's still metastasizing today.

As time went on, more inventions were created that we all wanted, and the dollar had to stretch even farther; most on entertainment.

Cell phones, video games, internet, computers, cable television, big screen televisions, movie services were all things we never had in the 70's. Today......they are almost a necessity.

So your argument is it's the people, not the unions like you originally claimed.

Actually both. Unions pushed labor costs so high that Americans quit buying their products.

But the problem with unions was more than just labor costs. Unions eventually started running the companies. They told the company who they could hire, who they could fire, and who they could promote all based on seniority.

For instance several years ago I pulled into a dock of a regular customer. The shipper was aggravated with my presence. Jokingly, I told him I was sorry for showing up when his company called us. He apologized and explained how much pulling and packing he had to do, and every time one of us showed up, he had to stop working and couldn't catch up.

As he was loading my trailer, I asked about his assistant the company gave him and why he didn't load my truck instead? The shipper (George) told me because he was afraid to drive a tow motor. That's why he can't pull product and help him there, or load my truck.

So I asked why he didn't complain to the company about it? He said the company knew all about it, but they were helpless because he had union seniority, and bid for the job! So then I asked why he didn't complain to the union about it?

That's when George stopped loading, turned off the tow motor engine, and with a sigh of disgust, said "I can take this tow motor, drive it right through the front of your trailer, and because I belong to the union, they could never fire me. But if I went to the union, told them that a fellow union members was worthless, my ass would be out on the street in 20 seconds." He started is tow motor up, and finished loading me.

I've witnessed things like this and more with union companies in the past. It's amazing they stayed in business as long as they did.

All you ever have is anecdotal stories which are worthless. Anyone can make crap up on the internet also.

Well who better to learn from than somebody that has dealt with unions for decades? Why would I make anything up? Don't believe me, ask anybody who was in a union where tenure was the only qualification needed for a promotion.

Back in the day, if I went to a company for a pickup or delivery, and knew nothing about them, I could tell you within ten minutes if they were union or not. No, it's not a special gift. I could always tell by the shippers attitude, their concern about the job, the speed at which they loaded me. It was pretty easily actually.
Why is Warren so coy about the finances of her climate plan? Well, she’s smart enough to know that the only way to pay for ambitious, Green New Deal-style environmental overhauls is with crushing taxes on the middle and working class. And she doesn’t want to admit it to voters.

Warren is asking taxpayers to take on this massive burden, even though she’s unable to guarantee any meaningful results at all. She insists that “as the world’s largest historical carbon polluter, the United States has a special responsibility to lead the way.”
US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I prefer for the filthy greedy Unions to go fuck themselves.

I never belonged to a Union and I negotiated a very comfortable salary for my labor hours. I didn't need need to belong to a group of greedy little corrupt commie thugs.

If you need collective bargaining to get a good wage then you ain't worth shit.

In right to work states most workers don't even want to belong to an Union and they make livable wages. Union membership is only high in those oppressive states where the filthy Democrats have a law that in order to work you have to be in an Union.

Q. Are you nuts, envious or brainwashed

You are confused Moon Bat. I supervised Union assholes. I have seen their greedy mindset and have seen the destructiveness they do. I know what turds they are.

Democrat Party = Communists

Unions = Communists

Unions = Cash Cow for the filthy Democrat Party.

While in Washington State the stupid Unions loaded up busses to take the goddamn idiot Union workers to Seattle to riot in the streets to protest capitalism. Fucking morons.

If anybody is nuts and brainwashed it is you idiot Moon Bats. Pull your head out of you ass.

You are consumed by hate and your claims about labor unions and their members are ludicrous. So much so that you (1) believe this idiocy, and (2) are out of touch with reality.

Educate yourself, it might mitigate most of your delusions.

History of Labor Unions

Comparative Economic Systems
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?
Pocahontas adopted Jay Inslee's climate plan. i am in awe of how brilliant that is politically. everyone praised Inslee as the climate candidate, so no one can criticize hontas or they will seem like a hypocrite
The lesson learned from a workers viewpoint is your employer dislikes you even if you are a hard worker and (2) don't work as a laborer in this nation....we have more than enough of them.
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?

Not at the expense of the people who work there or people's lives. ie: Boeing.
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?

Not at the expense of the people who work there or people's lives. ie: Boeing.

Some people might not be working there if not for the CEO. Ever think of that?
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?

Not at the expense of the people who work there or people's lives. ie: Boeing.

Some people might not be working there if not for the CEO. Ever think of that?

He should be in prison. If he was Japanese he would have offed himself.
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?

Not at the expense of the people who work there or people's lives. ie: Boeing.

Some people might not be working there if not for the CEO. Ever think of that?

No, some people lost their jobs when the company they oversaw went bust:

Fraud, failure and bankruptcy pay well for CEOs
Most American workers are underpaid considering they are the most dedicated, productive, and greatest workers in the world by far. Rarely complaining always working till they have nothing left.

Workers are paid their exact worth. Saying they are underpaid is foolish and not true.

CEO's are overpaid, they do not produce the product which creates wealth for themselves and their stock holders.

As a Realtor, I did not "create" the property, houses, vacant land, commercial and investment properties I sold either but I was extremely well compensated. Is that wrong too?

Is it not the job of a CEO and other executives to create wealth for the owners of the company, the stockholders?

It seems you left out the worker bees, is that because you forgot, or because you don't give a damn about the Middle Classes and working poor?

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