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Pocahontas is Delusional, Says Unions Will Make a Comeback

Why do conservatives favor billionaires over their fellow working man? Must you always be slaves to your big biz masters ?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
Surviving on $20, even $25 per hour is scraping by at best. So no unions is fine. It also means near poverty wages. One cannot enjoy much on that wage today.
Why do conservatives favor billionaires over their fellow working man? Must you always be slaves to your big biz masters ?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.

I can promise that neither of you will be disappointed.

My coworker bought a new American made vehicle about three months ago. Already he's having problems. He brought it to work after a night of rain. When he opened up the car doors, water came pouring out from the bottom. Imagine the rust problems he's going to have on the inside of those doors.

My sister bought a new American made van about two years ago. It's always in the shop now, and it's costing her a fortune because the warranty expired after 30,000 miles. My father is a big union guy, and I suspect he talked her out of buying foreign.

If people would listen to me, it could have saved them a lot of problems. I have delivered to these UAW places. I know of the incompetence there. I would write a book about union places and my experience with them.
Why do conservatives favor billionaires over their fellow working man? Must you always be slaves to your big biz masters ?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

So what about unions?
Back in the day, Unions were needed, not good, but needed, to keep company pukes from exploiting the workers criminally. Today, there are government laws that do the same, and it costs the worker nothing. In all honesty, I was in many unions from 1966 til 2000 or so and I never saw a union shopee do squat against an employer to protect any worker. They were on the wrong side. Any surprise? [Meaning bought off]
Best pay and benefits I've ever gotten were when I was in unions. It's true they were slow to react when we had a grievance, but there's no question they had negotiated decent pay and good benefits, like retirement (who has that any more?) and good health insurance.

Unions still have retirement pensions. Most of them anyway.
Old Lady

Do you know how many Septic Pumps I have had to change in the last two plus years because the younger generation can not be bothered to learn?


How many times a damn neighbor ask me to change belts on their Deer tractors because again a young male or female refuse to even youtube to learn?

There are so many things someone can do to earn a extra dollar that require to almost no education and just a lot of damn commonsense!

I took an entire kitchen sink area and moved it to tie into the bathroom plumbing in a small Apartment so the tenant could have a sitting area...

Never did it before but did it once and it worked...

My point?

Commonsense and willingness to work hard in dirty jobs is something many refuse to do...

Because the Government will give them the money for nothing...
My point, if anyone could please take the time to actually READ my post, is that people with only a high school diploma can't command the wages to own a home and support a wife and children on his salary alone like he could during the glory days of manufacturing and unions. That is all I'm saying. Sure people do those jobs. They paint houses and patch roofs and cut evergreen tips for Christmas wreaths and work gutting and fileting fish at the raised salmon factory. They can do stuff. They are not "middle class." I was not calling them lazy, Bruce.

You do know Plumbers make damn good money, right?

It does not require a four year, five year, eight year or even ten year degree from some college either...

Also you should check the Starting wages for Sealy Mattress outside Houston and then look at the cost of living before stating a young person can not live off that wage!

Maybe you should study the jobs first and then comment because a young adult can obtain a decent paying job but it mean they need to work and that is something many in today time refuse to do!

Walmart to hire hundreds of truck drivers, raise salary to nearly $90,000

Then factor in jobs created from Mechanics to everything from people working and yet people can not find a decent paying job unless it is union or they get a degree in liberal arts major...

Well that is how the left think Unions are needed today...

The left (like Warren) are ignorant of our past. Unions were good at one time, but like anything else that gets too big, they also got too greedy.

I would love for her to explain the dynamics of her plot. How is government going to force unions into industry? Even if they could, and industry was forced to overpay labor, who would buy their products? Certainly not the American consumer. Certainly not foreign consumers. Who is going to buy all this union made stuff?

Maybe she has a plan to force us to buy American made goods, like DumBama forced us to buy healthcare insurance. How did that work out?

Funny this from the same people who argue that Trump is going to bring jobs back from China.

Seems you think people are then going to pay higher prices gladly?
Greedy bastards got what they deserved.

<<“Unions built the middle class—and unions will rebuild the middle class,” Warren wrote. “If we want more good American jobs, then we need stronger unions and more power in the hands of the people.”>>

Elizabeth Warren: 'Unions Will Rebuild America’s Middle Class'

If Pocahontas, or one of her fellow liberal whack-jobs, wins the Presidency, Big Labor will definitely make a comeback.

Mandating membership and dues for all was reality in national Socialist Germany. Dr. Robert Ley ran the German Labour Front, Germany's answer to the AFL-CIO, and that's exactly what they did.

Of course it could happen here

If people would listen to me, it could have saved them a lot of problems. I have delivered to these UAW places. I know of the incompetence there. I would write a book about union places and my experience with them.

I am a retired Divisional Director for Lockheed Martin. My last job assignment was at a Union facility in Washington State. There were 190 Union assholes in my Division and they were well protected by the Democrats that ran the state.

I could tell you stories also of the greed, stupidity, laziness and corruption of those Union workers. One of the reasons I am so anti Union nowadays is having had to deal with the sonofabitches real time in my career.

I am big into the shooting sports. During the week at work the Union pukes were absolute assholes and worthless pieces of shit. However, when I went out to the range on the weekends they wanted to be buddy buddy. I just told them to piss off. They were selling their souls to satisfy their greed and I didn't want to have anything to do with them.
Greedy bastards got what they deserved.

<<“Unions built the middle class—and unions will rebuild the middle class,” Warren wrote. “If we want more good American jobs, then we need stronger unions and more power in the hands of the people.”>>

Elizabeth Warren: 'Unions Will Rebuild America’s Middle Class'

Elizabeth Warren is completely correct.

Except she omits the part that unions are why our jobs went overseas.

Greed is what moved jobs overseas. Greed is what created strikes. Greed is a deadly sin. Collective bargaining will lead to fair wages, Unions do not want to chase away the jobs. Common sense and the lessons of history seem to have left the Right Wing.
Greedy bastards got what they deserved.

<<“Unions built the middle class—and unions will rebuild the middle class,” Warren wrote. “If we want more good American jobs, then we need stronger unions and more power in the hands of the people.”>>

Elizabeth Warren: 'Unions Will Rebuild America’s Middle Class'

Elizabeth Warren is completely correct.

Except she omits the part that unions are why our jobs went overseas.

Greed is what moved jobs overseas. Greed is what created strikes. Greed is a deadly sin. Collective bargaining will lead to fair wages, Unions do not want to chase away the jobs. Common sense and the lessons of history seem to have left the Right Wing.

LOL, since when is the desire to increase efficiency synonymous with greed?

You do realize that the never ending quest for efficiency improvement by producers is what made this modern world you enjoy possible, right?

... and while we're at it, why don't you take a stab at defining exactly what a "fair wage" is and why only collective bargaining can acquire it, K, thanks.
Why do conservatives favor billionaires over their fellow working man? Must you always be slaves to your big biz masters ?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.
Why do conservatives favor billionaires over their fellow working man? Must you always be slaves to your big biz masters ?

You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
You are a perfect example of why the repub war on unions moved our jobs over seas. Thank you.
You are confused Moon Bat.

Billionaires pay tons of taxes and creates millions of jobs. Union pukes run up the cost of goods and services with their greedy bloated wages and inefficient work ethics.

Why do you stupid Libtards prefer collectivism over personal liberty? You think humans are goddamn ants or something? You idiot Moon Bats are slaves to big government.

Unions are vile greedy corrupt socialist shithead organizations. Piss on them.

The asshole corrupt Union bosses want the rank and file Union workers to vote for Democrats but many of the Union workers (who were forced to joining the Union by oppressive laws in the anti right to work states) will vote for Trump.

They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I prefer for the filthy greedy Unions to go fuck themselves.

I never belonged to a Union and I negotiated a very comfortable salary for my labor hours. I didn't need need to belong to a group of greedy little corrupt commie thugs.

If you need collective bargaining to get a good wage then you ain't worth shit.

In right to work states most workers don't even want to belong to an Union and they make livable wages. Union membership is only high in those oppressive states where the filthy Democrats have a law that in order to work you have to be in an Union.
Greedy bastards got what they deserved.

<<“Unions built the middle class—and unions will rebuild the middle class,” Warren wrote. “If we want more good American jobs, then we need stronger unions and more power in the hands of the people.”>>

Elizabeth Warren: 'Unions Will Rebuild America’s Middle Class'

Elizabeth Warren is completely correct.

Except she omits the part that unions are why our jobs went overseas.

Greed is what moved jobs overseas. Greed is what created strikes. Greed is a deadly sin. Collective bargaining will lead to fair wages, Unions do not want to chase away the jobs. Common sense and the lessons of history seem to have left the Right Wing.

LOL, since when is the desire to increase efficiency synonymous with greed?

You do realize that the never ending quest for efficiency improvement by producers is what made this modern world you enjoy possible, right?

... and while we're at it, why don't you take a stab at defining exactly what a "fair wage" is and why only collective bargaining can acquire it, K, thanks.

Moving washing machines and other manufactured goods overseas is more efficient than building them here?

Robotics have claimed jobs, that's efficient, and along with green and renewable energy more 21st jobs will be created in our country if we can train the up coming generation in trades and technology.

What's a fair wage? It depends on geography, and the ability of the worker to be able to pay for shelter, food, clothing, health insurance, transportation and saving for the future - at the least.

What's an unfair wage: America's CEOs earned a staggering $14.5 million in 2018, on average, compared to the average $39,888 that rank-and-file workers made. And CEOs got a $500,000 bump compared to the previous year, while the average US worker barely got more than $1,000.

CEOs made 287 times more money last year than their workers did
They wouldn’t be billionaires without those workers . Unions help the workers get their fair value .

You cons act as if the purpose of the country is to offer us as fodder to the super rich .

Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I prefer for the filthy greedy Unions to go fuck themselves.

I never belonged to a Union and I negotiated a very comfortable salary for my labor hours. I didn't need need to belong to a group of greedy little corrupt commie thugs.

If you need collective bargaining to get a good wage then you ain't worth shit.

In right to work states most workers don't even want to belong to an Union and they make livable wages. Union membership is only high in those oppressive states where the filthy Democrats have a law that in order to work you have to be in an Union.

Q. Are you nuts, envious or brainwashed
Greedy bastards got what they deserved.

<<“Unions built the middle class—and unions will rebuild the middle class,” Warren wrote. “If we want more good American jobs, then we need stronger unions and more power in the hands of the people.”>>

Elizabeth Warren: 'Unions Will Rebuild America’s Middle Class'

Elizabeth Warren is completely correct.

Except she omits the part that unions are why our jobs went overseas.

Greed is what moved jobs overseas. Greed is what created strikes. Greed is a deadly sin. Collective bargaining will lead to fair wages, Unions do not want to chase away the jobs. Common sense and the lessons of history seem to have left the Right Wing.

LOL, since when is the desire to increase efficiency synonymous with greed?

You do realize that the never ending quest for efficiency improvement by producers is what made this modern world you enjoy possible, right?

... and while we're at it, why don't you take a stab at defining exactly what a "fair wage" is and why only collective bargaining can acquire it, K, thanks.

Management can ignore the individual. They can easily replace the individual. They can do neither with the collective.
Unions are not what they once were. Their contribution to the average American is indeed one of the most important factors, if not THE most important factor in creating the middle class.
That was pre 1970.
After 1970, union manufacturers were waste deep in pension funding as well as financing extraordinary benefit packages.
The old saying "too much of a good thing is never a good thing" applies.
Take my father. He began working for GM in 1968. He retired at 52 after working 28 years. FIFTY TWO. How?
It was 1993. GM began early buyouts once realizing pension funding was eventually, and literally going to bankrupt the company. (which of course that and other problems it did) My Dad dies two years ago at 78 years old. My mother is still alive. Beginning in 1993 to 2017 Dad received 80% pension. 24 years. My mother still receives that pension. She has a good chance of living for at least 5 years more, but probably 10. If so that means Dad & Mom received a pension for 34 years. Six years longer than he worked there. Not to mention they both have health insurance provided.
That is not sustainable. Especially in the global market we live in today.

US car companies began to cheapen the parts and engineering in their vehicles to makeup for those legacy costs. Foreign car companies invested their money into superior parts and engineering, and were able to avoid the unions. The unions they do have are nothing like the UAW unions.

I just bought a used car from Toyota, this is my third Camry. It's a 2016, and the car has 20,000 miles on it. It came with a two year, 20,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. The finance guy wanted to sell me an extended 75,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty for $1,700. I told him the reason I came back to Toyota for a car is because they never break down, so the cost of the extended warranty would likely not be a good investment. We haggled, and he got me to buy that extended warranty for $1,200. It comes with free towing, car rental while mine is in the shop, tire changes on the road, every five years a protective wax coating, and the least thing that malfunctions, they will take care of it for free.

American cars can't offer you the same coverage, because they'd lose money. My last American made car, the mechanic drove it more than I did after 30,000 miles.

Recently my wife and I decided to get new vehicles. She drives a SUV and me a pickup. We like to pollute the environment with CO2 just to piss off the Environmental Wackos.

I could have got a Ford F-150. One of the few good vehicles made by American car manufacturers. Instead I bought a Toyota Tundra. For about the same package the Ford was cheaper. However, the Tundra was made in Texas in a non UAW plant. That was the deciding factor for me. Great vehicle.

My wife got a Honda Pilot. We didn't even consider any American made SUV.

Fuck the UAW and the chickenshit American car companies that kiss their ass and turn out shitty vehicles.
So you prefer lower paying jobs for us.

You are confused Moon Bat.

I prefer for the filthy greedy Unions to go fuck themselves.

I never belonged to a Union and I negotiated a very comfortable salary for my labor hours. I didn't need need to belong to a group of greedy little corrupt commie thugs.

If you need collective bargaining to get a good wage then you ain't worth shit.

In right to work states most workers don't even want to belong to an Union and they make livable wages. Union membership is only high in those oppressive states where the filthy Democrats have a law that in order to work you have to be in an Union.

Q. Are you nuts, envious or brainwashed

You are confused Moon Bat. I supervised Union assholes. I have seen their greedy mindset and have seen the destructiveness they do. I know what turds they are.

Democrat Party = Communists

Unions = Communists

Unions = Cash Cow for the filthy Democrat Party.

While in Washington State the stupid Unions loaded up busses to take the goddamn idiot Union workers to Seattle to riot in the streets to protest capitalism. Fucking morons.

If anybody is nuts and brainwashed it is you idiot Moon Bats. Pull your head out of you ass.

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