Pockets of white supremacy

9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
A smaller percentage than those who think sharia law should be instituted in the US and who send money to terror groups to facilitate that.
I really don't believe any polls anymore..
I think most are skewed to sway opinions...
There is plenty of hate to go around on all sides..
It's up to the good decent people to call it out
wherever it comes from...I do believe though that
most of the hate is directed at Whites..
None of us can do anything about the past...

You mean slavery? Most hate is directed at whites, are you kidding?

You dwell in the past...

Now and the future is all we have.

And yes most of the hate is directed at Whites.

No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.
You bought the lie about half of marriages ending in divorce....it's not true and never has been.

" We've been told for decades now that half of all marriages end in divorce — and that it's only getting worse. But, as is the case with most "facts" that get repeated (and repeated and repeated), that's not quite true. And it turns out that divorce rates are actually falling, not rising.

Yep, researchers have found that the rate of divorce in the U.S. actually peaked at about 40% around 1980 and has been declining ever since. And, according to data from the National Survey of Family Growth, the probability of a first marriage lasting at least a decade was 68% for women and 70% for men between 2006 and 2010. The probability that they would make it 20 years was 52% for women and 56% for men, so that percentage is closer to the frequently-cited "half," but still not there.

Other estimates show that three-quarters of those married in the 1990s would make it at least 15 years (compared with just 65% of those married in the 1980s). And if that current trend continues, the vast majority (about two-thirds) of marriages will never divorce."

Here's What The Divorce Rate Actually Means For You
I really don't believe any polls anymore..
I think most are skewed to sway opinions...
There is plenty of hate to go around on all sides..
It's up to the good decent people to call it out
wherever it comes from...I do believe though that
most of the hate is directed at Whites..
None of us can do anything about the past...

You mean slavery? Most hate is directed at whites, are you kidding?

You dwell in the past...

Now and the future is all we have.

And yes most of the hate is directed at Whites.

No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.

Blacks are 5 times more likely to come from single parent households:

You mean slavery? Most hate is directed at whites, are you kidding?

You dwell in the past...

Now and the future is all we have.

And yes most of the hate is directed at Whites.

No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.

Blacks are 5 times more likely to come from single parent households:

It's held steady at 72% of black children raised in single parent household for a long time now.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties
Since when?

Since the 1960s----when that organization was founded by
Saddam Hussein. Remember not to tell an Iraqi muslim that he is not "white". CAIR is the grandchild of its grandparent organization founded by M. MEDHI that bore the name----something like "American friends of arab nations" (approx.)
Medhi was an emissary of Saddam. One of his introductions into the American scene included demonstrations at
the ISRAEL PAVILION of the "World's Fair" in New York-----in the Mid sixties. He also OBJECTED VEHEMENTLY to
kosher Felafel shops in New York City. -----not very exciting venues------even the Israel Pavilion at the World's Fair---was nothing more than a kosher hot dog stand <<< an affront to
Baathist sensibilities
I see no issue with having pride in your color or country.
White supremacy is not pride: it is mental illness.
It's actually not a mental illness...it's the realization of the truth. Whites create superior cultures and nations when compared to non-whites...that's why non-whites all want to come to western nations and no whites want to flood into non white ones. So in that context, I'd say white supremacy is objectively true.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties
Since when?

Since the 1960s----when that organization was founded by
Saddam Hussein. Remember not to tell an Iraqi muslim that he is not "white". CAIR is the grandchild of its grandparent organization founded by M. MEDHI that bore the name----something like "American friends of arab nations" (approx.)
Medhi was an emissary of Saddam. One of his introductions into the American scene included demonstrations at
the ISRAEL PAVILION of the "World's Fair" in New York-----in the Mid sixties. He also OBJECTED VEHEMENTLY to
kosher Felafel shops in New York City. -----not very exciting venues------even the Israel Pavilion at the World's Fair---was nothing more than a kosher hot dog stand <<< an affront to
Baathist sensibilities
Baathists are socialist.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

Paul Gaubatz- he put his son undercover in Cair, and wrote Muslim Mafia and the Conservatives hoped on board. Here is his retirement letter:

Since 2009 I have met virtually every conservative organization and their leaders who are working to expose Islam…at least from one looking from the outside in.

There are many good people fighting the fight from within these organizations, but the majority of the 501 non profit conservative organizations saying they are engaging Islam in head to head battle, are nothing more than business corporations fighting for the big bucks. I am referring to these conservative leaders who are fighting against each other (from the inside) for the $50,000 and $100,000 plus donations.


the average American knew how much fighting goes on between rival non- profit conservative organizations, they would cancel their membership from these groups and work alone to expose Islam. Do not allow anyone to tell you these 501 conservative acronyms are not businesses and their leaders do not make very high salaries. Many of their salaries are in excess of $150,000 plus. I believe most started out for the right reasons, but soon found out they can make a lot of money. It would be ok if they made a lot of money if the work they were doing was making a difference.

From the outside it looks like a difference is being made, but since the conservative groups are non-profit organizations, the federal government has the final say on what they can and can’t say. (I guess that’s why I haven’t become a 501 non-profit like Robert Spencer for the big bucks. Nobody tells me what I can and can’t say. But now I know why Spencer won’t list me in his blogroll)

VERY SAD NEWS: Dave Gaubatz, who worked undercover at CAIR for a year and exposed them in his book ‘Muslim Mafia’ is retiring from the counter-jihad world
Lol....you are confusing Robert Spencer(jewish Christian apologist who focuses on critiquing lslam) with Richard Spencer(White Nationalist).

They are not the same person.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?
Yes, why else do they display swastikas?

Just to mess with your mind. They know how much it annoys you.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties
Since when?

Since the 1960s----when that organization was founded by
Saddam Hussein. Remember not to tell an Iraqi muslim that he is not "white". CAIR is the grandchild of its grandparent organization founded by M. MEDHI that bore the name----something like "American friends of arab nations" (approx.)
Medhi was an emissary of Saddam. One of his introductions into the American scene included demonstrations at
the ISRAEL PAVILION of the "World's Fair" in New York-----in the Mid sixties. He also OBJECTED VEHEMENTLY to
kosher Felafel shops in New York City. -----not very exciting venues------even the Israel Pavilion at the World's Fair---was nothing more than a kosher hot dog stand <<< an affront to
Baathist sensibilities
Baathists are socialist.

right------NATIONALIST ARABIST SOCIALISTS-------the "socialist" appeals to the Russians-----and the "nationalist" appeals to Nazis. The bottom line is IMPERIALIST
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.

Turks are "ETHNICALLY JEWISH"? you don't get around much, do you? Greeks too? How about IRISH?
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties
Since when?

Since the 1960s----when that organization was founded by
Saddam Hussein. Remember not to tell an Iraqi muslim that he is not "white". CAIR is the grandchild of its grandparent organization founded by M. MEDHI that bore the name----something like "American friends of arab nations" (approx.)
Medhi was an emissary of Saddam. One of his introductions into the American scene included demonstrations at
the ISRAEL PAVILION of the "World's Fair" in New York-----in the Mid sixties. He also OBJECTED VEHEMENTLY to
kosher Felafel shops in New York City. -----not very exciting venues------even the Israel Pavilion at the World's Fair---was nothing more than a kosher hot dog stand <<< an affront to
Baathist sensibilities
Baathists are socialist.

right------NATIONALIST ARABIST SOCIALISTS-------the "socialist" appeals to the Russians-----and the "nationalist" appeals to Nazis. The bottom line is IMPERIALIST
I agree, they are not marxian socialists.
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.

Turks are "ETHNICALLY JEWISH"? you don't get around much, do you? Greeks too? How about IRISH?
He has said himself he is ethnically jewish multiple times if I remember correctly...just that he was not raised jewish, instead he was raised as Melkite Greek Catholic.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?
Yes, why else do they display swastikas?

Just to mess with your mind. They know how much it annoys you.

everyone should have the opportunity of doing a walk thru----
of the hospital prison wards for the criminally insane.
The lock down is DRAMATIC------heavy iron doors and gates and heavily armed cops thruout-------getting in requires a cacophony of KLANGING locks and chains. ------and then the dazed inmates-------all decorated with Iron crosses----
swastikas, black che guevarra berets and big mustaches.
It is what nuts do
how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.

Turks are "ETHNICALLY JEWISH"? you don't get around much, do you? Greeks too? How about IRISH?
He has said himself he is ethnically jewish multiple times if I remember correctly...just that he was not raised jewish, instead he was raised as Melkite Greek Catholic.

you don't remember correctly.

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