Pockets of white supremacy

9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
One out of ten adults walking around as a jerk on these matters is a problem.

The way to counter it is to keep teaching diversity in the schools.
. You mean keep teaching white guilt don't you ? Diversity is the code word for white guilt teaching.
how idiotic--9%---what a BIG number !!!!!!!!!!
9 out of 10 do not agree
but the MSM tries to brainwashing you to think white supremacists are ALL OVER
but the OP clearly shows that's not true
"30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable."

Trump voters/supporters.

This is the fear, ignorance, and bigotry of the reactionary right Trump represents.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
Everyone must agree with Jakey Poo or there is a major problem.
again--blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
everyone should be more afraid of blacks than of white supremacists who have murdered 77 people--since 1995

you would have to be a dumbass who failed 4th grade math if you are more afraid of a white supremacist than a black
again--blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
everyone should be more afraid of blacks than of white supremacists who have murdered 77 people--since 1995

you would have to be a dumbass who failed 4th grade math if you are more afraid of a white supremacist than a black
1. How much of that number is because vile lefties have confused the issue to the point that not being ashamed of being white is sometimes called "White supremacy"?


I do not believe in racial superiority (unlike Aclepias, or Tigered who are black liberals) however, I have no problem with anyone who prefers to be around people of their own kind.
I do not believe in racial superiority (unlike Aclepias, or Tigered who are black liberals) however, I have no problem with anyone who prefers to be around people of their own kind.

Does that count as white supremacy according to the polls?

We don't know.

It could be anything.

Let us always remember. Lefties lie, always.
I do not believe in racial superiority (unlike Aclepias, or Tigered who are black liberals) however, I have no problem with anyone who prefers to be around people of their own kind.

Does that count as white supremacy according to the polls?

We don't know.

It could be anything.

Let us always remember. Lefties lie, always.

If preferring to be around ones own race is considered "supremacy" then pretty much every single person in this country is a supremist.
I do not believe in racial superiority (unlike Aclepias, or Tigered who are black liberals) however, I have no problem with anyone who prefers to be around people of their own kind.

Does that count as white supremacy according to the polls?

We don't know.

It could be anything.

Let us always remember. Lefties lie, always.

If preferring to be around ones own race is considered "supremacy" then pretty much every single person in this country is a supremist.

only the white ones. It's different when it's a black or a brown. At least according to lefties.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
. No news on the percentages of black supremacist eh ?? No because it stays hidden so we'll amongst them. Now listen, I ain't talking about the super cool blacks that consider themselves as great Americans as any are, and for whom love this country, and for whom love this American culture, love all of the great religions, love all the good people, and most notably the flag, but instead I'm talking about the same ones or the same types that you're talking about with these so called white supremacist here, except in my response I'm saying that they're are black supremacist in this country just as well. Yep they exist, and they are just as bad as the White's you want to talk about here.
Where are those "Black supremacists"? :rolleyes:
Jesse Jackson
All Sharpton
Maxine waters
Michelle Obama
Just to name a few.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Your link is broken.

I suspect that what your LW-Prog study defines as "white supremacy" is that some white people refuse to be shamed and cowered by PC Crapola, and reject the notion of white privilege.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.

Wrong! The Nazis would have voted for Hillary because of their mutual love of the most Jew-exterminating hate ideology on Earth, Islam. Much like the Nazis, you liberals love to destroy historical artifacts you don't like, you hate freedom of speech, you violently disrupt the political rallies of you opponents just like the Brownshirts. How can you liberals be this arrogantly lacking in self-awareness as to not notice all the Nazi commonalities you liberals have, when your party has shown itself to be the most violent, completely anti-social hate sewer in the country today?
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.

Wrong! The Nazis would have voted for Hillary because of their mutual love of the most Jew-exterminating hate ideology on Earth, Islam. Much like the Nazis, you liberals love to destroy historical artifacts you don't like, you hate freedom of speech, you violently disrupt the political rallies of you opponents just like the Brownshirts. How can you liberals be this arrogantly lacking in self-awareness as to not notice all the Nazi commonalities you liberals have, when your party has shown itself to be the most violent, completely anti-social hate sewer in the country today?
So the political spectrum is judged by zionism and anti-zionism in your view?

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