Pockets of white supremacy

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.

Turks are "ETHNICALLY JEWISH"? you don't get around much, do you? Greeks too? How about IRISH?
He has said himself he is ethnically jewish multiple times if I remember correctly...just that he was not raised jewish, instead he was raised as Melkite Greek Catholic.

you don't remember correctly.
It's been awhile since I read his bio so you might be right. Would be nice to see some proof I am wrong though...
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Some jews hate Muslims, and are trying to pump the US Christians up to fight wars for Israel.

Most Muslims hate Jews:

Robert Spencer is of the EASTERN ORTHODOX church---
His family had resided in part of Turkey under the OTTOMAN CALIPHATE as dhimmis under the filth of shariah law----they fled the oppression to the USA. Lots of islamo-Nazis have
decided to claim that he is a jew because he has written expose's of the filth of shariah based on family legacy and scholarship. His book is worth reading. It is a very sober
representation of the shariah society
He is ethnically jewish though. But I agree, he has great books and speeches on Islam. Definitely worth reading.

Turks are "ETHNICALLY JEWISH"? you don't get around much, do you? Greeks too? How about IRISH?
He has said himself he is ethnically jewish multiple times if I remember correctly...just that he was not raised jewish, instead he was raised as Melkite Greek Catholic.

you don't remember correctly.
It's been awhile since I read his bio so you might be right. Would be nice to see some proof I am wrong though...

let your fingers do the google dance. Keep in mind----it is the TURKS that do the sesame halvah-------which EVERYONE KNOWS--------is jewish food (halvah is an Arabic word-------don't tell anyone----I was over 20 before
I learned that startling fact)
CAIR is not "anti-white" -----it is a darling of the Nazi parties

how sweet coming from a jew, I suspect Spencer is also a jew and well we know Pam Geller is one.

And what does being Jewish have to do with it? Do Jews act differently or think differently from other people?

Some jews hate Muslims, and are trying to pump the US Christians up to fight wars for Israel.

Most Muslims hate Jews:

remember the song---- "Jesus loves me, this I know, 'cause
the bible tells me so" ?

the muslim version is "I hate jews, this I know, 'cause the Koran tells me so "
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
About one of seven or eight white Americans feel that way, yes.

They have every constitutional right to feel that way.

And the rest of America has every right to ignore them.
In my opinion, in 2017, there are very few Caucasians who believe that they are supreme or superior to any other ethnicity.

For example, most Caucasians, I feel, admire Asians for their outstanding scholarship at the universities and their very low record of violent crime, much lower than that of Caucasians.

I also believe that most Caucasians feel that there are many African Americans and Hispanics who are just as intelligent or even more intelligent than they.

I do believe, however, that there are many Caucasians who just want to live peacefully with people who share their cultural values. They are concerned with the high violent crime rate among two certain groups. Thus, many Caucasians prefer to live in predominately Caucasian neighborhoods, send their kids to predominately Caucasian (public/private) schools, and patronize restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, etc. that have a predominately Caucasian clientele.

I think that it is very unfair to characterize such Caucasians as "supremacists."

Like everyone else in this racially unique country, Caucasians just want to do the best they can under the circumstances (for which no one living today is responsible).
About one of seven whites will disagree with you about racial supremacy.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
white extremists have murdered a whopping 77 people--since 1995
blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR
blacks and other races have their groups for their race
blacks are just as--if not more--hateful/etc than whites ---per the link above

no--it is NOT a major problem compared to black MURDER and hate crimes as we see in FACTUAL numbers
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
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I think every race is supreme & inferior to others in different ways. Whites are intellectually superior to negroes, negroes are athletically superior to whites, at least when it comes to sports that involve a lot of running and jumping, for example.
You dwell in the past...

Now and the future is all we have.

And yes most of the hate is directed at Whites.

No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.

Blacks are 5 times more likely to come from single parent households:

It's held steady at 72% of black children raised in single parent household for a long time now.
. Is it a result of white oppression or is it a result of cultures that need to be educated further ?

If education is needed, then who should do the educating or be the influence that leads important changes within the cultures as pertaining to some issues that some still have ???

Should resources be used (Hollywood), for example to help assimilate and educate cultures into being more in tune or united with each other ?

Has Hollywood with all it's might been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has government been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has various groups been highly destructive in undermining the cultures trying their best to unify ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been highly destructive to the point of never truly working, because of it not being excepted on the basis of cultural norms that date back decades and decades of traditional American values not subjected to the mistakes or sins of the past ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been used in an incompatible way by groups unwilling to assimilate, and has it been used to dilute the cultures into potentially failing once it intertwines within the groups it doesn't want to be successful ??

It's really sad that the young educated citizens of America are caught up in the bullcrap, and are being targeted to pay for the sins of the past.
No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.

Blacks are 5 times more likely to come from single parent households:

It's held steady at 72% of black children raised in single parent household for a long time now.
. Is it a result of white oppression or is it a result of cultures that need to be educated further ?

If education is needed, then who should do the educating or be the influence that leads important changes within the cultures as pertaining to some issues that some still have ???

Should resources be used (Hollywood), for example to help assimilate and educate cultures into being more in tune or united with each other ?

Has Hollywood with all it's might been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has government been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has various groups been highly destructive in undermining the cultures trying their best to unify ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been highly destructive to the point of never truly working, because of it not being excepted on the basis of cultural norms that date back decades and decades of traditional American values not subjected to the mistakes or sins of the past ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been used in an incompatible way by groups unwilling to assimilate, and has it been used to dilute the cultures into potentially failing once it intertwines within the groups it doesn't want to be successful ??

It's really sad that the young educated citizens of America are caught up in the bullcrap, and are being targeted to pay for the sins of the past.
Blacks are the same way in Africa. I think it is both genetic and cultural...and we can't fix the problem. They are incapable of changing...best you could hope for is to ship them all back to Africa where they can live the way they are meant to live.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
No. He proved there are 30 million people who believe it is okay to believe whites are superior to other races in a country of 300 million plus.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

What percent think that holding Stalinist views is acceptable, Comrade?

And what constitutes "white supremacist views? Objecting to genocide of the whites you so bitterly hate?
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

What percent think that holding Stalinist views is acceptable, Comrade?

And what constitutes "white supremacist views? Objecting to genocide of the whites you so bitterly hate?
The Alt Right commie cons hold white supremacist, white ethno state, nationalistic, and nativistic views.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
One out of ten adults walking around as a jerk on these matters is a problem.

The way to counter it is to keep teaching diversity in the schools.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
One out of ten adults walking around as a jerk on these matters is a problem.

The way to counter it is to keep teaching diversity in the schools.
you do not know how math/science/etc work
91% is almost 100%
it is NOT a major problem---it's not even close
a bigger problem is blacks murdering over 3000 people every year
blacks graduating at lower levels
blacks committing hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
these are the major problems
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9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
that means 91% do not
your post is obviously ridiculous --and you provide the proof yourself!!!!!

91% !!!!!
He proved that 30 million people live in pockets of white supremacy.
what's your point?
9% obviously proves it's not a major problem
maybe 20%, 30%--but not 9%
One out of ten adults walking around as a jerk on these matters is a problem.

The way to counter it is to keep teaching diversity in the schools.
blacks hate also
they commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
stop the white hating
stop with the WHITES ARE EVIL
we are not buying your crap
91%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 91%.....91%

according to the numbers--blacks hate more than whites per capita....a lot more than 1 out of 10
don't forget to teach blacks not to hate also
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