Pockets of white supremacy

White supremacist = liberalfilth term for any white that doesn't hate his own race and doesn't supplicate on their bellies before all the sainted, magical minorities who can do no wrong.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.

Wrong! The Nazis would have voted for Hillary because of their mutual love of the most Jew-exterminating hate ideology on Earth, Islam. Much like the Nazis, you liberals love to destroy historical artifacts you don't like, you hate freedom of speech, you violently disrupt the political rallies of you opponents just like the Brownshirts. How can you liberals be this arrogantly lacking in self-awareness as to not notice all the Nazi commonalities you liberals have, when your party has shown itself to be the most violent, completely anti-social hate sewer in the country today?
So the political spectrum is judged by zionism and anti-zionism in your view?

Not at all. I'm just giving an example of Nazi and liberalfilth commonality, that's all. And pointing out how hypocritical it is for liberals to call people Nazis due to this commonality. I don't care about zionism one way or another, it's not relevant to me.
No I do not live in the past, I live for the here and now, and no I do not think whites are hated anymore than blacks are still being prejudiced against, well actually its more like a social status divide.

Blacks and whites in the same tax bracket have nearly identical levels of socioeconomic mobility provided that a) they graduate from highschool and b) don't have children out of wedlock, the problem is that blacks have disproportionately higher dropout rates and single parent households.

Two family households, they are becoming far and few between. What is the divorce rate, around 60-70%. Lots of white kids come from broken homes. Yes we have forgot about the inner cities when the manufacturing left and left behind many poor.

Blacks are 5 times more likely to come from single parent households:

It's held steady at 72% of black children raised in single parent household for a long time now.
. Is it a result of white oppression or is it a result of cultures that need to be educated further ?

If education is needed, then who should do the educating or be the influence that leads important changes within the cultures as pertaining to some issues that some still have ???

Should resources be used (Hollywood), for example to help assimilate and educate cultures into being more in tune or united with each other ?

Has Hollywood with all it's might been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has government been a positive or negative influence on the cultures ?

Has various groups been highly destructive in undermining the cultures trying their best to unify ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been highly destructive to the point of never truly working, because of it not being excepted on the basis of cultural norms that date back decades and decades of traditional American values not subjected to the mistakes or sins of the past ??

Has the mis-use of multi-culturalism been used in an incompatible way by groups unwilling to assimilate, and has it been used to dilute the cultures into potentially failing once it intertwines within the groups it doesn't want to be successful ??

It's really sad that the young educated citizens of America are caught up in the bullcrap, and are being targeted to pay for the sins of the past.

my mother has always had the answer----its WHITE SUGAR
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
About one of seven or eight white Americans feel that way, yes.

They have every constitutional right to feel that way.

And the rest of America has every right to ignore them.
Oh my! I actually agree with you. I'm buying a lotto ticket on the way home.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
Cool! We got an ARMY when the ANTIFA COMMUNISTS get out of line.
In America people are welcome to have whatever views they have. Nobody is allowed to decide what views are "acceptable" for someone else to have. We call that freedom. Don't like someone else's views? Convince them why they should change them . Otherwise STFU.
You were fine, 9th, until the last sentence. No one has to pay any attention to your views.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
Cool! We got an ARMY when the ANTIFA COMMUNISTS get out of line.
You'd love military rule, we know.
again--blacks murder over 3000 blacks every year
everyone should be more afraid of blacks than of white supremacists who have murdered 77 people--since 1995

you would have to be a dumbass who failed 4th grade math if you are more afraid of a white supremacist than a black
white supremacists murders:
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
and I didn't think TMcVeigh was a WS??!!!

According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
blacks are about 12.7% of the population...whites about 67%

total murder victims:
Murder in the U.S.: victims by race/ethnicity and gender 2016 | Statistic

With 500 homicides in Chicago, time for African-Americans to get tough on crime
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9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.
What exactly is your point? That if a majority of Americans think your views are wrong, they should be allowed to prosecute you? Take away your right to speech? Deport you?

I really want to know what you think should be done about people who hold views and beliefs you or the majority of Americans disagree with.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.
Go ahead and push that deplorables theme. It worked so well for your llibtard leader.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.
The black lives matter crowd would disagree with you. If you're white, you are a white Supremist. You don't get a pass.
9% = 30,000,000 Americans find Neo-Nazis acceptable. This should frighten everyone.

4. Pockets of white supremacy

An August poll after Charlottesville found that 9% of Americans believe holding white supremacist or neo-Nazi views is acceptable. A majority of Americans, regardless of party, thinks it's unacceptable to hold such views (83% overall).

9% of America is nearly 30 million people.

Yes half of Trumps voters.
Go ahead and push that deplorables theme. It worked so well for your llibtard leader.

it's good that you own what you are, lowlife.

btw, where I come from "average" makes you a C student. that's a fail in my world.
Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.

you have some information to support your theory?
Yes half of Trumps voters.

how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?
Yes, why else do they display swastikas?

Do you think that display of swastikas is done by all or most
white supremacists? The most color conscious people
I have encountered in my long life have been people from south east asia and Iran

Trump and Con voters.
Those Nazi losers are more ideologically aligned with the Leftists socialists than with our conservative ideology. They are socialists after all.
how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?

Nazi's would vote for Trump. He got around 60 million votes, less that Hillary so according to that poll he got their votes. How would I know, I'm not a white supremacist, white yes, but not a supremacist.

you have some information to support your theory?
how many is that? does that mean 50% of non-Trump
voters hold Nazi views? Are white-supremacist views
the SAME as 'neo-Nazi' views?
Yes, why else do they display swastikas?

Do you think that display of swastikas is done by all or most
white supremacists? The most color conscious people
I have encountered in my long life have been people from south east asia and Iran

Trump and Con voters.
Those Nazi losers are more ideologically aligned with the Leftists socialists than with our conservative ideology. They are socialists after all.
^^^^ Bullshit

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