Podesta To Roger Stone: "Lying To House Intel Is A Crime"; Stone To Podesta: "So Is Sex With Kids"

Yeah, but lying under oath to Congress is a crime, not a real 'CRIME' crime. I mean:

Eric Holder:
Committed multiple counts of Perjury - No prison time but was 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured by Congress)

Perjured himself, was caught, and was given the opportunity to re-testify to 'amend' his perjurous testimony to avoid criminal charges. (Scooter Libby was never given that 2nd chance - just sayin'...)

Hillary Clinton:
Comey testified under oath and made clear that Hillary had lied when she testified

Caught lying under oath about his deciding to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over

John Koskinen:
Head of the IRS, caught committing Perjury, & Congress 'cut a deal' to prevent him from being charged with a crime and being Impeached.

Caught perjuring himself, no criminal charges

Politicians, especially Obama and Democrats, have more than proved there are 'crimes' and then there are 'CRIME' crimes, evidently none of which they have committed...according to them.

Still waiting for those indictments.....heck, we're still waiting for that Special Counsel we were promised back in July.
how is that impeachment going?
Stone knows every little secret that occurs in DC....his book on LBJ is well researched and backed up with solid facts
Progs don't care about child sex crimes.

You will see that when Anthony Weiner wins elected office again because Progs are corrupt and disgusting.
The perv should have gotten a harder sentence. But he's a Democrat, and we all know they usually get a pass...........
Don't lose hope. They just sentenced his pedophile buddy Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner to prison day before yesterday.

Hey asshole, where can I find the "crimes" that he supposedly commited? Where they in Pravda?
Hey asshole! His perverted crimes were in everything. Here's a couple, pipsqueak.

Anthony Weiner gets 21 months in prison in sexting case - CNNPolitics

Anthony Weiner Gets 21 Months in Prison for Sexting With Teenager
So Stone answers by repeating a Fake news story written by the RUSSIANS... And you all applaud it.....way to go Comrades!


The conservatives who post on this board are literally the dumbest people on the planet.
The question has nothing to do with the subject of this thread...and the question of when the Liberals are finally going to release that evidence of Russian Collusion is no less 'on-topic' / relevant as your own question. (sorry my question is so embarrassing for YOU and undermines your attempt to derail this thread subject.)

how embarrassing for YOU, the way you repeatedly harp for evidence IN THE MIDDLE OF an ongoing investigation.

and BTW the info you seek will be released, not by liberals, but by THE FBI.

see if you can find a 4th grader to explain it to you. :itsok:
please provide a link to clinton's testimony please, where she states precisely what Gowdy says she said...

otherwise, it didn't happen...

The Director of the FBI testified under oath that Hillary Clinton LIED during her testimony, as the evidence I provided shows, and your lazy ass - who won't even attempt to find the information you have asked others to provide because you are scared of what you will find - is claiming Comey himself lied under oath in his testimony against Hillary Clinton?!

'Didn't happen.' Bwuhahaha......

Your display of delusion and attempted spin is enough to ignore what you say in desperation from now on. You are 'cut off' for the rest of the day. Try again tomorrow when you decide to be serious instead of engage in childish 'uh-uh' games.
no he did not....he answered Gowdy's questions, Gowdy never showed what Hillary actually said.... as example, his question to Comey on classified info on her server....I remember Hillary's answer...she said she never received or sent any emails that were MARKED classified, but gowdy said, when asking Comey the questions, ''Hillary Clinton said she never sent or received classified emails, is that true?'' When gowdy should have said/asked, ''Hillary Clinton said she never sent or received MARKED CLASSIFIED emails, is this true?''

So Gowdy changed what she actually answered when being questioned by congress...

AND he specifically did this, for a deceitful commercial the RNC created out of it and ran the ad the entire election season....
The Director of the FBI testified under oath that Hillary Clinton LIED during her testimony, as the evidence I provided shows, and your lazy ass - who won't even attempt to find the information you have asked others to provide because you are scared of what you will find - is claiming Comey himself lied under oath in his testimony against Hillary Clinton?!

'Didn't happen.' Bwuhahaha......

Your display of delusion and attempted spin is enough to ignore what you say in desperation from now on. You are 'cut off' for the rest of the day. Try again tomorrow when you decide to be serious instead of engage in childish 'uh-uh' games.

try again, you dumbo FAKE NEWS parrot, you. :itsok:

"We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI," Comey told House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) during one of the hearing's opening exchanges...

Comey: Clinton did not lie to the FBI
Podesta is one dark evil S.O.B. Wikileaks exposed him to some extent. He perfectly represents the true evil of NWO Globalist Elites.
ZOMG! Is this the guy with the risotto recipe?
it was very similar to my recipe and he makes it like a true Italian, with adding the chicken broth, little by little, and a lot of stirring, so all the starches release and make it gooey and yummy! :D

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