Podesta To Roger Stone: "Lying To House Intel Is A Crime"; Stone To Podesta: "So Is Sex With Kids"

The perv should have gotten a harder sentence. But he's a Democrat, and we all know they usually get a pass...........
Don't lose hope. They just sentenced his pedophile buddy Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner to prison day before yesterday.
weiner is just their sacrificial perv.
weiner got driven out of office, was rejected when he ran for mayor and was convicted and is now in prison. It's all good. The GOP elects their groper president.
Bullshit! Comey did not testify that Hillary lied. He was very clear inhis report that she DID NOT LIE.
My dear, are you a LIAR or just IGNORANT?

Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?
"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

(# does not matter - she DID send/receive classified)

'Asked whether Clinton's testimony that she did not email "any classified material to anyone on my email" and "there is no classified material" was true'...
"No, there was classified material emailed."

"Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?"
"She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

"Gowdy then asked whether it was true that Clinton, as she said, returned all work-related emails to the State Department."
"No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned,"

"Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work-related emails from her personal account. Was that true?"
"That's a harder one to answer," Comey responded. "We found traces of work-related emails in, on devices or in slack space. Whether they were deleted or whether when a server changed out something happened to them, there is no doubt that the work-related emails that were removed electronically from the email system."


...either way, your credibility on this subject is shot.

Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
please provide a link to clinton's testimony please, where she states precisely what Gowdy says she said...

otherwise, it didn't happen...
Here you go you ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!

As I said that was made for a political Ad the GOP used in the election.....

Hillary did not lie to the FBI, Comey NEVER said she did....not once.....

Gowdy rephrased her words when he was speaking to Comey in that clip.....for an ad they were going to make..... it was all show, for the ignorant masses.
Hillary did not lie to the FBI, Comey NEVER said she did....not once.....

She lied. Gowdy used extremely direct questions with Comey. Comey gave straight-forward answers: "that is NOT TRUE."

---- GOWDY: Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?
---- COMEY:"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

He - Comey - made it perfectly clear Hillary LIED.

He made it perfectly clear she broke the law, that her server did contain TS info, that she did send/receive classified.

It could not be any clearer that she broke the law, but snowflakes continue to believe that if they just keep declaring 'water is NOT wet' it will be true.

The FBI has released over 15,000 Hillary official e-mails / documents Hillary never turned in as required by the FOIA and Federal Records Act. She broke those laws, over 15,000 times each.

Continued declarations that Hillary did NOT break laws is intentional LYING / DENIAL.
The perv should have gotten a harder sentence. But he's a Democrat, and we all know they usually get a pass...........
Don't lose hope. They just sentenced his pedophile buddy Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner to prison day before yesterday.
weiner is just their sacrificial perv.
Proof, link?
What proof do you want? All the other people mentioned got off. Perv Weiner, who lost his seat with no chance of winning it back goes to jail, seems pretty obvious.
Oh please stop Freewill, I don't fall for B.S...... You CLEARY implied that Weiner was the sacrificial lamb, as though Podesta was a pedophile and/or there were more than Weiner, wiener was just the small guy taking the hit for all the other pedophiles higher up.....
The perv should have gotten a harder sentence. But he's a Democrat, and we all know they usually get a pass...........
Don't lose hope. They just sentenced his pedophile buddy Anthony 'Carlos Danger' Weiner to prison day before yesterday.
weiner is just their sacrificial perv.
Proof, link?
What proof do you want? All the other people mentioned got off. Perv Weiner, who lost his seat with no chance of winning it back goes to jail, seems pretty obvious.
Oh please stop Freewill, I don't fall for B.S...... You CLEARY implied that Weiner was the sacrificial lamb, as though Podesta was a pedophile and/or there were more than Weiner, wiener was just the small guy taking the hit for all the other pedophiles higher up.....
I guess hyperbole and sarcasm is evading you today.
Stone tells the truth. Democrats don't like it.

Stone has freely admitted that he lies and uses dirty tricks... He has said he wants to see the dismantling of the main US institutions...

The guy is an Anti-American piece of scum...

The question has to be asked of the right, How low will ye go for power?
I am VERY concerned that we have people right here at USMB who claim that Podesta is a pedophile....yet they will not share their evidence with the Authorities................why wouldn't they?

We need to take this seriously, if Podesta is a pedophile, why are the RWers here hiding the evidence....

Why are they supporting a pedophile? The cops should be involved... Why are protecting a pedophile?

Why are the right pro pedophiles?
I am VERY concerned that we have people right here at USMB who claim that Podesta is a pedophile....yet they will not share their evidence with the Authorities................why wouldn't they?

We need to take this seriously, if Podesta is a pedophile, why are the RWers here hiding the evidence....

Why are they supporting a pedophile? The cops should be involved... Why are protecting a pedophile?

Why are the right pro pedophiles?
These are some excellent questions. Why aren't the RWrs accusing Podesta of being a pedophile giving their evidence to the Authorities?
please provide a link to clinton's testimony please, where she states precisely what Gowdy says she said...

otherwise, it didn't happen...

The Director of the FBI testified under oath that Hillary Clinton LIED during her testimony, as the evidence I provided shows, and your lazy ass - who won't even attempt to find the information you have asked others to provide because you are scared of what you will find - is claiming Comey himself lied under oath in his testimony against Hillary Clinton?!

'Didn't happen.' Bwuhahaha......

Your display of delusion and attempted spin is enough to ignore what you say in desperation from now on. You are 'cut off' for the rest of the day. Try again tomorrow when you decide to be serious instead of engage in childish 'uh-uh' games.

Actually you are wrong....

Talking specifically about Clinton’s closed-door FBI interview, Comey said there is "no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI" about her email practices.

But that is not a surprise, Russia needs all the help it can get comrade...
Actually you are wrong....Talking specifically about Clinton’s closed-door FBI interview, Comey said there is "no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI" about her email practices.

No, actually you snowflakes are in denial and are full of shit. COMEY - THE DIRECTOR OF THE FBI - declared Hillary lied and in the process of doing so said you're in denial and full of shit in his testimony before Congress.

'Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?'

"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

It's not rocket science.
The question was not asked in LATIN.
It was straight forward: "Hillary said she did not send or receive classified. Is that True?'
There is nothing 'weasely' or tricky / deceptive in the question.
Comey declared, "NO, THAT IS NOT TRUE."

So why do you snowflakes have to try to continuously lie, deny, justify, offer up BS interpretations of what YOU claim Comey 'really said' when no interpretation is necessary?

4 simple f*ing words do not need 'false liberal interpretation' - "THAT IS NOT TRUE."


We have moved past liberals just 'DENYING THE FACTS'.

We have moved past liberals 'INTENTIONALLY LYING' for Hillary.

Ater repeatedly proving Comey declaring Hillary LIED, we have reached the point of 'MENTAL ILLNESS' on the part of continuous liberal deniers, because ONLY mentally ill people can continue to deny the REALITY of what was asked and what Comey's simple answers were.

John "Pedo" Podesta, child rapist and hero of the left.
You, of course, have proof that Podesta is a child rapist...right?

What possible reason could you have for not giving that proof to the Authorities?

Same reason they always applaud lies from Republicans?

This one is beyond sick though. The way RWNJs embrace pedos is shameless.

For that matter, their adoration of all thing fascist and nazi is flat out treason.

After reading this, I need a shower.
We should hire a friend of Trump as a special investigator and destroy Podesta's life just in he is guilty.

Please do that....

We are actually asking you to do that. When you discover you set up a special investigation on Russian Fake News, Muller will get more Ammo...
I wonder when the NFL will take a knee for the social injustice directed at Podesta.

We have continually asked you for evidence so an investigation can be started.. Please hand the evidence you got to the authorities...

Why can't you give the evidence and an investigation can start...

Where is your evidence?
Freewill said:
In this case the ONLY reason ANYONE is taking a knee is because they are anti-American...

protesting your government is as American as apple pie. :itsok:
But they are disrespecting the veterans and the servicemen who died defending their country in the process.

Actually they are not and alot of servicemen have said that...

'disrespecting the veterans' is cutting there benefits which your assholes have supported plenty of time..
Actually you are wrong....Talking specifically about Clinton’s closed-door FBI interview, Comey said there is "no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI" about her email practices.

No, actually you snowflakes are in denial and are full of shit. COMEY - THE DIRECTOR OF THE FBI - declared Hillary lied and in the process of doing so said you're in denial and full of shit in his testimony before Congress.

'Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?'

"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

It's not rocket science.
The question was not asked in LATIN.
It was straight forward: "Hillary said she did not send or receive classified. Is that True?'
There is nothing 'weasely' or tricky / deceptive in the question.
Comey declared, "NO, THAT IS NOT TRUE."

So why do you snowflakes have to try to continuously lie, deny, justify, offer up BS interpretations of what YOU claim Comey 'really said' when no interpretation is necessary?

4 simple f*ing words do not need 'false liberal interpretation' - "THAT IS NOT TRUE."


We have moved past liberals just 'DENYING THE FACTS'.

We have moved past liberals 'INTENTIONALLY LYING' for Hillary.

Ater repeatedly proving Comey declaring Hillary LIED, we have reached the point of 'MENTAL ILLNESS' on the part of continuous liberal deniers, because ONLY mentally ill people can continue to deny the REALITY of what was asked and what Comey's simple answers were.


Where did he say she lied....

Come on.... Helps when you know the english language.... He specifically did not accuse her of lying...
Freewill said:
In this case the ONLY reason ANYONE is taking a knee is because they are anti-American...

protesting your government is as American as apple pie. :itsok:
But they are disrespecting the veterans and the servicemen who died defending their country in the process.

Actually they are not and alot of servicemen have said that...

'disrespecting the veterans' is cutting there benefits which your assholes have supported plenty of time..
They prefer if they weren't captured.
Podesta is one dark evil S.O.B. Wikileaks exposed him to some extent. He perfectly represents the true evil of NWO Globalist Elites.
you know that's bull crap, you didn't see one email of Podesta's that exposed him as one evil SOB, NOT A one, WHAT YOU are promoting is FAKE NEWS that the Russians created and the right wing rags passed along as their STORY about the emails that they made up, saying the alleged emails said this....when they did not!

we are on to you! ;)

Clinton and Podesta are evil scum. Period, end of story.

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