Podesta To Roger Stone: "Lying To House Intel Is A Crime"; Stone To Podesta: "So Is Sex With Kids"

Yeah, but lying under oath to Congress is a crime, not a real 'CRIME' crime. I mean:

Eric Holder:
Committed multiple counts of Perjury - No prison time but was 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured by Congress)

Perjured himself, was caught, and was given the opportunity to re-testify to 'amend' his perjurous testimony to avoid criminal charges. (Scooter Libby was never given that 2nd chance - just sayin'...)

Hillary Clinton:
Comey testified under oath and made clear that Hillary had lied when she testified

Caught lying under oath about his deciding to exonerate Hillary before the investigation was over

John Koskinen:
Head of the IRS, caught committing Perjury, & Congress 'cut a deal' to prevent him from being charged with a crime and being Impeached.

Caught perjuring himself, no criminal charges

Politicians, especially Obama and Democrats, have more than proved there are 'crimes' and then there are 'CRIME' crimes, evidently none of which they have committed...according to them.


Bullshit! Comey did not testify that Hillary lied. He was very clear inhis report that she DID NOT LIE. She believed several things to be true that were not true, which is not that same thing as lying. She believed that if she sent emails to government email accounts that the government already had copies of them on their servers so she didn't have to hand over copies. That wasn't true. There's a difference between intentionally lying, like saying "I never met with any Russians", when you in fact met with Russians more than once, and saying the government has copies of all of my emails, because, in point of fact, they do, even if Hillary didn't retain copies on her server.
I am VERY concerned that we have people right here at USMB who claim that Podesta is a pedophile....yet they will not share their evidence with the Authorities................why wouldn't they?
Roger Stone, a former campaign adviser to President Trump testified on Tuesday before the House Intelligence Committee.

Roger Stone’s defiant congressional testimony on Trump and Russia, annotated

"I view this as a political proceeding because a number of members of this Committee have made irresponsible, indisputably, and provably false statements in order to create the impression of collusion with the Russian state without any evidence that would hold up in a US court of law or the court of public opinion."

^ the world according to Infowars' infamous FAKE NEWS peddler, there are no boundaries in fantasia! :laugh2:

Mueller's grand jury: What it means
Bullshit! Comey did not testify that Hillary lied. He was very clear inhis report that she DID NOT LIE.
My dear, are you a LIAR or just IGNORANT?

Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?
"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

(# does not matter - she DID send/receive classified)

'Asked whether Clinton's testimony that she did not email "any classified material to anyone on my email" and "there is no classified material" was true'...
"No, there was classified material emailed."

"Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?"
"She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

"Gowdy then asked whether it was true that Clinton, as she said, returned all work-related emails to the State Department."
"No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned,"

"Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work-related emails from her personal account. Was that true?"
"That's a harder one to answer," Comey responded. "We found traces of work-related emails in, on devices or in slack space. Whether they were deleted or whether when a server changed out something happened to them, there is no doubt that the work-related emails that were removed electronically from the email system."


...either way, your credibility on this subject is shot.

Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
So....I ask again....where are those indictments against H. Clinton we've been promised for years now?
As once again this is a distraction from the main thread subject, I will ask again, where is all that evidence of 'Russia Collusion' we have been promised for a year now? In the same drawer as those indictments?
So....I ask again....where are those indictments against H. Clinton we've been promised for years now?
As once again this is a distraction from the main thread subject, I will ask again, where is all that evidence of 'Russia Collusion' we have been promised for a year now? In the same drawer as those indictments?
What is distracting about asking about those indictments that posters like you have been saying are just about to come out........any day now...any day now....any day now....for YEARS?

(Tho I can certainly understand if you don't want this brought up....embarassing as it is for you)
What is distracting about asking about those indictments that posters like you have been saying are just about to come out........any day now...any day now....any day now....for YEARS?
The question has nothing to do with the subject of this thread...and the question of when the Liberals are finally going to release that evidence of Russian Collusion is no less 'on-topic' / relevant as your own question. (sorry my question is so embarrassing for YOU and undermines your attempt to derail this thread subject.)
Bullshit! Comey did not testify that Hillary lied. He was very clear inhis report that she DID NOT LIE.
My dear, are you a LIAR or just IGNORANT?

Hillary testified she did not send or receive classified e-mails. Is that true?
"That is not true," Comey said. "There were a small number of portion markings on, I think, three of the documents."

(# does not matter - she DID send/receive classified)

'Asked whether Clinton's testimony that she did not email "any classified material to anyone on my email" and "there is no classified material" was true'...
"No, there was classified material emailed."

"Secretary Clinton said she used one device. Was that true?"
"She used multiple devices during the four years of her term as secretary of state."

"Gowdy then asked whether it was true that Clinton, as she said, returned all work-related emails to the State Department."
"No, we found work-related emails, thousands that were not returned,"

"Secretary Clinton said neither she or anyone else deleted work-related emails from her personal account. Was that true?"
"That's a harder one to answer," Comey responded. "We found traces of work-related emails in, on devices or in slack space. Whether they were deleted or whether when a server changed out something happened to them, there is no doubt that the work-related emails that were removed electronically from the email system."


...either way, your credibility on this subject is shot.

Comey challenges truthfulness of Clinton's email defenses
please provide a link to clinton's testimony please, where she states precisely what Gowdy says she said...

otherwise, it didn't happen...
Yeah, but lying under oath to Congress is a crime, not a real 'CRIME' crime. I mean:

Eric Holder:
Committed multiple counts of Perjury - No prison time but was 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured by Congress)

Holder wasn't ever convicted, indicted, charged, or even had his lunch money taken away.
Rodger is admitting he's Pedophile too?

Looks the part.

Is he a Russian?
What is distracting about asking about those indictments that posters like you have been saying are just about to come out........any day now...any day now....any day now....for YEARS?
The question has nothing to do with the subject of this thread...and the question of when the Liberals are finally going to release that evidence of Russian Collusion is no less 'on-topic' / relevant as your own question. (sorry my question is so embarrassing for YOU and undermines your attempt to derail this thread subject.)
So...suddenly you want to avoid any mention of those promised indictments against H. Clinton. How odd that you don't want to talk about something you keep promising us is going to happen any day now....any day now...any day now.
Roger Stone is slimier than slime....EVERYONE knows that.... everyone knows he makes his living on lying...the prince of darkness in the political arena, which he is proud of...

they also know it is R Stone that IS, IN REAL LIFE the sexual pervert...who was fired for being one earlier in his career...

yet you revel and cheer on his tweet passing his FAKE news about podesta and pedophilia? :eek:
Yeah, but lying under oath to Congress is a crime, not a real 'CRIME' crime. I mean:

Eric Holder:
Committed multiple counts of Perjury - No prison time but was 1st Cabinet Member in US history to be Censured by Congress)

Holder wasn't ever convicted, indicted, charged, or even had his lunch money taken away.
But posters like Easy keep promising us he will....any day now.....any day now....any day now......just like those promised H. Clinton indictments.

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