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PODESTA, Uranium-Container 1, Treason all the way into the Scumbags in Congress !


Bullseye and these officials should be Indicted, Arrested, Tried and Prosectuted then Hung on the National Lawn until they are Dead, Dead, Dead and filmed for all the world to see...
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?

Bullseye and these officials should be Indicted, Arrested, Tried and Prosectuted then Hung on the National Lawn until they are Dead, Dead, Dead and filmed for all the world to see...
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Maybe this will help you Connect the Usual Suspects and their vehicle to the Raping - please read thoroughly and I will post it in a new Topic next.

Global. Collateral. Accounts.

By Anna Von Reitz

In this world, you have to pay close attention to words. Very close.
Take a look at the title of this article. What do you see?

Three words: global, collateral, and accounts.

What do those words imply? Global = worldwide, planetary, jurisdiction of the air, the realm of ideas and intellectual property. Collateral = things of value put at risk as assets justifying debt. Accounts = a plus and minus ledgering system keeping track of something--- could be money, could be credits, could be number of oranges in a warehouse.

String them all together and what have you got? Global Collateral Accounts. An accounting system that is global in nature, keeping track of unspecified assets being used as collateral.

You have just described the B.E.A.S.T. and --- though some people would give you the deliberate impression that the Global Collateral Accounts are stockpiles of gold amassed in China, the Philippines, and elsewhere---- that isnā€™t really the case.

You and everything you own or have an interest in constitute the ā€œcollateralā€ in the B.E.A.S.T. system.

Your labor, your biological ā€œproductsā€ including organs and children and blood, your home, your land, your businesses, your country, your culture, your art and artifacts, all the natural and human resources you can think of, have all been neatly cataloged, described, copyrighted for the benefit of corporations, and used as collateral backing the debts of these same corporations.

In the old feudal system, serfs were owned by kings and countries. In the new feudal system, serfs are owned by presidents and corporations. Nothing has changed. The criminals responsible are simply sleeker and more diplomatic, more secretive, and far more automated.

It all comes down to the same thing--- a form of government in which the people are ruthlessly preyed upon instead of being protected and served, a variety of ancient tribal thuggery going back to the days of the cavemen, rulership achieved by force and abuse of power, glorifying the few via the misery and enslavement of the many.

Our circumstance would be easy to recognize if we were honest, but we have been trained since babyhood not to face unpleasant things like death, slavery, meaningless drudgery, and criminals in our midst.

Still, more and more, the Truth becomes self-evident. It shows up at the gas pump, when you realize that a large part of the price per gallon is taxes imposed by the ā€œgovernmentā€. It shows up every April 15, when the ā€œgovernmentā€ takes between 40% and 80% of your earnings.

It shows up when the ā€œgovernmentā€ tells you that you have to vaccinate your children with poisons, have to pay off a mortgage that the ā€œgovernmentā€ owes before you can own land that is otherwise yours, have to use private bank script instead of money. Have to, have to, have toā€¦..

The fact is that the most abused serfs during the Middle Ages gave up 20% of their labor and substance to the government every year. We are giving the B.E.A.S.T a hundred percent of everything for life. We are ā€œpresumedā€ to have donated it all, usually within hours of birth.

And when someone wakes up and says, ā€œNo!ā€ --- what happens?

The zombies in charge of this system of things canā€™t hear you. They just plod relentlessly, mindlessly onward, shake their heads as if plain English had suddenly become gibberish, and continue filing and stamping and processing, processing, processing.

Dear hearts, those things you think of as ā€œSocial Security Numbersā€ are numbers assigned to prisoners, just like in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

Those NAMES that you see on every bill and account statement? Those are charges against your ESTATE or a PUBLIC UTILITY named after you.

You no longer have an identity as a living being. You are now considered a PERSON--- a dead corporate franchise literally belonging to a larger corporate franchise that belongs to a still larger corporate franchise.

And sitting at the top of this pile of plunder and presumption is the Holy See.

It is very evident now that the ā€œFourth Reichā€ of the Holy Roman Empire has nearly succeeded in its mad quest to own and dominate and rule the entire world. Itā€™s center of operations has been found buried deep in the heart of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

And as Voltaire said, it is neither ā€œholyā€ nor ā€œRomanā€ nor an ā€œempireā€. Itā€™s a gigantic crime syndicate, nothing more or less, operating under color of law and a veil of propriety.

Itā€™s important to realize that you and your family are the collateral in this system. You have been pledged as assets. Of course, those doing all this pledging in your behalf didnā€™t bother to tell you this. You might have objected, as we do now.

You might have awakened and said, ā€œAll of this is nothing but automated fraud and lies!ā€
And then what?

These dead things, these corporations, have no right to exist. In fact, their existence is predicated on them operating lawfully according to the Public Law, not according to some private, corporate law in which the criminals dictate their own rules.

Who is responsible for this Mess? Ultimately, the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Curia created (out of thin air) all the various kinds of corporations infesting our world--- trusts, cooperatives, foundations, c-corps, s-corps, b-corps, limited liability partnerships--- you name it, and they defined and ordered it, by fiat, like acts of black magic, summoning these forms of organizations into the world, giving them special roles and privileges, defining what they can and cannot do.

And the Holy See--- while remaining studiously unincorporated itself--- has used these arbitrarily bestowed privileges as bait, encouraging all the other governments of the world to incorporate themselves, which has left the Holy See in control of everything. Almost.

Iran, North Korea, and The United States of America (which just happens to own everything as a result of being used as a convenient storage facility and base of operations for this madness) are unincorporated and not under the control of the Holy See.

All around the world, other governments are waking up, too. Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!

Corporations have no sovereignty. Corporations have no life. It is entirely permissible to rape, kill, and plunder corporations. And because you have been ā€œredefinedā€ as a corporate franchise since infancy, the madmen responsible for Agenda 21 now think that they can just arbitrarily kill nine out of ten of you, and face no eternal consequences.

They think they can kill CHINA and JAPAN and the UNITED KINGDOM, too.

It seems that every day I get a dozen emails saying that this is the latest "Intel" and instead, it is all just a bunch of gossip and hearsay about this faction or that, this government or that government, one group of thugs versus another. That is not what this is all really about.

This is a struggle for your mind, for your ability to think, for your ability to recognize what is real and what isn't real. Let's get a guess and a grip? Show me "PepsiCo" or "GM". Right now. In the flesh.

These things don't exist, and yet they are claiming to own you as chattel. That should be alarming enough, but beyond that, you need to recognize that what the perpetrators of this scheme are really aiming at is the reinstitution of the ancient feudal system --- only instead of belonging to a king and a kingdom, they would have you belong to a corporation and be bought and sold and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Time to object in the most explicit terms possible, to as many officials as possible.
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Maybe this will help you Connect the Usual Suspects and their vehicle to the Raping - please read thoroughly and I will post it in a new Topic next.

Global. Collateral. Accounts.

By Anna Von Reitz

In this world, you have to pay close attention to words. Very close.
Take a look at the title of this article. What do you see?

Three words: global, collateral, and accounts.

What do those words imply? Global = worldwide, planetary, jurisdiction of the air, the realm of ideas and intellectual property. Collateral = things of value put at risk as assets justifying debt. Accounts = a plus and minus ledgering system keeping track of something--- could be money, could be credits, could be number of oranges in a warehouse.

String them all together and what have you got? Global Collateral Accounts. An accounting system that is global in nature, keeping track of unspecified assets being used as collateral.

You have just described the B.E.A.S.T. and --- though some people would give you the deliberate impression that the Global Collateral Accounts are stockpiles of gold amassed in China, the Philippines, and elsewhere---- that isnā€™t really the case.

You and everything you own or have an interest in constitute the ā€œcollateralā€ in the B.E.A.S.T. system.

Your labor, your biological ā€œproductsā€ including organs and children and blood, your home, your land, your businesses, your country, your culture, your art and artifacts, all the natural and human resources you can think of, have all been neatly cataloged, described, copyrighted for the benefit of corporations, and used as collateral backing the debts of these same corporations.

In the old feudal system, serfs were owned by kings and countries. In the new feudal system, serfs are owned by presidents and corporations. Nothing has changed. The criminals responsible are simply sleeker and more diplomatic, more secretive, and far more automated.

It all comes down to the same thing--- a form of government in which the people are ruthlessly preyed upon instead of being protected and served, a variety of ancient tribal thuggery going back to the days of the cavemen, rulership achieved by force and abuse of power, glorifying the few via the misery and enslavement of the many.

Our circumstance would be easy to recognize if we were honest, but we have been trained since babyhood not to face unpleasant things like death, slavery, meaningless drudgery, and criminals in our midst.

Still, more and more, the Truth becomes self-evident. It shows up at the gas pump, when you realize that a large part of the price per gallon is taxes imposed by the ā€œgovernmentā€. It shows up every April 15, when the ā€œgovernmentā€ takes between 40% and 80% of your earnings.

It shows up when the ā€œgovernmentā€ tells you that you have to vaccinate your children with poisons, have to pay off a mortgage that the ā€œgovernmentā€ owes before you can own land that is otherwise yours, have to use private bank script instead of money. Have to, have to, have toā€¦..

The fact is that the most abused serfs during the Middle Ages gave up 20% of their labor and substance to the government every year. We are giving the B.E.A.S.T a hundred percent of everything for life. We are ā€œpresumedā€ to have donated it all, usually within hours of birth.

And when someone wakes up and says, ā€œNo!ā€ --- what happens?

The zombies in charge of this system of things canā€™t hear you. They just plod relentlessly, mindlessly onward, shake their heads as if plain English had suddenly become gibberish, and continue filing and stamping and processing, processing, processing.

Dear hearts, those things you think of as ā€œSocial Security Numbersā€ are numbers assigned to prisoners, just like in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany.

Those NAMES that you see on every bill and account statement? Those are charges against your ESTATE or a PUBLIC UTILITY named after you.

You no longer have an identity as a living being. You are now considered a PERSON--- a dead corporate franchise literally belonging to a larger corporate franchise that belongs to a still larger corporate franchise.

And sitting at the top of this pile of plunder and presumption is the Holy See.

It is very evident now that the ā€œFourth Reichā€ of the Holy Roman Empire has nearly succeeded in its mad quest to own and dominate and rule the entire world. Itā€™s center of operations has been found buried deep in the heart of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

And as Voltaire said, it is neither ā€œholyā€ nor ā€œRomanā€ nor an ā€œempireā€. Itā€™s a gigantic crime syndicate, nothing more or less, operating under color of law and a veil of propriety.

Itā€™s important to realize that you and your family are the collateral in this system. You have been pledged as assets. Of course, those doing all this pledging in your behalf didnā€™t bother to tell you this. You might have objected, as we do now.

You might have awakened and said, ā€œAll of this is nothing but automated fraud and lies!ā€
And then what?

These dead things, these corporations, have no right to exist. In fact, their existence is predicated on them operating lawfully according to the Public Law, not according to some private, corporate law in which the criminals dictate their own rules.

Who is responsible for this Mess? Ultimately, the Roman Catholic Church.

The Roman Curia created (out of thin air) all the various kinds of corporations infesting our world--- trusts, cooperatives, foundations, c-corps, s-corps, b-corps, limited liability partnerships--- you name it, and they defined and ordered it, by fiat, like acts of black magic, summoning these forms of organizations into the world, giving them special roles and privileges, defining what they can and cannot do.

And the Holy See--- while remaining studiously unincorporated itself--- has used these arbitrarily bestowed privileges as bait, encouraging all the other governments of the world to incorporate themselves, which has left the Holy See in control of everything. Almost.

Iran, North Korea, and The United States of America (which just happens to own everything as a result of being used as a convenient storage facility and base of operations for this madness) are unincorporated and not under the control of the Holy See.

All around the world, other governments are waking up, too. Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!

Corporations have no sovereignty. Corporations have no life. It is entirely permissible to rape, kill, and plunder corporations. And because you have been ā€œredefinedā€ as a corporate franchise since infancy, the madmen responsible for Agenda 21 now think that they can just arbitrarily kill nine out of ten of you, and face no eternal consequences.

They think they can kill CHINA and JAPAN and the UNITED KINGDOM, too.

It seems that every day I get a dozen emails saying that this is the latest "Intel" and instead, it is all just a bunch of gossip and hearsay about this faction or that, this government or that government, one group of thugs versus another. That is not what this is all really about.

This is a struggle for your mind, for your ability to think, for your ability to recognize what is real and what isn't real. Let's get a guess and a grip? Show me "PepsiCo" or "GM". Right now. In the flesh.

These things don't exist, and yet they are claiming to own you as chattel. That should be alarming enough, but beyond that, you need to recognize that what the perpetrators of this scheme are really aiming at is the reinstitution of the ancient feudal system --- only instead of belonging to a king and a kingdom, they would have you belong to a corporation and be bought and sold and traded on the New York Stock Exchange.

Time to object in the most explicit terms possible, to as many officials as possible.


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.
Yeah, man, but your liver is in a B.E.A.S.T. catalog on Putin's laptop!

You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.


Prove it
Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.


Prove it
Pick a link, they all say it: uranium one cannot export uranium - Google Search

And before wailing that it's all fake news and that Russia has all of our uranium now, you prove it. It should be easy considering the amount of reporting that's been done by right wing nutjobs. Photos of uranium being loaded, arriving in Russia, etc.

I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.


Prove it
Pick a link, they all say it: uranium one cannot export uranium - Google Search

And before wailing that it's all fake news and that Russia has all of our uranium now, you prove it. It should be easy considering the amount of reporting that's been done by right wing nutjobs. Photos of uranium being loaded, arriving in Russia, etc.


Sure Pal, you keep on telling yourself that while the Nuclear Powered Subs and Aircraft carriers swim laps around you in the bay.

Go figure.
Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.


Prove it

NRCā€™s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.

I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?
The correct answer is zero. Not a single drop of our uranium has left the country. Because our laws prevent that. Uranium One never shipped any out of the U.S. and they still can't.


Prove it

NRCā€™s review of the transfer of control request determined that the U.S. subsidiaries will remain the licensees, will remain qualified to conduct the uranium recovery operations, and will continue to have the equipment, facilities, and procedures necessary to protect public health and safety and to minimize danger to life or property. The review also determined that the licensees will maintain adequate financial surety for eventual decommissioning of the sites. Neither Uranium One nor ARMZ holds an NRC export license, so no uranium produced at either facility may be exported.



Meanwhile the nex CIA Contract Armed Truck & Trailer picks up the next load out West heading to the port...in the dead of Night with full armed escorts front and rear... you should see those guys operate...

Please, you donā€™t even know what time it is... Ha !

Nine US agencies signed off so that Russia could buy a Canadian energy company.

you can explain the uranium issue to the dipshit anti Clinton crowd from now until hell freezes over, and they're too damn dumb to understand it.

I have no idea how they make it home after dark.

Nine US agencies signed off so that Russia could buy a Canadian energy company.

you can explain the uranium issue to the dipshit anti Clinton crowd from now until hell freezes over, and they're too damn dumb to understand it.

I have no idea how they make it home after dark.


IDK, but what I do know is everyone is being lied to by the Govā€™t, the agencies, the FED Scumbags and the MSM...

All of them are interconnected and need to be dealt with unlike the past.
You have to remember the CIA, FBI et al working behind the scenes to make sure all this goes uninterrupted as the Traitors continue to sell off your Republics Wealth and Mineral Assets, then return freight with Drugs and Weapons while you sleep... Wake Up America - You phucking Fools !

5min video explanation

Another Russian troll? Or just a rube?
You have to remember the CIA, FBI et al working behind the scenes to make sure all this goes uninterrupted as the Traitors continue to sell off your Republics Wealth and Mineral Assets, then return freight with Drugs and Weapons while you sleep... Wake Up America - You phucking Fools !

5min video explanation

Another Russian troll? Or just a rube?


Huh? Who are you referring to?
The video?
The post above you?
Me ?
You have to remember the CIA, FBI et al working behind the scenes to make sure all this goes uninterrupted as the Traitors continue to sell off your Republics Wealth and Mineral Assets, then return freight with Drugs and Weapons while you sleep... Wake Up America - You phucking Fools !

5min video explanation

Another Russian troll? Or just a rube?


Huh? Who are you referring to?
The video?
The post above you?
Me ?

"Questions, questions, questions, filling the minds of the concerned young person today."


Nine US agencies signed off so that Russia could buy a Canadian energy company.


Bullseye and these officials should be Indicted, Arrested, Tried and Prosectuted then Hung on the National Lawn until they are Dead, Dead, Dead and filmed for all the world to see...
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?

The part about how you got nuts enough to believe all that crap.
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?
How much of our uranium has left the country?


Most of it from what I gather... which leaves us in a really sad place going forward dont you think?

Did you gather that from a credible source, or pull it out of your butt? Do a little research (not Hannity or Alex Jones) and get back with us.
You have to remember the CIA, FBI et al working behind the scenes to make sure all this goes uninterrupted as the Traitors continue to sell off your Republics Wealth and Mineral Assets, then return freight with Drugs and Weapons while you sleep... Wake Up America - You phucking Fools !

5min video explanation

Another Russian troll? Or just a rube?


Huh? Who are you referring to?
The video?
The post above you?
Me ?

"Questions, questions, questions, filling the minds of the concerned young person today."


Huh ?

Bullseye and these officials should be Indicted, Arrested, Tried and Prosectuted then Hung on the National Lawn until they are Dead, Dead, Dead and filmed for all the world to see...
Whoaaa letā€™s maybe report this guy to the FBI...


You mean report the 9 agencies and officials who did this ?
Do you know what crimes have happened?
Do you know who they work for ?
Do you understand the difference between Corporate Governance for Profit vs. Your Republic, Sovereign Jurisdictions and your actual rights?

Do you understand how they sold off your rightful assets for profit to a Foreign enemy ?

I can go on and on but why, let me know when you can answer those factual questions.

Do you understand that it was a Canadian company that owned the uranium, and sold it to Russia?


I donā€™t care how owned, who mined it, who organized it, who started it, whoā€™s idea it was, they are all guilty of Treason and It should never EVER have been allowed PERIOD.

There is no moderating,
No negotiating this
No Soft Landing
Itā€™s Fraud, for Profit, Pilfering, raping, robbing, liquidating, stealing, assets that donā€™t belong to any of them to do anything with...

What part donā€™t you understand ?

The part about how you got nuts enough to believe all that crap.


Pass, what else you got ?
May be it calms you down, Russia and the United States in 1993 signed the "Megatons to Megawatts Program" where Russia agreed to supply the United States with low-enriched uranium, and this program was finished in 2013

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