Poet's Corner

It is a dialogue describing Human Happiness and Sadness
In writing it I think of those two important things.

"Talking Man of Happiness and Sorrow"

Man: Where are you? Where do I look for you?
Happiness: Do not look for me, but ask when I was coming.
Man: No one's asking questions, but ask what will happen then?
Happiness: will fill your soul emotions that will be showed on the outside giving you a smile and joy.
Sadness And the happiness I'll come to Me.
Man: I was surprised I ask who you are and why you stay out of our conversation?
Sadness: The Unwanted everyone, so my fate constant.
Man: So by me or you will be unwanted. Go away and do not come back anymore.
Sadness: I'm not leaving but I stay, even though I was unwanted.
Happiness: Only I can outrun you.
Sadness: You're just like I was that you willed.
Happiness: Because I give something, what is the desire of man.
Man: Wait, wait. I have to choose between you two?
Happiness and Sadness: You're not going. We at appropriate times and times to show up.
Man: So I understand that both You come as unwanted guests.
Sadness: I'm always unwanted. Good fortune to him speak.
Happiness: Why did you call me unwanted? But give it as an inspiration.
Man: You come at an unexpected time. So how can you be a guest proszonym?
Happiness: a guest or not, come and give what you want every man.
Man: I do not want you. You give something that is temporary, not permanent.
Sadness: I am the only solid state, which fills you through life.
Man: So you're a natural. Something that is within us and can get used to it.
Sadness: Ot what, but I was an unwanted state.
Man: It should be the other way around for everyone to face the truth.
Happiness: It's never a man will come to you. Discouraged me and I'm disappointed, I'll go to another.
Man: Go away and do not come back, and you become sad. At least until you get used.

Rafał Świtała.
This will make love to your soul...♥..enjoy...
♫♫.•*•. Take me away .•*•.♫♫
Oh take me, take me,
far far away,
where children smile and flowers play.
Take me, take me far far away,
where a tear is never seen,
of rainbows that scan the horizon,
where life becomes my dream.

Oh take me to the stars,
come upon a kiss in your arms,
swim in the river of life to be content,
where fears and hurt are absent.

Oh take me, take me far far away,
I want to forget the pain of today,
Take me, take me far away,
I will build my home and forever stay.....

Albert Alexander Bukoski.©


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Can be a gentle dream
Can be a cruel reality
Can be a great experience
Can be a wasted opportunity
Can be a gift from God
Or a curse from Hell itself

A life without love is lost
Love without life is fruitless
Life is what one makes for himself
Life is more than journey of a thousand miles
But the journey is well worth it



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Can be a gentle dream
Can be cruel reality
Can be great experience
Can be wasted opportunity
Can be gift from God
Or a curse from Hell itself

A life without love is lost
Love without life is fruitless
Life is what one makes for himself
Life is more than journey of a thousand miles
But the journey is well worth it




Mmm.. lovely :) Thank you for sharing..
'Hard Life with Memory'

"I’m a poor audience for my memory.
She wants me to attend her voice nonstop,
but I fidget, fuss,
listen and don’t,
step out, come back, then leave again.

She wants all my time and attention.
She’s got no problem when I sleep.
The day’s a different matter, which upsets her.

She thrusts old letters, snapshots at me eagerly,
stirs up events both important and un-,
turns my eyes to overlooked views,
peoples them with my dead.

In her stories I’m always younger.
Which is nice, but why always the same story.
Every mirror holds different news for me.

She gets angry when I shrug my shoulders.
And takes revenge by hauling out old errors,
weighty, but easily forgotten.
Looks into my eyes, checks my reaction.
Then comforts me, it could be worse.

She wants me to live only for her and with her.
Ideally in a dark, locked room,
but my plans still feature today’s sun,
clouds in progress, ongoing roads.

At times I get fed up with her.
I suggest a separation. From now to eternity.
Then she smiles at me with pity,
since she knows it would be the end of me too."

Wislawa Szymborska
'Algonquin Afterthoughts'

'By the time you swear you’re his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is
Infinite, undying—
Lady, make a note of this:
One of you is lying.-'
—Dorothy Parker

"Or else our drunken tumble was
too true for daylight’s pleasure,
too much in vino veritas
troubled the gods of measure
who sent bright draughts of sunshine down
and sobered up my treasure.

All night rapacity had come
as naturally as breathing;
we nibbled on each other’s necks
like greedy babies teething.
How soon an empty bottle makes
one feel a blissful free thing.

“Aspirin, aspirin,” he implored;
I fed him several pills,
and when he wondered where he was
it gave me frightful chills,
but still I told him of the party’s
unexpected thrills.

Words woke us up, reflection turned
affection to regret:
“After she left me I tried not
to do this, but I get
so lonely”...so I showed him out,
warbling “I’m glad we met.”

But now I crave the swift return
of scotch-transfigured nights,
like Chaplin, horrified by his
rich friend in City Lights
who only recognizes him
from liquor-gladdened heights,

sticking a tall glass in the man’s
upstanding hand (the clink
or worse awaits poor tramps like us
if scamps like you won’t think)
and meekly scolding, in a voice
weak with nostalgia, "Drink.""

Rachel Wetzsteon

"We put the puzzle together piece
by piece, loving how one curved
notch fits so sweetly with another.
A yellow smudge becomes
the brush of a broom, and two blue arms
fill in the last of the sky.
We patch together porch swings and autumn
trees, matching gold to gold. We hold
the eyes of deer in our palms, a pair
of brown shoes. We do this as the child
circles her room, impatient
with her blossoming, tired
of the neat house, the made bed,
the good food. We let her brood
as we shuffle through the pieces,
setting each one into place with a satisfied
tap, our backs turned for a few hours
to a world that is crumbling, a sky
that is falling, the pieces
we are required to return to."

Dorianne Laux
For Franz Kafka's Birthday

'Blue Octavo Haiku'

- after Kafka

"In fat armchairs sat
indolence and impatience,
plotting my downfall


A wicked cage flew
across the long horizon
searching for a bird.


I burned with love in
empty rooms, I sternly turned
knives within myself.


“Behold the bright gate,”
the keeper said. “I am now
going to shut it.”


Hardly was the road
swept clean when ah! there appeared
new piles of dry leaves.


But nothing could kill
a faith like a guillotine,
as heavy, as light.


Happiness? Finding
your indestructible core;
leaving it alone.


Into the heavens
flew a breathless legion of
impossible crows."

Rachel Wetzsteon

"What happened is, we grew lonely
living among the things,
so we gave the clock a face,
the chair a back,
the table four stout legs
which will never suffer fatigue.

We fitted our shoes with tongues
as smooth as our own
and hung tongues inside bells
so we could listen
to their emotional language,

and because we loved graceful profiles
the pitcher received a lip,
the bottle a long, slender neck.

Even what was beyond us
was recast in our image;
we gave the country a heart,
the storm an eye,
the cave a mouth
so we could pass into safety."

Lisel Mueller
Enchanted lady mystical dreams,
Did you hear it's true,
Your the lady of my dreams,
Your the lady.....I love you,
Glory of the moon arise,
Come here close your eyes,
It's your heart that's in for a surprise,
Sparkling nights on a voyage with me,
Come my dear to lands of fantasy,
You and me will fly the world with our wings,
See the lands of purity hear the wind as she sings,
In the air we fly gently holding hands,
Flying over the worlds beautiful lands,
As we fly in love as we go to different lands and different parts,
Our love flies as does our hearts,
As we soar as we fly high to romance we abide,
It's you and me together in life we fly side by side.

Albert Alexander Bukoski.(c)


  • $blkandwhtrose.jpg
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Look at me,
What do you see?
Do you see what you want and want me to be?
Am I the one you want to hold,
The Rose in the garden in the land,
Or the thorns on the Rose,
That puts a pain in your hand?
My confusion once was real, now I understand,
You say you love me,
Trying to change into your ways, and what you want,
Love me for me and not what you want me to be.

Albert Alexander Bukoski©


  • $Lonerose.jpg
    26.4 KB · Views: 56
Look at me,
What do you see?
Do you see what you want and want me to be?
Am I the one you want to hold,
The Rose in the garden in the land,
Or the thorns on the Rose,
That puts a pain in your hand?
My confusion once was real, now I understand,
You say you love me,
Trying to change into your ways, and what you want,
Love me for me and not what you want me to be.

Albert Alexander Bukoski©

Whats the significance of the rose pics? Do you know the author?
Look at me,
What do you see?
Do you see what you want and want me to be?
Am I the one you want to hold,
The Rose in the garden in the land,
Or the thorns on the Rose,
That puts a pain in your hand?
My confusion once was real, now I understand,
You say you love me,
Trying to change into your ways, and what you want,
Love me for me and not what you want me to be.

Albert Alexander Bukoski©

Whats the significance of the rose pics? Do you know the author?

The black and white represents void, pain.. the red rose represents love despite adversity, the rose itself represents the thorns in life we encounter which make us who we are.
Look at me,
What do you see?
Do you see what you want and want me to be?
Am I the one you want to hold,
The Rose in the garden in the land,
Or the thorns on the Rose,
That puts a pain in your hand?
My confusion once was real, now I understand,
You say you love me,
Trying to change into your ways, and what you want,
Love me for me and not what you want me to be.

Albert Alexander Bukoski©

Whats the significance of the rose pics? Do you know the author?

The black and white represents void, pain.. the red rose represents love despite adversity, the rose itself represents the thorns in life we encounter which make us who we are.

Thanks. You have anything we can feel that you've written?

This represents something I hope you'll like , lol. Thanks for sharing.
Whats the significance of the rose pics? Do you know the author?

The black and white represents void, pain.. the red rose represents love despite adversity, the rose itself represents the thorns in life we encounter which make us who we are.

Thanks. You have anything we can feel that you've written?

This represents something I hope you'll like , lol. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you.. it's lovely..:) I do have my own poetry .. perhaps I'll post a couple when I feel comfortable to do so. Poetry opens the soul and gives the reader personal insight in to the heart.. I don't particularly care to share that here to be honest. I have a persona to uphold ;-) Perhaps though?
The black and white represents void, pain.. the red rose represents love despite adversity, the rose itself represents the thorns in life we encounter which make us who we are.

Thanks. You have anything we can feel that you've written?

This represents something I hope you'll like , lol. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you.. it's lovely..:) I do have my own poetry .. perhaps I'll post a couple when I feel comfortable to do so. Poetry opens the soul and gives the reader personal insight in to the heart.. I don't particularly care to share that here to be honest. I have a persona to uphold ;-) Perhaps though?

Ok well not sure about your image, but when you feel comfortable let me know. Thanks.
'The Fish'

"I caught a tremendous fish
and held him beside the boat
half out of water, with my hook
fast in a corner of his mouth.
He didn't fight.
He hadn't fought at all.
He hung a grunting weight,
battered and venerable
and homely. Here and there
his brown skin hung in strips
like ancient wallpaper,
and its pattern of darker brown
was like wallpaper:
shapes like full-blown roses
stained and lost through age.
He was speckled and barnacles,
fine rosettes of lime,
and infested
with tiny white sea-lice,
and underneath two or three
rags of green weed hung down.
While his gills were breathing in
the terrible oxygen
--the frightening gills,
fresh and crisp with blood,
that can cut so badly--
I thought of the coarse white flesh
packed in like feathers,
the big bones and the little bones,
the dramatic reds and blacks
of his shiny entrails,
and the pink swim-bladder
like a big peony.
I looked into his eyes
which were far larger than mine
but shallower, and yellowed,
the irises backed and packed
with tarnished tinfoil
seen through the lenses
of old scratched isinglass.
They shifted a little, but not
to return my stare.
--It was more like the tipping
of an object toward the light.
I admired his sullen face,
the mechanism of his jaw,
and then I saw
that from his lower lip
--if you could call it a lip
grim, wet, and weaponlike,
hung five old pieces of fish-line,
or four and a wire leader
with the swivel still attached,
with all their five big hooks
grown firmly in his mouth.
A green line, frayed at the end
where he broke it, two heavier lines,
and a fine black thread
still crimped from the strain and snap
when it broke and he got away.
Like medals with their ribbons
frayed and wavering,
a five-haired beard of wisdom
trailing from his aching jaw.
I stared and stared
and victory filled up
the little rented boat,
from the pool of bilge
where oil had spread a rainbow
around the rusted engine
to the bailer rusted orange,
the sun-cracked thwarts,
the oarlocks on their strings,
the gunnels--until everything
was rainbow, rainbow, rainbow!
And I let the fish go."

Elizabeth Bishop
Another change of pace, a riveting change.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnKZ4pdSU-s]Neil Hilborn - "OCD" (Rustbelt 2013) - YouTube[/ame]

"If you told me to write an essay on my first year of high school,
I probably wouldn’t do it,
But if you asked me to highlight
the three most important moments,
I would tell you this:

One is my boyfriend,
Who never knew pencil was a color,
But the funny part is,
He was an artist,

Two is Korea,
Where Bailey told me,
On multiple occasions,
That she ate my dog,
I didn’t think it was funny,
Until I got home,
And made sure I still had a dog,

Three is my best friend’s brother,
Who ran into the door,
While carrying a cardboard brick,
Waiting for me to play Brickfight with him,
And after getting up off the floor,
Said to me,

He’s three.""

Kayla Anderson
Hey diddle diddle
Mitt sprayed his spittle
When Newt colonized the moon
Old Ron laughed to see him snort
And Rick spoke in tongues like a loon

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