Poland and the Jews

I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR

Good, Jews, Belarussians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous.

- Skide Revolt, Salomon Morel, Jakub Berman, Wolyn Massacre, the blood of Polish people spilled.
After Jews were oppressed.
You are truly delusional if you think Jews were ever populous enough to run anything in Poland.

Sure, so oppressed that Jews made up over 30% of doctors, and over 50% of lawyers, despite making up 10% of !Poland.
That is where intellectual and educational superiority reveals itself.
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

"2.4 million Yiddish speakers," and they could not speak Polish?

Probably many could, many couldn't as well.
It is a very good question. If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation.
The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

"2.4 million Yiddish speakers," and they could not speak Polish?

Probably many could, many couldn't as well.
It is a very good question. If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation.

"If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation."

complete opposite , Polish elitarian rulers of so - called "The Second Polish Republic " have had assimilation of minorities as the main strategical goal for the polish elitarian empire Polonization - Wikipedia

"Linguistic assimilation was considered by National Democrats to be a major factor for "unifying the state." For example, Grabski as Polish Minister for Religion and Public Education in 1923 and 1925–1926, wrote that "Poland may be preserved only as a state of Polish people. If it were a state of Poles, Jews, Germans, Rusyns, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Russians, it would lose its independence again"; and that "it is impossible to make a nation out of those who have no 'national self-identification,' who call themselves 'local' (tutejszy)."[citation needed] Grabski also said that "the transformation of the state territory of the Republic into a Polish national territory is a necessary condition of maintaining our frontiers."[47]"
1934 Student ID of Jewish student in Poland with Ghetto bench seal.

Communism steals property, Jews should have thought about that, instead of supporting Communism, in the first place.

Consider those assets a compensation to Poland, for all the suffering Jewish Communists like Jakub Berman, and Salomon Morel inflicted on the Polish population.
Communism vs ?
No Jews in Poland supported Communism and you full well know that.
Russia was Totalitarian which is obviously superior to Communism...to an idiot such as yourself.

So, Jewish Communist officials like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Roman Zambrowski, Hillary Minc, Pawel Finder, Helena Wolinska Brus,Maria Gurowska, among others are just our imagination?
You mean Jews who stopped taking shit from the Goyim?
Oh, they were real.
Nowhere near as near numerous as your people who would probably never make the paragraph of a history book.

So, you're admitting to Jews playing a large role in the "Soviet puppet state of Poland"?
Jews comprised about 1% of the population.
If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them.

"If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them" that's 100% correct , the majority of Poles in 1945 supported more "Russian" Poles - Jewish - Ethnic Polish Leftists regime in Warsaw than elitarian so - called the second polish republic in London . Poor poles had not much trust to rich elitarian living in comfort and safety in London " aristocrats "
"If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation."

complete opposite , Polish elitarian rulers of so - called "The Second Polish Republic " have had assimilation of minorities as the main strategical goal for the polish elitarian empire Polonization - Wikipedia
The history of Poland comprises of not only the Second Polish Republic. Throughout the centuries before, the Jews enjoyed tolerance and protection from Polish rulers.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR

Good, Jews, Belarussians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous.


" Belarusians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous." first your Polish state recognized BPR/UPR republics than struck both in the back together with commie Mongols . than promised federalization to Belarusian and Ukrainian elites but instead introduced politic of polonization (genocide) western parts of BPR/UPR republics. Oppression of the Polish Jews have had no logic at all , except one, Poor , and backward , oppressive empire could not act inclusive

The Treaty of Riga signed between sovereign Poland and the Soviet Russia representing the Soviet Ukraine without any participation from Belarusian side assigned almost half of the modern-day Belarus (the western half of Soviet Belarus) to the Polish Second Republic. The government of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic according to the text of the Riga treaty was also acting "on behalf of Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic" formed in the course of war.[52] Additionally, in accordance with the Treaty, the Soviet Russia received three regions from the newly formed Soviet Belarus, which were reassigned back by the Bolsheviks in 1924 and 1926.[53]

Protests by the exiled government of the Belarusian Democratic Republic proclaimed in 1918 were ignored by Poland and the Soviets.

According to Per Anders Rudling, the Belarusian language was essentially pushed out of the schools in Polish West Belarus in violation of the Minorities' Treaty between Poland and the Western powers of 1919.[54] The Polish author Marek Wierzbicki brings this in connection with the fact that the first textbook of Belarusian grammar was written no earlier than 1918.[55]

Following the intentions of the majority of the Polish society,[56] the Polish government introduced harsh policies of polonization and assimilation of Belarusians in West Belarus.[57] The Polish official Leopold Skulski, an advocate of polonization policies, is being quoted as saying in the Sejm in late 1930s: "I assure you that in some ten years you won't be able to find a single [ethnic] Belarusian [in West Belarus]".[58][59][60]

Władysław Studnicki, an influential Polish official at the administration of the Kresy region, openly stated that Poland needed the Eastern regions as an object for colonization.[61]

There widespread cases of discrimination of the Belarusian language,[62] it was forbidden for usage in state institutions.[63]

Orthodox Christians also faced discrimination in interwar Poland.[63] This discrimination was also targeting assimilation of Eastern Orthodox Belarusians.[64] The Polish authorities were imposing Polish language in Orthodox church services and ceremonies,[64] initiated the creation of Polish Orthodox Societies in various parts of West Belarus (Slonim, Bielastok, Vaŭkavysk, Navahrudak).[64]

Belarusian Roman Catholic priests like Fr. Vincent Hadleŭski[64] who promoted Belarusian language in the church and Belarusian national awareness were also under serious pressure by the Polish regime and the leadership of the Catholic Church in Poland.[64] The Polish Catholic Church issued documents to priests prohibiting the usage of the Belarusian language rather than Polish language in Churches and Catholic Sunday Schools in West Belarus. A 1921 Warsaw-published instruction of the Polish Catholic Church criticized the priests introducing the Belarusian language in religious life: “They want to switch from the rich Polish language to a language that the people themselves call simple and shabby”.[65]

Before 1921, there were 514 Belarusian language schools in West Belarus.[66] In 1928, there were only 69 schools which was just 3% of all existing schools in West Belarus at that moment.[67] All of them were phased out by the Polish educational authorities by 1939.[68] The Polish officials openly prevented the creation of Belarusian schools and were imposing Polish language in school education in West Belarus.[69] The Polish officials often treated any Belarusian demanding schooling in Belarusian language as a Soviet spy and any Belarusian social activity as a product of a communist plot.[70]

The Belarusian civil society resisted polonization and mass closure of Belarusian schools. The Belarusian Schools Society , led by Branisłaŭ Taraškievič and other activists, was the main organization promoting education in Belarusian language in West Belarus in 1921–1937.

Resistance to polonization in West Belarus
... Polish government against the population of West Belarus increasingly provoked protests[63] and armed resistance. In the 1920s, Belarusian partisan units arose in many areas of West Belarus, mostly unorganized but sometimes led by activists of Belarusian left wing parties.[63] In the spring of 1922, several thousands Belarusian partisans issued a demand to the Polish government to stop the violence, to liberate political prisoners and to grant autonomy to West Belarus.[63] Protests were held in various regions of West Belarus until mid 1930s.[63]

The largest Belarusian political organization, the Belarusian Peasants' and Workers' Union (or, the Hramada), which demanded a stop to the polonization and autonomy for West Belarus, grew more radicalized by the time..... It was banned by the Polish authorities,[71] and further opposition to the Polish government was met with state-imposed sanctions once the connection between Hramada and the more radical pro-Soviet Communist Party of Western Belarus was discovered.[71] The Polish policy was met with armed resistance.[73]

West Ukraine

Territories of Galicia and Volhynia had different backgrounds, different recent histories and different dominant religions. Until the First World War, Galicia with its large Ukrainian Greek Catholic population in the east (around Lwów), and Polish Roman Catholics in the west (around Kraków), was controlled by the Austrian Empire.[48] On the other hand, the Ukrainians of Volhynia, formerly of the Russian Empire (around Równe), were largely Orthodox by religion, and were influenced by strong Russophile trends.[48] Both "Polish officials and Ukrainian activists alike, distinguished between Galician and Volhynian Ukrainians" in their political aims.[48] There was a much stronger national self-perception among the Galician Ukrainians increasingly influenced by OUN (Ukrainian nationalists)
While the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), which functioned in communion with the Latin Rite Catholicism, could have hoped to receive a better treatment in Poland where the leadership saw Catholicism as one of the main tools to unify the nation – the Poles under Stanisław Grabski saw the restless Galician Ukrainians as less reliable than the Orthodox Volhynian Ukrainians,[48] seen as better candidates for gradual assimilation. That's why the Polish policy in Ukraine initially aimed at keeping Greek Catholic Galicians from further influencing Orthodox Volhynians by drawing the so-called "Sokalski line".[48]

Due to the region's history the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church attained a strong Ukrainian national character, and the Polish authorities sought to weaken it in various ways. In 1924, following a visit with the Ukrainian Catholic believers in North America and western Europe, the head of the UGCC was initially denied reentry to Lviv for a considerable amount of time. Polish priests led by their bishops began to undertake missionary work among Eastern Rite faithful, and the administrative restrictions were placed on the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.[74]

With respect to the Orthodox Ukrainian population in eastern Poland, the Polish government initially issued a decree defending the rights of the Orthodox minorities. In practice, this often failed, as the Catholics, also eager to strengthen their position, had official representation in the Sejm and the courts. Any accusation was strong enough for a particular church to be confiscated and handed over to the Roman Catholic Church. The goal of the two so called "revindication campaigns" was to deprive the Orthodox of those churches that had been Greek Catholic before Orthodoxy was imposed by the tsarist Russian government.[75][76] 190 Orthodox churches were destroyed, some of the destroyed churches were abandoned,[77] and 150 more were forcibly transformed into Roman Catholic (not Greek Catholic) churches.[78] Such actions were condemned by the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, metropolitan Andrei Sheptytsky, who claimed that these acts would "destroy in the souls of our non-united Orthodox brothers the very thought of any possible reunion."[74]

The Polish administration closed many of the popular Prosvita Society reading rooms, an action which, combined with the devastation brought about during the war years, produced a marked decline in the number of reading rooms, from 2,879 in 1914 to only 843 in 1923.

As for the educational system, the provincial school administration from the Austrian era, which was based in L'viv and had separate Ukrainian representation, was abolished in January 1921. All decisions were subsequently to be made in Warsaw and to be implemented by administrators in local school districts. Ukrainians now found themselves within six different school districts (L'viv, Volhynia, Polissia, Cracow, Lublin, and Bialystok), although at least initially the Ukrainian school system, especially at the elementary level, was left undisturbed.[11]:588

In 1924, the government of Prime Minister Władysław Grabski passed a law (known as the lex Grabski), over the objections of Ukrainian parliamentary representatives, which set up bilingual Ukrainian and Polish schools. The result was a rapid decline in the number of unilingual Ukrainian schools together with a sharp increase in Polish-Ukrainian bilingual schools in Galicia and Polish schools in Volhynia (1,459 in 1938).[11]:594

Since Ukrainians in Poland had only limited control over the formal education of their children, the Plast scouting movement took up the challenge of inculcating youth with a Ukrainian national identity. Plast scouts came into being on the eve of World War I on Ukrainian lands in both the Russian and the Austro-Hungarian empires, but it was during the interwar years in western Ukraine (in particular Galicia and Transcarpathia) that they had their greatest success. By 1930, the organization had over 6,000 male and female members in branches affiliated with secondary schools in Galicia and with Prosvita societies in western Volhynia. Concerned by Plast's general popularity and the fact that many of its 'graduates' after age eighteen joined clandestine Ukrainian nationalist organizations, Poland's authorities increased restrictions on the movement until banning it entirely after 1930. It nonetheless continued to operate underground or through other organizations for the rest of the decade.

The principle of "numerus clausus" had been introduced following which the Ukrainians were discriminated when entering the Lviv University (not more than 15% of the applicants' total number, the Poles enjoying not less than the 50% quota at the same time).[79]

Land reform
The land reform designed to favour the Poles in Volhynia,[80] where the land question was especially severe, and brought the alienation from the Polish state of even the Orthodox Volhynian population who tended to be much less radical than the Greek Catholic Galicians.[48]

Traditionally, Volhynian Ukrainian peasants had benefited from rights of use in the commons, which in Volhynia meant the right to collect wood from forests owned by nobles. When all land was treated as private property with defined owners, such traditional rights could not be enforced. Forests were cleared, and the lumber sold abroad. Volhynian peasants lost access to what had been a common good, without profiting from its commercialization and sale.[81]

By 1938 nearly two million acres (some 800,000 hectares) had been redistributed within Ukrainian-inhabited areas. The redistribution did not necessarily help the local Ukrainian population, however. For instance, as early as 1920, 39 percent of the newly allotted land in Volhynia and Polissia (771,000 acres [312,000 hectares]) had been awarded as political patronage to veterans of Poland's 'war for independence,' and in eastern Galicia much land (494,000 acres [200,000 hectares]) had been given to land-hungry Polish peasants from the western provinces of the country. This meant that by the 1930s the number of Poles living within contiguous Ukrainian ethnographic territory had increased by about 300,000.[11]:586

In the end, Ukrainians killed far more Poles, than vice versa.
Same as they did during the Cossack Uprisings.

Most states were Supremacist during the 1930's - 1940's?

The USA had segregation against Blacks.
Britain had Colonies in India.

As for the rest of Europe, it was mostly Fascist, or semi-Fascist, Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, Horthy's Hungary, Jozef Beck's Poland, Tiso's Slovakia, Serbian Chetniks, Croat Ustase, Vichy France, Greek Metaxism, Romania's Codreanu. Ukraine's Bandera UPA etc. etc.

Poland was a volatile multicultural state, of course they needed to be supremacist, to survive.

Multiculturalism fails, time, and time again.

In the end, Ukrainians killed far more Poles, than vice versa.
Same as they did during the Cossack Uprisings.

Most states were Supremacist during the 1930's - 1940's?

The USA had segregation against Blacks.
Britain had Colonies in India.

As for the rest of Europe, it was mostly Fascist, or semi-Fascist, Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, Horthy's Hungary, Jozef Beck's Poland, Tiso's Slovakia, Serbian Chetniks, Croat Ustase, Vichy France, Greek Metaxism, Romania's Codreanu. Ukraine's Bandera UPA etc. etc.

Poland was a volatile multicultural state, of course they needed to be supremacist, to survive.

Multiculturalism fails, time, and time again."

this is best of your posts:

yes , Ukrainians killed more Poles, and you know why? because in occupied Ukrainian /Belarusian lands Poles have been only small minority , who represented Polish empire in western UPR/BPR and its aggressive apartheid, oppressive politic.

"segregation against Blacks." the Black have never had a country in America which The Anglo-Saxons illegally annexed

"rest of Europe, it was mostly Fascist, or semi-Fascist," wrong, less of half (worst , backward , least developed part) Europe was Fascist, or semi-Fascist...

"Multiculturalism fails" wrong, apartheid , backward imperialism, evilness (backstabbing) fails, and its an usual story

"If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation."

complete opposite , Polish elitarian rulers of so - called "The Second Polish Republic " have had assimilation of minorities as the main strategical goal for the polish elitarian empire Polonization - Wikipedia
The history of Poland comprises of not only the Second Polish Republic. Throughout the centuries before, the Jews enjoyed tolerance and protection from Polish rulers.

thats true, 0.00 2 % of Poles (magants ) protected Jews (most of the times) , not all, but those who worked for them. but this elite have never thought about giving to the Jews any form of political power. the fact is that if Muscovite horde didn´t the confederation constantly (and brutally) cities urbanization ´d integrated almost certainly Polish and Belarusian (Litvaks) into these states . Like it have happened in Prussia
As said an Israeli minister "Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk".
Absolutely true. There is nothing to add.
the fact is that if Muscovite horde didn´t the confederation constantly (and brutally) cities urbanization ´d integrated almost certainly Polish and Belarusian (Litvaks) into these states . Like it have happened in Prussia
I didn't understand this part at all.
As said an Israeli minister "Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk".
Absolutely true. There is nothing to add.
Israeli minister was wrong, it has nothing to do with Polish mothers' milk. so -called the second polish Republic was created as copy of "russian" empire, kind of European the mini - "russian" empire . backward, poor, elitarian , anti-Semitic, semi - fascist , oppressive , apartheid empire .
the fact is that if Muscovite horde didn´t the confederation constantly (and brutally) cities urbanization ´d integrated almost certainly Polish and Belarusian (Litvaks) into these states . Like it have happened in Prussia
I didn't understand this part at all.
Poland (The crown, is the correct name) has been in war (existential , total ) with Muscovite mongol ulus most of it time, that's why The crown could not make a necessary step in development and give to all Crown´s residents political rights
Communism vs ?
No Jews in Poland supported Communism and you full well know that.
Russia was Totalitarian which is obviously superior to Communism...to an idiot such as yourself.

So, Jewish Communist officials like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Roman Zambrowski, Hillary Minc, Pawel Finder, Helena Wolinska Brus,Maria Gurowska, among others are just our imagination?
You mean Jews who stopped taking shit from the Goyim?
Oh, they were real.
Nowhere near as near numerous as your people who would probably never make the paragraph of a history book.

So, you're admitting to Jews playing a large role in the "Soviet puppet state of Poland"?
Jews comprised about 1% of the population.
If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them.

"If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them" that's 100% correct , the majority of Poles in 1945 supported more "Russian" Poles - Jewish - Ethnic Polish Leftists regime in Warsaw than elitarian so - called the second polish republic in London . Poor poles had not much trust to rich elitarian living in comfort and safety in London " aristocrats "

This is bullsh(t, the election of 1947 was a fraud.

The truth is that Anglos, and Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam founded the Soviet state of Poland.
"If the vast majority of them were bilingual, then I don't see a problem. This would show rather the wisdom of then Polish rulers who didn't force full assimilation."

complete opposite , Polish elitarian rulers of so - called "The Second Polish Republic " have had assimilation of minorities as the main strategical goal for the polish elitarian empire Polonization - Wikipedia
The history of Poland comprises of not only the Second Polish Republic. Throughout the centuries before, the Jews enjoyed tolerance and protection from Polish rulers.

thats true, 0.00 2 % of Poles (magants ) protected Jews (most of the times) , not all, but those who worked for them. but this elite have never thought about giving to the Jews any form of political power. the fact is that if Muscovite horde didn´t the confederation constantly (and brutally) cities urbanization ´d integrated almost certainly Polish and Belarusian (Litvaks) into these states . Like it have happened in Prussia

The Polish statute of Kalisz to give Jews unprecedented rights in Europe, was formulated near the Mongol slaughter of Poles.

My guess is the Polish magnates thought that Jews would become Polish, and replace the Poles lost to Mongols.'

That never happened, reports show that in the Deluge, and Partitions the Jews collaborated with the invaders of Poland.
So, Jewish Communist officials like Jakub Berman, Salomon Morel, Roman Romkowski, Jozef Rozanski, Roman Zambrowski, Hillary Minc, Pawel Finder, Helena Wolinska Brus,Maria Gurowska, among others are just our imagination?
You mean Jews who stopped taking shit from the Goyim?
Oh, they were real.
Nowhere near as near numerous as your people who would probably never make the paragraph of a history book.

So, you're admitting to Jews playing a large role in the "Soviet puppet state of Poland"?
Jews comprised about 1% of the population.
If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them.

"If Jews got power, your fellow Catholics gave it to them" that's 100% correct , the majority of Poles in 1945 supported more "Russian" Poles - Jewish - Ethnic Polish Leftists regime in Warsaw than elitarian so - called the second polish republic in London . Poor poles had not much trust to rich elitarian living in comfort and safety in London " aristocrats "

This is bullsh(t, the election of 1947 was a fraud.

The truth is that Anglos, and Soviets in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam founded the Soviet state of Poland.
"the election of 1947 was a fraud" of cos it was fraud, did you guys expect a fair elections from the Mongols?


if i was wrong why anti - Stalinist Polish resistance ended in 1947, meanwhile Belarusian/Baltic/Ukrainian anti - mongol - Stalinist resistance last to the 70th ?
Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR

Good, Jews, Belarussians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous.

- Skide Revolt, Salomon Morel, Jakub Berman, Wolyn Massacre, the blood of Polish people spilled.
After Jews were oppressed.
You are truly delusional if you think Jews were ever populous enough to run anything in Poland.

Sure, so oppressed that Jews made up over 30% of doctors, and over 50% of lawyers, despite making up 10% of !Poland.
That is where intellectual and educational superiority reveals itself.

Sure, so smart that many of them can't figure out that Germans did the Holocaust.
As said an Israeli minister "Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk".
Absolutely true. There is nothing to add.
Israeli minister was wrong, it has nothing to do with Polish mothers' milk. so -called the second polish Republic was created as copy of "russian" empire, kind of European the mini - "russian" empire . backward, poor, elitarian , anti-Semitic, semi - fascist , oppressive , apartheid empire .
What? Poland as a copy of Russian empire? Are you serious?
It is a "good old" antisemitism. Nothing to do with politics.
As said an Israeli minister "Poles imbibe anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk".
Absolutely true. There is nothing to add.
Israeli minister was wrong, it has nothing to do with Polish mothers' milk. so -called the second polish Republic was created as copy of "russian" empire, kind of European the mini - "russian" empire . backward, poor, elitarian , anti-Semitic, semi - fascist , oppressive , apartheid empire .
What? Poland as a copy of Russian empire? Are you serious?
It is a "good old" antisemitism. Nothing to do with politics.
not Poland, but interwar Polish empire

not just "good old" antisemitism , so - called the second polish republic (empire) went much farther than ordinary a "good old" antisemitism.

No, It was pure political , state - run antisemitism
was part of Polish imperial politic
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