Poland and the Jews

The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.
For centuries, almost from the times of its creation and to the final participation of Poland, the Polish state was utterly friendly to the Jews. ....
and I am 100% sure that in Holland Jews had it better

Maybe in the 1930's, but not in the 1630's.
Besides merchants, many physicians were among the Spanish Jews in Amsterdam. These included Samuel Abravanel, David Nieto, Elijah Montalto, and the Bueno family. Joseph Bueno was consulted in the illness of Prince Maurice in April, 1623. Jews were admitted as students to the university, where they studied medicine as the only branch of science that was of practical use to them. They were not allowed to practice law, because lawyers were required to take a Christian oath, thereby excluding them. Jews were also excluded from the trade guilds, as in a 1632 resolution passed by the city of Amsterdam (the Dutch cities were largely autonomous). However, they were allowed to practice certain trades: printing, bookselling, and selling meat, poultry, groceries, and medicines. In 1655 a Sephardic Jew was exceptionally permitted to establish a sugar refinery using chemical methods....
Many German Jews were also attracted later to the tolerant and independent Dutch provinces, generally after the mid-17th century.

in Polish - Belarusian (Great Litvin) confederation , the Jews were mostly magnats employees (tax collectors from peasants , all kind of middle hands , etc. ) which made them automatically the hate objects for 90 % of local population (peasants) Magnat – Wikipedia

Jews had a lot of trades in the Polish - Lithuanian commonwealth.

Why do you suggest, they did not?

your friends Mongol - Maskali (we always have called them for devils ) did not allow to out beautiful confederation became the trading republic (EU) , so not much trade could be even theoretically consecrated in Jewish hands. 99% of all money in the confederation was made in agriculture
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

all answers to your questions

The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
For centuries, almost from the times of its creation and to the final participation of Poland, the Polish state was utterly friendly to the Jews. The number of the Jews living there highly exceeded the numbers in any other parts of Europe, and what is more important they experienced great freedoms; persecutions especially organized ones were quite a rare.

The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then and according to some opinions they were encouraged by occupying authorities, especially in the Russian Empire.

During WWII a catastrophe occurred when 90 percent of them were persecuted. There are various accounts about the Poles and their role in this. From the one hand, the Poles exceed other nations among the Righteous and the level of collaborators with the Nazis is low.
From the other, some Poles also took part in atrocities and as a whole they were quite passive in defending the Jews. Moreover, those rescuers were often condemned by their neighbours and even after the Nazis were defeated they experienced harassment and some of them were forced to leave their places.

I know that on this forum there are many people with Jewish origin. What is your opinion about the Poles and their role in WWII?
Others are also welcomed with their opinions about the matter.

I read Poland lost a lot of Poles in WWII . Poland should not be made to pay the Jews. Enough is enough.
It is not about the payments. Though, I know that some demand them. The main question is how the country degraded to such level?

Without its Jewish population Poland lost a part of its identification, if it may be called that.
And receiving payments is a concession, that an alleged death is worth a dollar. At least they admit they have a price. Shocker! 30 pieces of silver anyone..?
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles
Germany and Poland currently have databases of private and commercial property never returned by Poland.
Germany responded with reparations and Poland responded with a middle finger.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Hebrew.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

"2.4 million Yiddish speakers," and they could not speak Polish?
Germany and Poland currently have databases of private and commercial property never returned by Poland.
Germany responded with reparations and Poland responded with a middle finger.

When is Israel going to pay Palestinians compensations for actual stolen land?

Jews think half the World owes them.

Yet, can't grasp why they continue to be hated.

It's a vicious stupidity.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

"2.4 million Yiddish speakers," and they could not speak Polish?

Probably many could, many couldn't as well.
Germany and Poland currently have databases of private and commercial property never returned by Poland.
Germany responded with reparations and Poland responded with a middle finger.

When is Israel going to pay Palestinians compensations for actual stolen land?

Jews think half the World owes them.

Yet, can't grasp why they continue to be hated.

It's a vicious stupidity.
They were...they were offered to come back and reoccupy their sand slums; Jordan told them, “No.”.
Time for you to lie.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

It's an insult to spend 1,000 years in a country speaking the language of the German enemy of that country.

Imagine if 10% of Israel were Armenian immigrants who started speaking Arabic for the next 1,000 years.
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

It's an insult to spend 1,000 years in a country speaking the language of the German enemy of that country.
How retarded are you?
Jews cannot speak Hebrew for normal speech because it’s a language to be used when serving God.
Plus the Jews had to engage in commerce.
You are one major fucking moron.
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR
The situation began to differ when Poland became a part of neighboring empires. Anti-Jewish sentiments were growing since then
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR

Good, Jews, Belarussians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous.

- Skide Revolt, Salomon Morel, Jakub Berman, Wolyn Massacre, the blood of Polish people has spilled.
The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever."

really ? even in big cities ? in 20c ? i dont think so , almost all of them were bilingual
i don't think so
not exactly the true , many of them saw themselves as the Poles

Polish census of 1931 - Wikipedia

2.4 million Yiddish speakers,
Another 240 thousand spoke Yiddish.
3.1 million Jewish followers in Poland, according to the 1931 census.

It's an insult to spend 1,000 years in a country speaking the language of the German enemy of that country.
How retarded are you?
Jews cannot speak Hebrew for normal speech because it’s a language to be used when serving God.
Plus the Jews had to engage in commerce.
You are one major fucking moron.

Why should anybody tolerate a bunch of immigrants who speak the language for 1,000 years of their enemy, and even collaborated with the enemy?
Jews are not of Polish origin in the end. They were immigrants.
It is old good poor Poland story, surrounded by savages, ect.

The majority of Poland's Jews in the end spoke a dialect of German Yiddish (Mostly)
and identified as Russian Jews (Mostly)
They simply weren't a integral part of Poland, ever.
I read some articles today about this matter and got some answers to my questions.
So, how did the antisemitism reach its peak in interwar and postwar period. In a nutshell: conspiracy about Judeo Communism; desire to get rid of strong competitors in economic and social affairs (after the war - unwillingness to give back property to its former owners); destructive role of the Catholic Church.

Why they didn't want to assimilate? Maybe because they considered the Poles and their culture to be at a lower step in comparison with them.

Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland.

So, Jews were an unassimilated blob of supremacists, who think they're so great, and their host nations not so?

Hmm, and yet with their supposed superior intellects, they can't grasp why they're hated?
"Jews were over represented in Communist circles in Interwar Poland, and also in post-war Poland."

as well as Belarusians in socialistic, and you know why ? because Interwar Poland empire was a semi - fascist , apartheid, undemocratic , antisemitic, poor , backward , militarist state . where the Jews were second class "citizens", Belarusians/Ukrainians third underclass in own occupied lands BNR/UPR

Good, Jews, Belarussians, and Ukrainians proved to be dangerous.

- Skide Revolt, Salomon Morel, Jakub Berman, Wolyn Massacre, the blood of Polish people spilled.
After Jews were oppressed.
You are truly delusional if you think Jews were ever populous enough to run anything in Poland.

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