Poland saved Europe many times.

Russia is far better at being nazi. :)
Is that why David Duke relocated to Ukraine? ;) Wasn't that after Russia kicked him out? And then later on Russia banned Mein Kampf?
Is Mein Kampf banned in Ukraine?
David Duke relocated to Ukraine? That is one antisemitic Nazi. I bet Ukraine cheered for him.

There's no evidence he lived in Ukraine, that's fake news. He did live in Russia for 5 years though, he knew where to find people like him.
He lived in Ukraine lol. Yes he did know where to find them since there are millions of Ukrainian living in Russia! :) So he finally realized he should relocate to the country where all his supporters came from! :)

He went there, because of the millions of Russian nazis living in Russia. :) He thought he could persuade Ukrainians to turn nazi, but he failed. :)
A Ukrainian Nazi created his own Nazi religion.Ben Klassen - Wikipedia
Well obviously I'm not like most Americans!
No it is not! You should know Mr I Spy triple agent! I don't work for the Kremlin and you're the one with access to the secret website and have the password! I said I've never heard of them so you name them! Tell everyone on here about the Chinese agency you work for like you told me!

I've noticed. :)
Yes it is! I'm not even a single agent! Yes you do and why are you revealing your spy secrets on here? :) Yes you have! Why do you keep making things up?
Is not! Did you get fired? Maybe the other two caught on that you were a LIAR!!! All they had to do was read your posts online like I do! What secrets?! Those are secrets you told me about and won't give me the website address or the password! You are so mean to me! No I have not! I had to google those acronyms when you told me you worked for them! OMG you're lying even more! I have your PM's!! :whip:

No it's not! Fired from what? I have no idea what you're talking about! Like you've been doing? No they're your secrets! No I'm not! Yes you are! Are you joking? :) I never told you that!

Is that what goes on at your home? No wonder you've not been posting as much recently. :)
It is! Were you fired from the other 2 agencies you work for? Liar!! I'm watching you! I don't have any secrets, I'm too honest :) Yes you are! No you are not! Am I joking about what part? Yes you did!

It isn't! What agencies? That proves you're a spy! You honest? :auiqs.jpg: No I'm not! Yes I am! That you had to Google those acronyms when you already knew what they were! No I didn't!

Is this you? :whipg: :).

Isn't! I can't keep track of all the agencies you're a triple and quadruple agent for! I know the Chinese are one because you talked about it :) I only spy on you! You're only laughing to cover up the fact that you're afraid of me! You are! No you aren't! No I didn't, not the Chinese one! I had to ask you about it! You did!

No but why do you keep going on about it? Does it excite you? :ack-1:
Define a long time please.
I know nothing about him so how should I know? According to you, anyone who supports Putin is a fascist!

LOL You think Boris Yeltsin was a commie?! Russia was in crisis and they went along with whatever the US thought best. That's why Putin inherited the oligarchy system. He didn't create it. We started 'disapproving' of him when he started putting limits on the oligarchs and telling them they can't meddle in politics.


Huh? No one is talking about taking over the UK. Trump wants to buy Greenland, not the UK. Why the F would anyone want the UK?! Everyone there is talking about what? The fact that the Brits can openly thumb their noses at us and get away with it? We always do what you want! Oh bullshit, what about in the middle east? It is't deterring anything though and meanwhile more and more countries are becoming nuclear armed. No, I have it right!

No he doesn't, he already skipped one of those meetings. It's pointless because all they do is whine about Crimea. Putin prefers G20 meetings. Haha neither. I'll look for it if you insist.

American George Soros did! I can't believe he gets away with that shit. We had this conversation more than once. Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltics have been given some very bad advice, particularly when it comes to their relations with Russia. You do not have Russia by the balls whether it's a sea port or gas pipelines. For a bunch of people who swear up and down they are experts on Russians, you people clearly have no idea how Russia will react in those situations.

I did nothing. I defended Serbs and I sometimes hit back at Croats. Not Bosnians so much and I never say anything negative against Muslims. Thank you for that :smiliehug: Ugh, uther acted like if they were nice enough to the Croats the Croats would be willing to re-form Yugoslavia or something. I just don't understand their mentality.

You would if you read the news! He really is a fascist! No I don't, I think some of them are commies. :)

Obviously he was a commie in Soviet times! Sure it did! Putin is an oligarch himself, 40 private cars, 5 private jets, 10 dachas, allegedly the richest man in the World. You don't think he made his wealth legally do you? LOL!


Over there maybe, but they are here, about how they're going to interfere in everything and make the UK accept your second rate food standards! I know, but I wasn't talking about Trump buying the UK, just about him controlling it! Are you joking? Ask Putin if he'd like to buy it next time you're at the Kremlin. No you don't, it's usually the UK doing what America wants! The Middle East where Trump is stirring up trouble? It is deterring, how many have been used? Why do you think there has been no World war for over 70 years? You have it wrong!

Yes he does! So! And rightly so! How do you know? :) You do that.

Really? We weren't on Topix in 2004 and never discussed it. What advice! Ukraine and the Baltics want closer relations with Europe, if you and Putin don't like that then tough! Who said they do and who claimed to be an expert on Russia? Certainly not me. We have a very good idea!

Why do you feel the need to defend Serbs and attack Croats? You don't? You're welcome. Serbs have the same nostalgia for Yugoslavia that Russians have for the Soviet Union.

LOL meanwhile Macron is siding with Trump over Putin rejoining G8 :)
I read the news but Salvini isn't in the news here much. OK I'm going to go look him up. This better not be a waste of my time!! LOL :)

He supported Yeltsin's overthrow of the Politburo or whatever so no, not a real commie. From what I've read, he grew..... unhappy.... with the Soviet system while he was stationed in Dresden. Disillusioned. It did though, American way #1. OMG you left out the part where he's worth $3 trillion lol. In the words of LBJ (President Johnson) "they're all mine, son" Every military jet, every helicopter, every ship, every armored limousine. Why would he need any private jets or cars?! LOL


That doesn't mean we're buying the UK though, or taking over. Are you insulting our chickens again?! Give it up! Leave our chickens alone! You need to pay more attention to your mad cows! Oh ok but the Brits already go on about how we 'control' them so there shouldn't be any noticeable changes :) Nah, the UK provides a (relatively) safe space for Russia's disloyal oligarchs and treasonous spies. Why would they take it over when all those people gather in one spot? ;) Well ok, he's stirring up trouble everywhere. Two. NATO! NATO keeping idiotic violent western Europeans from fighting each other over tiny bits of land! That's why there's been no WW3! Not so far anyway! We didn't really have those nukes for the Soviets, it was for western Europe! Stop fighting or we're wiping you off the face of the earth!

I just posted about it on the other site. Putin skipped the G8 meeting in 2012 and Russia was 'kicked out' in 2014. Putin couldn't care less. All they do is bitch at him over Crimea, etc. He gets far more done when he goes to the G20 meetings. I did that on the other site :)

No it wasn't but we did talk about Soros and the Orange Revolution many, many times. Estonian jacked up the port fees because they thought they had Russia over a barrel - so Russia built their own port and Estonia lost a huge chunk of money. Ukraine siphoned gas and jacked up their transit fees so Russia built Nord Stream 1 & 2 and is building Turkstream. I hope some outsider gave you bad advice - I'm giving you people the benefit of the doubt because whoever came up with those ideas was a fool! So I'm assuming Estonians and Ukrainians aren't so foolish and came up with that themselves. All former SU countries claim to be experts on Russia and what Russians think and how they're going to react lol. So you knew Russia's reaction would be to build alternate pipelines and go around Ukraine? ;)

I didn't feel I needed to, I was trying to do uther a favor :( It wasn't "attack Croats", it was about attacking anyone attacking Serbs and trying to clean up their forum. I don't what? My next remark was that I didn't attack Muslims for being Muslim or anything. Croats are Christian (hmmm) and they were as bad as the Bosnian Muslims so why would I focus on religion? Oh no they don't. Russians don't want the SU back and would likely take up arms to prevent it. Old people maybe, or they say they prefer communism, but if it came right down to it, I think not. I just don't understand Serbs I guess.

That's no surprise. Macron has always been pro Russia. :(
He really is a nazi, the other parties are refusing to work with him.

Are you talking about Putin? If you are, I don't think so. He's got more than $3 trillion! They all belong to him! So he can say he has them, because he's got so much money.


I didn't say you were! Yes! You can keep them. :) That was a long time ago! You'll be able to control it even more! Then they wouldn't be able to escape to the UK! That's true. :) No, it's because America and Russia have nukes pointing at each other, if not then WW3 would probably have already happened. What nonsense. :)

Of course he cares! He wants to be part of the big club, even though everyone in there hates him apart from Trump and Macron. So they should! What has he got done! OK.

We did talk about it a bit, no one tried to overthrow Yanukovich then, the election was rerun, because of fraud by Yanukovich's side. He still had a chance to be elected in the second election, he wasn't. :) Russia hasn't come out of anything it's done looking good. That's why it's got sanctions, which will continue until it changes it's ways! I was talking about it's military reaction!

How was that doing Uther a favour? The same way you feel about Russians, an enemy of Russia/Serbia is an enemy of yours. You don't attack muslims? A lot of Bosnians were enemies of Serbia also.
Yes they do, they'd love it! You mean they'd take up arms to make it happen! Not just old people or commies. Unlol wanted the SU back, remember? Serbia was part of something bigger and it controlled it, not that difficult to understand.
That's news to me. If he's so pro Russian, why does he support sanctions? All these "Russia supporters" in the EU but not one of them can vote against continuing those sanctions? :disbelief:
LOL has he said so? I think he's just another populist/nationalist like a lot of other European nations these days. Anti immigration. So that makes him a Nazi?!

Oh ok $300 trillion. Is that better? :cul2: OMG you are ridiculous.


You implied it then! We are keeping our chickens! You don't deserve any plump, juicy chickens! Clean chickens! What was a long time ago? I think you answered out of order :) I thought we already had full control of you people?! Maybe it's time to invade! We will kill your cows and feed you chickens!! I'm so happy you agree :) Um, I think Russia may have one or two nukes pointed at western Europe :) NATO's true purpose was to keep you animals from fighting with each other and dragging the rest of the world into it! Again!

No, not really. Again, he has Trump and Macron on his side (according to you) so that's 3 of 8. He was already complaining that all the others do is complain about Crimea and Donbass so why bother? He is part of a "big club", the G20, which is of much more use to him since China and India are members (BRICS) :)

LOL a lot more than "a bit" ;) Soros backed the Orange Revolution so please don't downplay it as a "rerun". He was elected though in 2010 and again run out of office! At this point, Russia doesn't GAF what anyone thinks. They look pretty good to China :) And India and No Korea and the Saudis. I wasn't!

I tried! Not only did I try to fight off the Croats and Bosnians but some Russian who hated Americans and then the 2 Serbs who were always arguing with me or complaining about how I was treating those poor innocent Croats! OMG. [I will add here that I finally abandoned the forum after I was fed up with the Serbs! They would do NOTHING to fight back! And complain to me!] No, I was far more attached to the Russians. I said I didn't attack him for being muslim or because he was muslim. He was attacking Serbs so his religion didn't matter. Yeah I know.

LOL no they would not, not most of them. If they went back to communism, they know their already tiny pensions would get even smaller. Old people tend to get nostalgic for "the old days" even if the old days were terrible. Yup, until he started learning German and sent me pics of the "beautiful" Nazi soldiers from WW2, then he loved Germans lol. The kid was a troll and you took him too seriously :) Yugoslavia is not coming back. I just don't understand why they would dream of any reunification with Croat Nazis who slaughtered them during WW2. Just unbelievable. :disbelief:

I already told you, France and Germany can't be seen to be fighting, they're the core of the EU. If people see France and Germany fighting they'll claim it's the end of the EU! France wanted to sell Russia those warships remember, until they were persuaded not to by the EU. :)

He is a nazi, anyone can see that, except maybe an extreme right wing Trump supporter and before you ask, yes I do mean you. :)

It is for him! No I'm not


No I didn't! You can keep them! Scroll up! :) I don't think I did!
You haven't yet, but if Trump had his way you will! You want to invade a NATO country?! You should be, it happens so rarely. :) And it's American nukes which is preventing Russia from using them! No it wasn't, the EU was formed for that reason. NATO exists to protect the West from Russia!

Yes really! That's only 2 out of 7! As I already said and rightly so. The G7 is the elite club then! Maybe it is, but it's not as prestigious as being in the elite club. :)

It doesn't matter if he backed it, he wasn't responsible for it! It was a rerun, he cheated the first time and the Ukrainian people protested against it! So where was Soros then? It never has! Not the most trustworthy countries. :)

Why were you doing that though? It's not your fight and if most Serbs weren't bothered about it why were you? Which means you weren't appreciated on there and was sticking your nose in! OK.

Yes they would! They probably think they would be bigger! They think the old days were good! He really did pine for the Soviet Union, even if he never lived in it. :) They want to be part of something bigger and more important, Serbia is an insignificant country. Yugoslavia was more powerful.
I'm skipping this one for now because I have to get ready for work in a minute.
You mean Poland and Ukraine :)

No Poland and Russia. You sound like Limpy. :)
No I do not but even a broken clock is right twice a day :)

You sound more like him than you think. :) That's more than you. :)
And you're a liar :) LOL meanie!! :funnyface:

When have I ever lied? It's the truth. :)
LOL you lie all the time! Especially when you "can't remember" stuff. They taught you that at spy school! Or maybe the Hillary Clinton school of lying! :funnyface:
It is Ukraine who has Right Sector, and Azov Battalion Nazis. It is Poland which blamed Jews for the Holocaust, and Poland which thinks that it doesn't owe us reparations for properties they took from the Jews as Nazi allies. Russia doesn't have such forms of antisemitism. Putin has outlawed Nazism.

Nonsense and do you think that will stop them.

The rise of Russia’s neo-Nazi football hooligans


Russian Neo-Nazis Publish 'Death List'


Russian Ultra-rightist Political Groups - Page 1
Whataboutism!! :Boom2::Boom2::Boom2:

The truth. :)
Yes, Eduard posted the truth :)

It's Eduard is it? :)
Isn't that a Spanish name? Or Eduardo? How can he be a Spanish Jew from Odessa? Spanish Jews don't speak Yiddish either!
They're nothing compared with Russian and Polish neo nazis. Russian neo nazis have been fighting on the Russian side in Donbas, probably some Polish neo nazis fighting on the Russian side also.

Post evidence of this because all we read about are Nazis, neo Nazis, and anti Russian Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side.

We've already discussed this. You already know the war in Donbas was started by Russian neo nazi Gherkin, who's now hiding in a monastery in Russia and some of his neo nazi friends. There are Chechen nazis fighting on the Russian side also.
The problem started when they started making fake Nazi nations like Ukraine.
The problem is the west. Western Ukraine welcomed the Nazis. They're a different religion than the rest of the country too, with a different history. If Ukraine ever wants to be united, it will have to give back the western part to Poland, Romania, and whatever other countries have claims on it.

Ukraine is united, you doofus!
Tell that to the Donbass and Crimea :) Doofus!!
Russia is far better at being nazi. :)
Is that why David Duke relocated to Ukraine? ;) Wasn't that after Russia kicked him out? And then later on Russia banned Mein Kampf?
Is Mein Kampf banned in Ukraine?
David Duke relocated to Ukraine? That is one antisemitic Nazi. I bet Ukraine cheered for him.

There's no evidence he lived in Ukraine, that's fake news. He did live in Russia for 5 years though, he knew where to find people like him.
He lived in Ukraine lol. Yes he did know where to find them since there are millions of Ukrainian living in Russia! :) So he finally realized he should relocate to the country where all his supporters came from! :)

He went there, because of the millions of Russian nazis living in Russia. :) He thought he could persuade Ukrainians to turn nazi, but he failed. :)
No, he was disappointed when he went to recruit Russians but all he could find were Ukrainian supporters. So he moved closer to the source :)
Actually Azov battalion are the worst Nazis. Poland has many Nazis, but they at least haven't been killing many people. That is until they snap like all Nazis.

They're nothing compared with Russian and Polish neo nazis. Russian neo nazis have been fighting on the Russian side in Donbas, probably some Polish neo nazis fighting on the Russian side also.

Post evidence of this because all we read about are Nazis, neo Nazis, and anti Russian Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side.

We've already discussed this. You already know the war in Donbas was started by Russian neo nazi Gherkin, who's now hiding in a monastery in Russia and some of his neo nazi friends. There are Chechen nazis fighting on the Russian side also.
Hmm, we've already discussed a lot of things but you deny it! Strelkov? ;) I'm not sure he's still in that monastery but he went there out of remorse for being responsible for that jet being shot down. He isn't a neo Nazi though.
There are Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side, Chechens who fought for ISIS. I suspect this is yet another mistake Kiev has made, letting these people fight for you. Nazis from all over western Europe came there to fight too, on your side.

That's because they're not true! Yes. You don't really believe that, out of remorse! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: He's hiding there! Of cpurse he is and there's lots of proof to show it! Those are fighting on both sides, they're mercenaries, Kyiv didn't invite them, but Putin probably did!
Yes I do believe it was out of remorse. LOL he has all of Russia to 'hide' in. Why would he need to hide anyway? No one can come and get him or arrest him there. Define neo Nazi please. I understand that as white supremacist. The vast majority are fighting on your side and Nazis wouldn't be accepted by the east. They fought Nazis in WW2, remember? The Chechens just want to kill Russians, plus they may ask for citizenship after :)
Is that why David Duke relocated to Ukraine? ;) Wasn't that after Russia kicked him out? And then later on Russia banned Mein Kampf?
Is Mein Kampf banned in Ukraine?
David Duke relocated to Ukraine? That is one antisemitic Nazi. I bet Ukraine cheered for him.

There's no evidence he lived in Ukraine, that's fake news. He did live in Russia for 5 years though, he knew where to find people like him.
He lived in Ukraine lol. Yes he did know where to find them since there are millions of Ukrainian living in Russia! :) So he finally realized he should relocate to the country where all his supporters came from! :)

He went there, because of the millions of Russian nazis living in Russia. :) He thought he could persuade Ukrainians to turn nazi, but he failed. :)
A Ukrainian Nazi created his own Nazi religion.Ben Klassen - Wikipedia
Thank you Eduardo! I haven't heard of that one.
Russia is far better at being nazi. :)
Is that why David Duke relocated to Ukraine? ;) Wasn't that after Russia kicked him out? And then later on Russia banned Mein Kampf?
Is Mein Kampf banned in Ukraine?

They've got enough problems with their own nazis. :) He's not in Ukraine now is he? I can't find anything which states he lived in Ukraine, only that he visited and gave lectures there. He did live in Russia for 5 years.

I don't know, but I've seen it for sale in bookstores in the UK.
You mean Ukraine does, right? I don't know where he is now but yes he was in Ukraine and teaching at some university there. LOL he lived in Ukraine and wasn't welcome in Russia. I'm not sure when he was in Russia but I'm fairly certain that was during Yeltsin's time.

No, I mean Russia of course. You should, he's in the US. Prove that he lived in Ukraine. I can show you proof he lived in Russia for 5 years. Why does it matter, he was there to be with his fellow nazis.
The western press ignores Ukrainian and Polak Nazis so of course it seems like more of a problem in Russia. He is? How do you know? OMG just google it. I can show you proof he lived and taught in Ukraine. Yes, there are a lot of Ukrainians living in Russia :)

They don't, there was a controversial program shown on BBC TV before Euro 2012 about neo nazi Ukrainian and Polish football hooligans. There are a lot more neo nazis in Russia though, so obviously they will get more coverage. I read it in an article. I have Googled it and I couldn't find anything which stated he lived in Ukraine, only that he gave lectures at a university there. Then show it. What's that got to do with him being with Russian neo nazis?
I do remember. :)

No I'm not!

Thanks. :)
Then tell me!

Yes you are!

You're welcome :)

No, if you want to know scroll up. :)

No I'm not!

OMG stop with the scrolling crap! I refuse! You said it and you can't remember?!


Yes you are!


Because you don't know how to. :)

That's disgusting. :( I hope you don't do that to people yoi disagree with!

No I'm not!
Of course I do but not all the messages appear when I click or reply. You should remember what you said!

LOL I just did :)

You are!!

You don't! I do remember! :)

Yes, typical thing for a Russian spy to do! :(

I'm not!
We haven't seen anyone's dna test! We all know your real name is Kassandra (of the Kremlin). :) Who are you calling a doofus?!

You claimed they were more Jewish! You mean you do! You're more obsessed with Polaks more than Limpy is obsessed with Jews! Yes you did say it.To prove that you said something and to prove that you can scroll! You can scroll can't you? :) It's becoming one. :)
Limpy lie? :)

How can they claim it's a country?! If you're talking about Poland I agree. :) That's where you're wrong, you need to read your history of who built Western Ukrainian cities. :) You also need to read your history of who built Eastern and Central Ukrainian cities. :) That is a lie! :flameth:

You saw mine! That's a weird last name though so I think it's fake :) YOU! LOL!

I did? It's easy to get confused since the people of that region of Poland & Ukraine are so mixed already that yeah there's probably a lot of Jewish genes in there too :) No I do not! I don't even care about Polaks.

I did not say any such thing! What is it with you and all the scrolling?! Do you think I don't have a mouse or something?! I know how to scroll! You scroll now! Why are you being mean to me?! You are OBSESSED with scrolling! Polaks and scrolling! Oh, and spying! Go watch Chinese tv while I google what an obsession with scrolling means. There's something very wrong with you!!

That's the big question though, isn't it? Is Limpy lying??

They declared their independence from the USA and called themselves the Confederate States of America or something, and they took up arms against the US so yeah, it kinda was a country but, again, not even southerners claim that or not that I'm aware of. Yes I was talking about Poland :) I've read it! Those are all Polish cities! I read that too! Catherine the Great! You are a liar!! :blowup:

No I didn't! That's a cover. :) :shutupsmiley:

There are certainly lots of Jewish genes in Poland. :) Yes you do! Then stop talking about them!

Yes you did! To prove you can scroll! Maybe you haven't and that's why you can't scroll! Then prove it! What for! Mean to you? You called me a doofus! I'm not obsessed with scrolling or Polaks! Why should I do that? I'm not obsessed with it!

I think we know the answer to that. :)

No one is trying to bring it back, that situation is nothing like Ukraine! OK. :) I see you read the Russian version of those books! No I'm not!:bs1:

It wasn't fake! Don't you tell me to shut up! You shut up! :shutupsmiley:

There really are.:) No, you stop talking about them! :shutupsmiley: LOL

I did not! I proved that on reddit many, many times, when you were "unable" to scroll up. Or on Topix when you were unable to hunt down your previous PM where you said whatever nonsense you said and then denied it! What for what?? Yes you're mean to me! :206: So? I don't lie! Oh yes you are! Yes you are! Liar!

Yep :beer:

Why are you people trying to bring back Ukraine then? I read wikipedia! :26:

Yes it was! Your surname? Shut up yourself!

Quite a few of them.emigrated to America, there are lots of them in.the New York area. :)
It's you who should stop talking about them!

Yes you did! No you didn't! That was because I was too lazy to do it, not because I didn't know how to scroll! Scroll up! :) No I'm not, I didn't call you a doofus! So what? Lie after lie!

That's something we agree on. :)

What do you mean bring Ukraine back?! Ukraine is here! :290968001256257790-final::)

Glad to see you know what you are. :)
It was not! My surname isn't "of the Kremlin"! :290968001256257790-final: No, you shut up! :shutupsmiley:

That's true :) You stop! :290968001256257790-final:

I did not! Yes I did! I agree, you are lazy! :) You said scroll twice! You're obsessed! Doofus!! So what you're a liar?! Yes, you tell lie after lie! I agree!!


You were the one comparing Ukraine to the Confederate states!

I know, that's why I said it was a cover! :290968001256257790-final: You shut up!

It is true. :) No you stop!

You did! You didn't! i am sometimes. :) So learn how to scroll, then I won't say it!

All lies as usua from you!

You compared them, I said there's no comparison whatsoever with Ukraine! :290968001256257790-final:
I've noticed. :)
Yes it is! I'm not even a single agent! Yes you do and why are you revealing your spy secrets on here? :) Yes you have! Why do you keep making things up?
Is not! Did you get fired? Maybe the other two caught on that you were a LIAR!!! All they had to do was read your posts online like I do! What secrets?! Those are secrets you told me about and won't give me the website address or the password! You are so mean to me! No I have not! I had to google those acronyms when you told me you worked for them! OMG you're lying even more! I have your PM's!! :whip:

No it's not! Fired from what? I have no idea what you're talking about! Like you've been doing? No they're your secrets! No I'm not! Yes you are! Are you joking? :) I never told you that!

Is that what goes on at your home? No wonder you've not been posting as much recently. :)
It is! Were you fired from the other 2 agencies you work for? Liar!! I'm watching you! I don't have any secrets, I'm too honest :) Yes you are! No you are not! Am I joking about what part? Yes you did!

It isn't! What agencies? That proves you're a spy! You honest? :auiqs.jpg: No I'm not! Yes I am! That you had to Google those acronyms when you already knew what they were! No I didn't!

Is this you? :whipg: :).

Isn't! I can't keep track of all the agencies you're a triple and quadruple agent for! I know the Chinese are one because you talked about it :) I only spy on you! You're only laughing to cover up the fact that you're afraid of me! You are! No you aren't! No I didn't, not the Chinese one! I had to ask you about it! You did!

No but why do you keep going on about it? Does it excite you? :ack-1:
I've noticed. :)
Yes it is! I'm not even a single agent! Yes you do and why are you revealing your spy secrets on here? :) Yes you have! Why do you keep making things up?
Is not! Did you get fired? Maybe the other two caught on that you were a LIAR!!! All they had to do was read your posts online like I do! What secrets?! Those are secrets you told me about and won't give me the website address or the password! You are so mean to me! No I have not! I had to google those acronyms when you told me you worked for them! OMG you're lying even more! I have your PM's!! :whip:

No it's not! Fired from what? I have no idea what you're talking about! Like you've been doing? No they're your secrets! No I'm not! Yes you are! Are you joking? :) I never told you that!

Is that what goes on at your home? No wonder you've not been posting as much recently. :)
It is! Were you fired from the other 2 agencies you work for? Liar!! I'm watching you! I don't have any secrets, I'm too honest :) Yes you are! No you are not! Am I joking about what part? Yes you did!

It isn't! What agencies? That proves you're a spy! You honest? :auiqs.jpg: No I'm not! Yes I am! That you had to Google those acronyms when you already knew what they were! No I didn't!

Is this you? :whipg: :).

Isn't! I can't keep track of all the agencies you're a triple and quadruple agent for! I know the Chinese are one because you talked about it :) I only spy on you! You're only laughing to cover up the fact that you're afraid of me! You are! No you aren't! No I didn't, not the Chinese one! I had to ask you about it! You did!

No but why do you keep going on about it? Does it excite you? :ack-1:

Is! You mean you can't keep track of all your agencies! You mean because you work for them! Am I your special project with the Kremlin? :) So what are you going to tell Putin about me? :) I'm not! I am! Yes you do! You already knew about it! I didn't!

No, I'm not into that sort of thing, I thought maybe you were. :)
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No Poland and Russia. You sound like Limpy. :)
No I do not but even a broken clock is right twice a day :)

You sound more like him than you think. :) That's more than you. :)
And you're a liar :) LOL meanie!! :funnyface:

When have I ever lied? It's the truth. :)
LOL you lie all the time! Especially when you "can't remember" stuff. They taught you that at spy school! Or maybe the Hillary Clinton school of lying! :funnyface:

If I say I can't remember something it's because I can't remember it! I didn't go to spy school. Is that something similar to the Vladimir Putin school if lying which you went to? :10:

Is it an Hebrew name? I just checked, it's German or Dutch. What would German or Dutch Jews be doing in Odesa? Do you think Eduard might be lying? :)
Post evidence of this because all we read about are Nazis, neo Nazis, and anti Russian Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side.

We've already discussed this. You already know the war in Donbas was started by Russian neo nazi Gherkin, who's now hiding in a monastery in Russia and some of his neo nazi friends. There are Chechen nazis fighting on the Russian side also.
The problem started when they started making fake Nazi nations like Ukraine.
The problem is the west. Western Ukraine welcomed the Nazis. They're a different religion than the rest of the country too, with a different history. If Ukraine ever wants to be united, it will have to give back the western part to Poland, Romania, and whatever other countries have claims on it.

Ukraine is united, you doofus!
Tell that to the Donbass and Crimea :) Doofus!!

It will be united once Russia is forced out of those occupied territories, doofus!
Is that why David Duke relocated to Ukraine? ;) Wasn't that after Russia kicked him out? And then later on Russia banned Mein Kampf?
Is Mein Kampf banned in Ukraine?
David Duke relocated to Ukraine? That is one antisemitic Nazi. I bet Ukraine cheered for him.

There's no evidence he lived in Ukraine, that's fake news. He did live in Russia for 5 years though, he knew where to find people like him.
He lived in Ukraine lol. Yes he did know where to find them since there are millions of Ukrainian living in Russia! :) So he finally realized he should relocate to the country where all his supporters came from! :)

He went there, because of the millions of Russian nazis living in Russia. :) He thought he could persuade Ukrainians to turn nazi, but he failed. :)
No, he was disappointed when he went to recruit Russians but all he could find were Ukrainian supporters. So he moved closer to the source :)

You mean he was happy he found so many neo nazis in Russia, then went to Ukraine to meet Russian neo nazis there. :)
They're nothing compared with Russian and Polish neo nazis. Russian neo nazis have been fighting on the Russian side in Donbas, probably some Polish neo nazis fighting on the Russian side also.

Post evidence of this because all we read about are Nazis, neo Nazis, and anti Russian Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side.

We've already discussed this. You already know the war in Donbas was started by Russian neo nazi Gherkin, who's now hiding in a monastery in Russia and some of his neo nazi friends. There are Chechen nazis fighting on the Russian side also.
Hmm, we've already discussed a lot of things but you deny it! Strelkov? ;) I'm not sure he's still in that monastery but he went there out of remorse for being responsible for that jet being shot down. He isn't a neo Nazi though.
There are Chechen terrorists fighting on Kiev's side, Chechens who fought for ISIS. I suspect this is yet another mistake Kiev has made, letting these people fight for you. Nazis from all over western Europe came there to fight too, on your side.

That's because they're not true! Yes. You don't really believe that, out of remorse! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: He's hiding there! Of cpurse he is and there's lots of proof to show it! Those are fighting on both sides, they're mercenaries, Kyiv didn't invite them, but Putin probably did!

Yes I do believe it was out of remorse. LOL he has all of Russia to 'hide' in. Why would he need to hide anyway? No one can come and get him or arrest him there. Define neo Nazi please. I understand that as white supremacist. The vast majority are fighting on your side and Nazis wouldn't be accepted by the east. They fought Nazis in WW2, remember? The Chechens just want to kill Russians, plus they may ask for citizenship after :)

You are such a :290968001256257790-final: only the dumbest dumbo would believe that! :auiqs.jpg:
He probably thought that Ukrainian spies might find him. It certainly wasn't because he'd found religion. :auiqs.jpg:
There's a simple test, compare him with Limpy. :)
"I understand that as white supremacist." Are you trying to tell us something about yourself? :) They're not, they're fighting equally on both sides. There are Chechens fighting on the Russian side, which you can easily find by doing a Google search. Citizenship of Russia? They want independence!
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Yes, Eduard posted the truth :)

It's Eduard is it? :)
Isn't that a Spanish name? Or Eduardo? How can he be a Spanish Jew from Odessa? Spanish Jews don't speak Yiddish either!

Is it an Hebrew name? I just checked, it's German or Dutch. What would German or Dutch Jews be doing in Odesa? Do you think Eduard might be lying? :)
My name celebrates the great Jewish thinker.Eduard Bernstein - Wikipedia
Define a long time please.
I know nothing about him so how should I know? According to you, anyone who supports Putin is a fascist!

LOL You think Boris Yeltsin was a commie?! Russia was in crisis and they went along with whatever the US thought best. That's why Putin inherited the oligarchy system. He didn't create it. We started 'disapproving' of him when he started putting limits on the oligarchs and telling them they can't meddle in politics.


Huh? No one is talking about taking over the UK. Trump wants to buy Greenland, not the UK. Why the F would anyone want the UK?! Everyone there is talking about what? The fact that the Brits can openly thumb their noses at us and get away with it? We always do what you want! Oh bullshit, what about in the middle east? It is't deterring anything though and meanwhile more and more countries are becoming nuclear armed. No, I have it right!

No he doesn't, he already skipped one of those meetings. It's pointless because all they do is whine about Crimea. Putin prefers G20 meetings. Haha neither. I'll look for it if you insist.

American George Soros did! I can't believe he gets away with that shit. We had this conversation more than once. Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltics have been given some very bad advice, particularly when it comes to their relations with Russia. You do not have Russia by the balls whether it's a sea port or gas pipelines. For a bunch of people who swear up and down they are experts on Russians, you people clearly have no idea how Russia will react in those situations.

I did nothing. I defended Serbs and I sometimes hit back at Croats. Not Bosnians so much and I never say anything negative against Muslims. Thank you for that :smiliehug: Ugh, uther acted like if they were nice enough to the Croats the Croats would be willing to re-form Yugoslavia or something. I just don't understand their mentality.

You would if you read the news! He really is a fascist! No I don't, I think some of them are commies. :)

Obviously he was a commie in Soviet times! Sure it did! Putin is an oligarch himself, 40 private cars, 5 private jets, 10 dachas, allegedly the richest man in the World. You don't think he made his wealth legally do you? LOL!


Over there maybe, but they are here, about how they're going to interfere in everything and make the UK accept your second rate food standards! I know, but I wasn't talking about Trump buying the UK, just about him controlling it! Are you joking? Ask Putin if he'd like to buy it next time you're at the Kremlin. No you don't, it's usually the UK doing what America wants! The Middle East where Trump is stirring up trouble? It is deterring, how many have been used? Why do you think there has been no World war for over 70 years? You have it wrong!

Yes he does! So! And rightly so! How do you know? :) You do that.

Really? We weren't on Topix in 2004 and never discussed it. What advice! Ukraine and the Baltics want closer relations with Europe, if you and Putin don't like that then tough! Who said they do and who claimed to be an expert on Russia? Certainly not me. We have a very good idea!

Why do you feel the need to defend Serbs and attack Croats? You don't? You're welcome. Serbs have the same nostalgia for Yugoslavia that Russians have for the Soviet Union.

LOL meanwhile Macron is siding with Trump over Putin rejoining G8 :)
I read the news but Salvini isn't in the news here much. OK I'm going to go look him up. This better not be a waste of my time!! LOL :)

He supported Yeltsin's overthrow of the Politburo or whatever so no, not a real commie. From what I've read, he grew..... unhappy.... with the Soviet system while he was stationed in Dresden. Disillusioned. It did though, American way #1. OMG you left out the part where he's worth $3 trillion lol. In the words of LBJ (President Johnson) "they're all mine, son" Every military jet, every helicopter, every ship, every armored limousine. Why would he need any private jets or cars?! LOL


That doesn't mean we're buying the UK though, or taking over. Are you insulting our chickens again?! Give it up! Leave our chickens alone! You need to pay more attention to your mad cows! Oh ok but the Brits already go on about how we 'control' them so there shouldn't be any noticeable changes :) Nah, the UK provides a (relatively) safe space for Russia's disloyal oligarchs and treasonous spies. Why would they take it over when all those people gather in one spot? ;) Well ok, he's stirring up trouble everywhere. Two. NATO! NATO keeping idiotic violent western Europeans from fighting each other over tiny bits of land! That's why there's been no WW3! Not so far anyway! We didn't really have those nukes for the Soviets, it was for western Europe! Stop fighting or we're wiping you off the face of the earth!

I just posted about it on the other site. Putin skipped the G8 meeting in 2012 and Russia was 'kicked out' in 2014. Putin couldn't care less. All they do is bitch at him over Crimea, etc. He gets far more done when he goes to the G20 meetings. I did that on the other site :)

No it wasn't but we did talk about Soros and the Orange Revolution many, many times. Estonian jacked up the port fees because they thought they had Russia over a barrel - so Russia built their own port and Estonia lost a huge chunk of money. Ukraine siphoned gas and jacked up their transit fees so Russia built Nord Stream 1 & 2 and is building Turkstream. I hope some outsider gave you bad advice - I'm giving you people the benefit of the doubt because whoever came up with those ideas was a fool! So I'm assuming Estonians and Ukrainians aren't so foolish and came up with that themselves. All former SU countries claim to be experts on Russia and what Russians think and how they're going to react lol. So you knew Russia's reaction would be to build alternate pipelines and go around Ukraine? ;)

I didn't feel I needed to, I was trying to do uther a favor :( It wasn't "attack Croats", it was about attacking anyone attacking Serbs and trying to clean up their forum. I don't what? My next remark was that I didn't attack Muslims for being Muslim or anything. Croats are Christian (hmmm) and they were as bad as the Bosnian Muslims so why would I focus on religion? Oh no they don't. Russians don't want the SU back and would likely take up arms to prevent it. Old people maybe, or they say they prefer communism, but if it came right down to it, I think not. I just don't understand Serbs I guess.

That's no surprise. Macron has always been pro Russia. :(
He really is a nazi, the other parties are refusing to work with him.

Are you talking about Putin? If you are, I don't think so. He's got more than $3 trillion! They all belong to him! So he can say he has them, because he's got so much money.


I didn't say you were! Yes! You can keep them. :) That was a long time ago! You'll be able to control it even more! Then they wouldn't be able to escape to the UK! That's true. :) No, it's because America and Russia have nukes pointing at each other, if not then WW3 would probably have already happened. What nonsense. :)

Of course he cares! He wants to be part of the big club, even though everyone in there hates him apart from Trump and Macron. So they should! What has he got done! OK.

We did talk about it a bit, no one tried to overthrow Yanukovich then, the election was rerun, because of fraud by Yanukovich's side. He still had a chance to be elected in the second election, he wasn't. :) Russia hasn't come out of anything it's done looking good. That's why it's got sanctions, which will continue until it changes it's ways! I was talking about it's military reaction!

How was that doing Uther a favour? The same way you feel about Russians, an enemy of Russia/Serbia is an enemy of yours. You don't attack muslims? A lot of Bosnians were enemies of Serbia also.
Yes they do, they'd love it! You mean they'd take up arms to make it happen! Not just old people or commies. Unlol wanted the SU back, remember? Serbia was part of something bigger and it controlled it, not that difficult to understand.
That's news to me. If he's so pro Russian, why does he support sanctions? All these "Russia supporters" in the EU but not one of them can vote against continuing those sanctions? :disbelief:
LOL has he said so? I think he's just another populist/nationalist like a lot of other European nations these days. Anti immigration. So that makes him a Nazi?!

Oh ok $300 trillion. Is that better? :cul2: OMG you are ridiculous.


You implied it then! We are keeping our chickens! You don't deserve any plump, juicy chickens! Clean chickens! What was a long time ago? I think you answered out of order :) I thought we already had full control of you people?! Maybe it's time to invade! We will kill your cows and feed you chickens!! I'm so happy you agree :) Um, I think Russia may have one or two nukes pointed at western Europe :) NATO's true purpose was to keep you animals from fighting with each other and dragging the rest of the world into it! Again!

No, not really. Again, he has Trump and Macron on his side (according to you) so that's 3 of 8. He was already complaining that all the others do is complain about Crimea and Donbass so why bother? He is part of a "big club", the G20, which is of much more use to him since China and India are members (BRICS) :)

LOL a lot more than "a bit" ;) Soros backed the Orange Revolution so please don't downplay it as a "rerun". He was elected though in 2010 and again run out of office! At this point, Russia doesn't GAF what anyone thinks. They look pretty good to China :) And India and No Korea and the Saudis. I wasn't!

I tried! Not only did I try to fight off the Croats and Bosnians but some Russian who hated Americans and then the 2 Serbs who were always arguing with me or complaining about how I was treating those poor innocent Croats! OMG. [I will add here that I finally abandoned the forum after I was fed up with the Serbs! They would do NOTHING to fight back! And complain to me!] No, I was far more attached to the Russians. I said I didn't attack him for being muslim or because he was muslim. He was attacking Serbs so his religion didn't matter. Yeah I know.

LOL no they would not, not most of them. If they went back to communism, they know their already tiny pensions would get even smaller. Old people tend to get nostalgic for "the old days" even if the old days were terrible. Yup, until he started learning German and sent me pics of the "beautiful" Nazi soldiers from WW2, then he loved Germans lol. The kid was a troll and you took him too seriously :) Yugoslavia is not coming back. I just don't understand why they would dream of any reunification with Croat Nazis who slaughtered them during WW2. Just unbelievable. :disbelief:

I already told you, France and Germany can't be seen to be fighting, they're the core of the EU. If people see France and Germany fighting they'll claim it's the end of the EU! France wanted to sell Russia those warships remember, until they were persuaded not to by the EU. :)

He is a nazi, anyone can see that, except maybe an extreme right wing Trump supporter and before you ask, yes I do mean you. :)

It is for him! No I'm not


No I didn't! You can keep them! Scroll up! :) I don't think I did!
You haven't yet, but if Trump had his way you will! You want to invade a NATO country?! You should be, it happens so rarely. :) And it's American nukes which is preventing Russia from using them! No it wasn't, the EU was formed for that reason. NATO exists to protect the West from Russia!

Yes really! That's only 2 out of 7! As I already said and rightly so. The G7 is the elite club then! Maybe it is, but it's not as prestigious as being in the elite club. :)

It doesn't matter if he backed it, he wasn't responsible for it! It was a rerun, he cheated the first time and the Ukrainian people protested against it! So where was Soros then? It never has! Not the most trustworthy countries. :)

Why were you doing that though? It's not your fight and if most Serbs weren't bothered about it why were you? Which means you weren't appreciated on there and was sticking your nose in! OK.

Yes they would! They probably think they would be bigger! They think the old days were good! He really did pine for the Soviet Union, even if he never lived in it. :) They want to be part of something bigger and more important, Serbia is an insignificant country. Yugoslavia was more powerful.
That's ridiculous. To me, that shows the EU as weak. Pressured "by the EU' - by who exactly?

LOL I'm not extreme right wing or really a Trump supporter - I voted against Hillary, remember? And remember when I said I would vote for Harambe before I'd vote for Hillary? Or even Kadyrov? ;)

I'm not sure the gdp of the whole world is $300 trillion but if you want to believe Putin owns the world, be my guest :)


You did though. What will you eat with no cows or chickens? I just scrolled up! You certainly did :)
Nah, that isn't what I've been hearing about for the last 2 decades. That we dictate to the UK (and pretty much the rest of the world)
I don't support NATO so yeah! NATO exists to keep the peace and the world would be much more peaceful without the Brits sticking their noses in it. Take a good look at British history and look at the state of the world right now and see how much of it is their fault. Actually, it's quite common for you to agree with me ;) LOL! You think Russia would start nuking western Europe or something? Or your precious Ukraine? Do you know how much radiation would spread all over the place including in Russia?
The excuse for NATO was to protect western Europe from the Soviet Union ie "communism" but a lot of them were commies anyway. Which is why we let so many Nazis go, to help 'fight' against the commies taking over. Oh, oops, of course there were no "real" commies outside of the Russian SSR because it was only ethnic Russians who truly believed and all the others (looking at you, eastern Europeans!) all the others "only joined for the benefits" ;) So here we have only ethnic Russians and a very large number of west Europeans who were true believers even though there were no benefits of being a commie in western Europe. Is that right? Do I have that right? :auiqs.jpg:

Huh? If Russia rejoins G7 that would make it G8. Duh! Doofus! Trump + Macron + Putin = 3 or do you think Putin would vote against himself? lol. It is not "rightly so", it's stupid and a waste of time. It's like insisting Trump tell Putin for the 1,000th time "don't interfere in our elections" every time they meet and then talk about nothing else. What's the point in going if that's all you're going to hear?!

LOL the most prestigious and elite club is a seat on the UN Security Council ;)
Why are you going on about it anyway? Ukraine doesn't belong to any of them :5_1_12024:

Backing it does make Soros responsible. Had he not backed it, it may not have happened. Probably wouldn't have happened. Ukraine needs to be more careful of outsiders meddling and not just Russia. I'm serious. That's hard to believe when Yanu ran in 2010 in an open and fair election and then won it. You mean where was Soros when Yanu was openly and fairly elected? ;) Or when Yanu was run out of office the second time? If Soros had anything to do with it the second time, it's well hidden or the press isn't talking about it. But I don't think Soros needed to intervene then anyway, Kiev had John McCain and Victoria Nuland helping out, plus Obama on the phone to Yanukovich warning him not to shoot at protesters even when those protesters were killing policemen. Russia - Putin - gave up a while back, that's true. What are you saying about our dearest ally the Saudis?!

I told you, I did it for uther and with his permission. He wanted it cleaned up. Who are you to question where I was and why I was there when you were trolling and posting vicious hate speech for years on the Russia forum? Uther appreciated the effort but he didn't like me attacking Nazi Croats like that. Weird.

That's ridiculous and Russians are smarter than that. They want Russia to be powerful, not bigger lol. Russia is already the largest nation by size so....? More land won't make them any more powerful, plus there would be too much resistance by the natives if they invaded somewhere. Why bother? Someplace like Ukraine would only be a drain on Russian resources. Look at eastern Ukraine or Crimea. LOL no he did not. He wanted to travel and go to medical school in the US. When he couldn't because of political reasons, he learned German and went to school there. He would never be able to do that if he lived under the SU and he knew it. Um, you just said that about the Russians. Croatia isn't exactly a powerhouse either lol. Maybe one day those nations (former Yugoslavia) can create some sort of union since they would be stronger together. Not the Croats though! Fuck those Nazis.
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