Poland STOPS Supplying Ukraine with Weapons to Fight Russia

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Poland STOPS supplying Ukraine with weapons to fight Russia
Poland STOPS supplying Ukraine with weapons to fight Russia

Poland has taken a “Poland First” position it seems. This is an action by Poland for Poland’s national security interests. Why cannot the USA do the same? Here, if you want to stop supporting Zelensky, you are deemed pro-Putin. Well now, Poland certainly is not pro-Putin. Poland loathes the Russians and has much history upon which to base their disdain.

Likewise, America has complex interests. It is not in our national interest to prolong a war in Eastern Europe by continuing to give the clear underdog the means to keep fighting. Ukraine is not going to force Russia out of Ukraine militarily. The longer the conflict festers, the greater chance there is for this war to spill over to other countries.

When we give a country weapons due to said recipient facing the possibility of an attack, that act is usually a diplomatic move and not a strategic military move. Diplomatically, it signals our support for that country in the conflict. We usually do not supply them with the amount of weapons we have supplied to Ukraine. It has happened a handful of times through history, but it is most certainly not the rule.

Our giving Ukraine weapons started out as a diplomatic act. Then, with absolutely no domestic consensus, it escalated to us arming Ukraine for a strategic military purpose (proxy war). There has been no debate in Congress over this; there has been no national discussion. Instead, the left is doing it and seeks to shut down anyone daring to question what they are doing. Is THIS the “democracy” Democrats fear losing?

We have our own security issues to concern ourselves with. Supporting an ongoing war against Russia is contra our interests. Sure, what they are doing to Ukraine is horrific. But that does not have to be our concern. Russia will go no farther than Ukraine because if they do they will be attacking NATO countries. Russia would be the aggressor in a clear attack on NATO. They are not going to do something so stupid.

We need to broker a peace. We have great leverage to do this because America is the one that is prolonging the war. We need to try and force the sides to accept a deal of some sort. I have ideas on this but will not get into them here.
Poland STOPS supplying Ukraine with weapons to fight Russia
Poland STOPS supplying Ukraine with weapons to fight Russia

Poland has taken a “Poland First” position it seems. This is an action by Poland for Poland’s national security interests. Why cannot the USA do the same? Here, if you want to stop supporting Zelensky, you are deemed pro-Putin. Well now, Poland certainly is not pro-Putin. Poland loathes the Russians and has much history upon which to base their disdain.

Likewise, America has complex interests. It is not in our national interest to prolong a war in Eastern Europe by continuing to give the clear underdog the means to keep fighting. Ukraine is not going to force Russia out of Ukraine militarily. The longer the conflict festers, the greater chance there is for this war to spill over to other countries.

When we give a country weapons due to said recipient facing the possibility of an attack, that act is usually a diplomatic move and not a strategic military move. Diplomatically, it signals our support for that country in the conflict. We usually do not supply them with the amount of weapons we have supplied to Ukraine. It has happened a handful of times through history, but it is most certainly not the rule.

Our giving Ukraine weapons started out as a diplomatic act. Then, with absolutely no domestic consensus, it escalated to us arming Ukraine for a strategic military purpose (proxy war). There has been no debate in Congress over this; there has been no national discussion. Instead, the left is doing it and seeks to shut down anyone daring to question what they are doing. Is THIS the “democracy” Democrats fear losing?

We have our own security issues to concern ourselves with. Supporting an ongoing war against Russia is contra our interests. Sure, what they are doing to Ukraine is horrific. But that does not have to be our concern. Russia will go no farther than Ukraine because if they do they will be attacking NATO countries. Russia would be the aggressor in a clear attack on NATO. They are not going to do something so stupid.

We need to broker a peace. We have great leverage to do this because America is the one that is prolonging the war. We need to try and force the sides to accept a deal of some sort. I have ideas on this but will not get into them here.

Russia put a whole lot of their excess troops right on the border to threaten Poland. Poland line their own border with their troops and are taking steps so that Poland doesn't become another Ukraine.

Putin is the Devil, Lucifer, Satan all wrapped up into one package. And we MUST stand against him. If America can do that without putting our young men and women in jeopardy, we need to do just that.
Russia put a whole lot of their excess troops right on the border to threaten Poland. Poland line their own border with their troops and are taking steps so that Poland doesn't become another Ukraine.

Putin is the Devil, Lucifer, Satan all wrapped up into one package. And we MUST stand against him. If America can do that without putting our young men and women in jeopardy, we need to do just that.
Your type of thinking is why everyone hates us.
We are not the world police. And we certainly dont have any sort of moral high ground to do it, in the first place.
Now, we will be responsible for innocent women and children dying for the next several decades with our cluster bomb bullshit. Go USA!
Russia put a whole lot of their excess troops right on the border to threaten Poland. Poland line their own border with their troops and are taking steps so that Poland doesn't become another Ukraine.

Putin is the Devil, Lucifer, Satan all wrapped up into one package. And we MUST stand against him. If America can do that without putting our young men and women in jeopardy, we need to do just that.
This is the lunatic, pro-WarPig position, yes.

Good to see Poland backing away from such lunatic thinking. :)
This is a lie. Polish forces now dominate Ukraine. The tactics of the Polish hussars, the tactics of deep operations, are used there. The Minister of Defense is a pro-Polish politician from the Western Ukrainian "Voice" party.
Putin surrendered to the Poles on the Polish-Belarusian border and is withdrawing troops.
We need to broker a peace. We have great leverage to do this because America is the one that is prolonging the war. We need to try and force the sides to accept a deal of some sort. I have ideas on this but will not get into them here.
There has to be a way.
What leverage does America have that can pressure Russia into negotiating on terms that are favourable to America or the Ukraine?

Some components of Russia's offer of peace will still be on the table.

I think the facts are, America has no intention of negotiating any peace for the Ukraine that doesn't include the defeat of Russia and the breaking up of the Russia Federation into smaller and managable pieces.

But you say you have some ideas? Really?
Your type of thinking is why everyone hates us.
We are not the world police. And we certainly dont have any sort of moral high ground to do it, in the first place.
Now, we will be responsible for innocent women and children dying for the next several decades with our cluster bomb bullshit. Go USA!
We can't win with the Europeans anyway. If we help we're wrong. If we don't we're wrong. They're like petulant children.
Internal politics over grain farmers. Right wingers in Poland... nice to see right wingers perpetually wrong across national boundaries.

The growing tensions highlight the risks Ukraine faces in maintaining Western support as its fight against Russia drags on.

Ukraine prevailing is so important to Poland that it would not be likely to restrict the military assistance to Ukraine. Poland has bitter memories of being subjected to Moscow’s rule in the past and does not want to see Russia win a war in a neighboring country.

Poland’s ruling party faces an election challenge from a new far-right coalition, Confederation, whose leaders complain that the country is doing too much to help Ukraine and claim Ukraine isn’t grateful enough.

The rift also shows how Ukraine and its neighbors are competing agricultural powers and how European defense of domestic farmers could complicate Kyiv’s hopes for a future path into the EU.
Your type of thinking is why everyone hates us.
We are not the world police. And we certainly dont have any sort of moral high ground to do it, in the first place.
Now, we will be responsible for innocent women and children dying for the next several decades with our cluster bomb bullshit. Go USA!

In comparison to Russia, we are sweethearts of the Earth. Your hatred for America slip is showing, cupcake.
This is the lunatic, pro-WarPig position, yes.

Good to see Poland backing away from such lunatic thinking. :)
They aren't backing away. I doubt if any of this is true. The dailywhatever lies out it's ass just to sell prescriptions. Make sure you send them your money.
I guess Poland looked at what the US just did in freeing-up six billion for Iran knowing full well the Iranians are going to use it to build drones for Russia for use against the Ukes.

It costs whoever is supplying the Ukes 140K to 500K to shoot down a 20K drone.....Iran gets paid a million per copy......It's a losing proposition and the poles know it.....Better to beef-up their eastern frontier as best they can.

In before the usual dumb-shit Uke-Bro claims the money will only be used for humanitarian ends. :laughing0301:
It appears that the dam is breaking. Things are going really poorly for Russian interests.

Experts say that the gains in the next 30 days will dwarf the last 90 and the Russian supply routes to Crimea will be within artillery range, about the same time a pair of ATACMS takes out the bridge and isolates the Crimean peninsular from land. Russian numbers and equipment seem to be at or beyond a breaking point. Pulling troops out of one area to try and retake dug in defenses in another....lot of russian men, many who likely want nothing to do with this, being killed. Not sure how much more Russia/Putin can stand of all this winning

Ukrainian armoured vehicles have smashed through a gap in Russian defences on the Zaporizhzhia front, it has been reported. Eight-wheeled Stryker and tracked Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles were seen behind Russian tank traps and dragon's teeth near Verbove - suggesting a potential Ukrainian tactical breakthrough in the area.

Kyiv has now been attempting to widen that breach, attacking south towards Novoprokopivka and southwest towards Verbove. Barros added: "The Ukrainians in this video likely drove down a country road that creates a hole in the ditch and teeth lines...It indicates that Ukrainian forces have likely defeated local Russian's defence in this section of the line."
Ukrainian sources have claimed that three of Putin's best brigades were virtually destroyed during the assault on Andriivka. The 72nd Motor Rifle Brigade as well as the elite 31st and 83rd Air Assault Brigades were operating in the area and ISW has suggested the Airborne (VDV) brigades likely suffered heavy losses.
In addition, reports from Russian soldiers fighting in the region suggest an under-equipped force sent in only to be savaged by Ukraine artillery, including cluster bombs. Russian commanders are said to be desperately throwing Russian troops to retake the key towns in the east which sit on higher ground than Bakhmut.
Internal politics over grain farmers. Right wingers in Poland... nice to see right wingers perpetually wrong across national boundaries.

The growing tensions highlight the risks Ukraine faces in maintaining Western support as its fight against Russia drags on.

Ukraine prevailing is so important to Poland that it would not be likely to restrict the military assistance to Ukraine. Poland has bitter memories of being subjected to Moscow’s rule in the past and does not want to see Russia win a war in a neighboring country.

Poland’s ruling party faces an election challenge from a new far-right coalition, Confederation, whose leaders complain that the country is doing too much to help Ukraine and claim Ukraine isn’t grateful enough.

The rift also shows how Ukraine and its neighbors are competing agricultural powers and how European defense of domestic farmers could complicate Kyiv’s hopes for a future path into the EU.
Poland is worried that if they don't spend more money on their own military, they won't be able to stop Russia at the Ukraine border.

“We are no longer transferring any weapons to Ukraine,” said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on television.

"We are mainly focusing on modernising and rapidly arming the Polish army, so that it becomes one of the most powerful land armies in Europe," he said.

Morawiecki specified that a military hub in Rzeszow, through which Western equipment destined for Ukraine passes, was still operating normally.

The PM did not detail when Poland, one of the largest arms suppliers to Ukraine, would cut off supplies or if the move was linked to their spat about grain.

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I guess Poland looked at what the US just did in freeing-up six billion for Iran knowing full well the Iranians are going to use it to build drones for Russia for use against the Ukes.

It costs whoever is supplying the Ukes 140K to 500K to shoot down a 20K drone.....Iran gets paid a million per copy......It's a losing proposition and the poles know it.....Better to beef-up their eastern frontier as best they can.

In before the usual dumb-shit Uke-Bro claims the money will only be used for humanitarian ends. :laughing0301:
You still say that but you don't have a clue about that $6B
It appears that the dam is breaking. Things are going really poorly for Russian interests.

Experts say that the gains in the next 30 days will dwarf the last 90 and the Russian supply routes to Crimea will be within artillery range, about the same time a pair of ATACMS takes out the bridge and isolates the Crimean peninsular from land. Russian numbers and equipment seem to be at or beyond a breaking point. Pulling troops out of one area to try and retake dug in defenses in another....lot of russian men, many who likely want nothing to do with this, being killed. Not sure how much more Russia/Putin can stand of all this winning

Ukrainian armoured vehicles have smashed through a gap in Russian defences on the Zaporizhzhia front, it has been reported. Eight-wheeled Stryker and tracked Marder Infantry Fighting Vehicles were seen behind Russian tank traps and dragon's teeth near Verbove - suggesting a potential Ukrainian tactical breakthrough in the area.

Kyiv has now been attempting to widen that breach, attacking south towards Novoprokopivka and southwest towards Verbove. Barros added: "The Ukrainians in this video likely drove down a country road that creates a hole in the ditch and teeth lines...It indicates that Ukrainian forces have likely defeated local Russian's defence in this section of the line."
Ukrainian sources have claimed that three of Putin's best brigades were virtually destroyed during the assault on Andriivka. The 72nd Motor Rifle Brigade as well as the elite 31st and 83rd Air Assault Brigades were operating in the area and ISW has suggested the Airborne (VDV) brigades likely suffered heavy losses.
In addition, reports from Russian soldiers fighting in the region suggest an under-equipped force sent in only to be savaged by Ukraine artillery, including cluster bombs. Russian commanders are said to be desperately throwing Russian troops to retake the key towns in the east which sit on higher ground than Bakhmut.

This is what the 4th or 5th time we've heard "the end is near for Russia"...
Poland is worried that if they don't spend more money on their own military, they won't be able to stop Russia at the Ukraine border.

“We are no longer transferring any weapons to Ukraine,” said Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on television.

"We are mainly focusing on modernising and rapidly arming the Polish army, so that it becomes one of the most powerful land armies in Europe," he said.

Morawiecki specified that a military hub in Rzeszow, through which Western equipment destined for Ukraine passes, was still operating normally.

The PM did not detail when Poland, one of the largest arms suppliers to Ukraine, would cut off supplies or if the move was linked to their spat about grain.

We can take it another way. If Poland is modernizing then the old stuff can go to Ukraine which gives Urkraine even more equipment.
Well now, it looks like the OP's source is one filled with right-wing neocon bias....UkeBros have strange bedfellows. :laughing0301:


  • Overall, we rate the Daily Express Right Biased based on editorial content and Mixed for factual reporting due to publishing conspiracies & pseudoscience and several failed fact checks.
We can take it another way. If Poland is modernizing then the old stuff can go to Ukraine which gives Urkraine even more equipment.
Sure. So far that is what has already happened.


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