Polar vortex fragmentation

We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
Yes, but you see that it is cold at lower latitudes everywhere, not just where the stupid teardrop is. In other words it's not fragmented. Just an idiotic attempt in this case.
The teardrop is a representation, not an actual weather map.

Here's yer teardrop.

View attachment 454265

We've already got the point. It's dogma, not science.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
It sucks. The expended forecast here in south central kansas has our highest temperature for the next ten days at 24°, and don't even get me started on the night time lows. And of course it's snowing as well. Usually a snowfall here in Kansas is followed by a warm up the next day or so, so snow stays on the ground for 1-2 days. Not this one.

Anywho, anyone else getting the same kinda crap?
Yep. I am not unhappy means ice fishing for me. Hoping colleges are still closed also. If so that means a certain super hot super to young for me young lady will likely be warming my bed in my camper for me. I can not wait to get out the city for a couple days already called to make sure shower house is open. In for a couple of good days.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
And stealing a couple thousand dollars a year from people earning fifty grand a year with kids is going to fix this.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
Yes, but you see that it is cold at lower latitudes everywhere, not just where the stupid teardrop is. In other words it's not fragmented. Just an idiotic attempt in this case.
The teardrop is a representation, not an actual weather map.

Here's yer teardrop.

View attachment 454265

We've already got the point. It's dogma, not science.
Ok, you're uneducable. You asked for the teardrop, I showed you the teardrop. You refuse to see it.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
Prove it.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
Prove it.
Huh? I just did. I gave you a science lesson complete with diagrams and real time temperature data. What else do you want?
Oh my goodness!!! Cold weather in the winter????


Caused by global warming? Really??
Coldest winter in Kansas history - 1905
Warmest winter in Kansas history - 1923
Coolest summer in Kansas history - I couldn't find
Hottest summer in Kansas history - 1980
All before global warming.... amazing
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
No, it almost never happens. I've lived in Europe for decades and have noticed that when temperatures drop in North America it warms up here and in some of Asia, visa-verse, Now it is uniformly freezing around the globe dropping down to normally milder latitudes.

Sorry, you've failed here. It's science, not the dogma you wish.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
No, it almost never happens. I've lived in Europe for decades and have noticed that when temperatures drop in North America it warms up here and in some of Asia, visa-verse, Now it is uniformly freezing around the globe dropping down to normally milder latitudes.

Sorry, you've failed here. It's science, not the dogma you wish.
I've just explained the science complete with diagrams and real time temperature data.

If you refuse to see it I cannot help you.

You are doomed to remain ignorant.

We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
No, it almost never happens. I've lived in Europe for decades and have noticed that when temperatures drop in North America it warms up here and in some of Asia, visa-verse, Now it is uniformly freezing around the globe dropping down to normally milder latitudes.

Sorry, you've failed here. It's science, not the dogma you wish.
I've just explained the science complete with diagrams and real time temperature data.

If you refuse to see it I cannot help you.

You are doomed to remain ignorant.

As the Greeks say, you can knock on a dead man's forever.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
No, it almost never happens. I've lived in Europe for decades and have noticed that when temperatures drop in North America it warms up here and in some of Asia, visa-verse, Now it is uniformly freezing around the globe dropping down to normally milder latitudes.

Sorry, you've failed here. It's science, not the dogma you wish.
I've just explained the science complete with diagrams and real time temperature data.

If you refuse to see it I cannot help you.

You are doomed to remain ignorant.

As the Greeks say, you can knock on a dead man's forever.
Sure, that makes as much sense as anything else you've posted.
It sucks. The expended forecast here in south central kansas has our highest temperature for the next ten days at 24°, and don't even get me started on the night time lows. And of course it's snowing as well. Usually a snowfall here in Kansas is followed by a warm up the next day or so, so snow stays on the ground for 1-2 days. Not this one.

Anywho, anyone else getting the same kinda crap?

Yea global warming sucks.
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
Prove it.
Huh? I just did. I gave you a science lesson complete with diagrams and real time temperature data. What else do you want?
No. . . You never proved that polar vortices are causing more frigid and harsh winters now, more than we have ever had before.

I doubt, I really do.

I remember the blizzard of '78.

My folks went out to look for my sister. . . she got lost in a snowbank, and almost lost her life. This bullshit is peanuts.

You are watching too much TEE VEE and being blitzed by propaganda. And even then? My folks told me that when they were young, there were cold snaps and blizzards that were even worse than the blizzard of '78.


Digging out.


Karen Hammer, Jamie Var, Mary Miles pull a sled full of groceries on Gold Ave. in Grand Rapids on Jan. 30, 1978.


Not even the old gray mare could make it through the drifts at the corner Meinert and Chase Roads in the northwest corner of Muskegon County so Dan Fraser and his horse, Misty, returned to the barn in the Blizzard of 1978.


Volunteer Ed Johnson scaled snow drifts during the Blizzard of 1978 to deliver medicine to the Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home, 2388 W. Michigan Ave.


Mike Herbert found empty shelves during the snowstorm of January 1978.

What we should be more concerned about is if a warm front should move up from the south and collide with this shit, then we will be digging out for a week, and folks could lose their lives or be cut off from food, fuel, and medications.
No. . . You never proved that polar vortices are causing more frigid and harsh winters now, more than we have ever had before.
Can you point out where I claimed that, or are you building straw men again?
No. . . You never proved that polar vortices are causing more frigid and harsh winters now, more than we have ever had before.
Can you point out where I claimed that, or are you building straw men again?

It is getting more common now is the difference.
I did say it was getting more common . It is. There having been an epic blizzard in 1978 doesn't prove anything either way.
It sucks. The expended forecast here in south central kansas has our highest temperature for the next ten days at 24°, and don't even get me started on the night time lows. And of course it's snowing as well. Usually a snowfall here in Kansas is followed by a warm up the next day or so, so snow stays on the ground for 1-2 days. Not this one.

Anywho, anyone else getting the same kinda crap?
I live in Ireland and we do not have any extreme weather..
We're going to have highs under 20 (-11 C) this week in Central Europe. So much for global warming.
I was wondering how many posts it would be before someone said that.

This is a direct result of global warming, as counterintuitive as that seems.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out that absurdity..
Wanna learn, or you wanna stay ignorant and make fun?
Why don't you look up the coldest Historic Temp. for your State for this month?

I just did. . . I found out mine was in 1934. -54 F So. . Your supposition is apparently wrong.

Try again.

The internet really makes things super easy, instead of arguing, just look it up.
What supposition is that?

Where did I say it had never been colder here?
What does this cold snap have to do with global warming exactly?
Great question! I'm glad you asked!

What's happening here is a fragmentation of the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is a reservoir of very frigid air usually kept in place over the pole by the jet stream. The jet stream, as I'm sure you all know is a fast moving river of air that roughly circles the pole. The stream is drive by temperature differences between the polar air and the more temperate air to the south.

Now recently the globe has been warming, but it's not warming evenly. The poles are heating up much faster than the temperate zones, so there's less temperature differential between the two air masses that generate the jet stream. That makes the stream slower, and being slower makes it tend to wander or sometimes even break off chunks of arctic air.

A is how a normal polar vortex looks, and it gets progressively more fragmented as you move on through D.

View attachment 454262

Feel free to ask questions or comment.

Thanks for reading.
If this were, indeed true, than you should have historic low temperatures right now.

Did you look up to see what the historic low temperature in your area is, or are you just swallowing this propaganda?

I am talking about confirming through empiricism here.
You act like this has never before happened, but it is a well known weather phenomenon. It has happened before, many times. It is getting more common now is the difference.
It is being promoted as humans causing it. Since you want to steal our money and kill us, I would support the extermination of your family and extended family members.

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