Police: 7-year-old fatally shot by father outside gun store in Pennsylvania

I'm sick of the gun nuts stepping over the bodies of children to push their sick and senseless agenda.

The only thing they are doing is getting 'sick' of pablum puking libtards pushing their agenda.

What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I have guns, have always had guns and belonged to the NRA for much of my life. Not anymore though because I can't stand the sickos that have taken over. The one's who actually seem to believe that cars and doctors are the same as guns.

IOW, they''re not just sick. They're down right stupid.

Fact is, other countries have guns. Canada, for example. I've read that they have more guns, per capita, than we do. But, Canada doesn't shoot their children and then make excuses. They don't play the mind numbingly stupid game of "cars kill children too so we should just ban cars".

Nope, only the US has idiots who are THAT brain dead.

And, many of them post on this board.

A child is dead and all you fools can do is (step over his body to) whine about liberals.

Like many people with an opinion on this subject you're totally ignorant on the topic yet you seem to have an overwhelming desire to spew your ignorance like it's fact. Canada does not even make the top ten in per capita civilian owned firearms, so until you educate yourself a bit more on this topic, it would be best if you refrained from offering your opinion on it, as your opinion is obviously based on stuff you've pulled out of your rear end, not on any facts. You know, I read somewhere that the moon is made of cheese, wonder if Armstrong brought crackers and wine with him when he went there.
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That's why the cars/doctors/whatever excuse is useless and brainless.

Death by car/doctor/whatever excuse is accidental and collateral.

Death by gun is what the gun was made for.

Guns have no other use or reason for being made except one - to take life.

Cars have a myriad of uses and reasons for being made. That they cause death is indeed accidental.

To say death by gun is accidental is disingenuous at best because that is the very reason they exist - to kill.

Okay, just wanted your explanation. I don't agree with it, but I can't think of a retort.
The only thing they are doing is getting 'sick' of pablum puking libtards pushing their agenda.

What's even sicker than the complete disregard gun nuts have for dead children is that they want criminals and the mentally ill to have access to large magazines and totally automatic guns.

I have guns, have always had guns and belonged to the NRA for much of my life. Not anymore though because I can't stand the sickos that have taken over. The one's who actually seem to believe that cars and doctors are the same as guns.

IOW, they''re not just sick. They're down right stupid.

Fact is, other countries have guns. Canada, for example. I've read that they have more guns, per capita, than we do. But, Canada doesn't shoot their children and then make excuses. They don't play the mind numbingly stupid game of "cars kill children too so we should just ban cars".

Nope, only the US has idiots who are THAT brain dead.

And, many of them post on this board.

A child is dead and all you fools can do is (step over his body to) whine about liberals.

Like many people with an opinion on this subject you're totally ignorant on the topic yet you seem to have an overwhelming desire to spew your ignorance like it's fact. Canada does not even make the top ten in per capita civilian owned firearms, so until you educate yourself a bit more on this topic, it would be best if you refrained from offering your opinion on it, as your opinion is obviously based on stuff you've pulled out of your rear end, not on any facts. You know, I read somewhere that the moon is made of cheese, wonder if Armstrong brought crackers and wine with him when he went there.

It does not make the top ten, no. It does however, rank at number seven among western developed countries, with 71% access to rifles, but only a little over 10% access to handguns.
If we are to believe your claptrap no one who has ever had military or police training has ever had a gun accidentally discharge in all of history.

Care to actually bet on that?
One example of why (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about would be the hypothetical individual who was a police officer for twenty years -- when the standard police firearm was the revolver. That individual, who was thoroughly trained on the firearms range with revolvers, might never have handled an automatic and probably will not be aware of their peculiarities. And accidents like the seven year-old boy is typical of what I'm talking about. If his father had been required to fully understand the nature of the pistol that killed his son that kid would still be alive.

Also, all automatic pistols are not mechanically identical. Some have different mechanical characteristics.

I am thoroughly familiar with the operation of the M-1 Garand, because that was the weapon I carried for four years in the Marine Corps during the mid-50s. But I've never even seen an M-16. So without specific training with the M-16 my "accident" potential with that weapon is signficantly enhanced.

If you wish to drive a car you must prove you know what you're doing. I think the same rule should apply to owning firearms.

But you disagree.

In the 40's and 50's firearm safety was taught in elementary School. Now we have no training except to get a concealed carry permit. Who's fault is that? The anti gun nuts. What few accidents we do have would be even less if they had not driven the training out of schools.

Arm the kids, right gunny?

I am a gun owner myself and never said anything about responsible gun ownership. This whole thread is about irresponsible gun ownership, no?

Arm the kids Gunny?
Quote: Originally Posted by luddly.neddite

That's why the cars/doctors/whatever excuse is useless and brainless.

Death by car/doctor/whatever excuse is accidental and collateral.

Death by gun is what the gun was made for.

Guns have no other use or reason for being made except one - to take life.

Cars have a myriad of uses and reasons for being made. That they cause death is indeed accidental.

To say death by gun is accidental is disingenuous at best because that is the very reason they exist - to kill.
So you said earlier that you owned guns. Were you intending on killing people?
I wonder why luddly.neddite post above has been removed? I would also like to know who he plans to kill since according to him guns only use is to kill.
I am strongly pro-gun but I oppose anyone being permitted to own any kind of firearm without being certified as having satisfied a training and test requirement pertaining to each specific firearm owned.

Such a requirement would not restrict possession but it would substantially eliminate "accident" like this one. I'm sure this "accident" was just one more example of ignorantly mishandling an "unloaded" automatic.

If we are to believe your claptrap no one who has ever had military or police training has ever had a gun accidentally discharge in all of history.

Care to actually bet on that?
One example of why (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about would be the hypothetical individual who was a police officer for twenty years -- when the standard police firearm was the revolver. That individual, who was thoroughly trained on the firearms range with revolvers, might never have handled an automatic and probably will not be aware of their peculiarities. And accidents like the seven year-old boy is typical of what I'm talking about. If his father had been required to fully understand the nature of the pistol that killed his son that kid would still be alive.

Also, all automatic pistols are not mechanically identical. Some have different mechanical characteristics.

I am thoroughly familiar with the operation of the M-1 Garand, because that was the weapon I carried for four years in the Marine Corps during the mid-50s. But I've never even seen an M-16. So without specific training with the M-16 my "accident" potential with that weapon is signficantly enhanced.

If you wish to drive a car you must prove you know what you're doing. I think the same rule should apply to owning firearms.

But you disagree.

You want to take the bet or not?

We can make it easy, if I can find one example of an accidental shooting in Switzerland, where everyone is trained to handle firearms for military service, you lose.
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So you said earlier that you owned guns. Were you intending on killing people?
I wonder why luddly.neddite post above has been removed? I would also like to know who he plans to kill since according to him guns only use is to kill.

The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.

I wonder why luddly.neddite post above has been removed? I would also like to know who he plans to kill since according to him guns only use is to kill.

The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.


Usually it's the ammunition that kills, so it depends on what sort of ammunition you use.
I don't care if people own guns, but there is some stupid gun owners out there.
I wonder why luddly.neddite post above has been removed? I would also like to know who he plans to kill since according to him guns only use is to kill.

The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.


The post has not been removed.
I guess it was computer glitch

And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.

I'll tag this as a non answer
or shall we try again
If guns as you say are intended to kill why do you own them? how many people are you planning to kill?
The post has not been removed. And, it is accurate in that guns have only one purpose - to kill.

Now, think reeeel hard ...

Who and/or what are guns manufactured to kill?

C'mon, you can do it.


Usually it's the ammunition that kills, so it depends on what sort of ammunition you use.

Oh PUH-lese.

That's the kind of crap the gun nuts use. If you're gonna use that as an out, then I am out.

Hint: you don't throw bullets at people or at animals.
If we are to believe your claptrap no one who has ever had military or police training has ever had a gun accidentally discharge in all of history.

Care to actually bet on that?
One example of why (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about would be the hypothetical individual who was a police officer for twenty years -- when the standard police firearm was the revolver. That individual, who was thoroughly trained on the firearms range with revolvers, might never have handled an automatic and probably will not be aware of their peculiarities. And accidents like the seven year-old boy is typical of what I'm talking about. If his father had been required to fully understand the nature of the pistol that killed his son that kid would still be alive.

Also, all automatic pistols are not mechanically identical. Some have different mechanical characteristics.

I am thoroughly familiar with the operation of the M-1 Garand, because that was the weapon I carried for four years in the Marine Corps during the mid-50s. But I've never even seen an M-16. So without specific training with the M-16 my "accident" potential with that weapon is signficantly enhanced.

If you wish to drive a car you must prove you know what you're doing. I think the same rule should apply to owning firearms.

But you disagree.

You want to take the bet or not?

We can make it easy, if I can find one example of an accidental shooting in Switzerland, where everyone is trained to handle firearms for military service, you lose.

What are you even trying to prove? That it is pointless to require people to be trained?
If so that would be stupid. I am sure among trained gun owners the accidental shooting rate is lower. It doesn't mean that accidents don't still happen.
Usually it's the ammunition that kills, so it depends on what sort of ammunition you use.

Oh PUH-lese.

That's the kind of crap the gun nuts use. If you're gonna use that as an out, then I am out.

Hint: you don't throw bullets at people or at animals.

Really? I'm not a gun nut, so I've never heard it. Yes, guns are meant to kill, but some guns are meant to kill different things. Better?

Also, you can throw bullets, but it wouldn't do anything.
Oh PUH-lese.

That's the kind of crap the gun nuts use. If you're gonna use that as an out, then I am out.

Hint: you don't throw bullets at people or at animals.

Really? I'm not a gun nut, so I've never heard it. Yes, guns are meant to kill, but some guns are meant to kill different things. Better?

Also, you can throw bullets, but it wouldn't do anything.

You really want me to believe you've never heard "guns don't kill people, bullets kill people"? or ".... people kill people"? Those are non-arguments used by weak minds who have nothing else to back up their weak position.

Doesn't matter that some guns are meant to kill different things.

THAT is my point. That guns are made for one thing - to kill.

Cars (etc) are made for something else and deaths are collateral.
One example of why (as usual) you don't know what you're talking about would be the hypothetical individual who was a police officer for twenty years -- when the standard police firearm was the revolver. That individual, who was thoroughly trained on the firearms range with revolvers, might never have handled an automatic and probably will not be aware of their peculiarities. And accidents like the seven year-old boy is typical of what I'm talking about. If his father had been required to fully understand the nature of the pistol that killed his son that kid would still be alive.

Also, all automatic pistols are not mechanically identical. Some have different mechanical characteristics.

I am thoroughly familiar with the operation of the M-1 Garand, because that was the weapon I carried for four years in the Marine Corps during the mid-50s. But I've never even seen an M-16. So without specific training with the M-16 my "accident" potential with that weapon is signficantly enhanced.

If you wish to drive a car you must prove you know what you're doing. I think the same rule should apply to owning firearms.

But you disagree.

In the 40's and 50's firearm safety was taught in elementary School. Now we have no training except to get a concealed carry permit. Who's fault is that? The anti gun nuts. What few accidents we do have would be even less if they had not driven the training out of schools.

Arm the kids, right gunny?

I am a gun owner myself and never said anything about responsible gun ownership. This whole thread is about irresponsible gun ownership, no?

Arm the kids Gunny?

So when we send a child to Automotive class or shop we are BUYING them the tools so they can set up their own shops? Or as in the now gone weapons training, are we teaching them in a safe environment how to SAFELY handle the TOOL? Leaving to the law and the child or parents the choice of actually buying said tool?

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