Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Im not sure if a person can grab a 6'5 large man by the neck while seated in a vehicle through a window. I wonder if anyone here has a similar type of vehicle
and perform a test. It would be just interesting to see if that is feasable
it was an SUV. I doubt he was literally trying to pull him into the car. I think he was just trying to intimidate Brown and then realized he had bitten off more than he could chew and pulled his weapon. Brown probably hit him and then tried to grab the weapon.

Maybe, but this is where I think the physical evidence is going to be the most important
I dont know how much good its going to be. No one has denied a struggle occurred. What can the evidence tell us that we dont already know?

Im sure there is a lot, sometimes minute details can paint a large picture in forensics, just the ballistics alone. example, gun powder residue, angle of bullet wounds, blood , clothing fibres, hair. .. of course the SUV issue , probably there are things we are not aware of, well, that is my guess. Brown's friend said that Brown was shot in the back as he was running away, that seems like a big thing to get wrong. Havnt they come out and said he was not shot in the back? It seems to make any other testimony from him harder to believe. and also didnt he and many others leave out the fact that Brown hit the officer in the face.? It also seems like a big thing to leave out, although Im surre witness testimony is going to vary so much because people caught what was happening at different moments in the timeline and could even have been influenced by other witnesses.
I agree that there possibly could be more information to come out with forensics I am just not knowledgeable enough on the subject to figure out what if any of it is relevant. The fact Johnson said he was shot in the back is not really important for a couple of reasons. Its entirely possible he simply mistook Browns jerking as a indication he was shot. The other two witnesses were pretty clear on the timing of the jerk. I dont know to o many people that can track a bullet with their bare eyes.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
Gooberboy did and you came to his rescue. I know you thought he was Goliath as well. You white boy racists are a timid bunch.

Load up in the truck, boy.
I dont do manual work white boy. I leave that to you low hanging fruit whiteboys.
Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

Wow!!!! it sounds like you're itching to go out and kill a cop. So what kind of weapon do you carry?

What makes you think I'm itching to kill a cop? Are you afraid of Black guys too?
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

LMAO..sure, sambo..whatever you say. Your jealousy and envy of white people is comical.

Go punch a cop..black or white..and try to take his gun. Give it a try, tough guy...You'll end up just like brown.

White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension. Instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.

What kind of weapon do you carry Asclepias?
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

LMAO..sure, sambo..whatever you say. Your jealousy and envy of white people is comical.

Go punch a cop..black or white..and try to take his gun. Give it a try, tough guy...You'll end up just like brown.

White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension. Instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.

What kind of weapon do you carry Asclepias?
I carry a Nunya. What makes you think I am itching to kill a cop?
very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
Gooberboy did and you came to his rescue. I know you thought he was Goliath as well. You white boy racists are a timid bunch.
He was so fat that he would be too heavy to qualify for the UFC heavy weight division. He was a HUGE disgusting fat boy! You are really dumb for thinking he was small. You clearly aren't following this case.
If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

Wow!!!! it sounds like you're itching to go out and kill a cop. So what kind of weapon do you carry?

What makes you think I'm itching to kill a cop?

Because Rotagilla dared you to punch a cop and try to take his gun in which you replied with "I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own." insinuating that you would kill a cop with your own gun that you carry.

So I will ask once again, are you itching to kill a cop?

Are you afraid of Black guys too?

Not at all. I have some black friends and family that I love very much.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

Wow!!!! it sounds like you're itching to go out and kill a cop. So what kind of weapon do you carry?

What makes you think I'm itching to kill a cop?

Because Rotagilla dared you to punch a cop and try to take his gun in which you replied with "I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own." insinuating that you would kill a cop with your own gun that you carry.

So I will ask once again, are you itching to kill a cop?

Are you afraid of Black guys too?

Not at all. I have some black friends and family that I love very much.

You bolded the wrong words. You missed the part that said "as soon as".This means said action is contingent on being provoked or attacked. If I was eager to kill a cop I would need no provocation. I would just go out and do it. That doesnt make me eager to kill a cop for the sake of killing a cop. I just dont see them as warranting any special exclusion from getting put in the grave.
Last edited:

very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.

Wow. That GED you earned is not serving you well, is it? I commented on the cartoon, right after YOU commented on it. Do you even KNOW what deflection means? Or did you just here the word on the forum, and think to use it when you were at a loss?

Here, let me TELL you what it means so you don't make an ass of yourself again.

noun: deflection; plural noun: deflections; noun: deflexion; plural noun: deflexions
  1. the action or process of deflecting or being deflected.
    "the deflection of the light beam"
    • the amount by which something is deflected.
      "an 11-mile deflection of the river"

verb: deflect; 3rd person present: deflects; past tense: deflected; past participle: deflected; gerund or present participle: deflecting
cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.
"the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling"
synonyms:turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack;More
distract, draw away;
block, parry, fend off, stave off
"she wanted to deflect attention from herself"
  • (of an object) change direction after hitting something.
    "the ball deflected off his body"
    synonyms:bounce, glance, ricochet, carom;More
    diverge, deviate, veer, swerve, slew
    "the ball deflected off the wall"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
  • cause (someone) to deviate from an intended purpose.
    "she refused to be deflected from anything she had set her mind on"

The thing is, I wasn't changing the subject. I was explaining the cartoon for you, as you were acting too dumb to understand it.

What white folks don't have to worry about, is telling their kids about how the justice system is NOT unbiased, how it isn't really blind. White people don't have to go out and kill that mocking bird, but to survive, black folk do. Their children can't afford to have any innocence in their childhood. For a white family, as real as it gets, is in the movies. For a black family, the streets is where it gets real, and gets real fast when they are young. Even for upper class families. Why should a white parent worry about telling his kids about the consequences of getting caught with a gun?

But you're acting too stupid and have probably lived all your life in white privilege, clueless to what that means.

You can't even use the word "deflection" right.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

Wow!!!! it sounds like you're itching to go out and kill a cop. So what kind of weapon do you carry?

What makes you think I'm itching to kill a cop?

Because Rotagilla dared you to punch a cop and try to take his gun in which you replied with "I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own." insinuating that you would kill a cop with your own gun that you carry.

So I will ask once again, are you itching to kill a cop?

Are you afraid of Black guys too?

Not at all. I have some black friends and family that I love very much.

Well, in his defense, he IS a negro and he DID say he would put the cop in the "cementery"...perhaps he meant he'd offer him employment at the cement factory...who knows with negroes?..they'll say just about anything.

very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.

Wow. That GED you earned is not serving you well, is it? I commented on the cartoon, right after YOU commented on it. Do you even KNOW what deflection means? Or did you just here the word on the forum, and think to use it when you were at a loss?

Here, let me TELL you what it means so you don't make an ass of yourself again.

noun: deflection; plural noun: deflections; noun: deflexion; plural noun: deflexions
  1. the action or process of deflecting or being deflected.
    "the deflection of the light beam"
    • the amount by which something is deflected.
      "an 11-mile deflection of the river"

verb: deflect; 3rd person present: deflects; past tense: deflected; past participle: deflected; gerund or present participle: deflecting
cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.
"the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling"
synonyms:turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack;More
distract, draw away;
block, parry, fend off, stave off
"she wanted to deflect attention from herself"
  • (of an object) change direction after hitting something.
    "the ball deflected off his body"
    synonyms:bounce, glance, ricochet, carom;More
    diverge, deviate, veer, swerve, slew
    "the ball deflected off the wall"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
  • cause (someone) to deviate from an intended purpose.
    "she refused to be deflected from anything she had set her mind on"

The thing is, I wasn't changing the subject. I was explaining the cartoon for you, as you were acting too dumb to understand it.

What white folks don't have to worry about, is telling their kids about how the justice system is NOT unbiased, how it isn't really blind. White people don't have to go out and kill that mocking bird, but to survive, black folk do. Their children can't afford to have any innocence in their childhood. For a white family, as real as it gets, is in the movies. For a black family, the streets is where it gets real, and gets real fast when they are young. Even for upper class families. Why should a white parent worry about telling his kids about the consequences of getting caught with a gun?

But you're acting too stupid and have probably lived all your life in white privilege, clueless to what that means.

You can't even use the word "deflection" right.

I used it perfectly.

LMAO ...."white privilege"? another lame excuse for negro dysfunction.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Unlikely. First, he would have to make bail for the strong armed robbery he committed.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.

For the same reason you believe someone trying to cover their ass for the crime of murder.

I don't believe him. I wasn't there to see what happened
Has Wilson been granted immunity by a judge?

He will be. If you had a brain you'd realize that once he is found innocent of wrong doing the immunity is pretty much automatic.
Who is going to find him innocent? Is it going to trial?

There's not going to be a trial of any kind.
Unless of course some activist attorney takes it pro bono just to get his name out there,only to have the case shot down before it even gets started.
It's pretty obvious that there would be no cops if they could be sued by every idiot who has a race ax to grind.
Which is why he'll get immunity.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.

For the same reason you believe someone trying to cover their ass for the crime of murder.

I don't believe him. I wasn't there to see what happened

johnson obviously lied about the cop shooting brown in the back
O'Reilly had two negro 'Reverends' on last night. They both stated that no amount of forensic evidence and scientific facts were enough for them not to believe Wilson "murdered" BM.
They insisted the forensics and scientific facts could be "interpreted" to mean anything.
Bill finally gave up attempting to explain what logic meant.
Another case of the negro's lower intellect.
BTW. Why is it that every fucking negro male is either a 'Rev.' or in prison or just out of prison or just about to enter prison.
The must secretly love being locked up with a bunch of tree dwellers high on testosterone and riddled with HPD.
"Fuck it or fight it".
The Oakland police thought they had gotten away with murder until they realized that the people on this train were filming them with their cellphones. The train took off before they could stop and confiscate the cellphones.

Good news. Nobody wants the cops to get away with murder.
Although this has nothing to do with this thread.

Police getting away with murder is exactly what this thread is about. You're just a slow learner.
Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.

For the same reason you believe someone trying to cover their ass for the crime of murder.

I don't believe him. I wasn't there to see what happened

johnson obviously lied about the cop shooting brown in the back

You gotta wonder about the intelligence of someone who doesnt understand that it's easy to tell the difference between an entry and exit wound.
The Oakland police thought they had gotten away with murder until they realized that the people on this train were filming them with their cellphones. The train took off before they could stop and confiscate the cellphones.

Good news. Nobody wants the cops to get away with murder.
Although this has nothing to do with this thread.

Police getting away with murder is exactly what this thread is about. You're just a slow learner.

You're just an idiot who thinks this video has any bearing whatsoever to Dirt Nap Mikes early demise.
I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.
For the same reason you believe someone trying to cover their ass for the crime of murder.

I don't believe him. I wasn't there to see what happened

johnson obviously lied about the cop shooting brown in the back

You gotta wonder about the intelligence of someone who doesnt understand that it's easy to tell the difference between an entry and exit wound.

He thinks he's doing a good deed for the entire black race. Even if he has to lie to do it. He's already be caught in several.

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