Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Leaked information on Ferguson probe angers attorney general

FERGUSON, Mo. - The Justice Department continues to investigate the fatal shooting of a black man in Ferguson, Mo., by a white police officer. A source told CBS News that Attorney General Eric Holder is "exasperated" by what he called "selective leaks" in the case.

Leaked information on Ferguson probe angers attorney general - CBS News

So Holder says it is selective, but did not state it was false.
Only in the moment. After Brown was feet away from him, whether trying to escape or trying to get away from the officer, Wilson was no longer in danger.

The fatal shoot is not legal.

He will be guilty in civil court.

Civil court? Wouldn't that be criminal court? I mean you can't go around murdering people and not be prosecuted in a criminal court!
OJ wasn't convicted in criminal court but was ordered to pay millions in civil court.

Just stop..you sound like an idiot.
Can a police officer be sued
What a moron. That stupid post stands on its own. :lol:
That's why I maintain, Wilson needs to go. It is pretty obvious to any thinking person that he, "intentionally, recklessly or neglectfully violated a law."

Any jury that sees the evidence with half way competent lawyer prosecuting the state, should be able to get a favorable verdict in a civil suit.

Yeah right. Wilson is indemnified against a personal civil suit , so any suit would have to sue the city of Ferguson, MO. Good luck proving they did anything wrong which led to Brown's death.
Leaked information on Ferguson probe angers attorney general

FERGUSON, Mo. - The Justice Department continues to investigate the fatal shooting of a black man in Ferguson, Mo., by a white police officer. A source told CBS News that Attorney General Eric Holder is "exasperated" by what he called "selective leaks" in the case.

Leaked information on Ferguson probe angers attorney general - CBS News

So Holder says it is selective, but did not state it was false.

If the evidence has suggested Wilson were guilty of murder, the leak would have came from the White House press office.
Civil court? Wouldn't that be criminal court? I mean you can't go around murdering people and not be prosecuted in a criminal court!
OJ wasn't convicted in criminal court but was ordered to pay millions in civil court.

Just stop..you sound like an idiot.
Can a police officer be sued
What a moron. That stupid post stands on its own. :lol:
That's why I maintain, Wilson needs to go. It is pretty obvious to any thinking person that he, "intentionally, recklessly or neglectfully violated a law."

Any jury that sees the evidence with half way competent lawyer prosecuting the state, should be able to get a favorable verdict in a civil suit.

Yeah right. Wilson is indemnified against a personal civil suit , so any suit would have to sue the city of Ferguson, MO. Good luck proving they did anything wrong which led to Brown's death.
Nope. They would only have to prove WILSON did something wrong, as he is an agent of the state. Just who exactly do you think the city of Ferguson is?

Bingo. In this instance, it IS Wilson. Wilson is the acting representative of Ferguson here. While he wears that uniform, HE IS FERGUSON. It isn't him that pays the settlement though, it will be the same people that pay his salary. . . . that is to say, the tax payers. This is because he is the legal representative of the tax payers.

Hence, once he costs the taxpayers several million dollars, don't you think they will all want his ass out on the street?
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.

For the same reason you believe someone trying to cover their ass for the crime of murder.
OJ wasn't convicted in criminal court but was ordered to pay millions in civil court.

Just stop..you sound like an idiot.
Can a police officer be sued
What a moron. That stupid post stands on its own. :lol:
That's why I maintain, Wilson needs to go. It is pretty obvious to any thinking person that he, "intentionally, recklessly or neglectfully violated a law."

Any jury that sees the evidence with half way competent lawyer prosecuting the state, should be able to get a favorable verdict in a civil suit.

Yeah right. Wilson is indemnified against a personal civil suit , so any suit would have to sue the city of Ferguson, MO. Good luck proving they did anything wrong which led to Brown's death.
Nope. They would only have to prove WILSON did something wrong, as he is an agent of the state. Just who exactly do you think the city of Ferguson is?

Bingo. In this instance, it IS Wilson. Wilson is the acting representative of Ferguson here. While he wears that uniform, HE IS FERGUSON. It isn't him that pays the settlement though, it will be the same people that pay his salary. . . . that is to say, the tax payers. This is because he is the legal representative of the tax payers.

Hence, once he costs the taxpayers several million dollars, don't you think they will all want his ass out on the street?

It will never happen.
He was a felon as soon as he attacked Officer Wilson.
Does that make Wilson a felon for attacking Brown?
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK
He was a felon as soon as he attacked Officer Wilson.
Does that make Wilson a felon for attacking Brown?
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
Does that make Wilson a felon for attacking Brown?
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
Cops also grab people in head locks from their cars too.. Wilson is a man facing the possibility of going on trial for murder. You would be a moron to believe ANYTHING he has said.
Does that make Wilson a felon for attacking Brown?
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
Does that make Wilson a felon for attacking Brown?
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.

Lonestar said it couldn't happen, but the fact it was an SUV shows it definitely can happen and shows a coincidence of something Johnson would almost never be able to make up. The coincidence that Johnson said the SUV almost hit them and the unlikelihood that Brown would attack them for being asked to get out of the street. It was the cop that got furious because they wouldn't immediately get out of the street.
Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.

Lonestar said it couldn't happen, but the fact it was an SUV shows it definitely can happen and shows a coincidence of something Johnson would almost never be able to make up. The coincidence that Johnson said the SUV almost hit them and the unlikelihood that Brown would attack them for being asked to get out of the street. It was the cop that got furious because they wouldn't immediately get out of the street.
That's is some serious retard logic right there. You do realize you are going to look really stupid when Wilson isn't indicted, right?
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.

Lonestar said it couldn't happen, but the fact it was an SUV shows it definitely can happen and shows a coincidence of something Johnson would almost never be able to make up. The coincidence that Johnson said the SUV almost hit them and the unlikelihood that Brown would attack them for being asked to get out of the street. It was the cop that got furious because they wouldn't immediately get out of the street.
That's is some serious retard logic right there. You do realize you are going to look really stupid when Wilson isn't indicted, right?
All that means is that they believed Wilson over the eyewitnesses. That doesnt change a thing unless someone has a video tape of the incident that exhonerates Wilson.
It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Michael Brown Redacted Police Reports Released - TalkLeft The Politics Of Crime
Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.

Lonestar said it couldn't happen, but the fact it was an SUV shows it definitely can happen and shows a coincidence of something Johnson would almost never be able to make up. The coincidence that Johnson said the SUV almost hit them and the unlikelihood that Brown would attack them for being asked to get out of the street. It was the cop that got furious because they wouldn't immediately get out of the street.
That's is some serious retard logic right there. You do realize you are going to look really stupid when Wilson isn't indicted, right?
All that means is that they believed Wilson over the eyewitnesses. That doesnt change a thing unless someone has a video tape of the incident that exhonerates Wilson.
Wilson isn't going to need a tape to exonerate him. He isn't going to be indicted and it pleases me greatly.. You need to come to terms with that.
cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:
Last edited:
I'm assuming that is a rhetorical question.
No. Is it legal for an officer to grab a person by the neck for no reason? I thought choke holds were illegal?

Sure an officer sitting in his car is going to grab a 6'4" man around the neck.

Never happened.

It was an SUV, which rides much higher than a regular car and would make it very simple to grab Brown by the neck no matter how tall he was.

Brown's blood was found in the SUV, and on Officer Wilson's clothing and gun.

Why would the police use their SUV to try to get them out of the street? The fact that the SUV nearly hit them is proof that they were already out-of-control and the aggressors from the beginning. That is the only way the fight could have happened at the SUV, since no cop is going to stay in their car while being approached.

Johnson claims that Officer Wilson was the aggressor, and grabbed Brown by the neck then threatened him with his gun, which went off, hitting Brown.

Michael Brown Shooting Officer Darren Wilson Claims Brown Attacked Him Before Fatal Shooting - Yahoo News UK

cops pull up to people and talk to them from their cars all the time.

Johnson is a confirmed liar and only an idiot would believe ANYTHING he said at this point.
Cops also grab people in head locks from their cars too.. Wilson is a man facing the possibility of going on trial for murder. You would be a moron to believe ANYTHING he has said.

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