Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

You don't think Wilson was able to grab a 350 lbs man by the neck with one hand, and have a grip tight enough to actually pull him into his window? Besides, its common practice for cops to grab people one handed by the neck and pull them into their patrol car onto their lap. Once the perp is on top of you inside the car, its all smooth sailing from there on out.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
The narrative of those frightened by black men grows with each retelling. Now Brown is 350 lbs and Wilson grabbed him by the throat with one hand? Thats interesting. By this time next year Wilson will be a midget with a sling shot and Brown will be the largest human on record with rabies.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.
Do you even follow these stories? You seem completely unprepared for this discussion. Go do some research, THEN you can start posting your moronic nonsense that we will all laugh at.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I already did. Show me a link that says Brown is 350 lbs. Thats the size of Shaq. Show me a link where Wilson grabbed Brown by the throat with one hand. I thought so. Just admit Black guys frighten you so badly that Brown is becoming a monster of legendary status.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.
Most black men feel like Asclepias does. That's why so many end up dead. They are all bigger, stronger, better fighters and better shots than those pussy white guys. They end up bodies on a slab. Over and over again. Same story.
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Why is there a fight in the first place? Like I said before, fighting a cop is possibly the stupidest thing you can do. Or are we saying that macho and smart don't always go together?
Because the cop grabbed him around the neck. I dont know about you but my reaction is to fight back. Has nothing to do with macho. Its part of the freeze, flight, or fight response.

And of course the dumb fuck got it wrong.
But than he was never grabbed by the neck in the first place.
So what did we learn here? Even in a fairy tale such as asslips describes the black guy still gets it wrong.
I thought fairy tales had happy endin.......oh wait it did.
The eye witnesses say Wilson had him around the neck. Denying that only makes you appear to be a dunce.
You mean the witness that is a known criminal and already caught in at least two lies? That witness?
Pussy white guys are better shots. Thats why they have guns. They cant handle real combat hand to hand. If you have to bring a gun to a fight you are a pussy. Glad you realize that.

Why is there a fight in the first place? Like I said before, fighting a cop is possibly the stupidest thing you can do. Or are we saying that macho and smart don't always go together?
Because the cop grabbed him around the neck. I dont know about you but my reaction is to fight back. Has nothing to do with macho. Its part of the freeze, flight, or fight response.

And of course the dumb fuck got it wrong.
But than he was never grabbed by the neck in the first place.
So what did we learn here? Even in a fairy tale such as asslips describes the black guy still gets it wrong.
I thought fairy tales had happy endin.......oh wait it did.
The eye witnesses say Wilson had him around the neck. Denying that only makes you appear to be a dunce.
You mean the witness that is a known criminal and already caught in at least two lies? That witness?
No the two women that saw the killer cop struggling with Brown. It certainly was not the cop intent on keeping his ass out of prison.
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:

very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
Gooberboy did and you came to his rescue. I know you thought he was Goliath as well. You white boy racists are a timid bunch.
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

LMAO..sure, sambo..whatever you say. Your jealousy and envy of white people is comical.

Go punch a cop..black or white..and try to take his gun. Give it a try, tough guy...You'll end up just like brown.
Im not sure if a person can grab a 6'5 large man by the neck while seated in a vehicle through a window. I wonder if anyone here has a similar type of vehicle
and perform a test. It would be just interesting to see if that is feasable
it was an SUV. I doubt he was literally trying to pull him into the car. I think he was just trying to intimidate Brown and then realized he had bitten off more than he could chew and pulled his weapon. Brown probably hit him and then tried to grab the weapon.

Maybe, but this is where I think the physical evidence is going to be the most important
I dont know how much good its going to be. No one has denied a struggle occurred. What can the evidence tell us that we dont already know?

Im sure there is a lot, sometimes minute details can paint a large picture in forensics, just the ballistics alone. example, gun powder residue, angle of bullet wounds, blood , clothing fibres, hair. .. of course the SUV issue , probably there are things we are not aware of, well, that is my guess. Brown's friend said that Brown was shot in the back as he was running away, that seems like a big thing to get wrong. Havnt they come out and said he was not shot in the back? It seems to make any other testimony from him harder to believe. and also didnt he and many others leave out the fact that Brown hit the officer in the face.? It also seems like a big thing to leave out, although Im surre witness testimony is going to vary so much because people caught what was happening at different moments in the timeline and could even have been influenced by other witnesses.
very apt...the negro is telling his little jitterbug that if you use a gun you'll be placed into the justice system.
Yeah, only whites are allowed to own guns . . . . :rolleyes-41:

deflection...and a clumsy, amateur one at that.
You are getting your ass kicked all over the boards tonight white boy. How big was Mike Brown again?

I don't care how big the dead negro is. Never did, boy.
Gooberboy did and you came to his rescue. I know you thought he was Goliath as well. You white boy racists are a timid bunch.

Load up in the truck, boy.
Meh, ive seen articles that say he was 350, but lets go with this one that says he was 292. Does it really make a difference? He was a fucking fat son of a bitch. Black people need to learn how to eat right. More than 2/3 of black people in the US over 20 are obese. Fat lazy and stupid is no way to live.

Dont try to deflect. You were afraid and embellished the story like a 5 year old telling his dad about the monster in the closet. Mark my words. You racist white guys are going to claim Brown was the size of Goliath by next year. Gives you a thrill like a scary movie. :laugh:

If the negro had kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot...that day, anyway.
Doesn't matter if he's 6'6" or 5' 2".
Punch a cop and try to take his gun and you'll end up just like brown....doesn't matter if you're negro or caucasian.
I think you meant if Wilson had of been a man instead of a wimp Brown wouldnt have been shot and Brown would be attending vocation college right now. You too are deflecting for the white racist penchant for over exaggeration due to fear.

Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

Wow!!!! it sounds like you're itching to go out and kill a cop. So what kind of weapon do you carry?
rotagilla said:
Go punch a cop...black or white...and try to take his gun. See how it works out for you, negro.
I will as soon as one tries to grab me around the neck. Except I wont reach for his weapon. I will put him in the cementery with my own. I know for sure I wont exaggerate how big he is like you white boys do out of fear.

LMAO...oh, right...another internet tough guy...:rolleyes:

you're so intimidated, scared and jealous of white people that you say some of the most ridiculous things...
pure comedy..:banana::blsmile::banana:
Thats too funny. :laugh:

You white boys are scared of your own shadows. You must be sleepy. Come on dude I know you can come up with something better than that.

LMAO..sure, sambo..whatever you say. Your jealousy and envy of white people is comical.

Go punch a cop..black or white..and try to take his gun. Give it a try, tough guy...You'll end up just like brown.

White people are nothing to be jealous of. I'd kill myself if I were white.

I told you I would if a cop every tried to grab me in a headlock. Except his widow would be getting his pension instead of me dying. I'm not an 18 year old kid.
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