Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Asslips still hasn't explained how a cop could reach a mans neck while sitting in a car.
Maybe it happened to Asslips because he's four foot ten in his high heels.
He wasnt in a car. Thats your first mistaken assumption. he was in an SUV.

Well dumbass,you claimed to have seen it countless times. Were they all driving SUVs?
Dude your lies are so easy to prove false it's a joke.
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
He wasnt in a car. Thats your first mistaken assumption. he was in an SUV.

Well dumbass,you claimed to have seen it countless times. Were they all driving SUVs?
Dude your lies are so easy to prove false it's a joke.
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck first which would imply a head lock. He made a error in saying throat a little later. Starts at 3:00

Last edited:
Well dumbass,you claimed to have seen it countless times. Were they all driving SUVs?
Dude your lies are so easy to prove false it's a joke.
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.
Folks, let's stay focused on the topic at hand. I'm tired of getting reports of trolling and off topic posts.
Not after Al Sharpton adviser to the President gets wind of this and fires up the protesters.
Just stop..you sound like an idiot.
Can a police officer be sued
From your link:

Before you can sue a police officer civilly, it must be determined whether or not the officer is granted immunity by a judge.​

Has Wilson been granted immunity by a judge?

He will be. If you had a brain you'd realize that once he is found innocent of wrong doing the immunity is pretty much automatic.
You are a fucking idiot. People win civil lawsuits against cops all the time moron.

Jordan Miles Pittsburgh man wins 119 000 in civil rights suit against 3 police officers - CBS News

You are truly a moron. Did you even read why they were able to sue?
Of course not....

You are the moron. You claimed all cops were granted immunity and couldn't be sued dumbass.

You obviously cant read. But I guess that shouldnt come as a surprise all things considered.....boy.
He wasnt in a car. Thats your first mistaken assumption. he was in an SUV.

Well dumbass,you claimed to have seen it countless times. Were they all driving SUVs?
Dude your lies are so easy to prove false it's a joke.
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.

Yep...that he would try and say there's a difference says a lot about his intelligence.
Well dumbass,you claimed to have seen it countless times. Were they all driving SUVs?
Dude your lies are so easy to prove false it's a joke.
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck first which would imply a head lock. He made a error in saying throat a little later. Starts at 3:00

You should be in the burn ward.....
You seem very emotionally invested in proving them false. Too bad it causes you so much stress for no reason. Yes I have seen them tell people to bend down and grab them in head locks. I've seen them reach up and grab people in headlocks. I've seen them do this and people punch them and get away.

Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.
Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't think I am misunderstanding him, especially with his gestures, AND ALSO the way he leans back as he gesturing towards his throat with one hand he was pulling away as the cop supposedly tried to choke him around his throat- with his left arm extended out of a window-while seated in a patrol vehicle- I may be able to go with that scenario only - which might seem physically possible sitting in a vehicle trying to grab someone that size ( which Brown could have stepped out of easily). But an all out choke hold around his neck? Nope. The leverage and sitting in a car trying to do a choke hold around the back of his neck is almost impossible, especially given Brown's size, which would put him at least 1-2 feet away from the officers grip and car window (given Brown's body girth alone, and would make the cop have really long arms to be able to do such) and also given Johnson said the cop never got out of his car. The only way that could happen is if Brown was leaning down into the cops window when the cop supposedly put him in a choke hold.
Read Johnsons statement, the cop only used one hand, and he supposed grabbed the 6'4" Brown by the front of the throat and was able to hold on from a car window with one hand only the entire time, until Brown turned and asked Johnson to hold his smokes.
I did. Johnson didnt say "throat" he said neck.

What is the difference between neck and throat when grabbed from the front with one hand. NOT ARM. He even says hand over and over, He even gestures where the cops grabbed Brown in the front of the throat or neck whatever you want to call it.
Throat is just what it implies. He never said hand. He said arm. Johnson specifically said around the the neck which would imply a head lock. Starts at 3:50

Watch this one: He said and gestures towards the Front of his neck, with his hand open and said says he grabbed him and tried to choke him.

Also if you watch the one you supplied he says that Brown finally got lose and was able to TURN around and ask him to hold his smokes. Turn around say's his back was towards Johnson.

I think you are not understanding what he is saying. He said he tried to grab him around the neck. The larger guy standing right next to him with his arm around his shoulders would make it pretty awkward to raise his arm up and around the back of his neck.

I dont understand what the significance of him turning around has to do with it.

I don't understand why anyone would believe a word the accomplice to a crime had to say.
There is a history of charging men with crimes based on nothing more than black angst. That's what happened in the Duke Lacrosse rape case and the case against George Zimmerman. There is a long drawn out trial ending with the realization that the charges should never have been filed in the first place.
Has anyone read the autopsy? It too backs Wilson's story of Brown grabbing his gun and the cop firing. A small part of Brown's thumb was found in the patrol car.
I would have grabbed Wilsons gun as well if he had attempted to shoot me after grabbing me by the neck so that doesnt bother me at all.

Dude, you are armored against facts as well as an M60 tank is armored against rifle fire!
Has anyone read the autopsy? It too backs Wilson's story of Brown grabbing his gun and the cop firing. A small part of Brown's thumb was found in the patrol car.
I would have grabbed Wilsons gun as well if he had attempted to shoot me after grabbing me by the neck so that doesnt bother me at all.

And you would have ended up like Dirt Nap Mike.....dead.
I think you should vacation in Ferguson this year.
Depends on if I had gotten the weapon. If so he would have ended up dead. I'm not a 18 year old teenager.

No...more like a 13-year-old troll!
Some blacks are unfortunately unable to do that. Years of white oppression have convinced them that white cops are out to get them.
Let me know when you see a white cop put a gun to the head of a 9 year old black kid for nothing and see if you have that same sentiment an entire race of people are imagining things.

Didn't some 10 year-old just get sentenced to life for murdering his parents or something? 9 year-olds aren't as cute and innocent as they used to be. :)

I agree but dont they have to at least commit a crime before a white cop puts a gun to their head and play Russian roulette?

Got an actual incident in mind? Nowadays, determining a kid's age isn't easy. Notice I have difficult myself. Used to be you could kinda go by height, but our diets now have kids sprouting much faster despite their youthful ages. And they're stockier now too. So in theory a 9 year-odl could well resemble an able bodied teen but an officer isn't going to know their age just by looking at them, and especially not during the stress of stopping someone.
This happened to me as I was walking home minding my own business.

Such a shame he didn't squeeze the trigger................
If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense.
Only in the moment. After Brown was feet away from him, whether trying to escape or trying to get away from the officer, Wilson was no longer in danger.

The fatal shoot is not legal.

He will be guilty in civil court.

Civil court? Wouldn't that be criminal court? I mean you can't go around murdering people and not be prosecuted in a criminal court!
OJ wasn't convicted in criminal court but was ordered to pay millions in civil court.

Just stop..you sound like an idiot.
Can a police officer be sued
What a moron. That stupid post stands on its own. :lol:
That's why I maintain, Wilson needs to go. It is pretty obvious to any thinking person that he, "intentionally, recklessly or neglectfully violated a law."

Any jury that sees the evidence with half way competent lawyer prosecuting the state, should be able to get a favorable verdict in a civil suit.

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