Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

According to Johnson's account. He also said the door opened less than and inch, that supposed half inch opening of the cops door supposedly knocked the wind out of Dorian but Big Mike took the brunt of it as well. Please. If that door did all that then it would have knocked the cop off kilter, instead he was somehow able to immediately grab Big Mike with the same hand he used to try and open his door by the front of the throat and choke Mike -all the while Mike was asking Dorian to hold his smokes while being choked out by the cop, If anyone really listened to Dorian's account objectively you can see he is lying and slips up and adds words to cover his mistakes,

Go on someone, open a car door an half inch into 480 to 500 pounds of people and tell me if it enough force to knock the wind out of someone. I'm guessing Wilson is about 180-200 pounds and barely got his door open according to Dorian. One, remember less than an inch- and somehow Wilson fell back into his car by opening his door less than an inch AND AT the same time grabbed Brown by the front of his throat. Dorian is full of it.
Unless that police cruiser was moving at the time. I have had teenagers talk back to me before. IT IS ENRAGING!

If a couple of black teens disrespected this officer, I could see him using poor judgement and using his vehicle to batter them both. To the point of Johnson's testimony? You might be right about that, you might be wrong.

I can't say how it went down. The only point I am making is that, after Brown was shot, he should have just let it go. No one need to have died over this. It was stupid. It isn't like he murdered, robbed a bank, raped, or anything. Brown was already injured. He should have just called in back up till he cooled off.


If we nods our heads in approval to this type of police behavior, soon we will live in a brutal police state. We you MUST COMPLY with all police order, or they will SHOOT YOU DEAD, on the spot.

Do you want to live in a fascist state? REALLY?

You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

Are you insane?

I mean have you seen some of our police officers?

That guy would need a gun, a dog, pepper spray, and a taser to handle me if I chose to attack him.

And even then I'd probably kick his ass.

Point is obvious , we don't have very high standards for police so the idea that any police should be able to handle any suspect in hand to hand combat is ridiculous.

Shit, I could tie my hands behind my back and kick that guy's ass.

Wilson could have stayed in his car and waited for backup. Instead, he was more interested in killing Brown, like many here would have been. A baton works pretty well too when the " big scary guy" is unarmed and wounded. Wilson overreacted at best.
Unless that police cruiser was moving at the time. I have had teenagers talk back to me before. IT IS ENRAGING!

If a couple of black teens disrespected this officer, I could see him using poor judgement and using his vehicle to batter them both. To the point of Johnson's testimony? You might be right about that, you might be wrong.

I can't say how it went down. The only point I am making is that, after Brown was shot, he should have just let it go. No one need to have died over this. It was stupid. It isn't like he murdered, robbed a bank, raped, or anything. Brown was already injured. He should have just called in back up till he cooled off.


If we nods our heads in approval to this type of police behavior, soon we will live in a brutal police state. We you MUST COMPLY with all police order, or they will SHOOT YOU DEAD, on the spot.

Do you want to live in a fascist state? REALLY?

You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

Are you insane?

I mean have you seen some of our police officers?

That guy would need a gun, a dog, pepper spray, and a taser to handle me if I chose to attack him.

And even then I'd probably kick his ass.

Point is obvious , we don't have very high standards for police so the idea that any police should be able to handle any suspect in hand to hand combat is ridiculous.

Shit, I could tie my hands behind my back and kick that guy's ass.

Wilson could have stayed in his car and waited for backup. Instead, he was more interested in killing Brown, like many here would have been. A b aton works pretty well too when the " big scary guy" is unarmed and wounded. Wilson overreacted at best.

He's under NO obligation to sit in his car and wait for back up that may or may not arrive for hours. AND as I said, more and more LEA are NOT equipping their officers with non lethal weapons because liberals have been whining about them being used. Liberals apparently rather see dead black people than beat black people.
According to Johnson's account. He also said the door opened less than and inch, that supposed half inch opening of the cops door supposedly knocked the wind out of Dorian but Big Mike took the brunt of it as well. Please. If that door did all that then it would have knocked the cop off kilter, instead he was somehow able to immediately grab Big Mike with the same hand he used to try and open his door by the front of the throat and choke Mike -all the while Mike was asking Dorian to hold his smokes while being choked out by the cop, If anyone really listened to Dorian's account objectively you can see he is lying and slips up and adds words to cover his mistakes,

Go on someone, open a car door an half inch into 480 to 500 pounds of people and tell me if it enough force to knock the wind out of someone. I'm guessing Wilson is about 180-200 pounds and barely got his door open according to Dorian. One, remember less than an inch- and somehow Wilson fell back into his car by opening his door less than an inch AND AT the same time grabbed Brown by the front of his throat. Dorian is full of it.
Unless that police cruiser was moving at the time. I have had teenagers talk back to me before. IT IS ENRAGING!

If a couple of black teens disrespected this officer, I could see him using poor judgement and using his vehicle to batter them both. To the point of Johnson's testimony? You might be right about that, you might be wrong.

I can't say how it went down. The only point I am making is that, after Brown was shot, he should have just let it go. No one need to have died over this. It was stupid. It isn't like he murdered, robbed a bank, raped, or anything. Brown was already injured. He should have just called in back up till he cooled off.


If we nods our heads in approval to this type of police behavior, soon we will live in a brutal police state. We you MUST COMPLY with all police order, or they will SHOOT YOU DEAD, on the spot.

Do you want to live in a fascist state? REALLY?

You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.
Unless that police cruiser was moving at the time. I have had teenagers talk back to me before. IT IS ENRAGING!

If a couple of black teens disrespected this officer, I could see him using poor judgement and using his vehicle to batter them both. To the point of Johnson's testimony? You might be right about that, you might be wrong.

I can't say how it went down. The only point I am making is that, after Brown was shot, he should have just let it go. No one need to have died over this. It was stupid. It isn't like he murdered, robbed a bank, raped, or anything. Brown was already injured. He should have just called in back up till he cooled off.


If we nods our heads in approval to this type of police behavior, soon we will live in a brutal police state. We you MUST COMPLY with all police order, or they will SHOOT YOU DEAD, on the spot.

Do you want to live in a fascist state? REALLY?

You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.
You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

Are you insane?

I mean have you seen some of our police officers?

That guy would need a gun, a dog, pepper spray, and a taser to handle me if I chose to attack him.

And even then I'd probably kick his ass.

Point is obvious , we don't have very high standards for police so the idea that any police should be able to handle any suspect in hand to hand combat is ridiculous.

Shit, I could tie my hands behind my back and kick that guy's ass.

Wilson could have stayed in his car and waited for backup. Instead, he was more interested in killing Brown, like many here would have been. A b aton works pretty well too when the " big scary guy" is unarmed and wounded. Wilson overreacted at best.

He's under NO obligation to sit in his car and wait for back up that may or may not arrive for hours. AND as I said, more and more LEA are NOT equipping their officers with non lethal weapons because liberals have been whining about them being used. Liberals apparently rather see dead black people than beat black people.

I know Wilson thought he'd get another commendation for shooting an unarmed Black kid running, but that needs to change.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

Are you insane?

I mean have you seen some of our police officers?

That guy would need a gun, a dog, pepper spray, and a taser to handle me if I chose to attack him.

And even then I'd probably kick his ass.

Point is obvious , we don't have very high standards for police so the idea that any police should be able to handle any suspect in hand to hand combat is ridiculous.

Shit, I could tie my hands behind my back and kick that guy's ass.

Wilson could have stayed in his car and waited for backup. Instead, he was more interested in killing Brown, like many here would have been. A b aton works pretty well too when the " big scary guy" is unarmed and wounded. Wilson overreacted at best.

He's under NO obligation to sit in his car and wait for back up that may or may not arrive for hours. AND as I said, more and more LEA are NOT equipping their officers with non lethal weapons because liberals have been whining about them being used. Liberals apparently rather see dead black people than beat black people.

I know Wilson thought he'd get another commendation for shooting an unarmed Black kid running, but that needs to change.

And if the "unarmed black kid" had robbed another store, this time killing someone before being apprehended because Wilson sat in his car???
Unless that police cruiser was moving at the time. I have had teenagers talk back to me before. IT IS ENRAGING!

If a couple of black teens disrespected this officer, I could see him using poor judgement and using his vehicle to batter them both. To the point of Johnson's testimony? You might be right about that, you might be wrong.

I can't say how it went down. The only point I am making is that, after Brown was shot, he should have just let it go. No one need to have died over this. It was stupid. It isn't like he murdered, robbed a bank, raped, or anything. Brown was already injured. He should have just called in back up till he cooled off.


If we nods our heads in approval to this type of police behavior, soon we will live in a brutal police state. We you MUST COMPLY with all police order, or they will SHOOT YOU DEAD, on the spot.

Do you want to live in a fascist state? REALLY?

You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter
You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

unarmed has nothing to do with anything.

I guarantee you that if it were you versus me in a fight, you wouldn't refer to me as unarmed after, and you would pray to have a weapon during.

"unarmed" people kill people every day.
I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

"Required" and one trying to save their life are two different things.
Wilson would have waited in his car for medical help IF Mike Brown hadn't turned and charged at him.
You admit you don't know, but then claim the man used poor judgement and want him fired. You are a fucking retard. Seriously.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly
oh look here, from another thread, provided by Wake

Post-Dispatch New account of Michael Brown shooting says he kept charging FOX2now.com
First of all, Wilson HAD called for backup before the altercation when he noticed "the gentle giant" was dressed similarly to a robbery suspect. So MisterBeal's contention that Wilson used poor judgement by not calling for backup is nullified.

Second of all, a witness has confirmed that Brown kept charging Wilson after being shot, not that eyewitnesses alone are worth much, but when they corroborate forensics....

oh, and look here

Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand marijuana in system News

drugs in his system to
Well, it certainly sounds like you are right and I am wrong. Let cops tell people what ever they like, and if they don't do what they are told, kill 'em all. . . .
I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.
oh look here, from another thread, provided by Wake

Post-Dispatch New account of Michael Brown shooting says he kept charging FOX2now.com
First of all, Wilson HAD called for backup before the altercation when he noticed "the gentle giant" was dressed similarly to a robbery suspect. So MisterBeal's contention that Wilson used poor judgement by not calling for backup is nullified.

Second of all, a witness has confirmed that Brown kept charging Wilson after being shot, not that eyewitnesses alone are worth much, but when they corroborate forensics....

oh, and look here

Official autopsy shows Michael Brown had close-range wound to his hand marijuana in system News

drugs in his system to
Well, it certainly sounds like you are right and I am wrong. Let cops tell people what ever they like, and if they don't do what they are told, kill 'em all. . . .

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I said. Thanks for returning to the thread to compound your earlier errors by lying .
An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.

Murder is a legal term that doesn't apply here.

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