Police Chief says Officer Wilson will likely not be charged.

Sad to see that Beale ran from the thread rather than admitting he was wrong.
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

Nothing is a felony until it is tried and convicted in a court of law. It is only CHARGED as a felony. The person is ACCUSED as a felony.

Cops lied, kids died.

Incorrect. Grabbing a cop's gun is a felony but a person isn't legally guilty of such until after a truak , and the statute reads that a police officer may use deadly force if he SUSPECTS the person committed a felony. Not a cop may use deadly force if a person who has been convicted of a felony attempts to flee.

God damned how stupid are you son?

Ask him about the Illuminati. He'll tell you all about it :cuckoo:

Well, that's a bit of a dated term. But I'll own it. :thup:

It's nice that I have woken you up to what this means in the larger picture. I wish both conservatives and liberals ALL had an opening mind like you!

I DO find it fascinating that Brown had no serious prior criminal record. And I DO find it interesting that Wilson had no serious reprimands or disciplinary actions. Was this a set up? Probably not. Were they victims of circumstance? Probably. But as Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." You're good consumer of MSM certainly aren't you? You are playing into their hands, eh?

For both conservatives and liberals that care about the nation. . . .

"RACE WAR SCHEDULED BY ILLUMINATI" from blackvoices blog
RACE WAR SCHEDULED BY ILLUMINATI from blackvoices blog Peace . Gold . LOVE
The media will strategically inflame the conflict, and black, and white provocateur agents will create "incidents" to foment racial divisions, and hopefully, a race war, as the illuminati have "scheduled".

This will ensure the complete take down of America, and allow the rise of a militarized fascist state and the full operation of all so called Fema concentration camps, under martial law.

This scenario may be the future unless the great and mighty souled everywhere arise and come forward.

Black people fail to see that they are the fulcrum, the great axis, on which these events are turning. If black people had come forward, with white progressives, and created a movement in 2001, to drag out the Bush regime, evil, now completely unleashed, and in control, may have been held back.

Now black people again are failing to see themselves in this cosmic drama; that if they would come forward, in a one million person march against Obama, in support of the constitution, the republic, and all Americans who stand for liberty and freedom, they could free Americans to come forward against the police state, without having to worry about concerns and cries of racism.

The act of letting go, and denouncing Obama, no matter how much it hurts, could be a monumental blow to the battle plans of the globalists, and their anticipation of a "scheduled" race war, to bring down the world's super power, so that they can achieve world dictatorship.
Sad to see that Beale ran from the thread rather than admitting he was wrong.
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

But he was not required to shoot him, and there was no reason to do so after any scuffle that may have happened at the car.

It DID happen, and you realize that there is now a witness who says that Brown charged the cop and kept coming after being shot , right and that forensic evidence supports that?
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

Nothing is a felony until it is tried and convicted in a court of law. It is only CHARGED as a felony. The person is ACCUSED as a felony.

Cops lied, kids died.

Incorrect. Grabbing a cop's gun is a felony but a person isn't legally guilty of such until after a truak , and the statute reads that a police officer may use deadly force if he SUSPECTS the person committed a felony. Not a cop may use deadly force if a person who has been convicted of a felony attempts to flee.

God damned how stupid are you son?

Ask him about the Illuminati. He'll tell you all about it :cuckoo:

Well, that's a bit of a dated term. But I'll own it. :thup:

It's nice that I have woken you up to what this means in the larger picture. I wish both conservatives and liberals ALL had an opening mind like you!

I DO find it fascinating that Brown had no serious prior criminal record. And I DO find it interesting that Wilson had no serious reprimands or disciplinary actions. Was this a set up? Probably not. Were they victims of circumstance? Probably. But as Rahm Emanuel said, "Never let a good crises go to waste." You're good consumer of MSM certainly aren't you? You are playing into their hands, eh?

For both conservatives and liberals that care about the nation. . . .

"RACE WAR SCHEDULED BY ILLUMINATI" from blackvoices blog
RACE WAR SCHEDULED BY ILLUMINATI from blackvoices blog Peace . Gold . LOVE
The media will strategically inflame the conflict, and black, and white provocateur agents will create "incidents" to foment racial divisions, and hopefully, a race war, as the illuminati have "scheduled".

This will ensure the complete take down of America, and allow the rise of a militarized fascist state and the full operation of all so called Fema concentration camps, under martial law.

This scenario may be the future unless the great and mighty souled everywhere arise and come forward.

Black people fail to see that they are the fulcrum, the great axis, on which these events are turning. If black people had come forward, with white progressives, and created a movement in 2001, to drag out the Bush regime, evil, now completely unleashed, and in control, may have been held back.

Now black people again are failing to see themselves in this cosmic drama; that if they would come forward, in a one million person march against Obama, in support of the constitution, the republic, and all Americans who stand for liberty and freedom, they could free Americans to come forward against the police state, without having to worry about concerns and cries of racism.

The act of letting go, and denouncing Obama, no matter how much it hurts, could be a monumental blow to the battle plans of the globalists, and their anticipation of a "scheduled" race war, to bring down the world's super power, so that they can achieve world dictatorship.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.

the reason he fired multiple rounds is because he couldn't see clearly because of a broken eye socket genius

Then he should not have been shooting, unless he, like you, didn't care if he hit bystanders.
False scenario... The kid was shot running towards the officer who had already been beaten by him get it straight race baiter[/QUOT
He should have been shot in the head when he first attacked the officer

Maybe so, assuming it happened that way. But once that was over, Wilson should not have fired wildly endangering innocent bystanders. My guess is, he was like many posting here -- not going to let a Black person get away with anything as long as he had the gun/power.

Firing multiple rounds is NOT the same thing as firing wildly

Not much difference if a bunch missed. And Wilson was supposed badly beaten, but could see well enough to murder Brown.

the reason he fired multiple rounds is because he couldn't see clearly because of a broken eye socket genius

Then he should not have been shooting, unless he, like you, didn't care if he hit bystanders.

Yep, he should have stood there and let "the gentle giant" beat him to death like a good cracker , right?
MisterBeale said:
Thank you sir I realize that now. I was misinformed when I originally posted. I don't watch TV or keep up to date with current events. So there is egg on my face when I started down this road.

Now I am up to speed.

What I don't understand, is this.

IF, after the kid had a bullet in his arm, why did the cop need to fill him full of lead? Why didn't he call for back up? Why not chase him with the squad car?

I now read all of the eye witness accounts, and although they do vary in some degree of the detail, one thing is obvious, the kid did NOT need to die if the officer had been a professional.

Does he need to be brought up on charges? Not necessarily.

Would you want this gut to be a cop in YOUR town? I sure as hell wouldn't. Bullies suck.
Because he gave chase and was not at his car. Brown turned and charged him. Even after some hits he continued to run towards Wilson

I suppose. If you are naive enough to believe that story. . .

Someone watches too many movies and television shows. lol

"someone" is (desperately) deflecting, now.

If you're being violently assaulted by somebody you have the right, police officer or civilian, to shoot that person in defense. People can and do kill others with their bare hands all the time. If that is what happened in this case in Ferguson then Wilson was justified. I'm not convinced that's the case, but I wasn't there to witness it and there is no video evidence of the attack. While I'm skeptical that Wilson was right in shooting Brown, were I sitting on a jury and presented with the exact same facts that I know right now I wouldn't be able to convict him beyond a reasonable doubt.

I agree with this. Thank you for setting me straight. After reading all the witness reports, my comment was never a question of whether or not he should be charged with anything. It was more to the point of whether he should keep his job.

I too don't know enough to clearly judge if he is guilty. But I can see from the multiple witness testimony that this misunderstanding should have never ended in the death of a young teen if this cop was a professional.

Protect and Serve?

My ass. . .
Fair enough.

I didn't know what I was talking about. I apologize. I never followed the incident closely enough to care. lol I just read the MOD message and was set straight. Usually MSM news and events are meant to stir up public outrage and cause and outpouring of cries for more authority of the police state.

I saw the testimony of the other kid involved and this incident just sounds awful.

Still, all in all, I maintain that the cop should probably be fired. The use of deadly force was not warranted. Where was Brown going to go after the struggle, seriously? Run to Mexico with a bullet in the arm? Wilson had winged him. He was going to turn up in a healthcare facility nearby, weakened and in terrible pain. After cooler heads prevailed, and an APB had been issued, Brown would have been brought in.

They caught the other kid you know. It's just a case of lousy police work that has caused more racial tension and further militarization of the police.

Never did I say Wilson needs to be charged with anything. I only maintained that this guy needs to go. He doesn't have the temperament or the cool head needed to be a officer of the law.

He didnt run away he attacked. Thats what got the kid killed.
Had he followed the officers instructions he would be alive today.

According to witnesses and the other kid, he did run away after the police officer harassed them, and after he had already been shot once.
Shooting of Michael Brown - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


Witnesses Tiffany Mitchell Piaget Crenshaw detail Michael Brown shooting journalists detained - The Global Dispatch

I could go on, there's more, but you have already made up your mind, haven't you?

Not how it happened. You just admitted to not following the story closely and you want to call into question how it happened when the forensic evidence and the only true eyewitness saw it point to it being a good shoot.
Get back to me when you've "followed a little closer"
I just read everything. . . .

You have in your mind it happened one way, the eye witnesses and autopsy report disagree with what you have in your mind. What else is there to say? I just posted the Some of the links I have read. Do you want to post something else for me to refer to? Or is it TV propaganda and talk radio that you have been listening to that you can't refer me to?
You didn't read everything. Really, what's your point in even being in this thread?

Sad to see that Beale ran from the thread rather than admitting he was wrong.
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

But he was not required to shoot him, and there was no reason to do so after any scuffle that may have happened at the car.

It DID happen, and you realize that there is now a witness who says that Brown charged the cop and kept coming after being shot , right and that forensic evidence supports that?

Is that witness Wilson?
Sad to see that Beale ran from the thread rather than admitting he was wrong.
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

But he was not required to shoot him, and there was no reason to do so after any scuffle that may have happened at the car.

It DID happen, and you realize that there is now a witness who says that Brown charged the cop and kept coming after being shot , right and that forensic evidence supports that?

Is that witness Wilson?

so I see you didn't even bother to read the links provided. Just make up your own facts.

Goodnight you worthless piece of shit.
Who on Earth would want to be a police officer if the BEST result for you if you end up shooting a suspect is that you get fired?

Some of you are fucking idiots.

He did his job wrong, it resulted in TERRIBLE consequences. When people do their jobs wrong, they should be discharged. It really is that simple.

This sets a terrible precedent. "Peace officers" can use deadly force on unarmed citizens when they so choose. I just don't like it.

Racists here don't mind. But if the guy had been a white man, standing in front of his home, barring entry to his house because police didn't have a warrent and he diddn't want cops harassing his wife and young children? Well, I think folks would be singing a different tune. . . .

It does happen to whites too. This happened the same time the Brown shooting occurred, this kid never touched the cop and did not have a or any weapons on him. Cops pulled up, as the kid was walking away, and was shot for doing exactly what the cop said to do, get your hands out. NO crime committed, nothing. Someone had called the cops earlier and said there was a group of kids with a gun possibly. Why is it we have heard nothing about Dillon??? He did not have a gun, or any weapon.

Utah Local News - Salt Lake City News Sports Archive - The Salt Lake Tribune

Here s the video of him getting shot and killed:

Do we only get outraged over blacks youth being shot? In the last ten year period, whites were killed by plice twice as many times as blacks.

Blacks are just 13% of the population but are 8 times more likely than whites to be stopped and arrested.

ACLU report: Black drivers get pulled over more often than white drivers
ACLU report Black drivers get pulled over more often than white drivers - Omaha.com Crime Courts

FBI stats confirm 13% of the US population commit 34% of the vehicle thefts.

FBI mdash Table 43

I guess you think that lefties are as lazy as righties.
So here's the stats you just linked to. You really are that dumb.
Back to your honey jar and den.

Motor vehicle theft Whites:32,575 Blacks:17,250

figure in that negroes are only 13% of the population and that number is startling..

What?..oh..suddenly you don't understand percentages and correlation, I suppose?..LMAO..
What I will admit to is that MSM propaganda has done it's job on you. I don't know what really happened, neither do you.

I do know what the end result was. A trained, armed officer shot and killed a kid. You maintain that there was absolutely no other way to handle this situation. I am pretty sure there probably was.

Even in the Trayvon Martin incident, we got to see PROOF that Zimmerman had sustained injuries. Everyone here that is SO sure that Wilson acted with correct intent is SO sure that he sustained injuries only has the word of the establishment.

If the establishment is so keen to avoid rioting, how about some physical proof. How about some photographic evidence. For the Black Community, the say so of the officers friends, the police department, and the hospital isn't going to cut it.

They were awful quick to release Zimmerman's photos, why not Wilson's photos? I'll admit I'm wrong, right here, right now. SHOW ME PROOF.

There is NO requirement that Wilson be injured before he can legally shoot . Do you get that?

Do you know if you walk by a cop and touch his gun in his holster, that's a felony? If you just touch it. Let alone if you attempt to grab it while you're fighting with the guy (which by the way is another felony)

Once Brown committed the two felonies, Wilson was empowered to arrest him, including using deadly force if necessary to prevent him from escaping. No where in the statute does it say a police officer must be injured before he can use deadly force.

But he was not required to shoot him, and there was no reason to do so after any scuffle that may have happened at the car.

It DID happen, and you realize that there is now a witness who says that Brown charged the cop and kept coming after being shot , right and that forensic evidence supports that?

Is that witness Wilson?

so I see you didn't even bother to read the links provided. Just make up your own facts.

Goodnight you worthless piece of shit.

Sorry, your ignorance is no excuse. The New "evidence" is from Wilson, trying to save his ass.
Sorry, your ignorance is no excuse. The New "evidence" is from Wilson, trying to save his ass.
The ignorance of Brown's supporters is easily trumped by forensics and common sense.

Thug dead, Wilson walks and blacks will protest it. Justice is too important for America to be blackmailed by the threat of thug violence. Get over it.
Sorry, your ignorance is no excuse. The New "evidence" is from Wilson, trying to save his ass.
The ignorance of Brown's supporters is easily trumped by forensics and common sense.

Thug dead, Wilson walks and blacks will protest it. Justice is too important for America to be blackmailed by the threat of thug violence. Get over it.

You made up your mind long before any forensics were available. You supported a commendation for Wilson as soon as you saw photos of Brown dead in the street.
Sorry, your ignorance is no excuse. The New "evidence" is from Wilson, trying to save his ass.
The ignorance of Brown's supporters is easily trumped by forensics and common sense.

Thug dead, Wilson walks and blacks will protest it. Justice is too important for America to be blackmailed by the threat of thug violence. Get over it.

You made up your mind long before any forensics were available. You supported a commendation for Wilson as soon as you saw photos of Brown dead in the street.
No, I did not. The prejudice is clearly on the part of those who want Wilson's hide.

I saw Gentle Mike's video, saw the forensics and reached the same reasonable conclusion the Federal and Grand Jury investigation invariable will.

That is obvious.
You're right I don't know the intricacies of the incident. I don't need to. I know the end result. A kid is dead. An UNARMED kid. Even I could have avoided that, and I am an untrained civilian.

Are you saying YOU couldn't have prevented that? I'll bet you could have.

After I had winged the guy, while we were both alive, I would have called for back up and retreated from the scene.

Simple as pie.

How many black teenagers do you think would be coming into the medical facilities that night? There couldn't have been that many. . .

I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

Go punch a cop...black or white... and try to take his gun in any city in america..never mind ferguson mo....and see what happens to you.

*Pro Tip*
Keep your hands to yourself.
I tend to agree. If a policeman can't handle an unarmed teen with a few bullets in him, he needs to be relieved of duty. Fact Wilson fired wildly in the neighborhood, endangering bystanders, is evidence enough that he had no regard for others there, like many of the bigots posting here.

An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

Go punch a cop...black or white... and try to take his gun in any city in america..never mind ferguson mo....and see what happens to you.

*Pro Tip*
Keep your hands to yourself.

Not sure it happened like that. But if it did, I would expect to be shot as long as I was trying to take the gun. Not so sure about when I was running away without the gun. I think that's a little different, especially if the officer were blasting away endangering kids in the neighborhood. I know none of that matters to you guys because you got a kick out of the end result.
An unarmed 6'4" 300 lb teen beating the shit out of you, there is more to this story that autopsy report above supports Wilson's story 100 percent. Brown was shot at close range not running away AND given there was gunshot residue in his thumb wound it show he was close to the cop charging him, not to mention the findings of his being shot in the head at close range too. The cops have already said he was 3 feet from Wilson when he fell IIRC.

Obviously, you did not comprehend the autopsy report. There was a scuffle at the car and Brown was shot in the hand there. Then Brown ran. At that point, Wilson should have waited for backup before playing cowboy and executioner.

Says who? Wilson was is NO way required to do so.

He wasn't required to shoot the unarmed kid again either, but he chose to do so. Something tells me that's what the Furgeson PD prefers.

Go punch a cop...black or white... and try to take his gun in any city in america..never mind ferguson mo....and see what happens to you.

*Pro Tip*
Keep your hands to yourself.

Not sure it happened like that. But if it did, I would expect to be shot as long as I was trying to take the gun. Not so sure about when I was running away without the gun. I think that's a little different, especially if the officer were blasting away endangering kids in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately for you and what you may "think", the Mo. Statutes are clear about a cop shooting a fleeing felon. Do you want me to post them again? I and many others have MANY MANY times, in case you may have missed them...
Like I said. if saint michael of brown would have simply kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)

I know none of that matters to you guys because you got a kick out of the end result.

The "end result" is that a criminal punched a cop and tried to take his gun and got killed for it.

I'm ok with that.
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)
This is pretty interesting. Wilson was fired from a corrupt racist police department about 3 years prior to this incident.

Darren Wilson s first job was on a troubled police force disbanded by authorities - The Washington Post

The small city of Jennings, Mo., had a police department so troubled, and with so much tension between white officers and black residents, that the city council finally decided to disband it. Everyone in the Jennings police department was fired. New officers were brought in to create a credible department from scratch.

That was three years ago. One of the officers who worked in that department, and lost his job along with everyone else, was a young man named Darren Wilson.

Why are you trying to change the subject?

If saint michael of brown would have kept his hands to himself he wouldn't have been shot (that day, anyway)
Because I want to. You cant do shit about it so why are you asking me? I think this provides a whole new twist to the issue as well. Shows prior issues with racism.

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