Police Evidence Submitted To Portland Court

It's just protesting, no violence.
People like you seem to think its 100% rioting. Its not by a longshot

Sorry, but once some idiots starts throwing crap and hides him/her/itself among the people not doing that, they become part of the violence. When they prevent police from apprehending them, they become criminally liable.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

Sounds wike you wuv it.
It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
No one was prevented from peacefully protesting. And, sadly, there will be bloodshed when the rioters target the wrong victims, the ones that are armed and willing to defend themselves.
Bloodshed is not necessary. After I capture them on my property I can make a subhuman centipede out of them with gorilla glue. The operation is a non-invasive process. No cutting or stitches are needed.

That old-school stuff with the scalpels and sewing needles is unnecessary with modern technology.
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These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

And this will lead to a violent response by good Americans with guns.

Enjoy, dipshit...
And this will lead to a violent response by good Americans with guns.
Black folks have guns as well.

And inner city crime statistics bear that out.

The difference is that your average black punk with a gun rarely knows how to properly use it and, frankly, is vastly outnumbered by white guys, like me, who do know how to properly use a gun.

Time to put these riotous monkeys down...
This is the idiocy that breeds vigilante groups to band together and use short ropes.

I know. Black folks should just shut the fuck up and be thankful for everything white folks have given them. Am I right? Well, fuck that. Black folks have had enough of your shit. Its time for this shit to end.
I realize you have a very low IQ and so are utterly incapable of reason, but how does a bunch of spoiled white kids burning down buildings address this imaginary racism of yours?
The communists have agents that distribute weapons to rioters. The way to combat this might be for all federal law enforcement to leave. Arm the citizens of Portland to fight for their own city.
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What a wonderful horrible spokesman you are for your cause, which apparently is justifying violent
destructive behavior because people didn't agree with your beloved ideas.

I don't know how old you are chronologically but mentally and emotionally you seem like a baby man.....
give me what I want or I'll throw a tantrum and wreck it all.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

There is no connection to kneeling and rioting. These are not protests these are riots. This has nothing to do with BLM and it drags the name and their purpose down.

You are using an excuse which enables the rioting, the hate, the violence and looting. Stupid ploy, maybe you should invite them to your house. I know the Seattle mayor got pissed at the rioters when they came to her house. Oh the hypocrisy.
This is the idiocy that breeds vigilante groups to band together and use short ropes.

I know. Black folks should just shut the fuck up and be thankful for everything white folks have given them. Am I right? Well, fuck that. Black folks have had enough of your shit. Its time for this shit to end.


If you want local, state, and federal, funding that is specifically targeted to assist black people and agencies supporting black people stopped all you have to do is ask.

I'm sure that can be arranged.

Will that help stop the Burning, Looting, and Murders?


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It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!
So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What a wonderful horrible spokesman you are for your cause, which apparently is justifying violent
destructive behavior because people didn't agree with your beloved ideas.

I don't know how old you are chronologically but mentally and emotionally you seem like a baby man.....
give me what I want or I'll throw a tantrum and wreck it all.
What I have noticed is that those who actually contribute something to society are invested in it and so seek to protect it. It is only these maladjusted good for nothings who contribute absolutely nothing to society want it destroyed.

the thing is, they know they are completely worthless excuses of a human being, but instead of doing anything to improve themselves, merely lash out like children seeking destruction
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It's like the abuser saying "You cried when I beat you. Now you forced me to kill your dog."
It’s nothing like that.
Every time black people did a peaceful protest, you guys accused them of being a traitor to the flag, which actually is not your call to make. Had you allowed them to protest peacefully we wouldn’t be where we are now. Enjoy!

Now with all your crazy antics you're forcing us to shoot you.
And it's all your fault.

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