Police Evidence Submitted To Portland Court

And this will lead to a violent response by good Americans with guns.
Black folks have guns as well.

Yeah...we saw them marching on Mt Rushmore.
I've never seen so many gun safety rules broken at one time. These fools have no idea what they're doing and have no idea how to shoot a gun.
Guns with the bolt jammed open halfway,.22 rifles...
The guy running the show claimed to be a Sergeant Major yet the military never heard of him.
It was a pathetic display to say the least.
So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What kind of peaceful protest would it take to start a dialogue concerning racial injustice?
Well, there was the one when I was young that resulted in a scheme called affirmative action that placed blacks at the head of the line for college admissions and job opportunities.

There is the one that occurred in Hollywood that resulted in blacks being hugely overrepresented in movies and commercials.

There is the one through our culture that allows blacks to be just as racist as they fucking well please, but scrutinized whites for "microaggressions".

Black privilege abounds in our culture, yet the whining continues. ...... and why not, since the whining has resulted in all the privilege
So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What kind of peaceful protest would it take to start a dialogue concerning racial injustice?

There is no dialogue now. There is a we are right and you are wrong dialogue, that is it.

There are a few well intended people that want to start a dialogue, however a dialogue is two way communication and neither side wants that, including yourself, as evidence of your posts.
I know. Black folks should just shut the fuck up and be thankful for everything white folks have given them. Am I right? Well, fuck that. Black folks have had enough of your shit. Its time for this shit to end.
they've voted for you kkkers for over 50 years. where's did it get them? too fking funny.
There is no dialogue now. There is a we are right and you are wrong dialogue, that is it.

There are a few well intended people that want to start a dialogue, however a dialogue is two way communication and neither side wants that, including yourself, as evidence of your posts.
Oh, okay. I see where I've gone wrong. Thanks for setting me right with your wisdom.

The mob in Portland can burn down half the federal courthouse there.
And when that compromise is reached in Portland the other factions of the mob throughout the nation can be appeased by standing down and letting them burn down and destroy other selected targets too.

Of course there is no guarantee that appeasing the bear will make the bear go away. In fact some people say
it will only encourage the bear and a savage beast cannot be appeased so I guess we'll have to cross that
bridge when we get there.

But thanks again for the "wisdom" Neville Chamberlain.

If you think the violent Marxists in Portland only want a dialogue on racial justice you are full of shit!
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So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What kind of peaceful protest would it take to start a dialogue concerning racial injustice?

It's absolutely mind-boggling to think that there are people in this world who are so fucking stupid as to believe that burning cities to the ground is going to solve the problems they perceive.

These vermin scum need to be cut down on the very streets on which they protest. They're not interested, at all, in a peaceful protest, simply because their animalistic ways have gotten those they hate to bow to them in appeasement.

No more.

These scumbags need to die.

As long as riots continue, these diseased apes will be targeted as the vermin they are. As long as riots continue, there can be no "dialog". We need to begin a systematic extermination of these riotous thugs until one of them grows a set of balls and says "STOP".

THAT'S what will be needed for a dialog. Until then, fuck 'em. Let the bullets fly...
Well, there was the one when I was young that resulted in a scheme called affirmative action that placed blacks at the head of the line for college admissions and job opportunities.

There is the one that occurred in Hollywood that resulted in blacks being hugely overrepresented in movies and commercials.

There is the one through our culture that allows blacks to be just as racist as they fucking well please, but scrutinized whites for "microaggressions".

Black privilege abounds in our culture, yet the whining continues. ...... and why not, since the whining has resulted in all the privilege
Miss Black America?
There are a few well intended people that want to start a dialogue, however a dialogue is two way communication and neither side wants that, including yourself
An honest discussion is what is needed.

No one wants that, look at you in this thread, you just want to barb back and forth. Marc is pretty open to discussion however my best discussions come from a friend of mine and we Facebook each other to try to understand each other's perspective. Sometime he and I disagree however we work on at least understanding where we are both coming from.
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

You can't take a knee ?

Are you braindead ?
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

Neither kneeling nor this are acceptable. If you don’t like America, feel free to move elsewhere. Just leave your passport and citizenship at the door.
What if you think America isn't great anymore? What do you do? Leave? Or do you make it "great again"??
This is the idiocy that breeds vigilante groups to band together and use short ropes.

I know. Black folks should just shut the fuck up and be thankful for everything white folks have given them. Am I right? Well, fuck that. Black folks have had enough of your shit. Its time for this shit to end.

Why should black folks do what white folks won't do ?

A lot of lefties constantly bitch about what they don't have.

What I don't get is why blacks are so stupid as to follow the example of whites.

I thought blacks were better than that.
There is no dialogue now. There is a we are right and you are wrong dialogue, that is it.

There are a few well intended people that want to start a dialogue, however a dialogue is two way communication and neither side wants that, including yourself, as evidence of your posts.
Oh, okay. I see where I've gone wrong. Thanks for setting me right with your wisdom.

The mob in Portland can burn down half the federal courthouse there.
And when that compromise is reached in Portland the other factions of the mob throughout the nation can be appeased by standing down and letting them burn down and destroy other selected targets too.

Of course there is no guarantee that appeasing the bear will make the bear go away. In fact some people say
it will only encourage the bear and a savage beast cannot be appeased so I guess we'll have to cross that
bridge when we get there.

But thanks again for the "wisdom" Neville Chamberlain.

If you think the violent Marxists in Portland only want a dialogue on racial justice you are full of shit!

I have no wisdom on this matter, however I see you can't follow a simple conversation. I am against the rioting, it serves no positive purpose however since you didn't read the context of who and what I was responding to I understand why you blabbered about nothing but your opinion.
So it's stand back and shut your mouth or we'll burn your cities down?
What kind of peaceful protest would it take to start a dialogue concerning racial injustice?
Well, there was the one when I was young that resulted in a scheme called affirmative action that placed blacks at the head of the line for college admissions and job opportunities.

There is the one that occurred in Hollywood that resulted in blacks being hugely overrepresented in movies and commercials.

There is the one through our culture that allows blacks to be just as racist as they fucking well please, but scrutinized whites for "microaggressions".

Black privilege abounds in our culture, yet the whining continues. ...... and why not, since the whining has resulted in all the privilege

If you think minorities have had it so great here -- why are whyt folks so scared to death of becoming a minority??
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!

In the end, I believe that Decent Americans will actually crush you bastards.
That I will definitely enjoy.

It's inevitable. Decent Americans are weary of feral animals and their game. We're tired of Fascist leftists resorting to violence to get their way and this "social justice" BS

Fckn loons STILL haven't figured out why Trump won
Oh, okay. I see where I've gone wrong. Thanks for setting me right with your wisdom.

The mob in Portland can burn down half the federal courthouse there.
And when that compromise is reached in Portland the other factions of the mob throughout the nation can be appeased by standing down and letting them burn down and destroy other selected targets too.

Of course there is no guarantee that appeasing the bear will make the bear go away. In fact some people say
it will only encourage the bear and a savage beast cannot be appeased so I guess we'll have to cross that
bridge when we get there.

But thanks again for the "wisdom".
It's like a person holding a gun at you while you're holding a gun and threatens to kill someone else if you don't drop your weapon, forfeiting your ability now to defend yourself. They shoot the someone else and then shoot you. The stupid of that is beyond my comprehension. I will never drop my weapon on a threat. Ever.

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