Police Evidence Submitted To Portland Court

I have no wisdom on this matter
Yeah...no shit.

however I see you can't follow a simple conversation. I am against the rioting, it serves no positive purpose however since you didn't read the context of who and what I was responding to I understand why you blabbered about nothing but your opinion.
Oh yeah, sorry about that "my opinion" thing. I foolishly assumed when one is addressed in
a post the other party expects and wants that person's opinions.
So sorry I didn't do a contextual study of all your other posts so I could see the nuance and wisdom
in your post to me, which is what I responded to (which I now see as foolish, thanks to God you have
injected your wisdom into your posts to me).

If you think you can "dialogue" with a faction that wants only one thing, the end of America, then I'm afraid
you are much too stupid to be reached under any circumstances.
It's absolutely mind-boggling to think that there are people in this world who are so fucking stupid as to believe that burning cities to the ground is going to solve the problems they perceive.
What is YOUR solution to racial injustice against black people?

As I've said, that conversation can't even start until the riots stop.

But, just for fun: Blacks are the ones who perceive the injustice. So, let's start there. What do blacks think the solution should be?

Why should the good people of America be the ones to come up with ideas? Good Americans could offer them something and they say "No, we want more." So, we'd offer them more and they say "No, that's not enough."

All they want to do is take. They want everything to be given to them and they have no desire to expend the energy required to obtain what they want.

Blacks don't want to say "This is what we want" because, if they get it, they can't whine about it not being enough.

So, what do they want? If blacks can't answer that question, there's not a single reason to believe they'll ever be happy with what's handed to them...
How about the videos of the protesters setting fires and committing assault? The feds could have arrested David Koresch in the freaking 7-11. Where are the videos of FBI agents driving freaking tanks during the Clinton administration?
How about the videos of the protesters setting fires and committing assault? The feds could have arrested David Koresch in the freaking 7-11. Where are the videos of FBI agents driving freaking tanks during the Clinton administration?

Waco....Reno should have been imprisoned along with every other Fed involved. What a stain on American history.
I have no wisdom on this matter
Yeah...no shit.

however I see you can't follow a simple conversation. I am against the rioting, it serves no positive purpose however since you didn't read the context of who and what I was responding to I understand why you blabbered about nothing but your opinion.
Oh yeah, sorry about that "my opinion" thing. I foolishly assumed when one is addressed in
a post the other party expects and wants that person's opinions.
So sorry I didn't do a contextual study of all your other posts so I could see the nuance and wisdom
in your post to me, which is what I responded to (which I now see as foolish, thanks to God you have
injected your wisdom into your posts to me).

If you think you can "dialogue" with a faction that wants only one thing, the end of America, then I'm afraid
you are much too stupid to be reached under any circumstances.
Tell you what Eric, here is my dialogue to you. FUCK OFF!
These are some of the videos submitted to the court in Portland.

Just peaceful protesters dancing in the streets as the Mayor orders police to stand down. Of course, the next week the "peaceful" protesters set the police station on fire.
Taking a knee doesn’t seem that bad, does it. You guys wouldn’t allow it so it has come to this. Enjoy!
You won again Billyboom!
I have dialogue with people that are not twisting and lying, you fail to qualify.
I appreciate you have to save face somehow after your nasty outburst.
My condolences. After one jumps into a shit filled trench there really is no neat and easy way out.
Hawk Newsome, leader of NY BLM says America will burn to the ground if they don't get what they want.

Dialogue with that.

That's exactly why he, and vermin monkeys like him, need to be killed. They don't understand that the majority of America does not stand with them.

"Give us what we want!"

Fuck you. I'll give you a fully expended magazine from a .308, you piece of shit...
That's exactly why he, and vermin moneys like him, need to be killed. They don't understand that the majority of America does not stand with them.

"Give us what we want!"

Fuck you. I'll give you a fully expended magazine from a .308, you piece of shit...
I doubt America wishes to "dialogue" with BLM. Once the gutless cowardly politicians are through shaking
and caving in to the violent mob there really is nothing to talk about when dealing with extortionists.
That's exactly why he, and vermin moneys like him, need to be killed. They don't understand that the majority of America does not stand with them.

"Give us what we want!"

Fuck you. I'll give you a fully expended magazine from a .308, you piece of shit...
I doubt America wishes to "dialogue" with BLM. Once the gutless cowardly politicians are through shaking
and caving in to the violent mob there really is nothing to talk about when dealing with extortionists.


Which is why I've adopted the position that they all need to be put down.




An honest discussion is what is needed.
what is that? tearing down buildings? is that an honest discussion? come on man, if the past month isn't telling you that point has passed, you're really stupid.

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